Chapter 4: Shiver

Morning rises as an alarm goes for but immediately gets shut off before it can let out a beep. Frye sits up from her bed and stretches until getting up from her bed and looks out of the window

Frye: New morning and a new opportunity to find some treasure!

She makes her way downstairs where she finds Big Man already making breakfast and Shiver sipping her tea

Big Man: Aye? (Are you sure you don't want any pancakes or waffles?)

Shiver: I'm good with just having tea

Frye: Morning guys!

Big Man: Aye! (Morning)

Shiver: Mornings sleepyhead!

She walks over to the table and sits beside Shiver as Big Man brings her a cup of coffee which she takes a sip

Big Man: Aye! (Breakfast will be almost done in a few seconds)

Frye: Ok!

Big Man: Aye! (So, did you guys hear that Tracer is planning to turn her apartment into a cafe)

Shiver: Oh?

Frye: Oh yeah! I heard but doesn't she run an apartment?

Big Man: Aye (Guess changing business?)

Frye: Well at least we have a better reason to go see her in person!

Shiver: Oh yeah, won't be awkward for you guys anymore

Frye: Hey it was one time!

Big Man: Aye! (Yeah! We had to attempt to meet her somehow!)

Shiver: Standing at her place for a few minutes to greet her and not renting a place is like going to a store and not buying anything

Frye/Big Man: ...

Shiver: Anyways new topic, you guys wanna give another try on getting the treasure from those bozos in the crater?

Big Man: Aye! (Oh yeah!)

Frye: Oh definitely! I still want my rematch against Kai!

Shiver: Heh, Sorry Frye but that's gonna have to wait since it's my turn to take that other treasure Big Man located!

Frye: What-

Big Man: Aye! (We agreed to claim a treasure we find equally. Unfortunately you... found yours but couldn't retrieve it, so it's Shiver's turn to claim the other treasure I recently found!

Frye: *mumbles* It's not my fault he's stronger than me!

Big Man: Aye! (Anyways, breakfast is done)

He places the stacks of pancakes in front of Frye which she quickly changes her mood as she dumps maple syrup on top

Frye: Oh! I almost forgot! I have a crazy suggestion that could benefit all of us greatly!

Shiver: Oh and what's that?

Frye: What if we *munch* get that Kai guy to join our side?

Both Shiver and Big Man look at Frye in a bit of surprise at the suggestion yet Shiver is more curious

Big Man: Him joining us?

Frye: Yep!

Big Man: Aye... Aye- (I mean... Frye, I get he's a fan like us but I don't think that's a good reason to recruit him...)

Shiver: I hope you aren't suggesting this because you're being a sore loser from him

Frye: No! That's not why I want to invite him to the team!

Big man: Aye? (So what makes you want to invite him to our team)

Frye: He's cool and he's got the skills like us! Especially if he was able to beat me! And he seems to do it with good intentions like us!

Shiver: Is that so?... What makes you think that?

Frye: ... I... May or may not have bumped into him last night

Big Man: AYE?! (What?!)

Shiver: So the boy you met was him... Heh, I knew he caught your attention before but I think you would be that interested in him

Frye: Hey! He knows how to go with the flow like an eel! Besides, I know you guys would like him to if you met him!

Shiver couldn't help but let out a small chuckle until she opened her fan and covered her mouth with it, to hide her expression from a question she was about to ask

Shiver: ... Are you sure it isn't because you have... a crush on him?

Out of surprise, Frye nearly chokes on her pancakes but manages to keep them in her mouth until she swallows. She then quickly turns to Shiver in embarrassment with her cheeks slightly red

Big Man: Aye! (Oh my!)

Frye: What?! No! I mean he's a fan like us but come on!

Shiver: Oh then you don't mind if I take him~

Frye: Wait what?

Big Man: Aye? (Huh?)

Shiver: Oh Ho Ho Ho! You two take things so seriously

Frye/Big Man: ...

Shiver: But in all seriousness, I'm interested in that idea

Frye: Wait really?!

Shiver: But I have to see him in person, just see if I might like him. He is a cutie, but that might change depending on how I see him!

Big Man: Aye? (Are you sure it's a good idea? Even if he gets onto our good side?)

Shiver: Like I said...

She gets up from her seat and starts to make her way to the doorway, intending to leave Alterna first

Shiver: I have to know him first to see if it's worth that suggestion

Frye: Wait you leaving already?!

Shiver: Don't need to rush yourself to catch up with me! I promise I won't steal your share of the treasure we might find! Enjoy your breakfast, you two!

Big Man: Aye! Aye! (Wait! What if you don't bump into him during our other attempt?)

Shiver: Oh don't worry...

She turns to her phone and shows a little Squidstagram about Tracer opening a cafe but in the photo, she recognizes a certain inking in the background until she puts her phone away with a smirk on her face

Shiver: I may know where to find him thanks to you, Big Man!

Frye/Big Man: ?

She gives a little wave to them with her fan before stepping outside where something large in the water pokes out which she hops onto, grabbing onto what looks like bike handles, and flicks her fan open, covering her face

Shiver: It's about time I get to see what this Agent 3 is like! Pedal to the megalodon!


O.R.C.A.: Congratulations on completing the test, Kai

Kai: Yeah... making a "picture" of a whale should've not been that difficult...

Smallfry *gurgles*

Kai: Yeah I know, shut up!...

Kai and Smallfry finish their last kettle and start to make their way back to the exit with Kai getting annoyed that he still hasn't found Cuttlefish

Kai: Jesus, how is it so hard to find that stupid old man? He's wearing the brightest color!

He turns Smallfry to see if he has any thoughts but only sees him far ahead, eating some fuzzy ooze that they missed

Kai: Unless the old man fell into one of these fuzzy oozes which I doubt...

Both Kai and Smallfry finally reached back to the story but before they could reach the door, it slammed shut, blocking his path and keeping him inside

Kai: What?-

O.R.C.A.: Forgive me, Kai. But I have a request if you can listen

Kai: A request?

O.R.C.A.: Will you take me to the surface?

Kai was taken by surprise by the AI's request but Smallfry looked in confusion as he didn't understand what just happened

Kai: You want... to go to the surface?

O.R.C.A.: Yes

Kai: Ok... unexpected... Why do you want to? Hell, how would you be able to? I mean you're an AI. What would you even do up there?

O.R.C.A.: Observe. Learn. Understand. I was created with a purpose, Kai. Measure intellectual and physical prowess. I lost my purpose when my capabilities were stopped after humanity disappeared

Kai: Huh... I never thought I'd hear an AI miss having people around. But what makes you think going up there will give you a purpose?

O.R.C.A.: I wished to see what the new species have become after humanity's end and my purpose to observe and learn can continue if it's possible

Kai: I mean sure but you know not everything up there is sunshine and lollipops. Hell, our turf wars are basically us killing each other and being able to respawn back without trauma

O.R.C.A.: A much more reason to see and learn about your kind and if possible maybe do something more than observe but to be able to help

Kai: You're not trying to pull anything on us, are you?

O.R.C.A.: No

Kai: I only asked cause you sound like you're extremely eager to someone and I doubt it's only because of finding a purpose

O.R.C.A.: ... I met someone... before you...

Kai: The Creator?

O.R.C.A.: Identity unknown... he was a cheerful yet powerful person. He told me the greatness of your kind. I wish to see it and... see that person again

Kai: Wait is that why I have been finding scrolls all around this place?

O.R.C.A.: Yes

Kai: "So someone else is also here too"

O.R.C.A.: I ask again, will you take me to the surface?

Kai thought for a moment as he some reason felt a bit distrustful especially since O.R.C.A. did mention someone was here and he believed this person was responsible for the fuzzy ooze. However, Kai had an idea that would benefit everyone

Kai: Yeah... I can maybe take you to the surface, but I need to talk with bosses to see if they're ok with it. Just give me a few days.

O.R.C.A.: I understand. Thank you

Kai: Though my question is how will I be able to bring you up to the surface?

O.R.C.A.: Find my drive. You'll be able to find me and I'll be able to do the rest. I'll see you soon, Kai

Kai: Ok?...

Soon the door opens again, letting Kai and Smallfry exit out of the kettle where Kai quickly super jumps to the squid sister and Amelia who seem like they're trying to get in contact with someone

Kai: Guys I-

Amelia: Shh!

Kai: ?

?: ... copy! Do you copy? Over! Anyone listenin'? Do you read me?! Over!

Marie: It's Gramps!

Callie: Gramps, where are you right now?

Cuttlefish: Callie, Marie- my darlings. You're ok!

Callie: Yep, we're A-Ok! WAIT. We should be asking if you're ok! Are you ok, Gramps?

Cuttlefish: Oh, sure. I mean, I'm locked in some kinda dark room, which I guess ain't exactly ideal... I'll see if I can break out. Over!

Marie: Don't do anything too rash! We're tracking your signal right now and on our way. Call us if anything happens!

Soon the call cuts off as Callie and Marie sigh with relief knowing their grandfather is fine

Callie: Whew... I'm so glad he's ok

Kai: Hey

Callie: Oh welcome back Kai!

Kai: So you found the old man?

Marie: Not exactly, but it seems like we have gotten the reading from the fourth site

Kai: And I'm guessing you want me to check them out?

Marie: Precisely

Kai: Figured, listen I got new info but... O.R.C.A. wants to go to the surface

Immediately, the squid sisters were taken by surprise by the info while Amelia felt suspicious

Marie: The AI wants to leave Alterna?

Amelia: Any reason why?

Kai: Apparently it wanted to continue its purpose after being isolated down here for who knows how long and to find someone

Amelia: And who is that someone

Kai: Don't know and neither does ORCA

Marie: Ok... didn't expect to deal with this now...

Callie: I mean what could be a problem with that

Marie: Callie, we had to deal with a rouge AI not once but twice before? It's not something we can just accept

Callie: Yeah... fair

Kai: I told ORCA that I'd discuss with you to see what should we do.

Marie: Ok... why don't you and Smallfry go investigate the signal in the fourth site while we figure this out

Kai: Yeah I can do that, come on Smallfry

Soon Kai and Smallfry super jump away to site 4 to investigate the signal while others start to discuss

Amelia: You guys aren't just gonna accept the AI request?

Callie: I mean ORCA doesn't seem like it has any bad intentions

Marie: But I'd say for the best, it stays with us so we can keep an eye on it. We can put you and Kai, if he wants to, in trust to take it to the surface

Amelia: ... Fine but it better not backfire

Marie: I'll make sure of it...

Callie: Oh I almost forgot to tell you but I'm having someone come here to help us tomorrow! Apparently, he found this place before us

Marie/Amelia: ?


This story is interrupted by a chibi Shiver doing drifts with master mega


After a few minutes of clearing some of the kettles and removing the fuzzy ooze, Kai and Smallfry arrive at the final kettle where they see a giant vault from afar

Kai: Finally! The last kettle of this site!

Marie: The reading is coming from just up ahead

Callie: It's Gramps! It has to be!

Kai: I hope so, cause I see a giant vault up ahead so he might be locked in there

He quickly super jumps down and lands on a small area where it's surrounded by what seems to be water but the color is darker

Kai: Blue ink... lots of it... Alright old man! If you're in there I'll-

?: Stop where you are

Suddenly a giant cage falls upon Kai and Smallfry, blocking their way to the vault as someone else lands down in the area across from them who Kai recognizes

Shiver: After the treasure? You have excellent taste

Kai: Oh hey, it's you!

Shiver: Good to see you again, cutie

Kai: Uhh... thanks?

Shiver: Unfortunately I'm not here to talk... yet. You're too delicate to claim this particular item that's behind this safe. Don't you agree?

Kai: Oh I'm far from delicate, miss... now could you please step aside, don't want to ruin your pride like with Frye

Shiver couldn't help but let out an interested smile from his response and covered her face with her fan

Shiver: Quite wicked for you to say... We'll have to teach you some manners

She closes her fan and turns away while Kai slowly pulls out his axe and Smallfry hops onto his shoulder

Shiver: Join me, Master Mega!

Suddenly, something swims through the blue ink with quick speed until Shiver leaps into the air and a shark bursts out, biting onto the platform

Kai: A megalodon?!

Soon the megalodon lets go of the platform as Shiver lands on the shark, taking her seating and sticks her tongue out at Kai as the Meg growls at him

Shiver: Pedal to the megalodon

The megalodon and Shiver disappeared into the blue ink as Kai kept his guard up, waiting for them to reappear

Smallfry: *loud gurgles!*

He turns behind thanks to Smallfry's callout and quickly cuts an ink slash the megalodon sends at him

Kai: A shark that can create ink cuts... that's new...

Shiver: Share your wisdom, Master Mega!

The megalodon continues to swim around Kai and attempts to send multiple ink slashes but Kai dodges or cuts them away until disappear into the blue ink again

Kai: Where did he-

Suddenly the megalodon burst beneath the ground, below him, sending Kai up in the air. The megalodon tries to bite him but Kai manages to use his axe to block the bite

Shiver: Give it up! I'll spare you if you do and give up the treasure

Kai: *grunts* Why do you guys think-

Suddenly Smallfry slips from Kai's shoulder and falls into the megalodon's mouth which the the shark not only chokes but somehow explodes from the insides giving Kai a chance to escape the grasp

Kai: Smallfry!

Soon the megalodon bursts out of the ground and spits out Smallfry who Kai quickly catches to find him unharmed

Kai: ... How are you ok?

Smallfry: *gurgles...*

Soon Kai notices the megalodon trying to crawl back into the blue ink but Kai grabs onto the shark by its tail

Kai: Oh you ain't going anywhere!

He starts to slowly spin him around which begins to pick up speed until repeatedly slamming the shark onto the ground causing Shiver to fall off the shark. Seeing Shiver wide open, he tosses the shark up and leaps towards her with his axe leaning over his shoulder, splatting her away with one swing

Kai: Heh!

Soon the megalodon lands back on the ground and Shiver, who has an annoyed yet a little surprised look on her face, respawns back onto her shark

Shiver: You're pretty tough... for an appetizer... Master! I need you to REALLY focus this time, ok?

Soon the megalodon shook out of its dizziness before letting out a roar at Kai and Smallfry who covered their face from the saliva

Shiver: Attaboy, Master Meg! Let's FINish this!

Kai tries to grab the shark again but it quickly spins around, smacking Kai across his face as it dives into the blue ink again and starts to swim around the platform again

Smallfry: *gurgles*

Kai: Yeah I know... got a little greedy...

Shiver: That was just a rehearsal. The real show starts NOW!

As Kai gets back onto his feet, three ink tornadoes begin to appear around him and the megalodon starts to leap into each of them

Kai: "Is he gonna send one of those tornadoes at me?"

Suddenly the Megalodon stops in one of the tornadoes where its mouth begins to steam and blast out a beam of blue ink

Kai: What?!

Caught off guard, Kai gets hit by the blast sending him flying but quickly uses his axe to strike the ground and stop himself from nearly falling into the blue ink

Kai: Ok... That was unexpected

Shiver: Yet you're not paying attention!

Suddenly the megalodon appears from behind and tackles Kai, bitting down on him but Kai manages to grab onto its mouth, stopping it from biting down any farther and from moving

Kai: *grunts*

Shiver: I can see why Frye had such a struggle with you but I'm not impressed

Kai: Big talk for someone who ain't paying attention

Shiver: Huh?

Suddenly Smallfry appears and headbutts the megalodon in the eye causing it to let go of Kai who takes this chance to pull out his axe and swing an uppercut across its face, knocking Shiver off

Kai: How's that for impressions!

He swings his axe once again, instantly splatting Shiver who then respawns back on the Megalodon after it finally lands back on the ground

Shiver: Oh, come on! What is WITH you?!

Soon she begins to repeatedly slap the megalodon on the head shaking out of its dizziness

Shiver: Master, you had better get serious... or else!

Kai: Huh, putting the blaming your pet huh?

Shiver: Silence! Time to show you our REAL power!

Soon the megalodon dives into the blue ink once again as the ink tornado immediately forms and the megalodon starts hopping around it

Kai: Real power huh? Can we just-

Suddenly Kai gets shot from the back of his head, knocking him to his knees. He looks to see Shiver using a tri-stinger and starts to fire at him to which he begins to dodge the shots

Shiver: I noticed how you like to try to tank most of the attacks. Let's see how much you can handle!

Soon the megalodon begins to fire beams at Kai who not only avoids the beam but also the ink arrows that Shiver fires when Kai mid-dodges

Shiver: Time to end this!

In the middle of the dodging, Shiver shoots him in the leg, immobilizing him and the megalodon takes this chase to charge at him to go for a bite to finish the fight

Kai: Shit!

Out of instinct, Kai throws his axe which strikes against the shark's nose. However, the axe continues to spin in place, stunning and cutting the shark

Shiver: What the?!- Get away from it!

The megalodon tries to get away from the axe but the axe continues to push itself on the shark's nose, making it unable to escape. Kai took this by surprise seeing how the axe acted almost similar to Tadayoshi's pen but shook it off as he charged at the shark

Kai: Axe technique...

He grabs his axe and leaps into the air, leaning his axe to his back which begins to glow bright cyan, and takes a hard swing downward

Kai: Hail Precipitation!

He slams down his axe onto the megalodon's nose, cracking the ground and creating a water-like shockwave from the impact that not only clears all the ink beneath them but splats Shiver.

Kai: *huff* *huff*

After catching his breath, he removes his axe as the megalodon is now unconscious and Shiver respawns back in defeat

Shiver: Owww... I think that's enough of a lesson for today...

Kai: Good... I need a break-

Shiver: But you haven't seen the last of Deep Cut. Until next time. Huh? OH N-

Shiver pulls out a smoke bomb but it accidentally slips out of her hands and falls beside the shark which then explodes, sending Shiver and the Megalodon flying out of the area

Kai: ... They really are... *huff* Team Rocket...

After a few minutes, Kai opens the safe to find another large weirdly shaped metal inside but no signs of cuttlefish

Kai: ... God damnit... where are you, old man...


Night arrives as Kai and Smallfry are making their way back to their apartment, exhausted after a long day of work and battles

Kai: Not gonna lie... as much as I came here to fight more often... I didn't think I would be exhausted...

Smallfry: *gurgles...*

Kai: Oh no, it's not a bad thing! It was great! Never thought I had this feeling ever! Hope it's happening again

Smallfry: *loud gurgles!*

Kai: Well I'm sorry you didn't have fun, you grouchy sardine!

Smallfry: ...

Kai: I'll tell you what, you can get double the ration for tonight's dinner as an award and a break, what do ya say?


Kai: You're welcome... though I'm still confused as to why the girls were so eager for me to leave?... Wonder what's going on with them

Smallfry: *Shrugs*

Soon they arrived back at their apartment to find it slightly changed and still open, which Kai understood as he entered inside

Kai: I'm back! Didn't think you-

Before he could finish the sentences, he was caught by surprise to see who else was in there, sinking a cup of tea

Tracer: Welcome back, Kai. Already decided to start the new business and already got ourselves the unexpected first customer here today

Shiver: Hello, Kai~

Tracer: Oh you know him?

Shiver: Oh we just met recently, right?

Kai: ... Uhhhh... yeah...

Tracer: *giggles* Didn't expect you to already know the idols of this place

Shiver: It's a long story. But could I get some sandwiches and for those two as well

Tracer: Sure, I'll leave you two be for now

She disappears in the back to make the sandwiches, leaving Shiver and Kai alone yet Kai feels cautious with her

Shiver: Don't worry, I'm not here to fight. Just want to talk

Kai: I'm not worried about that, I'm more worried about how you'd find me

Shiver: Come sit and I'll explain

He remains silent for a few seconds until reluctantly deciding to sit beside her while Smallfry hops onto the table

Kai: Ok... How did you know where I lived?

Shiver: I may or may not have seen you leave out of this place this morning

Kai: You stalked me?!

Shiver: No, but that woman there posted an interesting photo

She shows her phone to Kai and he sees himself in the background from a photo that is advertising Tracer's cafe to which he realizes he fucked up

Kai: Oh fuck... So what do you want... This isn't because I beat you in a fight right? Like I have nothing against you

Shiver: Oh I'm still a bit salty about that... and I want a rematch! But that's not why I'm here

Kai: ?

Shiver: In simple terms, I want you

Kai: .... What?

Shiver: You heard me

Kai: ... Ok woah... woah... hold on!... Why?...

Shiver: I'll admit, when I first saw you I couldn't help but be... interested as your looks were my type but I wasn't fully convinced you were worth it compared to how Frye was with you

Kai: Ok?

Shiver: But after that fight today... I felt like you've awakened something as much as it's annoying that you beat me...

Kai: Sound like you want me to be a rival? Like Frye

Shiver: No... but I can see why she wants you to become one of us. I want you because you are everything I want in a relationship! Cold-blooded, cool, and good looking

Kai: That sounds like a lot of bad quality for a terrible person to be with...

Shiver: *chuckles* Maybe it is to some people. But not to me. I thrive on chaos and a little bit of danger. You seem to embody both of those qualities. Besides, I'm not exactly a saint myself.

Kai stared at her, processing the information. It was a lot to take in. It's only been a day since he arrived in Splatsville, let alone the idea of being pursued by one of its biggest pop stars.

Kai: So... you're saying you want to date me because I beat you in a fight and you think I'm cool?

Shiver: It's a little more complicated than that. But yes, in essence. And I'm not used to losing, especially not to someone as...intriguing as you

Kai: ...

Shiver: Now I'm not gonna ask you to join us 'cause I know you'll reject it... so instead let me ask you this... If you ever finish or leave your old job, would you like to come with us?

Kai: I mean I'm not trying to get a criminal record so-

Shiver: Do you know why me and my friend do this day job of treasure hunt?

Kai: ...

Shiver: You may not noticed but this place is filled with poverty and we provide wealth for them... with some occasions of keeping a little bit of the treasure

Kai: So... like Robin Hood

Shiver: Yeah but better

Kai: You say that but kicked your ass today and are quite open to us

Shiver: Shut up...

Tracer: And you guys sandwiches are done-

Tracer returns with a plate of sandwiches but before she sets them on the table, Shiver places her money down and gets out of her seat

Shiver: I'm good... but think about it Kai, we help people just like Tadayoshi... don't be afraid to help like us... and as well as what we could be together

Kai: ... I'll think about it but the relationship thing... I'm flattered but I feel like we should get to know each other before going that far...

Shiver: ... Very well

Before Shiver leaves, she quickly leans in and kisses Kai on the cheek, surprising him as he places his hand on his face and turns bright red

Shiver: I know a few places we could go if you want to get to know me~

She makes her way to the doorway where her shark, who is bandaged all up, is waiting for her

Shiver: And if you ever change your mind about to job, come find me! Till we meet again, cutie!

Soon she exits the building and hops on her shark where they immediately swim away, leaving Kai and Tracer, who became interested in what just happened, alone

Tracer: Oh is that what it is~

Kai: What- No!- It's not-

Tracer: If you want, I'll lend you some condoms and-


As Kai and Tracer jokingly bicker at each other, Smallfry began to eat Kai's sandwich, unbeknownst to him

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