Chapter 3: Frye
Kai and Smallfry drop down from the kettle entrance where they find themselves in a giant that seems to be an arena
Kai: Hello! Old man! You here?
Smallfry: *loud gurgling noise*
Kai: Ok you don't need to do it, you sound like someone's drowning to death
Smallfry: ...
A few hours ago, before entering this kettle, Kai, Smallfry, and the other agents traveled through the pipes to the next second site
Callie: Weee!
Marie: To your right, you see a mysterious fuzzy rocket in the distance. Huh, that's a new sentence
Kai: Yeah... why would the humans build a rocket?...
Marie: Don't know? Maybe they were bored or something
Callie: Hey! We're almost there. Get ready!
As soon as they arrive at the site, the pipe immediately spit him out, making him fall face-first onto the ground while Callie and Marie land perfectly fine
Kai: Ow...
Marie: You good, agent 3?
Kai: Yeah...
Callie: You didn't even do a superhero landing! That was just humiliating!
Kai: Hey, I didn't know this pipe was gonna have a strong suck in there!
As Kai gets up to his feet, Marie and Callie look afar to see the site with multiple horizontal silo-shaped containers
Marie: Hm. This second site has a lot going on, doesn't it?
Kai: Must be a storage place or something?
Callie: Woah! Agent 3! I'm getting a strong reading from way up there!
Marie: Could be gramps. Check that out while we scout out the place
Kai: Yeah...
Present time:
Kai: Had to stop and check a couple of kettles... but it doesn't seem like anyone is here...
Smallfry: *gurgling*
Kai: what are you babbling about-
Suddenly a certain yellow inkling girl lands in the arena across from Kai, who immediately recognizes her
Kai: Oh it's you!
Frye: We meet again, Kai!
Kai: Yeah... even though it was a few minutes ago, but... guess you're not here to talk about our equal interest?
Frye: Depends on your answer
Kai: ?
Frye: You're pretty tough. I can tell!
Kai: Thanks! Inspiration does a lot for you
Frye: I can agree! But how 'bout this. You call it quits, join my crew, and we split the treasure!
Kai: Join you?
Frye: Come on, we'll have plenty of fun treasure-hunting together! And we can continue our talk about our idol!
Kai: ... I mean...
Frye: Besides, it'll be a shame to fight against someone who is a fan as well
He scratches his head with a bit of hesitation but decides to make his choice as much as it disappoints him
Kai: It's very tempting, don't get me wrong... but I have a duty, unfortunately...
Frye: ... Bah. So you wanna resolve this Splatlands-style, huh? Fine by me! Battle to the death
As Kai slowly pulls out his axe, she pulls out an Indian pungi flute and quickly plays a small tune
Frye: Eels, get your wriggly butts out here!
Suddenly something bounces behind Frye, who does a backflip onto the object, revealing it to the remains of the Octostomp The Eels immediately burst out and roar at Kai, to his surprise
Kai: The Octostomp?!
Frye: So you know about this, huh? Found it during our last treasure hunt! It's a perfect weapon!
Kai: Still kinda fucked up that you're using a corpse...
Frye: Now then... HUP, HUP, HUP! LET'S DANCE!
Soon the octostomper lands on its cubic corner which begins to slowly spin faster with Frye dancing on top of it
Kai: Oh ok...
Frye: Ready or not, here we come
The Octostomper immediately charges toward Kai who jumps aside, barely avoiding it however as he is avoiding it, Frye quickly plays a tune, causing a bunch of eels to burst off the cube
Frye: First dance! Eel Downpour!
Suddenly the eels begin to rain down and Kai quickly gets back onto his feet and dodges them. However, he notices the eels are stuck in the ground and he decides to one of them back at Frye
Kai: Huh... feels familiar
With quick speed, he starts to hit each of the eels which flies back at the Octostomper and Frye, causing the cubic corpse to land on its flat side and stop spinning. Kai quickly leaps up on top of the Octostomper where Frye is and he quickly swings his axe at her, splatting her immediately to his surprise
Kai: ... Did I just accidentally kill her...
Suddenly he noticed an inkling spirit fly into the Octostamper and before Kai could react, an eel burst out, uppercutting him in the face and making him fall off the Octostomper as Frye spawn out
Frye: Alright, alright... Not bad!
Kai: Same to you, didn't expect that one...
Frye: Good! You ready to fEEL the pain?
She quickly plays flute again, causing the Octostomper to stand on the corner and Frye starts to dance again
Frye: Now... watch this!
Suddenly the octostomper begins to spin faster than before as eels start to swirl around it, expanding out farther after every circle they make
Frye: Second dance! Moray Whirlpool!
To his surprise, an eel appears beside him and he tries to go for a block but the eel bites him before she can.
Kai: *grunts*
He quickly splats the eel and starts swinging his axe at the eel that continues to charge at him. Once there was one left, he gave a hard swing at it, causing the eel to smack into the cube, knocking it on its side again
Frye: GWAH! You threw my balance off!
With a quick reaction, Kai quickly climbs up the cube where Frye is who lets a small smirk at Kai's confusion
Frye: Third Dance! Hundred-Eel Vision!
Suddenly a couple of eels fly past Frye and start to shoot out ink from their mouth but Kai swiftly dodges them, cutting them and then slamming his axe down on Frye, splatting her and then quickly hopping off
Kai: Ain't falling for another trick!
Soon Frye responds again as she wipes the ink off of her lip while smirking at him
Frye: Hey! You think you can treat my eels like shrimp?
Kai: Uh-
Kai: ... Dafqu you mean, nuh-uh! I haven't answered yet!
Frye: Well guess what? All you did was wake us up!
Once again, she plays her flute and the Octostomper lands on its corner and Frye starts her dance
Frye: I'm firing it up... MORAY POWER! Good luuuck!
Kai: You should be telling yourself that!
Suddenly as the Octostomper was spinning the yellow ink began to rise and swirl around the cube which began to pour out an army of eels, charging toward Kai
Frye: Final dance! Great Moray Transformation!
Kai: Oh shit-
Kai tries to block the barrage of eels but he gets overwhelmed and gets attacked on all sides. Kai falls to his knees after the eels pass by him however he quickly notices the eels turn back and charge but Kai is too late to move and gets hit with another barrage
Frye: Mix him up!
As the eels turn around again to charge, instead of going for Kai, they turn their attention to something else to Frye and Kai's surprise
Smallfry: *loud gurgling screech*
Frye: Wha-
Kai: Smallfry?
The eels try to attack the small salmon but Smallfry squishes himself down, avoiding the eels. Kai stands back up, grips his axe as hard as he can, and brings his axe back causing the blade to glow bright cyan and start dripping water
Kai: Axe Technique
He runs towards Smallfry, standing against the eel, does a quick spin, and swings his axe as hard as he can, creating a giant tornado that bursts out of his axe
Kai: Waterspouts!
The giant tornado easily splats the entire eel army and it charges toward Frye to her surprise
Frye: An ink tornado?! Wait... that ain't ink... that's water!!
Soon Frye and the octopstomper get engulfed by the water tornado, splatting her and lifting the cube in the air until falling back into the ground after the tornado disappears
Kai: *huff* *huff* Hold shit... *huff* I did it...
Smallfry: ...
Kai: And thank Smallfry
Smallfry: *poses pridefully*
Soon Frye respawns back, exhausted from the fight and the octo stomper was letting out sparks of electricity, nearly instabilities
Frye: Grr! You're WAY stronger than you look...
Kai: Can we just let bygones be bygones? We can just talk again, that was nice before!
Frye: Don't let our interest get the best of me! You haven't heard the last of Deep Cut!
She pulls out a smoke bomb to use to disappear however Kai realizes what she's about to do and notices the octostomper looks like it's about to go off
Frye: Bet you'll miss me! Ha!
Kai: Wait! Hold on!-
She throws the smoke bomb at the octostomper which causes the cube to glow and start shaking, causing the eels to look in fear. Soon the octostomper explodes, sending Frye and her eels flying out of the building
Kai: ... Oh ok...
Suddenly a platform lowers down in front of Kai, revealing a large blue metal frame so some kind
Kai: The hell is that?
Marie: Kai, the reading is really strong from where you are. Is it Gramps?
Kai: No... I... don't know what it is... Might be the "treasure" she was talking about?
Marie: She?
Kai: It's a bit of a long story
Marie: Well if you mind as well take it if you had to fight for it.
Kai: Alright... but how am I gonna carry this out?...
After a couple of hours, Kai manages to pull the treasure out of the kettle where the other is waiting
Callie: Whew! That was some great work, Agent 3. And you got this... thing! But not Gramps
Kai: *huff* Thank... *huff* You guys have any idea what even is this?
Marie: ... It's treasure. Or at least, I think that's what it is. We can take it for now till we figure out what to do with it
Kai: Doesn't look like treasure though...
Amelia: I'll take that...
She walked over to Kai, carrying the treasure on her shoulder, and made her way back to base while the others started to follow
Kai: She picked it up with one hand... that's so cool of her!
Marie: You sure get surprised with everything
Kai: You have any idea how exciting it has to be to not only see your idols in action but to work for them!
Marie: Fair
Kai: Though I still wish I got to meet the other agents before they retired... by the way, where are they?
Callie: Well, one of them has decided to become a housewife
Marie: Which is quite surprising for her...
Callie: And the other-
Amelia: My brother went on to become the Shogun of Kyoto
Kai: Oh?
Amelia: He got married and has a kid. Probably around your age
Kai: *gasp* The legendary swordsman, Terrence is now a dad!
Amelia: Yeah... you didn't know that?
Kai: No, to be honest, nobody knows what happened to him after he left. Sure, Kyoto country finally became open to the public but apparently no one has gotten a glimpse at him ever since
Amelia: Well, he's doing fine. Everyone is just thinking too hard...
Kai: Well that's good to hear, he's doing great!
Marie: *Ahem* Sorry to interrupt but I would like to know the details of what happened in the kettles "
Kai: Oh right! Well-
After a few minutes, they arrived back at base where Amelia tossed the treasure to the side as Kai finished explaining what happened in the kettle
Marie: I see...
Kai: Yeah, though I didn't know you could have eels for pets...
Amelia: Coming from an inkling who has a salmon as a pet?
Kai: Hey! He may be ugly but... actually, you're just ugly
Smallfry: *angry gurgling noise*
Marie: Anyways, you've gotten two sectors done, so you can be done for today
Kai: Wait- Done for today?
Marie: Yeah, it's not like we're trying to overwork you
Kai: I mean I get that but... I thought we gonna go find your old man
Callie: We are, but we have some trust he's still alive! He's been in a lot of trouble before so I'm sure he's doing ok!... at least I hope...
Kai: Ok?... but I feel like we still have plenty of time. It's still daytime
Amelia: It's not... remember, we're underground. Everything here just looks like daytime
Kai: ... So what time is it?
Amelia: 9:48 pm
Kai: 9- Holy shit, time went by fast!
Marie: Yeah, so you can go home and rest for today
Amelia: In the meantime, we're going to go and check the other kettles you have been in case you missed him...
Kai: I don't think it's hard to miss an old man wearing a red Hawaiian shirt...
Amelia: You'd be surprised how easy it is to miss that old squid...
Callie: Can never understand how he disappears in a blink of an eye...
Marie: Anyways, we're just gonna double-check your work for the time. Also, try to get a better signal to find gramps
Kai: Very well... but how do I leave here?
With that response, Marie and Callie remain silent as they start to realize that they have no idea how to get out of the dome but Amelia lets out a sigh
Amelia: The exit is that tunnel over there
He looks behind him to see circular gates from afar that are near the same spot where Kai fell from which Callie and Marie let out a sigh of relief
Kai: Oh...
Amelia: I found out when I was searching for the old man up from the hole, Kai fell from
Marie: *phew* We can leave
Callie: I was worried that we'd be stranded here for a second
Kai: Well if you need me urgently, I'll come right away!
Marie: Good to know, see you tomorrow
Callie: Later Kai!
Kai: !... Did you call me by my name?
Callie: I mean yeah? I feel like I've already known you enough that I can call you by your name!
Kai: Oh... ok! I see you guys later!
He and Smallfry waved goodbye to the other agents, and as soon as they turned away, he let out a little fanboy scream before jumping into the drain, heading back to the surface
Marie: The boy is something...
Callie: He reminds me of Gramps but if he wasn't so careless
Marie: Yeah
Callie: What's up with you Amelia? You've been starring at your phone for a while
Amelia: Hm? I'm just texting someone
Marie: And that is?
Amelia: My brother... he said his daughter might be coming over soon...
This story is interrupted by a chili Frye performing a snake charmer but with her eels
Kai and Smallfry exit out of the sewers to find out, it is night time the entire city is nearly empty
Kai: Jesus, were we gone for that long?
Smallfry: *stomach grows*
Kai: Yeah... I'm hungry as well. We mind as we'll find a place to eat at... if they're still open...
They started to walk around the city, trying to find a restaurant that would catch their attention until coming across a ramen shop that was still open but didn't have any customers
Kai: Ramen... guess this will do. What do you think?
He turns to look at Smallfry, only to find home gone and already running towards the shop which he sighs and makes his way to it. Soon they take their seats as the chef hands them their menu
Chef: Welcome to Ramenya, what can I get for you and your... fish to drink
Kai: Yeah I'll-
He looks up at the chef and his mouth drops onto the table in shock. The chef has green hair and a beard that was slowly turning grey and looks very muscular
Kai: Holy shit! Rex?!
Rex: Eh? Oh, you know me?
Kai: Of course I do! You were called Armor and you're one of the first people who fought Tadayoshi! You wore a legendary blueprint weapon and fought in the Paramount War!
Rex: Damn... you really know me...
Kai: So... you own a ramen shop?
Rex: Mhm, I'm retired and living my life now...
Kai: Guess because your armor and the crystal got destroyed during the Great Chroma War?
Rex: A bit, but I'm finally letting myself age and not rely on that purple crystal anymore
Kai: Oh... but do you allow... octolings... to eat here?
Rex: ... I'm done being the old me...
Kai: Huh... it's good to see you change...
Rex: Thanks... now are you gonna order something brat?
Kai: Oh right! I'll take the shio ramen with no corn and cola, please
Rex: Shio ramen... what about this little guy?
Kai: Give him a small beef ramen-
After giving that response, Smallfry immediately jumps and slaps Kai across the face with his fin which he just looks at him in disappointment
Kai: *sigh* I mean a medium bowl
Rex: ... Very well... Are you going to order miss?
?: I'll take a large bowl of tonkatsu ramen! Oh and also an orange soda!
Rex: Ok, I'll be back with them in a second
Kai: "Someone else is here?"
He turns beside him to see who is also here only to recognize who it is to his surprise
Kai: YOU?!
Frye: Eh what?- YOU!
Smallfry: *gurgle*
Kai/Frye: ...
Smallfry: ... *eyes separate*
Kai: Are you following me again? I told you I have nothing against you!
Frye: No, I'm only here to grab a bite. What about you?! Trying to run another attack on me? Even after you bested me!
Kai: No I just want to eat... as well
Frye/Kai: ...
Suddenly Frye and Kai get into their fighting stance with Frye pulling out her splatana and Kai grabbing onto his axe
Frye: For some reason, I don't believe you!
Kai: The same goes for you too!
Before they can do anything, Rex slams down their bowls onto the table, interrupting them as they turn their attention to the food
Rex: Your food is ready, now stop trying to cause a commotion. It's too late for that...
Frye: ... Wait was that-
Kai: The famous Armor, yep
Frye: No way...
Out of surprise, she puts her weapon away and goes back to her seat while Kai does the same
Frye: For now, we're at a truce! Ok?
Kai: ... I can agree with that...
Soon they both grab their chopsticks and begin to slurp their noodles while Smallfry struggles to flip down a single large noodle in one go
Frye: Didn't think I would bump into someone like him in this place of all things!
Kai: That's what I said! Guess a lot of famous people are coming here now?
Frye: If that's was case, I was hoping to see Tadayoshi sooner or later...
Kai: Same! That's why I came here... kinda of...
Frye: Wait? He's here?
Kai: Yeah? You didn't know that?
Frye: I know he lives here, dumbass! I wasn't sure he came back since he's out of town to do a job for the Off the Hook world tour
Kai: Yeah I heard... still surprising he decided to live here of all places though
Frye: Mhm, didn't he live in Inkopolis Square but moved when his old home got destroyed when the Overlords took control of the world...
Kai: I believed so...
Rex: You two sure got along quite fast...
Frye: What? No! We're still enemies! We just have an equal agreement on our idol!
Rex: *rolls eyes* Whatever you say, brats...
Kai: Wait... where's the other two?
Frye: Well after blasted out of our fight, they told me to go home due to them worrying if I got injured so I'm just waiting for them to come back from... our "job"
Kai: Well to be fair, you did that to yourself...
Frye: ... Shut up...
Kai: ... So... what made you a big fan of the black-eye demon?
Frye: When the day, he became the hero duh! What kind of question is that?!
Kai: Hey! I'm trying to start something and not get awkward! Besides, I became a fan when I witnessed his fight against Remora!
Frye: Wait... Remora? Do you mean that overlord pirate?
Kai: Yep... I thought I was gonna die there... but when he appeared... I never thought an edgy man would give me so much inspiration...
Frye: ... Wow...
Kai: But it does prove I'm the biggest fan if I got to witness something up close
Frye: Wha- You challenging me?!
Kai: What? No! Don't know what you talking about!
Frye: Right... If you were truly a bigger fan than me... then I'm sure you have that Tadayoshi thingy
Kai: ... What Tadayoshi thing?...
Frye: Oh, just a limited edition keychain of the man himself that was only sold for a limited time before, AND there's only 10 of these in the world
She pulled out the keychain from her pocket causing Kai to look in surprise and disbelief that she had a rare item on her
Kai: *gasp* Impossible...
Frye: Oh? I thought you were a bigger fan!
Kai: I- No! That- That doesn't change anything! I'm still a bigger fan
Frye: Nu-Uh! I am!
Kai: Hell no!
Both Kai and Frye stare at each other in silence for a few seconds before they let out a laughter as they wrapped their arm around their shoulders
Smallfry: ?
Frye: You know, you ain't too bad! I knew something was interesting about you!
Kai: Heh... thanks!
Frye: Say, how about we have a noodle-eating competition before leaving?
Kai: Wait what?-
Frye: Hey! Another bowl for us!
Rex: *sigh* You all better have enough money to pay for it...
Frye: Man, that was good? How are you holding up?
Kai: *groan*
Frye: Thought I would have some type of competition instead of beating you within a landslide!
Kai: I tried to warn you, I don't have a huge appetite like you!
Frye: Heh, excuse!
It's nearly midnight as Frye, Kai, and Smallfry are walking together until they reach the street where they gotta go separate ways
Frye: Well I believe this is where we split
Kai: Seems to be
Frye: Well, I had fun with you! But remember! You may be a cool guy but we're still enemies!
Kai: Yeah, yeah! But, if you ever change your ways, we can hang out some more if you'd like.
Frye: You seem to be eager to have me around.
Kai: How could I not with another big fan like me!
Frye: ... Heh, that's impossible but if you change your mind and join me, then it can be possible
Kai: Then that's impossible for me as well
Frye: Heh, guess it'll be a matter of time till one of us chooses
Kai: We'll see about that...
Both Frye and Kai let out small prideful chuckles as Smallfry looked at them in confusion but let out a yawn out of tiredness
Frye: Well see you later... Kai
Suddenly she pulls out a smoke bomb and throws it on the ground, disappears once it begins to clear up
Kai: ... That felt so unnecessary...
After walking for a few minutes, Kai returns to his apartment where once he enters, he sees Tracer finishing sweeping the floor
Tracer: Oh, welcome back newbie
Kai: Have you been cleaning this entire time?
Tracer: Do you have any idea how long it takes to clean an entire building by yourself?
Kai: Why not hire people?
Tracer: Heh... not gonna try that again...
Kai: ?
Tracer: So how was your first day out in Splatsville?
Kai: ... It was fine
Tracer: Fine huh?
She walks up to his where she begins to sniff around him, creeping and confusing him for a second until she looks at him with a slight doubt but a smug look on her face
Kai: W-What?
Tracer: Oh... I didn't expect you to be around a lot of girls on the first day here, you playboy
Kai: Wha- How- Playboy?!
Tracer: *Chuckles*
Kai: I'm not a playboy! And how do you know I was around a bunch of girls!
Tracer: I may have some unique skills and besides I have known that smell since my younger days
Kai: ... What were you doing in your younger days?...
Tracer: So what kind of gals were you with, huh?
Kai: Hey! No! It's not like that! It is just my job had a lot of female workers
Tracer: So you work as a male prostitute?
Kai: No! Stop trying to make me look weird!
Tracer: *giggles* Alright, I'll stop but I'm gonna assume you worked with the idols?
Kai: I- Wait... Yeah... that's correct... Jesus, what kind of nose do you have?
Tracer: That smell is not that hard, I recognize that perfume Callie always used
Kai: ... You know them?
Tracer: Used to work for them in the past!
Kai: "Worked for them in the past... wait is she?... no it can't be..."
Tracer: You good, newbie?
Kai: Huh? Oh yeah... just a bit tired... and full
Kai: Don't even...
Tracer: I won't say anything... hehe...
Kai: I'm going to bed... I don't deal with this, this late...
Tracer: Your room number is on your key, just to let you know
Kai: Thanks...
Tracer: Now have a good night... playboy~
Kai: ...
As Kai makes his way upstairs, he notices Smallfry sitting on top of the stairway and also has a smug look on his face as he turns away
Kai: Oh don't you even!
After Kai disappears upstairs, Tracer begins to lock the doors and shut off the lights until she notices a familiar picture on the counter which makes her smile
Tracer: Seems like he did meet them... maybe I should go visit them someday...
Meanwhile, Kai makes his way down the hall until finding his room number where he unlocks the door and enters inside to his new place. He finds his suitcases beside the couch which Smallfry attempts to open
Kai: We can deal with that tomorrow, so don't worry about it...
Smallfry: ...
The small salmon stares at him for a few seconds until continues to try to open the suitcase while Kai finds his way to the bedroom, drops his stuff on the floor, and flops on the bed
Kai: Man today was exhausting...
He pulls out his phone and opens up messages again to check on Dedf1sh only to see no message and not even a read
Kai: *sigh* "Maybe he's been busy today... Hope he's doing alright"
He puts his phone away and rolls to his side as he slowly starts to fall asleep
Kai: *yawn* I wanted to brag to him about how I met the idol in this city on my first day!
Smallfry: *Gurgles*
Suddenly Smallfry hops onto the bed after opening the suitcase and with a small book in his mouth, hoping Kai would read it to him only to find him already sleeping with the small salmon looks in disappointment
Smallfry: *angry gurgling noises*
Meanwhile, Frye finally returns home once she opens the door, Shiver and Big Man quickly turn their attention to her with a bit of a worried look on their face
Shiver: Frye!
Frye: Yo! I'm back!
Big Man: Aye! *Where have you been?*
Frye: Oh I just went out to eat since you guys were gone for a while!
Big Man: Aye... *Oh... guess I didn't need to make your plate then..."
Frye: Ah don't worry, I'll eat it tomorrow!
Shiver: Well as long as you are ok, then we have nothing to worry about
Frye: Yep! Anyway, I'm hitting the hay for today! We have another attempt tomorrow!
Big Man: Aye? *Already? You're not gonna stay up a bit?*
Frye: Nah, I'm kinda drained for having fun for today
Shiver: ... Did you go somewhere else than just grabbing a bite to eat?
Frye: *chuckles* Oh, I just went to see a cool dude!
Frye lets out a chuckle as she wraps her arms around the back of her head, leaning back, and walks past them to make her way to her bedroom
Shiver/Big Man: ?
Once she closes her door, she puts her splatana away and lays back on the bed, staring at the building, lost in her thoughts as she could only think of Kai and his offer
Frye: ... Maybe we could do a lot together... but joining your side isn't possible...
With a spark of inspiration igniting her thoughts, she rises with newfound determination, ready to embrace her plan for tomorrow.
Frye: That's it, I'll have to MAKE you come to our side... No matter what!
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