Chapter 1: Kai
5 years ago, there was a great war known as the Great Chroma War, it was considered the largest and most ruthless war between the world of inklings and octolings and an Overlord army known as the Darklings, led by a horrible cephalopod named Mask. This war broke out after the other 3 Overlords took over the lands and ruled it with an iron fist. As if all hope was lost, a group of cephalopods known as the Squidbeak Splatoon appeared and fought back against these Overlord
All three Overlords fell and this army was led by one inkling who was known as The Black Eye Demon; Tadayoshi. Once a former member of the Darkling, he betrayed his kind and would lead and encourage people around the world to fight and take back their homes from the Overlords. With his might and power, he defeated and vanquished Mask and the Darkling empire, bringing the world to peace once again. His name was now known around the world alongside his friends and allies who fought beside him
?: Man... can't believe this is where he and Mask fought...
The inkling closes the scroll out of satisfaction and then puts it away, revealing that an inkling boy is walking in the middle of a desert with broken buildings and scrap around him, alongside a small salmonid named Smallfry sliding beside him. This inkling boy is named Kai, he once grew up in Inkopolis Square but is currently trying to travel to the Splatlands to begin his new life
Kai: Though I'm starting to question why I decided to try and walk all the way there
Smallfry: -_-
Kai: Ok, I had a dumbass moment cause I assumed it wasn't that far... until I realized I misread kilometers to miles...
Smallfry: *rolls his eyes but they go in different directions*
Kai: But trust me, moving to the Splatlands will be great! When I heard that the Splatlands are filled with battle-hardened fighters since this place has a great history! I figure it would be the perfect place to start my life! Plus fighting in turf battles will probably be more normal to me finally than in Inkopolis Plaza and Square... I feel like I broke their soul when I beat them...
Smallfry: *gargling noise*
Kai: ... I can never understand what you are saying
Soon Smallfry jumps out of surprise and starts to quickly slide up ahead where Kai notices a train station that looks abandoned
Kai: A Train station... in the middle of nowhere?! *sigh* I doubt any train would come by but it would be nice if-
Suddenly they hear a loud horn blaring as it slowly approaches the station, making a full-on stop and opening its doors for anyone to leave or enter
Kai: ... Oh ok, guess god loves me!
Before he could enter the train out of caution, Smallfry quickly runs inside, out of desperation to not walk in the desert again
Kai: Hey! Smallfry!
He enters in without thinking and tries to grab Smallfry but the salmonoid unintentionally avoids Kai's grasp and hops onto a seat in relaxation. As Kai was standing up, the train door closed and began to move again
Kai: ... Guess there no going back
He takes his seat next to Smallfry and pulls out his phone to kill some time which opens up a new broadcast from the Splatlands
Shiver: Listen up! It's going down... Repping the Splatlands, we are DEEP CUT!
Frye: Anarchy Splatcast! We're live
Big Man: Ay! (Here we go!)
Shiver: You lip-synch, we drop ink...
Big Man: Ay, ay, ay! (Shiver, Frye, and Big Man!)
Kai: Wait? That manta ray's name is Big Man?... That's stupid, he's just wide!
Big Man: Ay! (Breaking News! Hot off the press!)
Shiver: Oh you got something, Big Man? Let's hear it!
He flips the channel on the TV that he was behind to reveal a building that was supposed to have a zapfish around it is now gone
Frye: Uh, this was MY story to break. The Great Zapfish is gone!
Kai: ... Again?! Isn't this the THIRD time a zapfish was stolen?!
Smallfry: ?
Kai: *sigh* I swear, even after years have passed, that's the only thing they didn't change... they really need to add some security to that thing...
Shiver: It basically powers the whole city! We need to get it back soon, or it's lights out...
Frye: Time to conserve. Turn off lights, and set the temp to a cool 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Big Man: Ay! (That's 32 degrees Celsius, and it is NOT cool! Call us if you find the Zapfish!)
Kai: Guess that means that city is gonna start being strict with power once I reach there... god dammit!
Shiver: And that's it... for now
Big Man: Ay! (Let's get out of here!)
Shiver: From Splatsville, that's a wrap
She taps her fan on the table until both Shiver and Fry stand up and do their iconic pose alongside Big Man
Shiver/Frye/Big Man: Catch ya later!
Soon the news shuts off while Kai does the same by shutting off his phone and noticing the train is almost at their destination
Kai: Welp, better make the best of our new place till they somehow find the zapfish... Again!
Smallfry: *Gurgling noises*
Kai: Yeah, still surprisingly the apartment we found was at the bottom of the selection especially since the place is cheap
Suddenly they start to notice that the landscape from the window starts to slowly change from a desert to a city which Kai realizes that they have arrived
Kai: Welp this is it! Time to begin our-
As soon as the train comes to a stop Smallfry quickly exits out of the train along with the other sea creatures. Kai panics and chases after the salmon until they exit the subway where Kai manages to grab him
Kai: Would you stop running up ahead? You're gonna get lost or someone might step on you!
Smallfry: (◑_◐)
Kai: *sigh* Well... at least we're finally here...
He takes a deep breath as he looks around out of relief and amazement at his new home where his new life will begin, Splatsville!
Kai: OK...422 Eelway Avenue... this is it
He looked up at a wooden apartment that looked slightly old yet nice at the same time. He entered the apartment where everything looked a lot fancier than it did on the outside which Kai looked in surprise and confusion
Kai: ... Something tells me that the owner had a limited budget for this place...
?: Well hello there~
He turns beside him to see a tall and beautiful red tentacle octoling, leaning against the counter to which Kai looks in amazement
Kai: ... "God damn, she's fine... Almost looks like a supermodel"
?: Are you here to find a place to stay or are you just here to look, sugar~
Kai: Uhhh, I came to live here. I made a call to make arrangements for my room a couple of days ago
?: Oh! You must be Kai!
Kai: Yeah, that's me...
?: Well aren't you good looking, could eat you up if I want to~
Kai: OK woah there! As much as you have a... sexual body, I can't make a move, I just meet you!
?: *giggle* I'm just teasing! I have no interest in looking for a relationship, I'm already taken!
Kai: Oh... ok
?: Though I didn't expect you to be straightforward about my looks~
Kai: Uh
?: Don't you want me to take you to Valhalla?~
Kai: No, I just couldn't think of anything to describe you....
?: *giggles* You do somewhat sound like my husband which is pretty funny
Kai: I'm sorry, who are you?
?: I'm your landlord, but my name is Tracer
Kai: Tracer... Sounds familiar...
Tracer: It should be, apparently I'm famous since a lot of Inklings and Octoling always keep talking about me. Kinda a bit annoying but it's how fans are
Kai: "She has fans? She must be a famous model or something"
Tracer: Never mind that, let me get your key for your assigned room
Kai: Kai: Yeah thanks...
She ducks down underneath the counter to find the keys while Kai approaches to counter to wait for her
Kai: Kinda surprised this place isn't popular since you claim you have fans and because of the price of this place
Tracer: I try to keep this place a secret so me and my husband don't have to worry about the "fans" bugging me. Have you ever wondered why this place is far deep away from the "main" part of this city?
Kai: I guess? And your husband is famous?
Tracer: Mhm, he usually busy cause my friends gotta have their share but he always makes sure to come to see me, and damn he knows how to love a woman~
Kai: "Share?"
Tracer: *ahem* Sorry for that but the price was my husband's idea as more of a way to try to hopefully get people to stay cause business... and also my husband sometimes scares them away by accident... he not usually good with interacting people
Kai: Better lover than a worker?
Tracer: You better believe it~
Kai: ... What kind of husband do you have?
Tracer: A special one~
Kai: ...
She finally finds the keys and appears back out onto the counter and slides them over to Kai for him to take
Tracer: Anyways here's your keys to your place, but before you go, is there another thing I should know you have
Kai: Uhhh... I have a Salmonoid with me.
Tracer: Salmonoid?
Suddenly, Smallfry hops onto the counter out of curiosity and looks at Tracer to her surprise
Kai: He's my pet, found him in the desert when I was traveling here.
Tracer: A Salmonoid as a pet?... Heh, reminds me of the Overlord, Remora has at least an army of them that were a part of his crew
Kai: Remora has salmonoids in his crew? Damn Overlords back then must've been crazy
Tracer: *giggle* You have no idea
She reaches her finger out towards the small salmon who looks at it in confusion until she begins rubbing his chin which he feels pleased by it
Tracer: He must've gotten lost from his school and was left alone in the desert. You got lucky you got found, huh little one?
Kai: Perhaps or could be abandoned, he's ... a bit of a weird one compared to the others who would murder anything in front of them
Tracer: Well you're not wrong about that one
Suddenly Smallfry hops onto Tracer's chest, sitting in between her chest to which Kai and Tracer look in surprise but Smallfry takes it as a seat from him
Kai: Hey! Smallfry! Get-
Tracer: *giggle* It's fine, he doesn't look like trying to do anything malicious
Kai: Yeah... Lucky bastard...
Smallfry: *relaxes back as if he was on a bed*
Tracer: So Kai, what brings you here to Splatsville?
Kai: Wanna begin my new life here!
Tracer: Your old place was a dump or something?
Kai: No, just nothing much has happened in the square
Tracer: I mean the Plaza exists, heard that place is booming since it got rebuilt again
Kai: Yeah but I don't see it as a place to live but more of a place to visit
Tracer: Fair
Kai: But I heard that Splatsville has a lot more active people here, especially during battles
Tracer: Interesting in fighting
Kai: No, I just wanna play turf war normally without feeling like I'm breaking the opponent's spirit
Tracer: ... What the hell did you do back in Inkopolis...
Kai: Don't ask... just don't...
Tracer: ...
Kai: But I'm not sure what I want to do or be so I figured I'll explore around the place after I get my stuff in my room
Tracer: Well if that's the case, I can take your bags to your room while you go out and explore
Kai: Oh you don't need to-
Tracer: Take it as your "welcoming service for a week" thing
Kai: Oh... well thank you, let me just grab my weapon
He puts his luggage onto the counter, quickly goes through it, and pulls out his splatana stamper
Tracer: Oh you got the new weapon Sheldon try to inspire on
Kai: Yep and- Wait inspire on?
Tracer: Nothing, I hope you enjoy your "new life" Newbie
Kai: Uhh... Yeah, I will. Thanks, Miss
He takes his keys and exits the apartment with Smallfry realizing Kai is leaving to which he hops off of Tracer and runs after him while Tracer watches
Tracer: He's got that look... just like us back then...
This story is interrupted by chibi Kai and Smallfry walking together while Tracer watches them with a smile
Kai: *phew* That was fun! And the other cephalopods were strong as expected!
Kai exits the lobby as he is covered in enemy ink and makes his way back to the main part of the city, leaning his splatana stamper on his shoulder as Smallfry runs ahead after waiting for him
Kai: Probably should first stop at a shop to get some souvenirs
He would come across a general store called the Hotlantis which he recognizes because of the arcane machines he saw in the Square and Plaza
Kai: This place has a store?... ok that's new to me...
He enters the store where the first thing he sees is a a humanoid sea anemone, crouched down and playing with an ultrahand toy. Within a second, he recognizes who this anemone is to his surprise
Kai: Harmony?
Harmony: ... Oh, hey. Welcome to Hotlantis
Kai: Yeah, thanks but what-
Harmony: I don't really work here, but you can shop around, and I'll sell you stuff
Kai: ... I came to that conclusion but if you don't work here, so what are you doing? Aren't you some famous singer?
Harmony: Oh. Whenever the manager disappears, I take over this place until he returns. It's something fun to do.
Kai: So you're basically unpaid employment...
Harmony: ... huh? Yeah. Sure.
Kai: ... Does your band know?
Harmony: Yeah. They just doing their thing. While I'm doing this.
Kai: ... I'm starting to think you don't even know where the exit is...
Harmony: The exit? It's... over there.
Kai: ... That's a window...
Harmony: Same thing.
Kai: ... So what exactly is this store? Like an item shop?
Harmony: Sure. Don't ask me what to do with any of it. Put it in your locker, I guess? It's all pretty random. You'll see.
Kai: Locker?
Harmony: Uh, your locker is in the locker room. Duh. You can go look at it later. If there's anything in there, I guess it's yours by default.
Kai: ... "So that's why they gave me these keys when I entered the lobby. Better find mine later..."
Harmony: Oh, and I'm supposed to give you one of these.
She pulls out a small book and hands it to Kai who takes it and flips through it quickly
Harmony: It's a catalog. Do you do battles and work shifts at Grizzco and stuff? I guess you get Catalog Points for doing things like that. And then every time your catalog level goes up, you get a prize. And I get to dig through all this stuff to find it and give it to you. Yay.
Kai: Huh... I can get stuff for free from doing all the fun shit... neat! And it says this is a spring season, guess the catalog changes every season?
Harmony: Yeah. Sure.
Kai: Though some of the stuff you sell is... weird...
Harmony: The items are changed every week. So you better take what you want before they disappear. Well. After a couple of months, they'll come back. I think.
Kai: ... Do you know how to run this place?
Harmony: Yeah. I'm a daily customer here. So I know a thing or two.
He continued to stare at her in confusion as she was focused on playing with the toy she had in her hand
Kai: ... Are you high?
Harmony: Am I what?
Kai: High...
Harmony: ... Hi
Kai: ...
Harmony: You're quite late with that response. You know.
Kai: ... I give up...
Harmony: Anyway, let's get the first one out of the way right now. Your very first prize. Cherish it.
She hands Kai his first prize which was a banner that he could use to put on his name when he is shown on the scoreboard for turf war or ranks
Kai: Thanks...
Harmony: OK...I'll let you go back to shopping or whatever.
Kai: Yeah...
For the next few minutes, he continued to look around the store as he continues to find stuff that was cool such as the plushies or something weird and concerning like a dried squid
Kai: ... What is wrong with this store...
Soon his eye is caught by a small keychain with a black squid which he takes and decides that this will be his first item to buy. He takes it to Harmony who finally notices Kai and takes a look at it
Harmony: How many?
Kai: Uh just this one
Harmony: Cool, thanks. I, uh, hope your locker is looking really fresh, or something.
Kai: ... Yeah... thanks Harmony
Harmony: *dazed out*
Kai: ... ok then...
He exits the store and pulls out his phone where he takes a picture of the keychain then opens up messages to a user named Dedf1sh and sends the picture
Kai: Hey it's been a while, but I got you something if we meet in person bro!
Smallfry: ?
Kai: Oh you don't know this person
Smallfry: *tilts his head*
Kai: this guy is an old friend, I've been chatting for a while. I don't know what he looks like but I'm assuming he's a dude and we've gotten close. It has been a while since we last talked cause he's busy, but doesn't hurt to try to see if he's up to chat now.
Smallfry: *gurgling noises*
Kai: ... Why do I even try, you probably don't understand me
Smallfry: ?
Kai: Anyways, we should head back home and-
Before he could walk back to his apartment, he suddenly notices a strange old man in the sewers, staring at him intensely
Kai: "Why is he?..."
Out of curiosity, he approaches the old man to ask if something is wrong but as soon as he gets close and before he can open his mouth, the old man quickly dives into the sewers and disappears from Kai's sight
Kai: ... Ok he's probably a weird-
Suddenly, Smallfry got more curious than Kai, which causes him to hop into the sewer disappearing from his sight
Out of panic, he quickly turns into his squid form and hops into the sewer to find his little salmon. Suddenly he starts to realize this sewer feels like he was falling for so long that he felt like there was no bottom, causing him to start panicking
After a few minutes, he sees a bright light up ahead which he shoots out of and falls face-first onto the surface. He lifts his head to see Smallfry close to his face, staring at him
Kai: You little shithead... look where you-
As he stands up, he soon finds himself back in the desert but this time, he is close to a giant crater and afar from Splatsville
Kai: Great... now we're back here again... guess we-
Suddenly he notices the same old man from before in front of him, giving him the same stare which makes it awkward for Kai
Kai: ... Excuse me? ... Is there-
?: Th- th- the Oc- Oc- Oct... The Octarians are coming! AGAINNNNNNNNN!!
Kai: ... What?
?: Oh, uh, hi... Did we do this once before? The ol' noggin ain't what it used to be
Kai; "Yeah this guy is definitely some whack job..."
Cuttlefish: Anyhow, the name's Cuttlefish. Senior advisor to the New Squidbeak Splatoon, at your service!
Kai: Cuttlefish?... WAIT! Did you say Squidbeak Splatoon?! AND YOU'RE CUTTLEFISH?!
Cuttlefish: Huh? Oh yeah, I did-
Kai: Holy shit! The legendary group is real! And I'm also meeting a famous hero! But wait, why were you in the sewers?
Cuttlefish: You got that look in your eye... It's the look I've been lookin' for!
Kai: Look? That's why you were staring at me?
Cuttlefish: The Great Zapfish that powers Splatsville has been squidnapped! It's the Octarians again. You can bet your bottom sand dollar on it!
Kai: I feel like everyone knows it was stolen... and they should've known to have better security with them...
Cuttlefish: ... Actually that's true... why haven't we done that?...
Kai: Also, why do you assume the Octarians? I thought we came to peace years ago? Or are you racist?
Cuttlefish: I've been keepin' an eye on 'em even though I'm technically retired. And with eyes like these, there ain't much that escapes me!
Kai: I feel like you're-
Cuttlefish: But they still made off with the Great Zapfish. And now WE'VE got to get it back. Right?
Kai: We?
Cuttlefish: So, uh... ... ... ... ... ... ...That was a job offer, kid
Kai: ... Wait... you're serious?!
Cuttlefish: Mhm!
Kai: I-I don't know how to express this... I'm being offered to join a famous group?! How much am I getting paid?
Cuttlefish: The pay you might just save the world
Kai: Oh...
Cuttlefish: You're in, right? RIGHT?!
Kai: I-
Cuttlefish: Course you are! Starting today, you are Agent 3 of the New Squidbeak Splatoon!
Kai: Wait! Hold on a min-
Cuttlefish: This is your brand-new Hero Suit! It'll help you fight the Octarians
Suddenly Kai notices that he's in a new pair of clothing, and he looks in confusion as to how and where this outfit came from
Kai: Wha?- How?! Where?!
Cuttlefish: Don't question it
Kai: -_-
Cuttlefish: Now, let's go get those Octoclowns! I'm countin' on you, buck-OH!
Suddenly Smallfry appears near the old cephalopod who looks at him in confusion and tries to avoid getting touched by it as the small salmon begins crawling around him
Cuttlefish: You've already got another agent there with ya, huh?
Smallfry: *gurgling curiosity*
Kai: Yeah, he's... kinda my pet or more like a friend of mine, Smallfry
Cuttlefish: Well, I'm fresh outta Hero Suits, unfortunately... Ah, but it's a salty li'l scamp, ain't it? It'll do fine.
Kai: "At least I'm not the only one who thinks that"
Cuttlefish: Now where was I... Oh, right! Let's go get those Octojerks! I'm countin' on you, bucko!
Kai: Sure but... where to?
Cuttlefish: I'd say make your way downward towards the crater to see if you find the Octarian base that's keeping the Great Zapfish hostage
Kai: Very well!
Before he could start his first mission, he noticed a small photo in a tent. He walks over to take a look and immediately recognizes who it was
Kai: Holy shit...
Cuttlefish: I see you noticed that portrait of the new Squidbeak Splatoon Captain!
Kai: Wait? She became the Captain of the group!
Cuttlefish: Mhm, she was the original agent 3 but I decided to give her my rank so I can have my retirement. And I assume you know her by the reaction you gave
Kai: Obviously! She's Amelia! She's a legend after taking out one of the Overlord commanders, Angela!
Cuttlefish: Indeed, I knew she'd become a celebrity like the others!
Kai: I better hurry this up so maybe I can see her soon!
Without distractions, he makes his way down the path that leads downwards toward the crater with Smallfry sitting in his ink tank where he starts to notice some weird ooze around the path
Cuttlefish: Mind the Fuzzy Ooze that's all over the place. Touch that stuff and who knows what'll happen!
Kai: Fuzzy Ooze?... what does happen if you touch-
Cuttlefish: Oh, right! I know what'll happen. FLOOF! Instant full-body beard... whether you want it or not!
Kai: Full-body beard... God I'd look ugly with a mustache...
He continues downward until his path comes to a complete stop by the Fuzzy Ooze, blocking the path
Cuttlefish: OK, now that is one big pile of Fuzzy Ooze. That big ol' bubble on top is probably the Fuzzball. Bet if you could pop that, the whole thing would BOOf! Disappear! But I doubt your ink'll do the trick
Kai: So how am I supposed to-
Suddenly Kai notices Smallfry staring at the Fuzzball with his mouth drooling
Kai: ... Smallfry what are you-
Without hesitation, Smallfry leaps the Fuzzball which within a second, Smallfry gulps down the Fuzzball with one bite and swallows it, causing the entire Fuzzy Ooze to disappear, surprising Cuttlefish and Kai
Cuttlefish: ... Look at that- it gobbled up the ooze like it was nothin'. That little monster has quite an appetite!
Kai: ... Yeah you're definitely not normal...
Smallfry: *stomach growls*
Cuttlefish: Anyways it cleared the path for you! Go on!
Kai: Y-Yeah...
They continued to make their way down deeper as Smallfry continued to eat every Fuzzball he came across until they nearly reached the bottom of the crater
Kai: We looked at every part of the crater but down there, so they could be-
Suddenly Craig's communicator begins to go off and they begin to hear a voice come out of it
?: GYA... A HA... Cuttl... I foun... you!
Kai: ... Did you call someone on our way here?
Craig: Yeah I did try to call for backup a few minutes ago. Seeing all of these Fuzzy Ooze got me worrying but I think this is busted-
Suddenly, they begin to hear loud music beats which begin to get louder and louder to which they all look up
Cuttlefish: And something's headed this way FAST!
Soon they see a machine flying above them until its rockets immediately change into limbs and the whole machine begins to fall and slides against the wall until landing on a flat surface above them
?: GYA HA HA! I finally found you, Cuttlefish! My Octarian troops have gone missing... and I know you're behind it!
Kai: ... Who is this?
Cuttlefish: Thar he blows! It's DJ Octavio!
Kai: Wait what?! I thought you guys were at peace! Didn't you both fight in the Chroma War together?
DJ Octavio: It was a temporary truce! I wasn't letting some terrorist group try to take over my turf!
Cuttlefish: And here you are up to your old tricks after all the events that had occurred, eh? Give the Great Zapfish back!
DJ Octavio: Quit spewin' nonsense, Cuttlefish!
Suddenly, DJ Octavio leaps towards them to which Kai quickly pushes Cuttlefish out of the way, only for him and Smallfry to get tackled and all three of them fall into the crater. Soon both Kai and DJ Octavio get back onto their feet as the giant octopus slams his wasabis onto his records
DJ Octavio: Listen up! I'm about to drop my latest hit... right on your smug little face!
Kai slowly pulls out his splatana stamper and gets into a fighting stance, prepared to have his first battle against something that wasn't a game or anything he has fought before. Soon DJ Octavio begins to play his new record on his robot; Octobot King L3.Gs, who is also prepared for a fight
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