Splatoon harem ova 3: among us
A few hours ago in the galaxy far but not too far from the wary, There was a spaceship in the middle of space with 10 people waiting to arrive at their destination
BeatBox: *humming* but you're among us, I can feel it, I can feel it in my bone. So-
Tadayoshi: can you shut up
BeatBox: what I'm bored ok
Tadayoshi: and I don't care...
BeatBox: hm! Party-pooper
Marie: so you guys work here as well?
Marina: yeah
Pearl: yep
BeatBox: hell yeah
Tadayoshi: ...
Marie: well I'm Marie, and this is my cousin, Callie
Everyone looks over at Callie, who was switching in her color to pink with the octoling
Bridgett: look I have a little me!
Callie: aww there always so adorable
Marie: Hey Callie! Introduce yourself!
Callie: what? Oh sorry, my name's Callie.
Marie: and other there in the corner is Amelia, she quite a hard worker
Amelia: hey...
BeatBox: well my name is bell, but you can call me BeatBox!
Tadayoshi: the nickname sounds stupid...
BeatBox: hey, at least I'm not one of the kids who for some reasons add numbers to their names
Tadayoshi: ...
Terrence: well my name is Terrence, kinda new to this
Marie: it's fine, you'll get used to this
Terrence: if you say so
Bridgett: I'm Bridgett! And I'm also new to this!
Pearl: heh, guess there is a lot of newbies! The names pearl aka MC princess!
Marina: my names marina
Tracer: tracer
Callie: well it's nice to meet you all, but what about you cutie
Tadayoshi: eh?
Tracer: yeah what you name
Tadayoshi: ... tadayoshi
Tracer: ohh a mysterious boy... like that~
Tadayoshi: ...
Terrence: So can you guys tell me what are we supposed to do when we get to our destination?
Marina: I think we just have to do some tasks
BeatBox: that it?
Marina; yeah... pretty much
Pearl: that's lame...
Announcement: WE WILL BE ARRIVING AT OUR DESTINATION! Please stand by!
They look out the window as they see they're approaching a large ship. The ship enters insides and lands as they exit out into the cafeteria.
Bridgett: Woah this place is big!
Tadayoshi: meaning more work for us...
Tracer: jeez, looks like my high school cafeteria
Everyone walks over to the middle of the table as they find a file for everyone with a map, key cards, instructions, task list, and notes
Note: welcome kiddos, your task is to just fix and clean around so this ship can return to earth safely. If you look at your wrist, you have a report button. If you see something that needs to be called for a meeting, press it.
Everyone looks at their writs as they see a watch with a report button on their wrist
Note: You can also call for a meeting on the button in front of you on the table. For now good luck with your job!
Pearl: well this looks easy enough, let's get going
Marina: wait for me, Pearlie!
Bridgett: I'm going to go see what the med bay looks like!
Tracer: hey make sure you do your tasks!
Bridgett: I will!
Everyone begins to split up, some were alone and some were in groups. A few minutes went by everything was calm. Terrence begins running around the hall with Callie. He goes up to wires beside the security room and starts to put them together while Callie goes in the reactor to restart it.
Terrence: ow! God dammit that hurt... let's see red to red and blue to-
Suddenly Terrence felt something stabbed behind his back which causes him to fall to his knees.
Terrence: w-what...
He goes to turn around to see who stabbed him, but he still felt himself being stabbed repeatedly. He lays down to the ground bleeding as he sees one goes into the vent in security as he bleeds out dying.
Terrence: why me... first...
Tracer finished up fill the fuel in the lower engine as she heads up to the hallway
Tracer: alright that's done, now I got to-
Suddenly she felt her leg kicks something, which she looks down to see Terrence dead
Tracer: OH MY GOD! WTF!
Tracer quickly presses the report button as everyone stops what they were doing and heads towards the cafeteria room for a meeting
Callie: what do you want... I was almost done with the stupid reactor...
Everyone looks at tracer who sitting at the middle of the cafeteria table, looking shocked
Pearl: uhhh, tracer?... what's wrong
Tracer: Terrence... is dead...
Marie: what?
Bridgett: dead?
BeatBox: what do you mean?
Tracer: I mean Terrence was killed... he was stabbed by a knife...
She pulls out the knife he found near his body and sets it on the table for everyone to see
Tracer: I saw the stab wounds on his back. I think he was doing wires before being shanked...
BeatBox: so... you're implying that-
Amelia: exactly what's she meaning...
Everyone quickly turns around at Amelia who was her hands cross together. Amelia presses the button on the table as shuts all the door around them as they were all stuck in the cafeteria.
Amelia: there is an imposter among us...
Marina: w-what do you mean?
Amelia: looks at your files...
Everyone pulls out their files and begins to look through them
Amelia: now look at the file that tells how many people are required to be working on the ship...
Everyone flips the introduction page as it says only nine people are required to work at this ship
Bridgett: nine...
Tracer: and there are ten of us...
Marie: which means someone is the killer here...
Marina: wait... why would the imposter want to kill us all?
Amelia: cause the imposter is not a living being...
Tadayoshi: how do you know?...
Amelia: ... I worked on different ships many times and my old crew never had any problems at all... but one day... everything changed when We found out a monster was killing everyone... everyone that I knew... I managed to escape and left the creature to die in that ship alone... and to this day... I fear the creature has returned...
Marina: I'm... sorry to hear that...
Amelia: it's fine... but this time... I don't want to lose everyone again.
Marina: So... what was everyone doing?
BeatBox: I was downloading some files!
Pearl: I was shooting asteroids down!
Marina: she's right, I was with her
Callie: restating the reactor, but I feel like your being SUS tracer
Tracer: What?! Why?!
Soon everyone begins to argue about what they were doing as they were pointing fingers at each other
Pearl: ... wait!
Everyone quiets down as they turn their attention to pearl
Pearl: tracer, where was Terrence killed again?
Tracer: uhhhh... in front of the security?
Pearl: ... in front of security... Callie, what were you doing?
Callie: Umm... doing the reactor
Pearl: isn't the reactor nearby security?
Callie: what?
BeatBox: yeah... now I think about it, she could've killed him since she's near him... So that's kinda SUS!
Callie: but... I didn't do it!
Amelia: since there is a camera near the location of the murder, she would've known when to kill if the cameras aren't on
Callie: Look! Guys I-
Marie: Callie... were you really doing the reactor?
Callie: yeah I was! And-
Marie: Why did it take longer than it usually does to do the reactor
Callie: what do you mean! Doing the reactor takes long and-
Marina: now really... we all start doing 10 mins ago but does it take 10 mins?
Callie: guys! I-
Pearl: I say it, Callie...
BeatBox: same!
Bridgett: yeah!
Callie: Guys... you can't...
Amelia: the logic makes sense... Callie
Tadayoshi: ...
Callie: I-
Soon Callie was ejected into the launch pad as they let her out into space
BeatBox: ... come on guys... we got tasks to do...
Everyone nods as they begin to split up to finish their tasks.
2 dead.... 8 survivors...
Everyone continues to do their tasks as pearl and marina were in the admin. Pearl was trying to swipe her card and marina was downloading some files.
Marina: Pearlie?
Pearl: yeah?
Marina: so you really think it was Callie?
Pearl: I mean, how could it not? There was proof that she did it.
She swipes the card but the machine declined, saying she was moving too fast
Marina: I know... but what if... some did that as part of the plan?
Pearl: it can't be how can someone kill someone when they can run into anyone in the halls
She moves the card again as the machine declined, saying it was too slow
Marina: well... what if they vented?
Pearl: vented?
Marina points down as pearl looks over at the vent she was pointing at
Marina: I mean... the killer could've traveled through there and kill him... if there is a vent near Terrence...
Pearl: ... yeah you might be-
She swipes the card once again, which declines, saying it couldn't read the card
Pearl: calm down Pearlie, it's ok, it's o-
Suddenly the light cuts out as both pearl and marina were in the darkness
Pearl: go dammit I'll fix the-
Suddenly pearl hears a slash behind as she quickly turns around but still couldn't see anything but a vent opening and closing
Pearl: rina?!
Suddenly the lights turn on as pearl sees marina dead body
Pearl: Rina!
Marie: pearl?
Pearl turns behind her to see Bridgett and Marie staring at her with marina body
Pearl: w-wait it's not what it looks like!
Marie: so Callie wasn't the imposter...
Bridgett: it was you!
Pearl: Wait no! I-
Marie tackles down pearl and Bridgett reports the body. Soon everyone returns to the cafeteria with Marie carrying pearl tried up.
BeatBox: what's going on here?
Marie: ok Bridgett and I went to fix the lights but when we did, we saw pearl with marina dead body
Tadayoshi: so that means, Callie wasn't the imposter...
Pearl: Guys it wasn't me!
BeatBox: now that I think about it, you were pointing fingers at Callie in the beginning! Now that's sus.
Pearl: Because it made sense that it was her!
Marie: I'm sorry, but I'm voting for you
BeatBox: so am I!
Bridgett: yeah!
Pearl: Guy, please! For fuck sakes!
They dragged the tied pearl into the launch pad while pearl was yelling
She was ejected out of the ship into space as everyone hears her anger fade away
Marie: I can't believe we kill Callie... when she was innocent
BeatBox: hey it's ok... I'm sure she forgives you...
Marie: I hope so...
Bridgett: wait... where's tracer?
Everyone begins to look around the cafeteria as they realize tracer wasn't around
Amelia: now that I think about it, she didn't appear in the meeting
Marie: could that mean... she's-
Tadayoshi: she's dead
Everyone: huh?
Tadayoshi: before you guys either assume I killed her because I said she's dead or say she's an imposter, let me explain
Amelia: go on...
Tadayoshi: if she was an imposter she wouldn't just disappear because it would be too obvious to us to know, since it would seem like she's hiding from us. And second, if she wasn't dead, she would've been at the meeting as well.
Amelia: check-in admin later... I heard that there is something that checks for people's pulse.
4 dead 6 survivors...
This ova is interrupted by a chibi crying among us child being comforted by chibi Marina after his parent was killed
Everyone quickly runs to do their task until suddenly the oxygen starts to go off
Marie: hang on, I'll handle it
Bridgett: ok!
Amelia: I don't trust any of you, so I'm going to finish my last task
BeatBox: Meh, I'm already done!
Tadayoshi: fine by me...
Everyone begins to split up as Tadayoshi arrives in the admin and tadayoshi helps turns the oxygen back on. The oxygen soon comes back on as tadayoshi goes up to the admin counter to check everyone heart pulse
Tadayoshi: now let's see if tracer dead?
He walks over and sees that tracer is indeed dead
Tadayoshi: damnit...
Suddenly he notices Marie life goes out with surprises tadayoshi and Bridgett
Tadayoshi: Marie's life just...
Tadayoshi quickly runs into the oxygen room as they see Marie's dead body in the room.
Tadayoshi: Shit!
Tadayoshi reports the body as the last four people were in the meeting room
Tadayoshi: I found Marie's body, what was the two of you doing?
Amelia: I was the shields
Bridgett: I was with Amelia!
Amelia: Yeah. I can confirm she was...
Tadayoshi: so... that leaves you BeatBox
BeatBox: me? I was done with my tasks, so I was exploring... but what about you tadayoshi? Was there anyone there to confirm your actions?
Tadayoshi: what?!
BeatBox: I'm mean you could've gone and stabbed Marie in the back
Soon everyone goes quiet as everyone slowly turns at BeatBox
BeatBox: ... what?
Tadayoshi: ... who says I stabbed her... I never said how she was killed...
BeatBox's eye grew wide in shock as he grew nervous
Amelia: that's really sus of you...
BeatBox: well... I assume that's how she died since she was killed in oxygen to-
Amelia: wait! How did you know her body was in oxygen?
BeatBox: I... saw her body when I just finished with the asteroids and-
Tadayoshi: and I thought you said you were finished with your tasks and if you did see the body, how come you didn't report it?...
BeatBox: I...
Amelia and tadayoshi slowly approaches BeatBox as he was sweating like an ocean
BeatBox: I... I...
Amelia and tadayoshi throws BeatBox into the launch pad as he runs up to the door banging on the door
BeatBox: I'm telling you! It's not me! It's-
The door opens as BeatBox was ejected out into space
Amelia: we did it... we survived...
Tadayoshi: yeah... but the question is... how did tracer die...
Suddenly tadayoshi hears a gunshot as he turns to see Amelia body drops to the ground with Bridgett holding a gun
Tadayoshi: what?!
Bridgett: hehe
Tadayoshi: wait... You're the imposter!
Bridgett: yep!
Tadayoshi: so.. he-
Bridgett: he was the imposter don't worry about it!
Tadayoshi: there were... two imposters?!
Bridgett: yep!
Tadayoshi: wait... are you the imposter Amelia escape!?
Bridgett: mhm! I climbed on when Amelia ejects in the escape pod and she didn't notice!
Tadayoshi: so you did come to earth... but why did you come back here?
Bridgett: I still wanted to kill Amelia! So I took the worker that was supposed to be here placed!
Tadayoshi: So when you came on this ship together, you changed your appearance so she wouldn't recognize you...
Bridgett: yep!
Tadayoshi: so... you killed tracer
Bridgett: no, but I did kill Terrence
Tadayoshi: wait... So after we split in the beginning, you said you were going to medbay... And the imposters can use a vent to travel around the ship and there was a vent in security... So there was a vent in medbay so you used the vent there and went to the security room where you saw Terrence and Callie, but she and Terrence were too busy doing there task... so you knew killing Terrence would point fingers at Callie...
Bridgett: yep!
Tadayoshi: I guess when the lights went off before you took the advantage to kill tracer since no one could see, while BeatBox killed marina...
Bridgett: yep!
Tadayoshi: "how did I not realize this...."
Bridgett: I'm happy I played the game with you, but I win!
Bridgett suddenly turns into the monster and consume tadayoshi as the imposter wins screen appears
In pearls house:
Bridgett: Yah! I won
Terrence: why did I die first...
BeatBox: good game
Pearl: ... that was a load of shit
Some art
Among us tadayoshi
Next chapter release next week
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