Chapter 99: hangout with the agents
Amelia was pacing back and forth in front of the sliding door that leads to tadayoshis room.
Amelia: "how am going to wake him up?... should I lay by him and surprise him... no that's to embarrassing.... morning kiss?.... no... I kissed him once, I don't want him to get grouchy at me..."
Akari: you trying to wake up your boyfriend?
Amelia: w-what?!
Akari: your boyfriend? He's your boy friend
Amelia: ... oh yeah
Akari: I know you girls aren't even dating him, but you girls are close to him
Amelia: I know, I know
Akari: so what are you doing?
Amelia: oh... just trying to figure out how I'm going to wake him up
Akari: ... you know just wake him up like a normal person, you don't have to try to wake him up in some "special" way, like look at me and Makoto, we just wake up each other like normal people, sure he can be annoying with his personality, but he's a good guy
Amelia: ... yeah... you're right, also are you and Makoto something
Akari: ... n-no why?
Amelia: I don't know, you two have a strange relationship going on
Akari: we are just friends, we like to pull on each other's leg every once in a while. But....we could be close
Amelia: you could?
Akari: ... well anyways, I wanted to ask other thing, how are you and your... brother?
Amelia: ... I'd rather talk about it with someone else...
Akari: alright alright, that's fine, but have fun with him
Akari walks off as Amelia waves bye to her. She then goes back to the sliding door where she takes a deep breath and opens it
Amelia: tada-
As soon as she opens the door, she sees two octolings sleeping with tadayoshi.
Tracer: Tadayoshi~...zzz
Bridgett: ducks....zzzzz
Amelia: ... what are... YOU TWO DOING IN HERE?!
Tracer: STWUSUBYNWI?!!!?
Tracer wakes up in shock as bridgett wakes up slowly and rubs her eyes
Tracer: holy shit... you scared the eel out of me
Amelia: want to explain why are you two are in here?
Tracer: well... I was going to wake him up before you, but I found bridgett sleeping beside him.... and I kinda got jealous so I slept beside him as well...
Amelia: *sigh* you're lucky tadayoshi changed so he probably won't get mad at you
Tracer: relax even if he didn't change, I know he wouldn't hurt me
Amelia: ... also bridgett!
Bridgett: *yawn*... good morning...
Amelia: what are you doing in here?
Bridgett: ... what?... isn't this my room?
Amelia/tracer: ...
Tracer: no... this is tadayoshis room...
Bridgett: what?...
Amelia: how are you here?
Bridgett: I think I needed to go to the bathroom last night, but when I was done, I couldn't see where I was going, so I walked in here, assuming it was my room
Tracer: ... so you had no intention to sleep with tadayoshi...
Bridgett: ... no... but I felt comfy and safe here
Amelia: *sigh* well I can let that slide since you did this by mistake
Tracer: also I'm surprised he hasn't woken up yet from your yelling
The girls stare at tadayoshi who was still snoring, bridgett leans over and shakes him a bit
Bridgett: hey... wake up... wake up...
Tadayoshi: zzz
Bridgett: ...
Tracer: I don't think that's gonna-
Suddenly they saw Bridgett headbutt Tadayoshi and they stared at her, completely confused.
Amelia: what are you doing?!
Bridgett looks at them and her head was bleeding, then she starts tearing up
Tracer: oh jellyfish!
Both tracer and Amelia runs to bridgett and pat her head with towel to cover her small bleeding.
Amelia: what were you thinking?!
Bridgett: I thought if I woke him up, he'll give me a head pat...
Amelia: by head butting him?!
Tracer: wait... how hard is his head?
Suddenly tadayoshi sits up straight quickly
Amelia/tracer: HE'S UP!
Tadayoshi: I smell ink...
Tracer: that was bridgett... she tried to wake you up with a head butt
Tadayoshi: ... why a head butt?...
Tracer: I don't know, but get changed while we fix bridgett, we will be waiting for you
Tadayoshi: alright...
The agents walk out of the room as tadayoshi gets up to change
Tadayoshi: "last night for some strange reason, it felt hot..."
After the agents bandages bridgetts head with a bandaid, tadayoshi makes his way downstairs
Tadayoshi: you girls ready?
Tracer: yep!
Tracer quickly swoops onto his arm and clings onto him
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: what? Can't a wife hang onto your arm~
Tadayoshi: we aren't even a thing
Tracer: well someday we might be~
Tadayoshi: I thought we agreed that you won't be a pervert?
Tracer: oh come on, being a bit of a pervert doesn't hurt you, and besides I can't help it to be a little perverted with a hot inkling next to me
Tadayoshi: *sigh* where are we going anyways?
Amelia: well, we agreed on bridgett choosing where to go first
Bridgett: Yes!
Tadayoshi: and that is
Bridgett suddenly takes tadayoshis hand and begins pulling onto him
Bridgett: come on! come on!
They exit out of the shrine and make their way to town
Tadayoshi: did any of you eat?
Amelia: why do you think we are leaving so soon?
Tadayoshi: oh, so where exactly are you guys gonna eat at?
Tracer: you'll see
Tadayoshi: stop trying to hide it from me, you know I don't eat that often
Tracer: well I can't really tell you, because we are already here
Tadayoshi looked up ahead to find a sushi place, he looks back to find the shrine behind him
Tadayoshi: ... are we really that close?
Amelia: I guess the building here was rebuilt into a sushi place
They walk inside to find out the sushi place was a Kaiten-zushi
Tadayoshi: ah this place
Amelia walks up to the register as bridgett sat down on the waiting room, swinging her feet back and forth
Bridgett: sushi! Sushi! Sushi!
Tracer: this place... is quite amazing
Tadayoshi: I guess
Tracer: what? you don't like it?
Tadayoshi: it's just not that interesting
Amelia: alright, we got our tables!
Bridgett: Yay!
Bridgett runs down and quickly finds their seats as the other walk
Bridgett: come sit with me tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: I'm coming, I'm coming
Tadayoshi sat beside her as Amelia and tracer sat next each other
Bridgett: can we eat now?
Amelia: yes you can, but make sure you keep the plates
Bridgett: Ok!
Bridgett quickly grabs a maguro tuna, and begins eating them, while tracer takes EBI shrimp and Amelia has a tamago egg
Bridgett: this is so good!
Tracer: ah! Hot!
Amelia: wasabi?
Tracer: yeah! Hot!
Tracer quickly gulps down some tea, as the others keep grabbing different types of sushi's on the conveyor belt
Amelia: you're weak *munch*
Tracer: I like to see you have some sushi with wasabi on it!
Amelia: sure
She turns and takes a plate of salmon nigiri that had wasabi and starts to eat them
Tracer: ... wtf
Amelia: I just have *munch* *munch* a strong tongue against spices *gulp*
Tracer: ... lucky
They continued eating as bridgett has mostly gone through most of the sushi's
Tadayoshi: slow down kid, you're gonna choke if you don't
Bridgett: I know, but *munch* *munch* they're so good!
Amelia: this is her 15th plate already?!
Tracer: well each plate only has two sushi so...
Amelia: I guess but...that's still 30 pieces
Tracer: well aren't you a mathematician smartass
Amelia: it's not that hard....since there's 15 plates with 2 pieces of sushi it's just some really easy multipli-
Tracer: yeah yeah, shut up
Tadayoshi sips some green tea as he notice a maki in front of him
Bridgett: try some
Tadayoshi: I'm good
Bridgett: Pleeeease!
Tadayoshi: *sigh* fine
Tadayoshi takes a bite of the maki only to taste nothing, while tracer and Amelia were looking at them in jealousy
Bridgett: how is it?
Tadayoshi: ... it's good
Bridgett: I'm glad you like it!
Tracer: say why not try some of mine
Tadayoshi: don't try to join in
Tracer: ... rats...
The other continue to eat, and piling up the plates in the table, until finally they stopped
Tracer: ahh... I'm stuffed...
Bridgett: that was good!
Soon the waiter comes and counts all the plates they have on the table
Waiter: that be $365.60
Amelia: hang on I'm gonna pay-
Amelia then notices tadayoshi pay the waiter the bill
Waiter: thank you for eating here!
Amelia: I said I would pay for it
Tadayoshi: I know, but I paid for it
He gets up and walks out the door as the others does the same and follow him
Tadayoshi: where to next
Amelia: I'm next?
Tracer: yep!
Amelia: oh, well come this way
This story is interrupted by a chibi bridgett feeding baby rabbits carrots
They begin walking for a while until they arrive at the shrine again
Tadayoshi: what?
Tracer: why are we back here?
Amelia: you'll see
They all walked inside and go through the hall to find a empty dojo
Tracer: oh
Amelia walks over to the other side of the room where the racks are and grabs two wooden swords and tosses one of them to tadayoshi
Amelia: fight me
Tadayoshi: huh?
Amelia: I want to get strong, I see you and.... Terrence fight against enemies that are stronger, kinda makes me feel weak
Tadayoshi: "did she argue at him?" Alright
They both got on either sides as they hold out their wooden swords
Bridgett: Ooooh this is gonna be fun
Tracer: well then I guess I will be the referee, are you two ready?
Amelia: yeah
Tadayoshi: mhm
Tracer: Start!
Amelia jumps towards at tadayoshi and swings an attack on him but tadayoshi blocks the attack
Amelia: don't go easy on me
Tadayoshi: I won't, but I want to chat while doing this
Amelia: fine by me
Tadayoshi pushes her back and Amelia continues to attack him, but he continues to block the attacks
Tadayoshi: did you and Terrence have a chat about the truth
Amelia: yes we did
Tadayoshi: are you upset about it?
Amelia goes to strike again, and tadayoshi block her.
Amelia: I'm a little upset, but we didn't have any huge argument, so I just want to be away from him for a bit
Tadayoshi: alright
Amelia was pushed back again, but she soon notice that tadayoshi disappears
Amelia: where did he-
Suddenly Amelia felt and strong aura behind her, but as she turns around to see, she felt as if death was coming straight at her
Tadayoshi: I win
Amelia was in a bit of shock when she sees the wooden sword almost hit her
Amelia: how did you... learn all of this stuff
Tadayoshi: I... had some history with my... former master and... I pretty much train when I'm not busy
Amelia: ...
Bridgett: That was totally wicked! Tadayoshi looked like he teleported behind you, but actually was just fast! It's was cool!
Amelia: hehe yeah...
Tracer: well... what do you know, look at the time it's almost late, now it's my turn!
Tracer grabs onto tadayoshis arm and begins pulling him away
Bridgett: hey don't leave us!
Tracer: you better hurry then!
Amelia: you can go ahead bridgett, I just need to catch a breath
Bridgett: ok!
Bridgett runs off with tracer and tadayoshi as Amelia was alone in the dojo
Amelia: who was your master tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi was in the spa room which happened to be a mixed room
Tadayoshi: "how did I end up here..."
Bridgett was already in the bath, relax while playing with a rubber duck
Tracer: mind if I wash your back
Tadayoshi: ...fine...
Tracer smiles as she grabs a sponge and starts washing his back. As she washes his back, she notices the scars that were all over his back
Tracer: ... how long did you had those scars?
Tadayoshi: I don't want to talk about it...
Tracer: I know... it hard for you to look into the past, you just don't want to rethink about what happened
Tadayoshi: yeah...
Tracer: but... you know not all scars are bad, like this one
He felt her finger pointing at the bite marks that tooth gave him
Tadayoshi: how so?
Tracer: well you got those marks for protecting us and the idols from him... you sacrificed a lot for us... why?
Tadayoshi: ... I don't know
Tracer: heh
Tadayoshi then felt her wrapping her arms around and hugging him
Tracer: I'm sure you'll find out why... you just need patience
Tadayoshi: yeah... maybe...
Bridgett: No fair!
Both tracer and tadayoshi turns at bridgett who was standing in front of them
Bridgett: you get to have tracer touching you! I want a hug as well
Bridgett leap in the air and tackles tadayoshi with a hug
Tracer: careful bridgett!
Bridgett: no I want to hug him like you did!
Tadayoshi: both of you chill out!
Tadayoshi stands up as he tries to get himself some room from them
Amelia: I knew you guys would be in here, since-
As soon Amelia enters the spa, and she saw bridgett hugging tadayoshi while tracer is behind him
Amelia: what are you-
Suddenly she notices tadayoshis towel that was covering his waist, slide off, which causes her to see something between tadayoshi legs
Amelia: ah- ah-!
Amelia suddenly has a nosebleed and falls unconscious, while tadayoshi quickly covers himself
Tracer: Amelia!
Bridgett: You killed her tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: No I did not!
After that, they later brought Amelia to bed to rest, while the other try to forget what just happen
Next chapter release Wednesday
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