Chapter 98: hangout with the squid sisters 2

Tadayoshi was sleeping in his bed after a long day yesterday from hanging out with the off the hook. Soon the sliding door opens as Callie walks in and lays beside him

Callie: when you sleep, it's so cute

Tadayoshi: zzz

Marie: Callie

Callie: Gah!

She quickly turns to see Marie at the door

Callie: heyyyy Marie

Marie: I thought I told you to just wake him up?

Callie: uhhh... I am

Marie: really? Well to me, it looked like you were about to sleep with him

Callie: ... noooo

Marie: *sigh* honestly Callie, you need to stop trying to make a move on him

Callie: oh come on Marie, you would've done the same if you were to wake him up

Marie: ...

Callie: are you blushing?

Marie: shut it Callie

Callie: hehe

Tadayoshi: *groan*

The squid sisters turn back to tadayoshi, to see him sitting up

Marie: oh you're awake

Callie: morning tadayoshi!

Callie tackles a hug on him as he rubs his eyes

Tadayoshi: let me guess, today I'm gonna hangout with you two?

Callie: yep!

Marie: it's fine if you don't want-

Tadayoshi: hang on, let me get changed and I'll be there

Marie/Callie: ...

Tadayoshi: what?

Marie: d-did you just...

Callie: accept the invite?

Tadayoshi: *sigh* look I was a dick and a douchebag, and I'm sorry, I... didn't want thing to happen to you guys

Marie blushes a bit as she looks away as Callie hugs him

Callie: so you do care about us

Tadayoshi: don't take it too far...

Callie: so you would be fine if I hug you?

Tadayoshi: ... yeah

Callie: maybe se-

Marie punches her head

Callie: ow

Marie: don't take it too far Callie, but you want us to leave so you can change?

Tadayoshi: that would be nice

Marie: ok, come on Callie

Marie drags Callie out of the room and they head downstairs to finish their breakfast

Callie: I'm so glad tadayoshi's changed!

Marie: I guess something happened with him and off the hook

Callie: maybe

Callie dumps the rice into her mouth and gobbles down the food, while Marie tries to finish her breakfast

Marie: so where are you gonna take tadayoshi?

Callie: well... I heard somewhere in Kyoto they are making rice cakes hand made and I want to try some!

Marie: of course

Callie: what about you?

Marie: well... honestly, I just want sit under a cherry tree together as look out at the view

Callie: sounds kinda boring

Marie: hey! Was it boring when we did that back when we were young?

Callie: ... no

Marie: I thought so

Callie: but you know since tadayoshi has changed, I want to see what else I can do with him

Marie: Callie

Callie: relax, I won't go that far to see if he-

Tadayoshi: oi

The girls look up the stairs to see tadayoshi coming down

Tadayoshi: let me know when you girls are ready, I'll be waiting

Marie: alright!

Marie finishes up eating and they both head towards tadayoshi, who was waiting for them at the door

Callie: we are ready!

Callie suddenly turns into a squid and jumps into his kimono

Marie: Callie!

Tadayoshi: it's fine...

Marie: y-your ok with that?

Tadayoshi: as long she doesn't make it feel uncomfortable

Marie: oh... well are you fine with this?

Marie takes his hand and leans close to him

Tadayoshi: sure

Marie: oh... wow

Tadayoshi: so where are we heading?

They begin to walk out of the shrine and they head off to the town

Marie: "you really did change...."


Tadayoshi and Marie were walking for a while until they arrived at place where a bunch of people are selling street food

Callie: HOLY!

Callie jumps out of tadayoshis kimono and begins running around the place to see what kind of food they had

Marie: well, since she is looking around, how are your bandages doing?

Tadayoshi: fine

Marie: that's good to hear... I guess

Callie: guys! Come and make some mochi with me!

They look ahead to see Callie pounding down some mochi

Tadayoshi: ... is there anything else she likes than food

Marie: well you and-

Tadayoshi: ok Nevermind

They walked up to Callie, who was already eating some mochi

Marie: Callie, you just ate you know

Callie: doesn't hurt to have like snack but give this a try

Marie: Alright

Callie hands Marie a mallet and Marie starts to pound down the mochi

Marie: this is... kinda tiring, I'm surprised you were able to do this

Callie: hey!

Marie continues pounding for a bit before giving the mallet to tadayoshi

Marie: here, give it a try

Tadayoshi: I'm good

Callie why not?

Tadayoshi: I just don't want to

Callie: come on it won't hurt

Tadayoshi: ... fine

Tadayoshi takes the mallet and starts to pound the mochi

Callie: see, it ain't so bad

Tadayoshi: yeah, yeah

After pounding some mochi, they continue to walk around the place as Callie was fascinated by the people making the street food

Marie: I'll admit, watching them cook is quite fascinating, I wonder if Terrence could do that

Tadayoshi: most likely, but he would be yelling at everyone here

Marie: *giggles* yeah

Soon Callie comes back with some cheese tarts

Marie: what's that?

Callie: cheese tarts, here try them

She takes one from callie and takes a bit out of it

Marie: yeah *munch munch* this is good

Callie: want some tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: I can't taste

Callie: oh... right...

Tadayoshi: ... but doesn't mean I'm not gonna take it

Tadayoshi goes to grab one from her, but she pulls them away from him

Callie: don't worry, I'll give you one

She puts one in her mouth and leans toward him, so he can take a bite out of it

Marie: Callie!

Callie: relax, I'm joking, he won't-

Suddenly, tadayoshi rips the cheese tarts from her mouth and eat it as Callie and Marie was shocked but turns bright red

Tadayoshi: what, you wanted me to taste one so I did

Marie: y-yeah...

Callie: umm... lets go try some other food!

Callie runs off embarrassed while covering her face

Callie: "d-does that count as a indirect kiss!? Wait why am I feeling like this? I kissed him before! I-.... actually that kiss didn't he loved me before..."

Marie: hey! Don't leave us behind! You'll get lost

Callie: sorry

Tadayoshi: just lead the way, but don't get lost will you

Tadayoshi takes her hand, as Callie was shocked a bit but smiles at him

Callie: yeah

The three of them went to each stand trying out some street food such as the crepes, fish cakes, etc, for a couple of hours

Callie: ahh that was good

Marie: honestly Callie, I told you don't eat everything or you won't be able to eat supper

Callie: don't worry, I'm stopping... for now

Marie: Callie!

Callie: I'm joking, I'm joking hehe

Marie: *sigh*

Callie: so where do you want to go to?

Marie: well, follow me

Callie: ok-

Suddenly Marie changes into a squid and jumps into tadayoshi kimono

Marie: I-If you did it callie! I'm doing it as well

Callie: hehe I knew you would

She then grabs onto tadayoshis arm and leans against him

Callie: lead the way Marie!

Tadayoshi: you two...


This story is interrupted a chibi Makoto trying to impress a woman, but chibi Akari calls him a simp for that


After walking for a bit, they  soon arrived at the cherry blossom tree

Callie: woah...

Marie jumps out of tadayoshis kimono, and turns back into her humanoid form

Marie: told you cherry blossoms are beautiful

Callie: yeah... reminds me of our childhood

Marie: yeah...

They walk past through the tree, until they come across a bench, where they sat down and look out at the city view

Callie: woah...

Marie: see Callie, you can always enjoy the view of the place instead of eating all of the time

Callie: hey, food is the best you know!

Marie: whatever, what do you think tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: this is nice...

Marie: it is....

Tadayoshi: but even though the world is beautiful... you have to remember that we are nothing but plagues to the world, and we're slowly killing it...

Marie: I know...

Callie: hey! Don't think negative right now, we are having some quality time together

Tadayoshi: Alright....

The three of them went quiet for a bit as both Callie and Marie begin to lean on tadayoshi arms

Marie: say tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: eh?

Marie: what was your childhood like?

Tadayoshi: childhood.... I don't want to talk about that...

Marie: oh it's fine...

Callie: I guess something happened? Well I remember back in the day, when me and Marie sat together at the summer festival at our hometown and watch the fireworks together with gramps

Marie: ... you actually remember that?

Callie: hey! I don't forget things! I'm just lazy

Tadayoshi: sounds like you...

Callie: see

Marie: alright, alright

Callie: also... can I request something tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: *sigh* what do you want then?

Callie: a kiss!

Tadayoshi: ... what?

Callie: yeah, but like more loved like what you did to tracer

Tadayoshi: ... uhh

Callie: please

Marie: hang on Callie! You can't just kiss someone like that! You know I'm here!

Callie: hehe well I'm just gonna do it here so I can beat ahead of you to get that real kiss

Marie: don't even start

Tadayoshi: ok you know what, it's getting late, so let's get back

Tadayoshi quickly gets up to leave, but as soon he starts to walk away, he felt something jumping into his kimono

Callie: what are you doing here?!

Marie: come on, I just want to be here... it feel nice here

Tadayoshi: both of you just share will you!


After arriving back at the shrine, tadayoshi heads upstairs to bed while the squid sisters stayed awake, as they were eating dinner

Callie: that was *munch* kinda fun

Marie: it felt nice to see him different

Callie: *gulp* thank god marina and pearl did something about it

Marie: by the way, why did you ask him to kiss you?

Callie: ... well... the last one I didn't... felt any love in it

Marie: I hope you're not just saying that so you can do it again

Callie: no I'm serious!

Marie: *munch munch* if you say so

Makoto: well if you want a kiss there is a thing I know

The girls turn to see Makoto peeping out in the corner

Marie: oh its you

Makoto: Hwat kind of answer is that?!

Callie: so what's the thing you know

Makoto: well... the summer festival is coming close, but if you held hands with someone that you love when the first fireworks is launched, its mean that you will be bound together

Marie/Callie: ...

Marie: so your saying...

Callie: if we held his hand when the first fireworks is launched...

Marie/Callie: "we will be bound together!"

Makoto: yeah... also I know you girls are hiding there

Suddenly the sliding door collapses as they see the girls there

Marie: you girls were listening!

Pearl: noo....

Marina: we were just passing by and-

Bridgett: so holding tadayoshis hand means I will be bounded with him!

Makoto: yes

Bridgett: I'm going to hold his hand!

Amelia: you really had to tell them that

Makoto: oh come on, I know you want to as well

Amelia: ...

Tracer: look we can all agree that I should hold his hand

Girls: AS IF!

Soon the girls were in a complete argument, as Makoto watches

Makoto: well... he's quite a lucky bastard

Akari: seriously why would you tell them that!

Makoto: I don't know, maybe just like watching the darkling going through trouble with his harem

Akari: *sigh*

Makoto: oh come on it's funny, I mean, would you like it if I held you hand

Akari then punches his in the head

Makoto: ow...

Alari: ... idiot...

Somewhere outside the room, H1P-H0P and yui were listening but wasnt part of the argument

Yui: "I have to hold on to senpai hand!"

H1P-H0P: "even if he tries to reject me!"

Somewhere upstairs, tadayoshi was covering his ear with a pillow from the argument he hears downstairs

Tadayoshi: I just want to sleep...


Violet and Tadayoshi were sitting at Violets dinner table together along with Terrence and Cherry playing a game of cards.

Tadayoshi: uh....i place down my splashwall?

Violet: Haha Tadayoshi!!

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: you fell right into my trap!


Violet: i place down my kraken. Which blows through your splashwall and hits you for 6 damage!

Tadayoshi:.....I'm so confused....

Violet: uuuuugh Tadayoshi i explained the rules to you like 7 times

Tadayoshi: i don't play card games

Terrence: how about we play dungeons and krakens?

Cherry: that game is boring  -_-

Terrence: wha-dungeons and krakens is a amazing game!!

Cherry: you disgust me

Violet: cherry don't be rude to Terrence

Tadayoshi: *nods in agreement* demons

Tadayoshi: do you have to deal with her calling you that?

Violet: yeah, she always calls me that

Cherry: now we have 2 demons in the room....more fun....woohoo...


Terrence: so is that a no on the dungeons and krakens ooooor?

Cherry pulled her pink katana out of her sheath and pointed it at Terrence.

Cherry: i have a better game. Let's fight and see who's the better katana user

Terrence: oh you're on

The two began to fight with their katanas while Tadayoshi and Violet just sat at the table completely confused.

Violet: so much for game night....

Tadayoshi: wanna grab something to eat?

Violet: hell yeah!! Can we get fries?!

Tadayoshi: only if you pay for them

Violet: awe what?!

Tadayoshi: I'll let you choose the place if you pay


Tadayoshi: *shrugs* sure I'm just gonna get a tea though

The two walked out of the house while Terrence and Cherry clashed katanas and glared at eachother.

Next chapter releases Sunday

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