Chapter 97: Hangout with Off the Hook 2

Marina: hey... Wake up!

Tadayoshi: *groan*

Tadayoshi turns away and he still tries to stay in bed

Pearl: come on! Wake up!

Pearl grabs his blanket pulls it as marina opens the curtains

Tadayoshi: *groan* what?

Marina: well... you promised you'll da- I mean hangout with us

Pearl: yeah, so we can't let you sleep all day when we can be spending time together

Tadayoshi: no... I want to sleep

After the party, the others were welcomed to stay at the shrine, which is now halfway repaired, thanks to the samurais and the townspeople

Pearl: you made a deal with us, so you can't deny that

Tadayoshi: *sigh* fine... now get out so I can change

Pearl: ... well it's doesn't hurt to stay, I can just

Marina then covers Pearls eyes and they got up to leave

Marina: we're going, we're going

Pearl: I was joking Marina

They exit out of the room and wait for him to be done changing

Marina: he's acting the way as we expected

Pearl: yeah... but let's hope our talk can somewhat fix him

Marina: I hope so... cause I miss when he accepts our invites

Pearl: you want to head down and see what they made us for breakfast?

Marina: sure

Both marina and pearl heads downstairs to find the chefs setting their Mixed rice with either ikura or uni, Eggs with furikake, and Grilled fish.

Marina: woah...

Pearl: looks like lunch or dinner food rather than breakfast

Marina: I guess, that's how Japanese tradition food works

Both pearl and marina start to eat and they enjoy the taste of the food

Pearl: these eggs are so good!

Marina: yeah, the fish as well!

Tadayoshi: what's the point of waking me up when you guys are eating?

Marina: I don't know, but how are the bandages?

Tadayoshi: fine, just a couple cuts on my body

Pearl: a couple?! More like a lot!!

Tadayoshi: whatever...

Tadayoshi sits down at the far end of them, drinking some warm green tea

Marina: say, do you-

Tadayoshi: how many times do I have to tell you, I can't taste

Marina: I know but-

Tadayoshi: but no, I don't want any

Marina: ...

Pearl it's ok rina, we'll fix him

Marina: yeah

Both marina and pearl finishes up eating, and the waitress takes their plates

Pearl: we'll be right back, and then we will be ready!

Both marina and pearl head to the bathroom to go brush their teeth, leaving tadayoshi alone in room

Tadayoshi: ... I could've been sleeping the whole time... more tea ma'am

Few minutes later, both pearl and marina exits out of the bathroom, and they see tadayoshi already waiting for them

Tadayoshi: done?

Marina: yep!

Tadayoshi: so where exactly are going?

Pearl: well... there is somewhere I want to stop first, if that's ok with you rina

Marina: go ahead! I can wait for mine

Pearl: thank you!

Both pearl and marina head out of the shrine as tadayoshi follows him

Tadayoshi: "why do I bother..."


They walk down the street as both marina and pearl were clinging onto tadayoshi arms

Tadayoshi: would you two let go?

Pearl: nahhh, I'm good!

Marina: well... ummm, I'm shy

Tadayoshi: you perform live most of the time so I doubt you are

Marina: ...

Tadayoshi moves his arms away from pearl and marina and begins to walk ahead of them

Marina: should we chat with him now?

Pearl: we'll I want to do something first

They both walked around town for a while until they came to the same clothing shop where tadayoshi got his kimono

Cashier: ah welcome back!

Tadayoshi: yeah yeah why are we here again?

Pearl: well we are in Kyoto so it shouldn't hurt for us to wear kimonos

Tadayoshi: sure... I guess

Marina: umm do you have any that will fit me?

Cashier: we sure do, let me find you one!

Pearl: must be hard to find clothing that will cover your breasts

Marina: pearlie!

Cashier: here, try this on!

The cashier hands marina a kimono that looked quiet large

Marina: umm... are you sure this will work?

Cashier: of course!

Pearl: come on! Let's try these on rina!

Both pearl and marina enters the changing room as tadayoshi waits for them

Cashier: so which one of them is your girlfriend?

Tadayoshi: excuse me?

Cashier: I mean, are they your girlfriends?

Tadayoshi: no they're not

Cashier: but I'm sure one of them will be! Maybe both of them!

Tadayoshi: ...

Cashier: you have a amazing Octoling woman, who is not only beautiful but has a perfect beautiful body, which let's be honest, it's rare for guys to have as a girlfriend! Then you have the small one, who is nothing but adorableness and slightly thicc which most guys wou-

Tadayoshi then grabs onto his face and starts to squeeze his face

Tadayoshi: you talk to much...

Cashier: Relax, I'm just cheering you on since you're quiet lucky to be hanging out with such beautiful women!

Tadayoshi: ...

Tadayoshi finally lets go of him as he still sees the cashier smiling at him

Cashier: as besides you can't hurt me, I'm an idiot! Hahahaha!

Tadayoshi: "I'm gonna kill this man!"

Soon pearl and marina finally exit out of the changing room

Pearl: well...

Marina: what do you think?

Tadayoshi: Looks good

Cashier: it's beautiful! And they fit perfectly on you guys!

Tadayoshi: by the way I'm not paying for your clothing

Marina: of course you won't...

Pearl goes to pull out her wallet but the cashier suddenly stops her

Cashier: I'm sorry but I won't exept your money!

Pearl: what!

The cashier then points at tadayoshi

Cashier: you are going to pay for it!

Tadayoshi: huh!


Suddenly tadayoshi grabs his head again and starts to squeeze again

Tadayoshi: do you want to die!

Marina: tadayoshi...

Cashier: go ahead! Kill me! You won't earn anything from it! And besides hiding your true feelings will make this worst for them

Tadayoshi: ....

He finally lets go of the cashier

Tadayoshi: I know...

Tadayoshi pays the bills and walks out of the store

Pearl: ... the chat has to happen now, come on rina!

As they go to leave out the store, the cashier gives them a thumbs up as good luck

Cashier: ahhh, young love...


This story is interrupted by a chibi marina and chibi pearl fanning themselves and having and holding a umbrella above them


Pearl: Hey! wait!

Both marina and pearl catches up to tadayoshi and grabs his shoulders

Pearl: we need to talk!

Tadayoshi: we can just talk here

Marina: it's... personal

Tadayoshi: ... fine

They begin to walk into an alleyway so they can chat privately

Pearl: now... what's your problem!

Tadayoshi: what do you mean?

Pearl: look, you've been rejecting our invites, acting like a dick, and you've been more cold than usual. Where is the old chad you?!

Tadayoshi: chad?

Pearl: you wouldn't.....get it...

Tadayoshi: aren't I always that way?

Marina: no... you've been more nicer and always accept our invites and all but-

Tadayoshi: I think you guys are just thinking too much

Pearl: no we're not! Ever since Alex-

Pearl suddenly went quiet as marina was confused for a bit until she realized why

Marina: oh...

Tadayoshi: what?

Pearl: your still not over Alex huh?

Tadayoshi: what are you talking about?

Marina: you don't have to hide it...

Tadayoshi: it's not about Alex...

Pearl: We know it's hard for you, but-


Pearl/marina: ...

Tadayoshi: *sigh*'s little bit about....Alex but... it's not just that...

Pearl: what's that matter then?...

Tadayoshi: ... look, back when I was taking care of Alex, I was worried about her being a target for the darklings so I tried to keep her away from me...but she refused my attempts, so I gave up on it and let her be... it was my biggest regret...

Pearl/marina: ...

Tadayoshi: after Alex was killed, I....didn't know how to feel anymore...I know you girls are close to me, I'm.... worried that all of you will be a target as well... so if I act cold and all, you'd all stay away from me and I won't have to lose anyone and none of you will be targets for the darklings, so-

Suddenly marina slaps tadayoshi across the face

Pearl: rina!...

Tadayoshi looks back at marina who was holding back her tears

Marina: we are not weak!... yes I understand you are worried about us, but don't think you'll lose us like Alex! I know she was a strong girl, but do you think she would want you to keep us away?!

Tadayoshi: ...

Marina: look at us! We've been through a lot of dangerous things! Drake and his stupid lust machine! We went to an overlord territory that could've killed us! Do you really think we can just die on you that easily! Just please... please stop worrying about us so much! We will continue to live on for you! We won't die on you!

Pearl: ... rina...

Tadayoshi: ... I'm sorry

He wraps his arms around her, comforting her

Tadayoshi: I'm sorry I was acting cold to you all... I'm sorry

Pearl: Hey! I'm here too you know!

Pearl suddenly jumps onto them and hugs them both

Marina: you promise you won't believe we will die on you?

Tadayoshi: ...yeah... I promise...


Soon both marina and pearl were clinging onto tadayoshi arm as they were walking around town again

Pearl: are you sure if you're ok with doing this now?

Tadayoshi: honestly I'd like some space but, if you're happy doing it this way, I'm fine with that

Pearl: you still have that emo expression on your face though

Tadayoshi: can't really give expressions that much

Pearl: so rina, where did you want to go?

Marina: well... there's something I have in mind...

They begin walking for a while, until they came to a shrine

Pearl: what brings us here?

Marina: well I heard that if you put a little change into the big red box at the entrance of the honden, and ring the bell. Bow twice, then clap your hands twice and bow one last time. You can wish something in the future

Tadayoshi: honestly I don't believe in that kind of stuff

Pearl: do you ever believe in anything?

Tadayoshi: fate... I believe in fate

Pearl: fate?

Tadayoshi: yeah, so if I died sooner or later, that will be fates decision

Marina: ... well, you guys want to give it a try though

Pearl: hell yeah!

Tadayoshi: sure, even though I don't believe in god (no offense to anyone that does believe in him)

The three of them walk up to the big red box and throw some change before ringing the ball. They clap their hands twice as they bow and pray.

Pearl: is that really all you wanted to do marina?

Marina: well... all I just want is to spent time with you guys mostly that all, and I got what I wanted

Pearl: aww rina!

Tadayoshi: ...

Marina: you ok tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: yeah I'm fine... just thinking, let's just get going

Suddenly tadayoshi grabs both of their hands

Pearl: uh?!

Marina: wha-?!

Tadayoshi looks back at them with their face bright red

Tadayoshi: what's the matter with you two?

Pearl: n-nothing...

Marina: y-yeah... nothing at all

Tadayoshi: ... come on let's go...

The three begin walking out back to street, continuing to spend time together until sunset

Pearl: well today was fun

Marina: yeah, what about you

Tadayoshi: it's was good... I guess

Pearl: come on, put out a smile on your face for once

Tadayoshi: I'm good

Marina: are you sure you're over it?

Tadayoshi: yes I am, I just... don't like smiling

Pearl/marina: ...

Tadayoshi: maybe someday I will, come on you two

Tadayoshi begins walking ahead of them as pearl and marina looks at him and smiles until catching up with him as they make their way back to the shrine

Pearl: how many days do we got until we have to go back to inkopolis?

Tadayoshi: *shrugs*

Marina: well... I'm glad we had some time together

Tadayoshi: yeah...


Violet: awww so you do care about them

Tadayoshi: yeah yeah...

Violet: do you love them?

Tadayoshi: ...

Violet: come oooon, I'm sure your blu-

Suddenly tadayoshi grabs onto violet horns

Tadayoshi: keep this up, and I will break your horns


Tadayoshi lets go of her and crosses his arms at her.

Violet: you dick!

Tadayoshi: shut up

Violet:......don't you think it's weird?

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: that like.....we have the same harems?

Tadayoshi: well yeah did way more....kinky stuff with your idols than i did with mine

Violet:....lets uh....not talk about that

Tadayoshi: just like the one time you had sex with Pearl

Violet: *whimpers* please stop!!!

Tadayoshi: and the time you let Calli-

Violet: i will kill you!!

Tadayoshi: please do it


Next chapter releases Wednesday

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