Chapter 95: the fall of the shogun

Both Terrence and Gutamoro glares at each other, waiting for one of them to move

Terrence: "I don't know what he is capable of, I know he was able to kill my father by doing some cheap shot, but now his followers are down... what is he capable of?"

Soon Terrence noticed Gutamoro starting to spin his blade around in front of him

Gutamoro: fine...if you won't make the first move....then I will

Suddenly Gutamoro sprints past him, and Terrence doesn't even see him.

Terrence: "w-where did he?...."

suddenly Terrence felt his chest being cut open many times and blood gushed out of him.

Terrence: what the hell?!

Terrence looks back and he notices Gutamoro coming to strike him again, but Terrence manages to block his attack

Terrence: "he's fast...and strong"

Gutamoro starts to continue swinging at him rapidly as Terrence continues to back up, blocking his attacks

Gutamoro: even in pain, you're quite impressive to be able to block those attacks!

Gutamoro takes another swing and Terrence grits his teeth in anger and blocks the attack.

Terrence: you think I'm going to let you kill me so easily?! You killed my father with a lame trick because you were scared of him......but now.....I'll avenge him...and kill you

Terrence pushes back his attack as he held his katana back and took a big swing, creating an ink sword beam. The beam hit Gutamoro, sending him flying and smashes into the stairway to the temple. Terrence turns to a squid and super jumps to where Gutamoro landed

Gutamoro: me? Being killed? Ha! It's you who is going to die here

Gutamoro jumps out of the rumble and goes to strike him but Terrence blocks his attack and he began sliding back from Gutamoro pushing him. Both struggled to push each other back but Gutamoro smiles as he held his sword with one hand and punches Terrence with his other hand, sending Terrence flying back into a building

Terrence: " *grunts*....dammit that punch actually.....hurt"

Terrence gets out of the rumble and he notices Gutamoro waiting for him

Gutamoro: I'm finishing this fight

Gutamoro held his sword back as the others that were watching the fight soon felt an aura around Gutamoro

Akari: oh no...

Amelia: oh no?


The group got down as Gutamoro takes the swing. as Gutamoro swung, everything around him in a 10 mile radius was split in half and was flying up in the air

Marie: holy...

Pearl: shit...

Soon the objects that were cut and flying soon began raining down as Gutamoro put his sword away.

Gutamoro: *tsk*

Terrence: don't think this fight is over

Gutamoro turns back and the dust clears away to see Terrence still standing there

Gutamoro: I'm surprised you all managed to dodge that attack

Terrence: don't underestimate me... but I would like to learn that attack

Gutamoro: oh please, you'll never be able to handle that kind of attack!

Terrence: we'll see about it

Gutamoro quickly pulls out his sword and jumps towards at him while Terrence does the same, as they clash again and both trying to hit each other while the objects continue to rain down


The other stand up and they continue to watch the fight

BeatBox: what kind of attack was that?!

Akari: I haven't seen that attack for a long time

Tracer: do you mind if I ask something?

Makoto: sure

Tracer: what's his problem? I mean there's got to be a reason why he acts like this?

Makoto: ... we didn't really know much about him, because he barely talked to anyone about his past, but I heard that he hated that no one thanked him for doing anything

H1P-H0P: well how did you guys meet him

Rōjin: we met him when we began our entry exams to join the Samurai's, but he was always watching us

Marina: that kinda sounds... disturbing

Akari: why?

Marina: it's like he's stalking you and just watching whatever you guys do

Akari: n-no he didn't mean it like that, but back then there were rumors that he lost his sick, old father, which was the reason why he acts like this?

Bridgett: fathers death? ... that reminds me of something... but I don't remember

Tadayoshi: "what happen to your parents kid?"

Akari: but over the years, he been cold lately but always does what we Samurai's always do, but we later learn the background of his followers... but we really didn't pay attention to those

Pearl: what happened to Gutamoros followers exactly?

Akari: ummm there was a rumor that chikara ate someone alive, kieko... lost his face?... and doku... I don't know... I heard he joined because so he can kill people

Yui: ... and none of you or the samurai found out about it?

Makoto: no one knew their backgrounds until later on and we didn't know why they haven't been kicked out before

Callie: weird...

BeatBox: I want to learn about their backgrounds

Rōjin: we'll tell you later... for now, I want to see how this fight will go

Bridgett: but you can't see... how can you?

Back at the fight, both Terrence and Gutamoro each takes the cuts from their enemies blade as they continue to hit each other. Soon Terrence jumps back from one of Gutamoros attacks

Gutamoro: what are you being afraid for?

Terrence: nope I just want to try something

Terrence points his katana as him as green ink crawls onto his blade. Suddenly Terrence thrusted forward, creating a small shockwave and creating a tunnel through a building

Terrence: "it worked!"

Gutamoro: and you're wide open!

Gutamoro goes to swing at Terrence but he swing his ink covered katana, blocking his attack. Gutamoro then notice his sword started to crack a bit

Gutamoro: what!

He quickly jumps back and looks at his sword

Gutamoro: my sword...

Terrence: I guess if your sword skills are bad, then it's more likely your sword will break

Gutamoro: don't think my sword will be broken that soon Terrence!

Gutamoro strikes down on the ground with his sword, suddenly the ground begins to crack and soon they were sent flying in the air with the ground to lift them up in the air

Makoto: that's the skill I just used!

Akari: I guess it's a common skill

Makoto: ...T-T

Gutamoro: Let's see if you can fight me in the air!

Both Gutamoro and Terrence lands on a large piece of concrete where they continued fighting

Gutamoro: you know, you won't get anything from fighting me

Terrence: I don't care! I only care about my fathers legacy right now!

Gutamoro: legacy? Ha! Your fathers legacy was nothing but trash! He couldn't even beat me in a square fight!

Terrence: that's why... I will carry his will so he can rest in piece

Both Gutamoro and Terrence goes to take a big swing as they both clash, but Gutamoro sword breaks and he felt his chest gets cut and then gets shot up in the air by Terrence ink sword beam

Gutamoro: why... why...

This story is interrupted by a chibi bridgett dresses up as nezuko and chibi Amelia dressed up as tanjuro, waving at y/n


Years ago:

Young Gutamoro: hey dad... I did it...

Young Gutamoro was in a hospital talking to his father that was on the hospital bed. His father was old and sick

Young Gutamoro: I finally became a samurai! Like you wanted me to become!

Father: I glad you finally-

Young Gutamoro: now what do I get in return?

Father: what?

Young Gutamoro: I did everything like what you wanted! I became a samurai for you, now that I did everything for you, now you have to give me something back in return!

Father: ...son, do I look like can do something for you in return?

Young Gutamoro: huh?

Father: being a samurai was your choice to become, I never wanted you to be one but I would be happy to see you as one. You chose this yourself

Young Gutamoro: I see...

Father: I'm glad you-

Young Gutamoro: if you can't repay that favor...

Young Gutamoro stands up and slowly walks towards him

Father: what are you-

A few minutes later, Gutamoro walks out of the room with the plug being pulled

Young Gutamoro: ... then that will be your punishment for not returning to favor... dad

Present time:

Gutamoro opens his eye as veins pop out his head in anger

Gutamoro: why can't you... understand how people should... return the favor after everything we do!

He grips his sword as he cuts the ink sword beam that was pushing him and uses a concrete behind him to boost him foreword towards Terrence

Gutamoro: people don't understand that this "being nice" thing is shit! So don't get in my way for ruling this empire!

Gutamoro takes one swing on the concrete Terrence was standing on, but Terrence jumps out of there. As soon Terrence jumped out, the stone was then cut into pieces

Terrence then jumps from concrete to concrete, dodging all of Gutamoro cuts as he continues to split every stone into piece, until there was nothing left.


Terrence: I don't need anything from them...

Terrence closes his eyes and he held out his katana and takes a deep breath, as Gutamoro starts flying towards him with his sword coming at him

Gutamoro: BURN IN HELL... TERRENCE!!!!

Terrence: after all...

Suddenly Terrence zips past Gutamoro and lands on the surface as they both were still. Suddenly Gutamoro blade shatters, his armor breaks and Gutamoro felt his entire body being cut up. Gutamoro falls to the ground, unconscious

Terrence: I have everything I want with me...


Stones begins raining down as the others see Gutamoro defeated

BeatBox: he... did it...

Akari: we... won

Makoto: WE WON!

Akari, BeatBox, and Makoto begins celebrating their win as the other run toward Terrence

Yui: senpai!

Yui tackles Terrence in a hug after he puts away his katana

Yui: are you alright! Are you hurt

Terrence: I'm fine....ow.......kinda

H1P-H0P: easy on him Yui, he's still hurt

Yui: oh I'm sorry

Amelia: that was quite a fight you were in

Tracer: come on, let's get you patched up

Tracer and Amelia helps him up as Terrence looks at tadayoshi, who nods at him

Pearl: now that the battle is over... now what?

Akari: let's just celebrate! We'll party until we drop!

Bridgett: are we gonna have pretzels there?

Callie: just food in general?!

Akari: yeah! Duh!

Callie/Bridgett: YES!

Marie: hey where did that old man go?

Rōjin: I'm here...

The other turn to find a bunch of corrupt samurai behind him

Marina: uhhh are they-

Rōjin: don't worry they surrendered and changed sides... I already had them get Gutamoro and his followers

Soon they see the samurai with chikara and kieko under arrest, along Gutamoro, who is still unconscious

Akari: is that all of them?

Samurai: well... they're getting doku right now

Akari: good to hear

Makoto: soo... what are we gonna do with them?

Marina: I think we can handle them

Makoto: huh?

Marie: we have some criminal locked up at where we usually live so we can handle them

Akari: uhh you sure?

Marie: of course

Makoto: if you say so... just lock them all up in the dungeon for the time being

Samurai: yes sir

The samurai starts to bring their prisoners to the dungeon for them stay for the time being

Marie: I already called gramps, he'll be here soon to pick them up

Rōjin: thank you young lady

A few minutes later the samurai starts to clean up the mess a bit as the other were getting themselves ready to celebrate their victory

H1P-H0P: now that the fight is over! Let's party!

The other cheers as Terrence was laying on the bed being patched up

Amelia: there! You should be fine for now

Terrence: thanks

Amelia: now, I'll leave you here with your girlfriend

Terrence: what?

Yui: senpai!~

Yui wraps her arm around him as Amelia leaves him be

Terrence: oh...

Yui: you were so amazing in that fight

Terrence: hehe yeah... thanks

Yui: are you gonna announce something to them?

Terrence: what do you mean

Yui: well you won so you should say something about your victory speech

Terrence: yeah... maybe later

Terrence looks up at the sky and give a smile

Terrence: "I finally did it father... you can rest in piece now..."


The arc has finally came to a conclusion, we will now be continuing random chapter for the time being!

Tadayoshi: and then the crossover?

Uhhh yeah...

Tadayoshi: great... now I have to deal with a cow tit octoling...

Oh come on, she's not that bad

Tadayoshi: whatever

Alright the next chapter release July 8 and here's an art

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