Chapter 94: victory?

At the hotel:

Around this time, it's been a few hours before the boys began fighting gutamoros followers. The girls were sitting around, lazily not knowing what to do

Pearl: hey guys, did you hear about that fanboy hooter place?

Amelia: honestly do we really need one?

Marina: people have different tastes you know

Amelia: I get that but like.... I don't know how to explain it

Pearl: it's fine... also I heard callie and Marie are In smash now... well sorta...

Marie: heh, I guess-

Callie: this sucks!

Marina: what's wrong?

Amelia: what? the femboy hooter thing?

Marie: or us being in smash?

Callie: No! Though us being in smash is awesome. It's the fact that we came all the way here to see the boys, but we are just sitting here doing absolutely nothing!

Tracer: what else you want to do? You literally had me and and pearl do a stupid dance to kill time

Callie: what it was fun, but I'm talking about the boys! We are just sitting here doing nothing while the boys are probably getting themselves killed

Pearl: the girl has a point

Amelia: well what do you want us to do?

Callie: I say we go and help them

H1P-H0P: w-wait! I thought we agreed to leave them alone... if we don't I won't be able to at least spend time with BeatBox!

Yui: yeah! Senpai and I need to have some quality time!

Bridgett: why do you guys think he won't hangout with us?

Tracer: well... let's just say that the boys want to....throw us away

Bridgett: no they don't!

Pearl: huh?

Bridgett: tadayoshi would never throw us away! Neither Terrence and BeatBox!

H1P-H0P: well... she is right about BeatBox. He would never throw me away

Yui: yeah. neither would senpai!

Marina: maybe tadayoshi would...

Tracer: yeah... he's been more cold lately...

Pearl: where the hell is that old, chad tadayoshi

Bridgett: who's chad?

Amelia pats on Bridgett head as she sighs with a smile

Amelia: you wouldn't get it...

Bridgett looks at her confused

Marie: guys look. how about this, we all say I, on whoever agrees on what?

Pearl: I can agree on that

Marina: I guess

Marie: well anyone who wants to help the boys say I

Callie: I

Pearl: I

Tracer: I

Bridgett: I

H1P-H0P: I

Yui: I

Marie then looks back at marina and Amelia who were the other two that didn't say I

Marie: I guess you guys win... but it better be worth it

Tracer: don't worry I'm sure it will!

As the girls head out the door to make their way back to Kyoto, Marie was stopped by callie

Callie: hang on Marie I want to do something!

Marie: and that is?

Callie: you'll see


Present time:

The boys continue to dodge all of Octavio attacks, since most of Octavio attacks are different

Tadayoshi: dammit we can't even get near him

BeatBox: I thought you said he was easy to defeat

Tadayoshi: he was, now he finally changed his attacks!

Terrence: how are we gonna get near him? he hasn't even launched his massive fists at us

Tadayoshi: I guess he finally grew some brain cells


Octavio begins spinning his CDs which cause ink to blast out of his speaker from his studio, as both tadayoshi and Terrence spins the weapon quickly, blocking off the attack.

Tadayoshi: cover me!

Tadayoshi pen then activates into Sokudo as he throws his pen at Octavio, before it could touch Octavio, he moves the stadium up, so the pen doesn't hit him

Tadayoshi: shit!

The pen flies back to tadayoshi as they continue to dodge all of the shurikens that were being shot out of Octavio studio

Tadayoshi: he dodged for once...

Octavio: YEAHH!

Octavio launches out two spinning attacks the boys barely manages to dodge them, but unfortunately BeatBox get hit by the second fist, which send him flying and slides across the ground

Terrence: BEATBOX!

Tadayoshi: he's fine, he can walk it off


Suddenly they notice Octavio charging at them with his entire studio coming at them, and they couldn't dodge it, so they try to block him instead, but both Terrence and tadayoshi were pushed back and send flying back to where BeatBox was

The boys slowly get up in exhaustion from their fight

Terrence: this is so tiring...

The boys then notice Octavio studio being pulled back after charging at him, which Octavio was slowly clapping

Octavio: I'm sure your quiet surprised by my new upgrades and skills and I'm happy you three are still alive after your fight with Gutamoros followers... but unfortunately I'm going to have to seize you three before he returns

Octavio snaps his tentacles as a bunch of samurais appear out of the buildings that were near the boys

BeatBox: the hell did he 'snap' his tentacles? he doesn't have fingers..

Terrence: now's is not the time to question it...

Octavio: once I finish you all, I can prove my loyalty to him, and maybe overthrown him so I can get my revenge on that damn Craig

Tadayoshi: "is Craig all you have in your mind..."

Octavio: now you samurai! Seize the-

Suddenly everyone starts to hear some music playing

Samurai 1: the hell

Samurai 2: are you hearing that beat?

Terrence: huh?

BeatBox: this music...


The boys turn around behind them to see the squid sisters singing the spicy calamari Inkantation on their stadium, which is on a building that they hand made, thank to marina who was a former engineer. H1P-H0P was playing the music for the squid sisters, as off the hook was dancing, and bridgett doing her best to dance. Along them the girls were there watching

Tadayoshi: those girls... they never learn...

Pearl: you'd think we would leave you to get yourself killed!

Tracer: as if!

Terrence: get out of here! You're all gonna get killed!

Yui: who said that we can't stay and cheer you guys on?

BeatBox: she has a point... we didn't say they can't cheer us on

Tadayoshi: let's get this over with...

Black ink begins swirling around tadayoshi pen, Terrence katana as well but with green ink, and BeatBox gauntlet was covered in orange ink, glowing

Terrence: HERE WE GO!


This story is interrupted by a chibi bridgett eating peaches as chibi marina helps her cut open some more for her to eat


The boys starts to sprint towards the samurai army, sending them flying from their charge. Punching and kicking their way through to get to Octavio

Samurai 1: STOP THEM!

Samurai 2: don't let them get near the boss!

The samurai charges at them, but they continue to beat them and send them flying

Octavio: bastards...

Octavio starts to shoot out shurikens from bus stadium, but the boys jumps onto the roofs of the small houses, dodging his attack while running towards him. Both BeatBox and tadayoshi were on the roof of the buildings, while Terrence was down below.

Bridgett: look at them fly!

Marina: they sure are strong

Yui/H1P-H0P: and that's what I love about him...

The boys continue to charge through the samurais, cutting and running through them.

Octavio: shit!

Octavio pulls back as his large fist charges up as it spins until shooting out and was heading towards Terrence.

Both tadayoshi and BeatBox jump towards one of the fists. Tadayoshi strikes his pen at one of the fists while BeatBox lays his hardest punch he could do. Both were clashing against the fist as Octavio tries to put more power to the fist.

BeatBox: would you

Tadayoshi: just die!

Both tadayoshi and BeatBox finally pushes the fist back, sending them flying back and hitting against Octavio

Octavio: GAH!

As soon the fist were pushed back, Terrence continue running and jump toward him. He held his katana back as he goes to take a big swing at him, but Octavio manages to get up and quickly pulls out his sword and block his attack

Octavio: as if I'd let you!

Terrence: don't think I'm the only one attacking you!

Octavio soon notice BeatBox and tadayoshi jumping towards him and they both strike against Octavio katana, trying to push through to lay their hit


Tracer: Tadayoshi! Terrence! BeatBox!

All the girls: DO IT!

All three boy starts to push with all there might and strength, while Octavio starts to slowly lose his strength.

Octavio: No! I can't lose I can't-

Octavio swords breaks as Octavio gets stab, cut and punched by the boys, sending him and his stadium down to the ground, sliding across the ground, destroy a lot of building, before stopping. The three boys land on the ground as they dust themselves off as the stadium behind them explodes


BeatBox: well that's what I call the power of teamwork!

Tadayoshi: sounds stupid...

BeatBox: oh come on it's not that stupid

Terrence: well we beat him... now what?

The boys then notice the samurai around them, scared but we're pointing their weapons at them

BeatBox: they still want to fight?

Tadayoshi: guess they have a death wish...

Back at where the girl at, they watch over the boys as they were surrounded, while bridgett was clapping her hands from the explosion

H1P-H0P: t-the fight is over... shouldn't they be surrendering?

Bridgett: maybe they want to show their gratitude!

Amelia: no... something's up...

Both Marie and Callie catches their breath after their singing and dancing

Marie: well... that was fun

Callie: yeah... it's been a while...

Marie: you think?

Amelia: also since when did my brother become a swordsman

Rōjin: I taught him

The girls turn around to find Rōjin looking the wrong direction along Akari and Makoto

Akari: wrong way old man

Rōjin: oh my bad...

Pearl: you taught him that?

Rōjin: I only taught him what he knows... he hasn't mastered the skills, but I am hopping he will one day

Akari: who are you guys again?

Marie: well...

Marina: let's just say...

Bridgett: We are tadayoshis girlfriends! Well... not those two tho

Makoto: wait... the black tentacle dude has a harem?! .... lucky bastard...

Akari: oi...

Marina: well the fight is over shouldn't they be-

Soon everyone starts to hear someone clapping very slowly. Terrence looks up at who was clapping, but as soon he sees who it was, his eyes grew wide in shocked

?: well... I only left this city for a short time...but when i return...I find it IN CHAOS!

Terrence: no way...


Tadayoshi: he is ugly as shit...

The samurais cheer as they see who it was, while the girls were confused

Bridgett: who is that big scary Octoling?

Makoto: that young one... is gutamoro... the one who rules this city...

Gutamoro: now where is Terrence?

BeatBox points at Terrence


Gutamoro: you... fight me... you carry the bloodline of my rival... I going to put an end to generation...

Yui: did that bastard say... HE WANTS TO END MY SENPAI!?

H1P-H0P: calm down yui


Rōjin: leave him

The girl look back as Rōjin walks past them and looks out at Terrence, even though he can't se them

Rōjin: I want to see if the boy has learned anything from his previous battles

BeatBix: we won't let you

Terrence: sure... just you and me

BeatBox: wait man! He'll kill you!

Terrence: I don't care... I will avenge my father and bring freedom back to the people

Gutamoro: *tsk* try it if you can

Before Terrence goes up to fight Gutamoro, he felt someone touching his shoulder

Tadayoshi: you sure you can handle this?

Terrence looks at him and nods

Tadayoshi: good luck

Both tadayoshi and BeatBox flees back to the girls, which they hug them in happiness and love while Terrence jumps up onto the building Gutamoro is on. Both glared at each other in silence as the wind blows by

Gutamoro: I have been waiting for this moment

Gutamoro pulls out his katana as Terrence looks at his blade, which is bigger than a normal katana

Terrence: so have I... but I'm the one who is gonna be victorious!

Terrence pulls out his katana as they both have their blades out. The wind blows past thrm as they stare at each other, waiting for one of them to attack

Terrence: for my father...


Violet: hey tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: what are you building?

Tadayoshi: you'll see

A day later:

Violet: is that... a target?

Tadayoshi: yep

Tadayoshi grabs violet and throws her at the target, which her horns get stabbed into the bullseye

Tadayoshi: nice...

Violet: ... I hate you sometimes...

Chapter will be one break and will release June 4 or 8

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