Chapter 90: girls night out
The boys were on their knees as the girls looked down on them.
Pearl: why didn't you tell us you guys were leaving?!
Tadayoshi: if we told you, you would come with us
Callie: are you saying you don't want to see us?!
Terrence: no no, it's not that, it's-
Yui: senpai, were you trying to have some alone time with that demon?
BeatBox: guys we were just trying to help out Terrence know his father and-
Marie: honestly, you could've asked us and we could've helped
H1P-H0P: I can be helpful to you BeatBox you know!
Tadayoshi: I wanted to relax without dealing with you guys
Marina: yeah... sorry, we just got nervous about you
Tracer: look I know your annoyed with us, but we're your friends and we're willing to help you
Tadayoshi: yeah yeah
Amelia: so is anyone gonna tell us who this guy is?
Amelia points at the blind old inkling drinking his tea.
Terrence: *sigh* I'll explain
Few moments later:
Callie: WHAT! You're a samurai!?
Marie: Callie calm down
Bridgett: a samurai? What's that?
Amelia: the like swordsman... I guess, I don't know how to explain it
Bridgett: Coooool!
BeatBox: well now that we finished explaining our mission and-
H1P-H0P: well let us help you
Terrence: huh?
Yui: we can fight you know, let us help!
BeatBox: there is no ne-
Pearl: are you saying we're weak
BeatBox: n-no I'm just saying-
Tadayoshi: how about this
They all turn at him
Tadayoshi: if you leave us alone and we finish out mission, we'll hangout with all of you in Kyoto for the rest of the time
The girls thought for a moment
Tracer: do you girls think it's worth it?
H1P-H0P: I mean... I want to spend more time with BeatBox
Yui: yeah... senpai and I would have a perfect date here
Marina: so I guess this is a yes
Bridgett: why are we huddling?
Girls: ...
Amelia: anyways lets just let them be, besides, it would be nice to relax here
Callie: yeah, maybe I can try some of the food they got here!
The girls turn at the boys
Pearl: alright you got yourself a deal
Terrence: perfect!
Marina: but where should we stay while you guys are gone? Like we can't stay here, it's too small for all of us
BeatBox: I think I know a place!
Marie: you do!
BeatBox: yep, follow me girls. Be right back boys!
BeatBox gets up and has the girls follow them outside somewhere
Bridgett: bye tadayoshi!
The girls leave, leaving Terrence and tadayoshi alone with the samurai's
Terrence: well... at least we won't have to deal with them during our a mission...
Tadayoshi: for now...
Terrence: also I'm surprised you thought of hanging out with the girls
Tadayoshi: what do you mean?
Terrence: well lately you've been colder around everyone
Tadayoshi: ... I don't know what you mean
Terrence: ... whatever, you guys al-
They turn at the samurais to find him asleep
Tadayoshi/Terrence: THEY'RE SLEEPING!
As soon they yelled they quickly woke up
Makoto: huh? Why were you guys asleep?
Tadayoshi/Terrence: YOU GUYS WERE!
Makoto: oh
Akari: well since we are all here, how are we taking back kyoto?
Rōjin: I have planned everything for tomorrow
Terrence: we're listening
Somewhere where BeatBox and the girls are, BeatBox brings them to a hotel place with a spa and all
Callie/Bridgett: WOAH!!!
Marie: guys you've see a spa before...
Callie: yeah, but kyotos spas are not like the ones in inkopolis
Amelia: ... I mean... she not wrong
Tracer: callie said something right... that's illegal...
BeatBox: you guys think you will be alright?
Marina: we should be, we're just gonna relax here for how long?
BeatBox: probably a day
Pearl: good enough for me!
BeatBox: I'll catch you all later!
H1P-H0P: wait!.... can I have a goodbye hug?
BeatBox: of course
Both DJ's give each other a big hug as the girl looks at them jealously. BeatBox waves goodbye as H1P-H0P catches up with the girls as they makes their way to their rooms they are staying in
H1P-H0P: what's wrong
Yui: senpai never hugs me...
Callie: I wish tadayoshi was like BeatBox...
Marina: well he hugged me before
All the girls turns at her
Marina: umm it was a while ago
Pearl: ... why didn't you tell me?
Marina: I didn't want to upset you guys... I was worried you all were gonna hate me for that...
Marie: I wouldn't be upset, but I would be jealous of you
Pearl: yeah, like I still love you, so I don't have any reason to hate you rina
Marina: pearlie... you guys are the best
She wipe the tears crawling down her face as they found the room they're going to stay in. They enter inside as Bridgett and Callie runs inside and swan dives onto the bed
Bridgett: so comfy...
Yui: well since we are here, wanna get to know each other?
Amelia: might as well, we really haven't introduced ourselves after all
Tracer: yeah... what have we been doing on the plane
Amelia: random shit probably
Tracer: true
They all sat down and began chatting to each other and getting to know each other
Pearl: you two knew each other from the beginning?
H1P-H0P: yeah we've been childhood friends ever since
Yui: but it was still annoying to hear you fangirling BeatBox
H1P-H0P: but he is the best! It what made me to become popular to this day!
Pearl: honestly you guys are like tadayoshi and BeatBox but....different
Yui: what do you mean?
Amelia: tadayoshi hates BeatBox and BeatBox is an idol, but yui likes H1P-H0P and you are an pop-star
Callie: my brain hurts, I used too many brain cells!
Marie: do you even have any?
Marie: I'm just pulling your leg I still love you
Callie puffs her cheeks as she leans against Marie as she rubs her head
Tracer: so what do you guys love about your boyfriends?
Yui: well he saved me and... I don't know... I just feel like I'm in love with him
Tracer: do you really?
Yui: I do, he has a nice body structure and has a nice attitude, especially when he is cooking
Amelia: oh god... his chef ego is scary
Callie: I fear no man... but that thing.... it scares me
Marina: yeah, what made him change into that ego?
Amelia: apparently, he was watching some hells kitchen and next thing you know, he's Gordon Ramsay 2.0
Pearl: I see, but anyways back to talking about our crush!
H1P-H0P: well... I like BeatBox because... he's a great guy like... he's my god, he's like someone I like to have around... too bad he hasn't accepted me yet
She hides under the covers as bridgett scoots close to her and rubs her back
Bridgett: I'm sure your time will come, like ours!
H1P-H0P: ... "this octoling is so pure!"
Yui: what about you girls?
Pearl: well... he treats me like I'm a normal Inkling
Marie: yeah... he doesn't freak out like other fans when he sees us
Bridgett: why can't we all marry him?
All the idols and agents turns at her bright red
Tracer: it... doesn't work like that
Bridgett: says who? We can all share him and he'll love us all!
Her eyes sparkles in happiness as she was giving out a bright light of her innocence
Amelia: well...
Pearl: have you girls noticed tadayoshi has been being.....really cold lately
They all went quiet for a moment
Callie: yeah... he has...
Marina: maybe we should talk to him
Pearl: yeah, because I don't want to sound like we're simpettes
Bridgett: what's a simpette?
Amelia: we'll talk about it later
The girls went quiet again for a moment
Callie: wanna measure our asses?
Girls: CALLIE!
This story is interrupted by a chibi bridgett looking up at a baby duck that is sitting on her head
Terrence: I see...
Rōjin: we will move tomorrow
Akari: alright be ready by tomorrow for now, I want to catch up with you guys, it's been so long
Makoto: tell me about it
As the samurais leaves outside, Terrence stands up heads to a balcony and looks out
Tadayoshi: you alright?
Terrence: yeah... I'm still... kinda hurt. Both my mother and father were killed
Tadayoshi: we all have something that left a scar within us. Scars have the strange power to remind us that our past is real.
Terrence: I know... I just wish it was like just a bad dream... just thinking about it....haunts me...
Tadayoshi:...Everyone is a slave to their past....
Terrence: huh?
Tadayoshi: No matter how much you wish you could move forward. the events of your past years will bear down on you like the light of the stars as soon as you glance up. Unable to laugh or to banish your past, you carry it ceaselessly in a corner of your heart, waiting for it to resurrect at an inopportune moment.
Terrence: ... you have huge thought in your mind, you know
Tadayoshi: I know the truth to the world, but there is really no point in revealing it, when they just try to avoid it
Terrence: ... how do you handle all of this?
Tadayoshi: when you have a scar, you just have to carry it, and keep moving, even if it makes you suffer
He lays his hands on his shoulder
Terrence: if you know the truth, then why can't you admit you have girls that love you a lot?
Tadayoshi: ... I'm going to bed
He turns and leaves the balcony as Terrence watches him leave
Terrence: ...
At the shrine, Gutamoros followers were still drinking with Octavio
?: so this tadayoshi is strong... hehe I want to fight him
Octavio: don't underestimate him, doku
?2: don't think doku will get beaten easily, ever since kiryu and his followers disappeared, no one has beaten him
?3: He's the strongest within the three of us
Octavio: whatever, also how many days until Gutamoro returns?
?2: Tomorrow
Octavio: That soon?!
?3: our lord likes to be on his throne, so enjoy most of it until you will be put back ruling the north side
Octavio: yeah yeah, I get it
Octavio and Gutamoro followers are also rulers of Kyoto, each of them rule a different spot. Octavio rules the north side, doku rules the south side, ?2 rules the west side and ?3 rules the east side. Gutamoro is the main ruler of them all, and is usually in the middle of Kyoto, but since he is currently somewhere else, Octavio is taking his place until he returns.
Back at the girls:
The girls were already asleep but Marina remained awake. She gets up from the bed and gets her a drink
Pearl: you alright rina?
Marina turn around to see pearl getting off the bed and walking towards her
Marina: I'm fine pearlie, you want a drink?
Pearl: yeah, lemonade please
Marina gets pearl her drink and slides it down to her
Pearl: come on rina, is something bothering you?
Marina: it's just... tadayoshi...
Pearl: you're worried about him, aren't you
Marina nods as she was looking away from her. Pearl walks over to her and lays her hand on her back, since she can't reach her shoulder
Pearl: hey, we can fix this, when they're done with their mission, we can go hangout with him together and maybe have a chat with him to see what wrong
Marina: ... yeah, but what if he just doesn't want to see us anymore?
Pearl: rina, tadayoshi may be cold, but we know he is warm hearted deep down
Marina: I know...
They both finish up their drinks and put the cups in the sink
Pearl: we can talk about this tomorrow
Marina: ok... thank you pearlie
Pearl: anytime
As pearl and marina heads off to bed, back at tadayoshi, who was still awake, was staring at the ceiling, thinking
Tadayoshi: "why did they come here... dammit"
Some sexy memes
Next chapter release next week
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