Chapter 89: the followers
Gutamoro slowly pulls his blade out of kiryu as he pukes out some ink.
Kiryu: followers: SENSEI!!!
The followers tries to run towards him, but one of Gutamoro followers blocks them from entering.
Gutamoro: you were a good warrior, but you're gonna be in my way from ruling this place
Kiryu: don't think... killing me... will do... anything
Gutamoro: huh?
Kiryu: even if... you kill me... it still won't save you from*grunt* ruling this place... someone will... come and free everyone from... you...
Gutamoro: *tsk*
Kiryu: rōjin... if you do meet my son... tell him everything... I left everything for you... to tell him...
Gutamoro looks at him shocked
Gutamoro: "son?!"
Kiryu lays down breathing heavily as he lifts his wooden sword in the sky
Kiryu: give hope and determination to my son... he will bring back everyone's freedom... NOW RUN!
Kiryu shuts his eyes and gives out his last breath with a smile as his followers were hesitant to not move, but they manage to turn and run, letting out their tears for the death of their teacher. After Kiryu's death, the information got to his wife, who didn't take it well, but continued to raise her son, and his squidbeak members, who saluted in hope that he would rest in peace. The members went into hiding, waiting for the son to come and take back the city. Ever since then, Gutamoro continues to rule kyoto but he is still haunted by the word, son.
Present day:
Terrence stays quiet looking down on the ground, as his eyes were shadowed.
Rōjin: your father was a great man...
BeatBox speaker begins pouring out water as to show he was crying, while tadayoshi was questioning some things in his mind
Tadayoshi: "my grandfather knew his father?..."
Terrence: where is Gutamoro?...
Rōjin: we... don't know... he disappeared a few days ago when you guys arrived here
He slams his fist on the ground, angrily
Rōjin: I know it's hard... but we can't just barge in there... we need to get the other members, they will help out a lot
Tadayoshi: old man, how many members did you have?
Rōjin: we have two others, one of them is at the west side of this city, which I believe he is working as a blacksmith, his name is Makoto and the other one is on the east side and is a street poet, her name is Akari
BeatBox: a street poet?
Rōjin: you heard me
Tadayoshi: So you want us to get these two members?
Rōjin: yes... they need to know that the time has come.
Tadayoshi: I guess I will go to west side
BeatBox: east for me! But Terrence what are you gonna do?
Terrence: ... I need some time to think
BeatBox: well hope you get well
Rōjin: before you both leave, take this
He hand them a piece of paper that shows a picture of a symbol.
Rōjin: show them this and they will come with you, but don't get caught by the samurai
Tadayoshi: alright
BeatBox: okie dokie then
Both Tadayoshi and BeatBox exit the home and head their separate ways to find the members, leaving Terrence to stand up and looks outside the night sky
Rōjin: my lord-
Terrence: can you... call me by my name
Rōjin: yes Terrence...
They were both quiet as they look out at the shrine where Gutamoro rule in
Rōjin: your father would be very happy to hear you're doing well
Terrence: I know...
Terrence: also if Gutamoro isn't here? Who is ruling this place?
Rōjin: well this octoling... he recently appeared here but he goes by the name... Octavio?
Terrence turns at him in shocked
Terrence: WHAT!
Tadayoshi was jumping from building to building, avoiding any samurais
Tadayoshi: "this place is full of samurai, does he really need to keep an eye on this city that much?"
He continues looking until he notices a blue inkling working on some samurai swords
Tadayoshi jumps down behind him without him noticing
Tadayoshi: hello there
The blue inkling quickly turns around to see tadayoshi
Blue inkling: General kenobi!
Tadayoshi: what?
Blue inkling: nothing, but who are you? and why are you here
Tadayoshi: why are you asking me why I'm here, aren't you a blacksmith?
Blue inkling: ...
Tadayoshi: whatever, but tell me yours before I tell you mine
Blue inkling: why
Tadayoshi: just so I know I'm looking for the right guy
Blue inkling: ... you work for Gutamoro don't you
Tadayoshi: no
Blue inkling: prove your not with him
Tadayoshi hands him the piece of paper that rōjin gave him. He looks at it with a shocked expression
Blue inkling: he's back?!
Tadayoshi:.....*shrugs* sure
Blue inkling: how do I know that you didn't steal this?
Tadayoshi: the old man name rōjin gave it to me and told me where you are
Blue inkling: ... very well, the name's Makoto, and you are?
Tadayoshi: ... I ain't telling you mine
Makoto: ...
Tadayoshi: what?
Makoto: when someone is introducing themselves, you should as well
Tadayoshi: say who?
Makoto: everyone! It's to show how nice you are
Tadayoshi: I'm not a nice guy though...
Makoto: "what is up with this inkling"
Tadayoshi: Now come on, I don't want anyone to catch us out in the open
Makoto: hold on, I need to grab my equipment
He runs inside his home and opens up a chest to find his old samurai suit and puts them on and grabs his old katana. He opens it up and looks at his katana
Makoto: how long has it been...
He closes it and heads outside to find tadayoshi on the roof waiting
Makoto: where are we going to meet?
Tadayoshi: at rōjin place
Makoto: "That old man still... I'll be damned" alright see you there
Tadayoshi: sure
Tadayoshi begins jumping from building to building while Makoto makes his way on the roof and does the same as well
Makoto: the time really has finally come!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Terrence looking out at the night sky on the roof
At the east side of the city, BeatBox trying be stealthy thought the city but looked like a 5 year old trying to do parkour
BeatBox: where could she be...
He then notice a girl on the street with poets around her
BeatBox: "that must be her!"
He goes to talk to her but he notice her getting up and leaving to an alleyway
BeatBox: "why did she leave her things?"
He decides to follow her in the alleyway to find her gone
BeatBox: where did she-
Suddenly BeatBox noticed something was coming from behind him. He quickly swings his leg and blocks the attack
Inkling girl: who are you?!
BeatBox: just a strange dude with a boombox as a head
She jumps back away from him and aims her ink brush at him
Inkling girl: why did you follow me here?
BeatBox: ... ma'am I just met you...
Inkling girl: yeah,but you were eyeballing me like some weird pervert
BeatBox: ... but how can you tell?... my eyes are literally speakers...
Inkling girl: but explain why did you followed me here!
BeatBox: well I'm only here to talk! Are you Akari?
Akari: how did you know that!
BeatBox: Rōjin send me to get you
Akari: prove it!
He hands her the piece of paper and she takes it and looks at it.
Akari: and how am I supposed to believe you're telling the truth?
BeatBox: I don't know
Akari: ... you don't know?...
BeatBox: yep ^w^
Akari: -_-
BeatBox: so you wanna get going, rōjin is waiting for you!
Akari: I still don't trust you
BeatBox: that's alright, you don't have to trust me, I just want to help my friends!
Akari: "what is up with this guy?...." do you work for Gutamoro?
BeatBox: nope!
Akari: well if you aren't working for him, why are you helping kiryu son?
BeatBox: I'm his friend duh
Akari: ...
She puts her weapon away as she sighs
Akari: So is it really true that he's back?
BeatBox: yes sir re!
Akari: I understand, but who are you?
BeatBox: My name is BeatBox! One of the top three most popular idols!
Akari: ... who
BeatBox: ... T-T
Akari: Anyways, where is rōjin now?
BeatBox: Follow me!!
BeatBox begins to lead the way as Akari follows him
BeatBox: say wanna be friends?
Akari: we just met...
BeatBox: I know! ^_^
Tadayoshi and Makoto were continuing jumping from building to building getting closer to their destination
Makoto: you do pretty good at parkour, where did you learn to do it?
Tadayoshi: ... I don't want to talk about it
They finally arrive where they see beatBox and Akari walking
Makoto: Akari!
Both tadayoshi and Makoto jumps down to greet them
Makoto: how long has it been!
Akari: it has been a long time
Both Makoto and Akari shakes hands greeting each other after so many years
BeatBox: ... hey tada-
Tadayoshi: don't even
BeatBox: ... ok
Akari: who is this?
Makoto: he's tadayoshi, he told me about kiryus son
Akari: yeah so did this boombox head guy, we should chat and catch up
Makoto: yeah we should
Tadayoshi: can we get going please?
Makoto: oh yeah
Akari: how many are with you boys?
BeatBox: just me and him
They enter inside the place but instead of only seeing rōjin and Terrence, they see a group of girl that turns at them with a huge disappointed face
Bridgett: Hey tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: oh fu-
Somewhere at the shrine:
Octavio drinks another cup of some finest wine with some of their samurai partying
Octavio: ah this is life...
?: my lord
He turns around at an octoling girl kneel at him
Octavio: what's the matter Alexa?
Alexa: Gutamoro followers has arrive back here
Octavio: well let them in then!
Alexa: yes sir
Alexa opens the door as Gutamoro followers inside, one of the followers was a ninja, the second was samurai warrior, and the final one looking like the octo samurai
Octavio: welcome back home all of you
?1: Gutamoro wants us to let you know that he will be returning soon
Octavio: that's good to hear, but what brings you all here?
?1: as you know, kiryu son is here
Octavio: yeah so what?
?1: we're wondering if you know about this specific inkling
The giant octoling shows a picture of tadayoshi but as soon Octavio saw the picture, he spits out his drink in surprise
Octavio: WHAT! HE'S HERE?!
?2: you look scared, what's the matter with him
Octavio: I'll never forget that inkling for locking me up again!
?2: *tsk* that it? he looks weak to me
Octavio slams his fist against the ground in anger
Samurais: Yes sir!
The samurai got up and exits the room, leaving Gutamoro followers and Octavio alone in the room
?3: what do you want us to do?
Octavio: stay here, we can't let you men waste your energy on them, you'll fight them if they do come here. For now just drink and relax
They sat down and begins drink quietly as they were concerned
?3: I'm curious though, how are you gonna fight
Octavio: lets say I have something that will fight against them like last time and this time... I won't lose again...
Here are some sexy arts
Next chapter release next week
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