Chapter 88: fallen samurai

Aaron: fine... but if we get killed by them, then I'm blaming you capn

Capn: I hear you

Aaron walks past the inklings as the capn approaches him.

Capn: So kiryu, are you from around here?

Kiryu: unfortunately no, I'm from Kyoto

Capn: Kyoto... never heard of that place

Kiryu: well I just came here to bring my wife home, and maybe spend some more time with her before I go

Capn: well if you plan to leave back to Kyoto, that's gonna be a long time for you to wait

Kiryu: huh?

Capn: the airports are closed due to a war

Kiryu: ok seriously what is this war?

Hakuchō: I'll explain dear

Kiryu turns at his wife that is sitting on the porch.

Hakuchō: a few years ago inkling and octolings were living together in peace. But when the ocean began rising, us octolings grew greedy since they had no way to expand the land. So we went and attacked the inklings. So since then.....inklings and octolings are now at war.

Kiryu:...How did I not know any of this?

Capn: you are an outsider to this country, so the information probably spread to the entire world

Kiryu: I see...

Capn: we didn't want to fight in this war, but if we want to continue to live, we have to win

Suddenly an explosion was heard nearby.

Kiryu: what the?!

Soldier: sir! The octolings are making their way here!

Capn: what!

They suddenly see a small army of octolings running towards them

Capn: everyone prepare to fight!

The inkling soldiers aim at the octolings and fire and the octolings do the same. Kiryu quickly brought Hakuchō inside and then comes back out with his sheathed katana in hand.

Kiryu: is there any way I can help?

Capn: can you fight?

Kiryu: of course I can

Capn: then take them out

Kiryu: got it!

Kiryu begins running towards the octolings which they fire at him but they all miss him and he quickly dodges them

Octoling: who is that inkling?!

Octoling 2: just fire at him! He's an inkling!

As kiryu was closes to them, he quickly pulls his katana out of his sheath and starts rapidly cutting every octoling he goes past

Inkling: holy...

Capn: interesting

As kiryu continues to slice his way through, he was stopped by a massive octoling, which he brings down his inkroller and barley hits kiryu, but was able to jump back from him

Kiryu: Jesus he almost hit me


He turns around to find Aaron running behind him, which he quickly ducks and Aaron jumps above him and aims his pen at the large octoling

Aaron: why can't any of you just give me a break!

Suddenly the tip of the pen glows black and lets out a huge blast of black ink at the large octoling and wipes him out and the other octolings behind him. As soon they were obliterated he landed of the ground and leans his pen on the shoulder

Kiryu: woah...

Capn: as expected from my best soldier aaron

Aaron: yeah yeah

He walks past kiryu, and makes his way to the capn, while kiryu gets up and head back into the house to see Hakuchō is ok

Kiryu: are you alright honey?

He finds her sitting on the bed with something on her hand

Hakuchō: can you check this

Kiryu: ....

He sits beside her and takes what she is holding, which was a pregnancy test. He looks at it to find positive

Hakuchō: what does it say?

Kiryu turns at her in shocked.

Kiryu: are you serious?

Hakuchō: hehe I guess it's positive so yes... I'm pregnant

Kiryu went quiet for a few minutes before standing up and jumping up in down in joy

Kiryu: YES!

Hakuchō giggles as she hears him all happy.

Capn: excuse me, do you mind if I interrupt?

Kiryu: Oh um sure

Hakuchō: wait don't leave me without a kiss

Kiryu: ok ok

Kiryu kisses her back as he steps outside with the capn

Capn: so I've seen your skills

Kiryu: yeah so?

Capn: I'm wondering if you can help us win this war

Kiryu: you want me to fight with you guys?

Capn: Yes, it's just a request, you don't have to, but your skills can help us win the war!

Kiryu thought for a moment.

Kiryu: I'll help

Capn: really?

Kiryu: well I can't go back home and beside I can stay here and see my wife until the war is over

Capn: thank you!

Kiryu: so when is the next battle

Capn: well we're going to war tomorrow night!


time went by as kiryu helped the inklings in the war where he made new friends and was considered one of the squidbeak splatoon members.

After winning another battle and the inklings were helping the injured, kiryu sat down with the capn and Sheldons grandfather

Shellendorf: how is your wife doing?

Kiryu: She's doing fine, also I have a question?

Shellendorf: ask away

Kiryu: what's with Aaron?

Shellendorf: you mean the demon heir?

Kiryu: demon heir?

Capn: it's his nickname to that the soldiers call him

Kiryu: I see, but who really is he?

Capn: oh well, he's one of our best and strongest soldiers we have, but unfortunately he always focus on fighting so he barely talks to anyone

Kiryu: even if I try to?

Shellendorf: face it, that man is impossible to talk to, only the capn and a few others manage to get him to talk to him

Capn: well I'm his boss so of course he'll listen and besides even though he seems cold, he thinks of us as a family

Kiryu: well it's good to hear that he does know we're on his side, but also what is his weapon?

Shellendorf: his weapon is a fountain pen

Kiryu: fountain pen?

Shellendorf: the fountain pen is like an ink brush but it somehow works like a spear that humans used back in the day. I made it for him when the war started thanks to the blueprints

Kiryu: blueprints?

Capn: the blueprints are blue papers that are instructions to make something very powerful, we believe that humans made them before they were wiped out. They are rare to find.

Kiryu: I see

Shellendorf: so why do you ask about him?

Kiryu: I want to chat with him

Shellendorf: wait seriously?!

Kiryu: yeah

Shellendorf: well you can try... just don't get yourself killed, he hates when people disturb him

Kiryu: ok

Capn: he's probably outside of the battle field laying beside a tree

Kiryu: alright, thanks capn

Kiryu leaves the other and makes his way out of the battlefield and sure enough, he finds Aaron underneath a cherry blossom tree, drinking some booze. He approaches him but Aaron looks a him and bit and then ignores him

Kiryu: hey Aaron

Aaron: ...

Kiryu: well I know you met me at my wife's hometown and I never got to introduce myself, my name is-

Aaron: that katana

Kiryu: huh?

Kiryu notice Aaron looking at his katana

Aaron: let me see it

Kiryu: uhhh ok

Kiryu hands his katana over to Aaron which he takes it and observes it

Aaron: your katana is almost like mine

Kiryu: what do you mean?

Aaron pulls out his pen, showing the sphere crystal on his pen as kiryu looks in his to find three smaller sphere crystal on his katana handle

Aaron: your katana is made out of the same material

Kiryu: well... I didn't know that

Aaron: of course you wouldn't


Aaron: no, but tell me where did you get that katana?

Kiryu: oh well-

After a while both kiryu and Aaron begin chanting for hours as they both drank booze and chatting, becoming close friends

Kiryu gulps down some booze

Kiryu: I'm going to have a son soon

Aaron: oh congratulations

He poured more booze into his cup and then began drinking it

Aaron: What do you plan to name him?

Kiryu: my wife and I agree on naming him Terrence

Aaron: I see...

Kiryu: do you have a family waiting at home?

Aaron: ... my wife was killed by an octoling

Kiryu: oh... I'm sorry

Aaron: it's fine, but I also have a grandson and use to have a son

Kiryu: oh did your son... well

Aaron: he is still alive

Kiryu: wait... so then what happened to him?

Aaron: I just don't consider him my son, but if I have a grandchild that isn't like him then I could call him my son to me.

Kiryu: oh well do you know what he would name the kid?

Aaron takes another thump of his booze

Aaron: Tadayoshi... I think...


As years went by again until finally, the war ended and the inklings were victorious. Kiryu returns home to find Hakuchō holding a small baby

Hakuchō: welcome home dear

Kiryu slowly approaches her as she hands the baby over to him

Kiryu: I'm home, my son...

Hakuchō leans against him as he looks down on the sleeping baby

Hakuchō: the war is over, isn't it?

Kiryu: yes sir it is

Hakuchō: do I have to go underground?

Kiryu: unfortunately, the capn told me as long you stay hidden in your home, you should be fine

Hakuchō: I see... and since the war is over... you have to go back home right?...

Kiryu stayed quiet for a minute as he hands her the baby back

Kiryu: I do... I really don't want to... I want to stay with you forever but-

Hakuchō press her finger on his lips and smiles at him

Hakuchō: I can wait for you... our son can help me while you're gone, but promise me that you will always come home and see me and your son

Kiryu held her hand tight

Kiryu: I promise my love

He then takes the katana that was around his waist and hands it to her.

Kiryu: this katana is special to me... can you also promise me that our son will wield it for me, and he will never forget me

Hakuchō: yes my love...

The next day went by as the inkling soldiers, his wife, and the squidbeak splatoon members wave goodbye to Kiryu as he departs to the airport to make his way back to Kyoto. As he gets on his plane, he looks at the picture of his friends he made during the war and his wife and child as he gives out a smile. A day goes by as Kiryu finally arrives at Kyoto.

Kiryu: how many years has it been since-

He notices his followers already waiting for him but they look defeated

Kiryu: what's wrong?

Rōjin: I'm... sorry my lord!

Follower: 2: but while you were gone... Gutamoro has taken over Kyoto!

Kiryu: ...

Kiryu: WHAT!

Follower 3: we're sorry, we try to defend the place, but they overmatched us, and we failed

Kiryu: ... give me a sword... I'll cut him down!

In the shrine, Gutamoro was sitting on his new throne, with so many females around him, drinking but suddenly Kiryu barges in and starts running at him


Gutamoro: You're back already!?


Gutamoro: WAIT HOLD IT!

Kiryu takes a swing at him, but before the blade could cut him, one of Gutamoro follower blocks his attack with his foot

Gutamoro follower: I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to attack out lord

Kiryu and Gutamoro jump back, as the other Gutamoro follower appears and covers him as Kiryu followers catches up to him

Kiryu: are you nuts Gutamoro!? What did I tell you! None of us, or you are going to rule this pla-

Gutamoro: since when did I have to listen to you! I've had it with you! I'm sick of listening to your bullshit!

Kiryu: The reason why I give you orders is because of one, our agreement that I'm the leader of the samurai after we always duel and two if I'm not around you, you cause this!

Gutamoro: well unfortunately you made that choice to leave this city vulnerable!

Kiryu: why are you doing this?!

Gutamoro: When I was a boy, I was nothing but poor and people that were average or rich treated us like we didn't belong here! So when I joined the samurai's, I met you, and knowing you were also poor like me before, but you got nothing but respect as a samurai, but what do I get? Nothing! And besides, we protect them so don't they owe us something!?

Kiryu: we samurai don't need to rule anything, we protect this city because it is our home, and this city has everything that we love! There is no point rule your own home

Gutamoro: I don't see your point, but don't try to overthrow me, or else

Kiryu: or else what?

Gutamoro: since I rule this city, everyone is my hostage! So try to hurt me, then everyone dies!

Kiryu: ...

He lowers down his sword as Gutamoro smiles at him

Kiryu follower 2: sensei?

Kiryu: fine, then duel me!

Gutamoro: huh?

Kiryu: if I win, step down and turn yourself in

He smirks at Kiryu

Gutamoro: fine, but if I win, I stay as king, and you take orders from me!

Kiryu: deal!..


Kiryu and Gutamoro were at their usual duel place, as Kiryu gets his wooden katana as he waits for Gutamoro to be ready. A huge crowd was there and kiryu followers were way in the back of the crowd.

Referee: are both sides ready?

Both sides nodded

Referee: aaaaand begin!

As soon the duel starts Gutamoro jumps straight at him. Kiryu was about to block his attack but before he could, he realized that Gutamoro had a real weapon, so he quickly dodge out of the way.

Kiryu: Hey! No real weapons!

Gutamoro: who says that we have to use fake weapons?

Kiryu: "shit!"

Kiryu begins dodging all of Gutamoro's attacks, as Kiryu tries to find a way to beat him. As Gutamoro attacks, kiryu does a quick dodges and manages to hit him in the back of the head a couple times

Gutamoro: how are you able to hit me!?

Kiryu: the area around me, time moves at half-speed

Gutamoro: you cocky bastard!

He continues to swing at him but Kiryu dodges and keeps landing hits on him.

Kiryu follower 2: usually when senses and Gutamoro fight with wooden swords, they both manage to hit each other, but why can't he hit sensei?

Rōjin: kiryu must've been doing something while he was gone

Kiryu follows 3: huh?

Rōjin: what do you think kiryu has been doing when he was gone? he probably got stronger when he left us!

Gutamoro finally got annoyed and takes a big swing at him, but kiryu moves aside and hit the back on his knee, knocking him on the ground and he drops his weapon

Kiryu: I'm sorry, but I thought we were good friends but...

He picks up the sword and aims at him

Kiryu: you should've stayed as a samurai, now surrend yourself

Gutamoro: who says this duel is over?

Suddenly kiryu felt a shuriken hitting his side, which cause his followers to be shocked and Gutamoro to smile

Kiryu pulls the shuriken out of his side and looks at it, to find green liquid on the blade

Kiryu: "poison?!"

He looks at where it came from to find one of Gutamoro followers on the shrine roof.

Kiryu: you bastard! YOU PLANNED THIS DIDN'T YOU!?

Gutamoro: hehe what's the matter huh dragon?

Suddenly kiryu notice his skin turns gray and his vision was blurry as he cough up blood and knees on the ground

Kiryu followers: SENSEI!!

The followers try to go help him but the crowd was blocking there way, making it harder for them to reach of him

Gutamoro: don't worry, I'll just put you down for you

He takes the sword back from kiryu and stabs him through the chest, causing everyone to be in complete shock

Kiryu followers: SENSEIIIIIIIII!!!


Some sexy arts!

Beeg tadayoshi

Created by SplatoonLover123

Human BeatBox made by my sister

Next chapter release next week and thank you for your patiences!

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