Chapter 87: The samurai
Kiryu: Hakuchō... that's a lovely name
Hakuchō: thank you, but can you help me get to my home
Kiryu: sure
He takes her hand and kiryu tries to find her home
Hakuchō: your hands feel....nice
Kiryu; you think?
Hakuchō: yes... may I ask you something?
Kiryu: of course
Hakuchō: have you killed someone?
Kiryu: why you ask?
Hakuchō: when some men try to pick me up, I don't feel anything with their hands or they feel dry, which I figure out their either some old bastard or worse
Kiryu: oh... I'm sorry
Hakuchō: it's ok, which is why I have someone with me at all times, but now he was killed
Kiryu: sorry I couldn't come and help in time
Hakuchō: you don't have to apologize but can you answer my question
Kiryu: oh yes... well... I only kill if it's necessary
Hakuchō: I see... are we there yet kiryu?
Kiryu: we're almost there
After walking a few minutes he drops her off at her place which turns out to be an apartment.
Kiryu: you live in an apartment?
Hakuchō: yes
Kiryu: alright
He enters inside the apartment and was able to find her room and brings her inside.
Kiryu: where do you want to sit?
Hakuchō: I'm tired, just bring me to my bed
He nods and he helps her onto the bed, Laying her down and pulling the blanket over her
Hakuchō: thank you
Kiryu: no problem, do you need anything else?
Hakuchō: yes
Kiryu: I'm listening
Hakuchō: you think you can come back here again, I still want to out and explore kyoto, but I'm blind and-
Kiryu: don't worry, I'll help you out
Hakuchō: thank you... Kiryu
Kiryu: well then, I'll see you tomorrow then
Hakuchō: yes, goodnight
Kiryu exits out of her room and out of the apartment and makes his way back to the bar to find his followers waiting for him
Follower 1: where have you been Aooni?
Kiryu: uhhh, Russia
As Kiryu followers were scolding him for even thinking of such an excuse, Gutamoro and his followers were still in the bar drinking
Gutamoro: how are we gonna get Kiryu to leave?...
Gutamoro follower 1: sensei!
His eyes look at his follower without turning his head, one of his follower was a massive fat octoling
Gutamoro: huh?
Gutamoro follower 1: we heard that he helped a blind woman home
Gutamoro: so what? That's how that fucking Kiryu is, always so nice to woman, even though they're useless and-
Gutamoro follower 1: we believe she has feelings for him
He stops drinking and turns at him.
Gutamoro: how do you know?
Gutamoro follower 1: we don't completely know if she does, but we do believe she does
Gutamoro: so what if that woman does
Gutamoro follower 1: well, it can help your plans
Gutamoro: explain...
The next day, Kiryu's followers wake up to find Kiryu already eating breakfast, since Kiryu and the followers are samurai, they live in the shrine that is in the heart of Kyoto.
Rōjin and Kiryu's other followers heads downstairs to find Kiryu already about to leave
Kiryu follower 2: sensei?
He turns at his followers to see them staring at him
Kiryu: oh morning
Kiryu follower 1: where are you going?
Kiryu: umm, Timmy fell down a well
Kiryu followers: WE DIDN'T ASK WHY!
Kiryu: relax I'm just going out and I'll be back ok?
Rōjin: you better be back soon sensei
Kiryu: yeah, yeah
As Kiryu leaves and Gutamoro that was around the corner smirking
Gutamoro: So it is true...
Back at Kiryu, he arrives at Hakuchō place to find her waiting outside.
Kiryu: morning Hakuchō
Hakuchō: Kiryu? Is that you?
Kiryu: yes it is
Hakuchō holds out her hand and he grabbed it.
Hakuchō: it is you...
Kiryu: told you, but how did you get out of the house?
Hakuchō: I asked one of the employees to come help me every morning to bring me outside, usually someone is there to help me, but since he's gone, your here for me now
Kiryu: I see, but where do you want to go?
Hakuchō: is there a place where they make mochi?
Kiryu: yes there is
Hakuchō: take me
They begin walking there as they begin chatting but Hakuchō started clinging onto Kiryu arm which make Kiryu embarrassed, but they went and made mochi together and spend some time exploring around Kyoto for the next few hours
Hakuchō: this city is very peaceful
Kiryu: it sure is, and i want to keep it that way
Hakuchō: hehe, yeah, but you know, this feels like we're going out on a date
Kiryu blushes a bit thinking about it
Kiryu: y-you think so?
Hakuchō nodded
Kiryu: well sure it did feel like a date... except one place
Hakuchō: what do you mean?
Kiryu: well when we went to try some sushi, you ended up yelling at the chef saying the fish is so frozen that it can make a another sequel to the frozen movie? And then forced him to cook better
Hakuchō: yeah, sorry about that
Kiryu: is there anywhere else?
Hakuchō: bring me somewhere new, I don't know about this place
Kiryu: sure thing!
For the next few days Kiryu and Hakuchō has been going out together and continued to explore Kyoto as they grown closer and closer. After they explore Kyoto, Kiryu drops her off again at the room
Hakuchō: thank you... again
Kiryu: yeah...
They both blush a bit as they looked away from each other
Kiryu: well I guess, I'll see you tomorrow
Hakuchō: y-yeah
He turns to leave but before he could leave, he felt someone holding on to his kimono
Kiryu: ma'am?
Hakuchō: can you... stay the night with me?...
Kiryu face turns a bit red
Kiryu: h-huh?
Hakuchō: I've met many guys and they were all horrible, but your the only man that treats me like a normal woman, even though I'm blind
Kiryu: well... I
Hakuchō: please, can you please stay... I want to... explore you...
Kiryu: ... e-explore
Hakuchō: it's embarrassing to me too... please
Kiryu: ... ok
Kiryu walks in as Hakuchō hold him close
Hakuchō: just... be gentle
Kiryu: yeah... I will...
The next morning came as Kiryu changes into his kimono
Hakuchō: are you awake already darling?
He turns at her, who wasn't wearing anything and covering herself with the blanket
Kiryu: I have to go do my duties again, do you want me to bring you anywhere?
Hakuchō: no, I'm just gonna stay here for today
Kiryu: alright dear
Hakuchō: come give me a goodbye kiss
Kiryu: I will
Kiryu kissed Hakuchō goodbye as he goes out the door, but to find his follower at the door
Rōjin: so this is where you been
Kiryu: uhhh...
Hakuchō: darling is someone at the door?
The followers look over to see Hakuchō on the bed
Kiryu followers:....
Kiryu: uh, I can explain
A few minutes later:
Rōjin: so you did really found yourself a lover?
Kiryu: y-yeah
Hakuchō: you all must be Kiryu friends, it's a pleasure to meet you all
Kiryu follower 3: ... she's cute
Kiryu follower 2: sensei, you should've told us you are dating someone
Kiryu: well we just became a couple
Rōjin: I guess we'll have to let this go
Kiryu follower 3: come on sensei, we got to patrol this city again
Kiryu: yeah yeah, don't give me orders
Hakuchō: um darling, before you go, we have to talk in private
Kiryu: ... can you all leave
The followers nodded as they leave out of the room and Kiryu sits beside her
Kiryu: what's this about?
Hakuchō: well... as you know I don't live here
Kiryu: yeah
Hakuchō: I have to go back home soon
Kiryu: ...what?
Hakuchō: I had a lot of fun being here, especially being with you, but please understand that I can't stay here
Kiryu: no, no I understand
Hakuchō: but I wanted to request, that if you can travel with me and take me home
Kiryu thought for a moment
Kiryu: Yeah, I can do that
Hakuchō: thank you, but can you pack my things for me?
Kiryu: sure thing
After a few minutes went by, Kiryu exits out of the apartment where he finds his followers waiting for him
Kiryu follower 2: what took you so long?
Kiryu: sorry, she wanted to help me with something
Rōjin: mind if I ask you something?
Kiryu: huh?
Rōjin: do you plan to have a kid
Kiryu: uhhhh...
This story is interrupted by chibi Kiryu yelling at his followers after they said his other name, Aooni, is stupid
After a whole day patroling the city, which they only find some small criminals they stop and help a lost child, Kiryu and his followers returns to the shrine after a long day
Kiryu Follower 2: did you manage to find the kids parents?
Kiryu follower 3: I did, he was pretty far from where his mother was
Rōjin: that's good to Hear but, has anyone seen Gutamoro?
Kiryu follower 3: I haven't seen him or his followers for a while
Kiryu: everyone I want to have a chat with you all
Kiryu followers: huh?
They all entered a lazy room, where they sat down
Kiryu: I will be leaving Kyoto for a few days
As soon they heard his words come out his mouth, they were all shocked
Kiryu followers: WHAT!
Kiryu: now now, there is no need for all of you to freak out
Rōjin: sensei, we should come with you
Kiryu follower 2: yes we can-
Kiryu: you all can't! This city still needs protection, yes I know Gutamoro can, but i know him very well, he need to be kept an eye on as well, so I request you all
He bows down at them as the followers were surprised
Kiryu: please stay here and protect this city will all your might, I will be back as soon as I can
Rōjin: but if you do come back, I'm guessing this won't be the last time your gonna keep leaving here? Am I right?
Kiryu: yes... Hakuchō is the woman I love, even thought I can't leave this city, I will still come and see her
The followers thought for a moment
Kiryu follower 2: we understand
Kiryu follower 3: just be back safe
Kiryu: oh I will!
Some where on the other side of the room, someone was listening
???: hehe this would be our perfect chance!
The next day came by and Hakuchō and Kiryu were at the airport as Kiryu wave goodbye to his followers, while Gutamoro was far away from them with a huge smile on his face
Kiryu: so this is an airport?
Hakuchō: I think, I don't know what it looks like, but I believe the buildings look amazing
Kiryu: oh they do
As Kiryu and Hakuchō were heading to their flight, Kiryu begin acting like a child in a clothing store while exploring the airport, he then had a argument about how he can't bring a sword with him, but he manages to get his sword past the security somehow and finally was shocked about the plane taking off.
Kiryu: we're... so high, I wonder if I would survive if I jumped off a plane?
Flight attendant: I'm sorry but-
Hakuchō: Do I have to go up there and show all of you how to fucking cook?!
Flight attendant: n-no
Hakuchō: then get rid of this shit and never give me anything, I rather starve!
Flight attendant: y-yes ma'am
Kiryu: ... damn dear
After a long ride on a plane, the plane lands at their destination, and they both make their way out of the airport
Kiryu: war?
Hakuchō: I will explain later
They begin walking there down the streets to find the place like a war zone, buildings were destroyed, ashes were everywhere, and the sky was covered in smoke and clouds
Kiryu: your city sucks
Hakuchō: this city was nice... until the war started
They manage to get to Hakuchō home, but soon he was about to bring her inside, Kiryu notice a large group of people walking towards them
Kiryu: stay here dear
Hakuchō: what's wrong darling?
Kiryu pulls out his katana as the group notice them and they quickly pull out their weapons
???: hold it!
Kiryu notice the men lowering their weapons and a man in a sailor hat approaching them
???: who are you?
Kiryu: my name is Kiryu or the green dragon! I come from the Kyoto and I'm here to bring my wife home
???: I see, my name is captain Craig cuttlefish, but you can call me capn
Kiryu: I see, what is going on here
Capn: well
Suddenly a pen flies past them and nearly hitting Kiryu
???: Oi capn, why should you tell a stranger who we are, what if their then enemy
Capn: I know our enemies and this man is an inkling not a octoling
???: what about the woman? She's an octoling
Capn: even so, she doesn't look like she can fight
The pen flies back to the owner who walks past the crowd that made a path for him
???: *tsk* don't judge someone by their looks, who know what she's capable of
Capn: just cool it down... Arron
Hey everyone, art made by @SplatoonLover123, but splatoon harem will be one break next week and will be released on May, 16
And here's another sexy fan art made by SplatoonLover123 thank you for this art
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