Chapter 82: slumber party
Marina was cleaning the dishes as Pearl was laying on the couch bored.
Pearl: Rina! I'm bored!
Marina: well what do you want to do?
Pearl: I don't know....something
Marina: well, I don't have anything in mi-
Pearl quickly sits up and looks at Marina.
Pearl: Let's have a slumber party!
Marina: a slumber party?
Pearl: yeah, we can play games, do truth or dare, you name it
Marina: I don't know...
Pearl: we could invite the agents, the squid sisters, and the boys
Marina: we could, but I don't think Tadayoshi would want to join us
Pearl: oh come on, he has to, what else would he be doing alone?
Marina: watching tv, paying bills, and-
Pearl: wait how do you know that?
Marina: well I've probably been coming to his house all the time....and asking him to hang out.
Pearl: how long have you been doing this?
Marina: for almost a month now...
Pearl crosses her arms and puffs her cheeks in jealousy at Marina.
Pearl: no fair rina!
Marina: I'm sorry! it's just I've always felt bad that he's in his house alone, with the lights off....and shades closed.
Pearl: wait he keeps his Shades closed?
Marina: yeah, everytime I go to his house, It's always pitch black in there and I find him watching TV on the couch
Pearl: jeez....that's bad for his eyes
Marina: I know and I told him, but he said he doesn't care, he said he'll just eat carrots and they're gonna make his eyes better
Pearl: *sigh*
Marina: do you still want me to call and see if he'll come?
Pearl: Yeah, I'll call the agents and the squid sisters
Marina: I guess I'll call the boys
At the octo canyon:
Callie: where did gramps go Marie?
Marie: he always goes to the squidbeak base, where he checks up on the prisoners
Callie: who does he have locked up?
Marie: we have armor, commander tartar, agent tart, aka former agent 7, tooth, and Alexa
Callie: ok, what about Octavio?
Marie: didn't you hear gramps telling us that Octavio escaped again?
Callie: Nah, the only way i would know if he escaped is if he takes the Great Zapfish and probably you too
Marie: Hey!!
Callie: what? It's true, he wouldn't take me again, after all, he's only doing this just to get revenge on gramps
Marie: Yeah, I still don't know why he hates him so much
Callie: we should ask him
Marie: yeah
Soon Marie's phone began to ring in her pocket and she picks it up and answers it.
M: hello?
MC Princess: hey Marie, me and Marina are planning a slumber party, and we're wondering if you want to join in
M: maybe Callie would, but I'm pretty busy and-
MC Princess: Marina is trying to get Tadayoshi to come and join
M: ... Fuck, I'm joining
MC Princess: Nice, I'll see you soon
M: alright bye
Marie hangs up the phone and looks at Callie.
Marie: pack your bags Callie, we're going to a slumber party
Callie jumps up and runs to her room.
Callie: way ahead of you, they better have food when we get there
Marie: yeah yeah
Tadayoshi's place:
Tadayoshi was sitting on the couch and was trying to do paper work to play off his bills.
Tadayoshi: do these people hate me or something? the bills just keep rising up, I probably go find these guys and threaten them to-
Soon Tadayoshi's phone began to ring next to him on the couch. Tadayoshi let out a groan and picked up his phone and answered it.
Tadayoshi: what? I'm busy
Marina: hey Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: what do you want Marina?
Marina: well, me and pearl are having a slumber party and we're wondering if-
Tadayoshi: I refuse
Marina: Oh, well I-
Tadayoshi: I'm busy with these bills and I'm probably going to find the guys who sent me these bills and threaten them
Marina: about I pay the bills for you?
Tadayoshi: ... Marina, I owe you one, so yeah I'll come
Marina: wait really?
Tadayoshi: knowing you and pearl, you two aren't gonna stop until I come over, plus I owe you one for this
Marina: ok, see you then
Tadayoshi: Mhm
He hangs up the phone and heads upstairs to get his things.
Tadayoshi: "I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about this..."
Pearl: I got the agents and the squid sisters, they're on their way
Marina: I also got the boys and Tadayoshi
Pearl: wait, you got Tadayoshi?
Marina: Yeah, I told him I'll pay his bills
Pearl: oh you pretty much made a deal
Marina: I guess...
They heard the doorbell ring and pearl walks over to the door and answers it.
Marie: hey we're here
Callie: you got any food?
Marie: I just gave you a sandwich before we left
Callie: I know, but I'm still hungry
Marina: there are some chips in the pantry
Callie quickly runs by them and enters the pantry and gets herself some chips.
Marie: *sigh* so what exactly are we doing?
Pearl: well, I was planning to play some games and order pizza
Marie: alright then
Amelia: hey guys
They all look at the agents.
Pearl: did you ring the doorbell?
Tracer: no we let ourselves in
Marie: So you're just breaking an entering?
Amelia: hey you know us
Marina: umm let's forget about this and play some something on the Nintendo switch
Callie: I'm down
Marie: I don't feel like playing the switch right now
Pearl: but I am
Callie: I'll beat you so easily
Pearl: is that a challenge?
Callie: maybe
Pearl: Oh it's on!
Both pearl and Callie jump on the couch, where they began playing smash bros, leaving Marina and Marie to watch them.
Marie: so where is Tadayoshi?
Marina: he's probably on his way
Marie: Alright, that's good
Marina: did you plan something
Marie: well I do have something in mind I planned to play
Soon they hear the door burst open as they see BeatBox on his knees and sliding across the floor, around the couch a couple of times and he jumps up on the table and points up in the air
BeatBox: I AM... HERE!
Everyone stares at him quietly as Bridgett was the only one slapping her hands
Everyone: ...
BeatBox: what?
Callie: What are you All Might?
BeatBox: I was trying to make an introduction!
Terrence: and it was weird
Amelia: where were you? I thought you were following us
Terrence: I had to stay behind and help BeatBox escape the crowd
Pearl: how did people notice you, but they didn't notice us?
BeatBox: my head is literally a boombox
Marina: yeah, but I wonder is your boombox a mask or your actual head?
BeatBox: that's classified
Tracer: of course you would say that
Bridgett: where is Tadayoshi?
Tracer: yeah, shouldn't he be here soon?
Amelia: maybe he changed his mind
Tadayoshi: why is that guy here?
They all turned around to see Tadayoshi next to BeatBox with a disgusted face
Bridgett: Tadayoshi!
Bridget's runs up to him and hugs him as Tadayoshi still had a disgusted face.
Tadayoshi: who invited him?
BeatBox: now don't be like that
Tadayoshi: shut up
Callie: man, he hates BeatBox
Marie: yeah... I don't know why
This story is interrupted by a chibi tadayoshi and the other chibi girls and guys getting a selfie together while capn cuttlefish sneakily joins in the picture
The group laughed as they gulp down their drinks, while Bridgett gets apple juice and Tadayoshi was just watching
Marie: you know, this slumber party ain't too bad
Pearl: what? Did you think it wouldn't be good?
Amelia: eh, I thought something stupid would happen and we just end it here
Tracer: the woman has a point
Callie: say tracer, did you get thicc?
Tracer: what do you mean?
Terence: I'm not listening to this
Callie: we should measure our tits
BeatBox: you know what, let's play some games instead
Marina: yeah...
Callie: aww, I wanna see if my tits are bigger than Marie's
Marie: hey...
Bridgett: what game are we playing?
BeatBox: Truth or dare
Callie: I'm down
Pearl: same
Tracer: hell yeah
Marina: I guess... It wouldn't hurt
Marie: alright, but how about we add something to this
Pearl: what's that?
Marie: if we refuse to do the dare or truth, we have to drink a cup of hot sauce
BeatBox: Genius!
Amelia: you joining us Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: no
He gulps down another bottle of champagne.
Tracer: maybe you should stop drinking
Tadayoshi: I'm fine... But I think my blood is full of alcohol
Everyone: ...
Terrence: do you want me to-
Tadayoshi: I'm fine
Marina: are you-
Tadayoshi: I was being sarcastic
Amelia: ok...
Marie: well, I'm going first, Callie truth or dare?
Callie: dare!
Marie: I dare you to admit that you took all the chips in our pantry
Callie grew nervous as Marie waits for her answer.
Callie: mmmm yes
Marie hits her in the head as soon as answered.
Callie: ow...
Marie: I told you not to eat them
Callie: I'm sorry... I was hungry
Marie: *sigh* well your turn
Callie: alright, Marina truth or dare?
Marina: um truth
Callie: your no fun, is it true that your tentacles have a mind of their own?
Marina: I don't know... I think they do
Bridgett: weird...
Marina: ok my turn, pearlie truth or dare?
Pearl: dare me!
Marina: um I dare you to drink a non-pulp drink
Pearl gasped at her.
Pearl: I would never!
Terrence: guess you'll have to drink the cup of hot sauce
Pearl puffs her cheek as she felt defeated
Pearl: give me the cup
Terrence hands her the hot sauce and she chugs it down
Pearl: HOT!
Terrence hands her a bottle of water and pearl gulps the entire bottle down.
Marina: are you alright pearlie?
Pearl: I'm fine, tracer truth or dare?
Tracer: truth
Pearl: Is it true that you have been trying to make your breasts bigger?
Terrence: not this again...
Tracer: kinda, but I'm also trying to get my ass big
Tadayoshi: "at least she isn't acting like a pervert about it..."
Pearl then returns after drinking a non-pulp drink and sitting with the others
Pearl: teach me how to get my breasts bigger later, but go on
Tracer: um Amelia, truth or dare
Amelia: umm... Dare
Tracer: I dare you to expose your chest
Amelia: w-what!
Tracer: don't worry, I just wanna see your bra
Amelia turns bright red as she looks at Tadayoshi, who was going through his phone.
Marie: Alright boys, turn around
Terrence: way ahead of you
As the boys look away, Amelia unzips her sweatshirt and lifts her shirt up, showing off her fancy bra
Marie: it's a decent size
Callie: yeah it's not too bad
Tracer: yeah but you definitely didn't surpass me in size
Pearl: who cares about huge tits anyway...
Marina: aww, pearlie don't be like that
Amelia puts down her shirt and zips back up her sweatshirt, and the boys turn back to them
BeatBox: well then, go on Amelia
Amelia: umm Terrence truth or dare
Terrence: truth
Amelia: is it true that you started cooking because you've been watching hells kitchen?
Terrence grew a bit nervous as he looks away a bit.
Terrence: kinda...
Amelia: that explains why you were upset when I accidentally almost poured the milk first before the cereal
Terrence: hey, whoever does that is a huge disappointment
Amelia: yeah, I thank you for saving me from doing that
Terrence: whatever, BeatBox truth or dare?
BeatBox: truth baby!
Terrence: is it true that your boombox is a mask?
BeatBox: honesty I don't know, and I don't want to find out
Terrence: I'll let that slide I guess
BeatBox: alright my turn! Tada-
Tadayoshi glares at him as BeatBox grew nervous.
BeatBox: umm, I mean Bridgett, truth or dare
Bridgett: dare!
BeatBox: umm, I dare you to say your real name!
Amelia: BeatBox, she doesn't remember her-
Bridgett: my name was vivian
Everyone: ...
Tadayoshi: she happened to remember her name when she came to have a sleepover at my place, she'll tell you the story later
Pearl: yeah, I'm sticking with Bridgett
Bridgett: my turn! Callie truth or dare
Callie: me again, I'm dare
Bridgett: I dare you to kiss Tadayoshi!
As soon Bridgett said that Tadayoshi spits out his drink as Callie smirks.
Callie: hell yeah, Tadayoshi get over here
Tadayoshi: it's getting late and-
Callie grab his shirt collar and brings him close.
Callie: I still want that kiss after you kissed tracer at that church
Callie presses her lips against his as he felt her tongue stick inside his mouth and twirl around. As a few minutes went by, Callie finally stops and pulls away from him, licking her lips.
Callie: you taste nice
Tadayoshi:...I'm going to bed
Tadayoshi leaves out of the dining room as everyone became quiet.
BeatBox: that was... Hardcore...
Marina: I'm calling it a night...
Marie: me too
Terrence: I guess that's it... Well goodnight guys
Everyone else nodded as they all quietly make their way to the living room and into their sleeping bags, falling asleep
Callie: "best night ever"
As the everyone sleeping, Marina felt someone touching her chest.
Marina: huh?
She wakes up to see Callie with measuring tape wrapped around her breast.
Marina: Callie what are you doing?
Callie: I'm measuring your breast
Marina: why?
Callie: reasons, and your cup size E
Marie: Callie...
Callie grew nervous as she turns back at Marie
Callie: Hey Marie
Marie, it's 12 o'clock in the morning, go to sleep
Callie: but I want to know all of your cup sizes
Marie: you can do that tomorrow
Tracer: it doesn't hurt to see what size we are
Tracer appears behind Marie and grabs her chest
Marie: h-hey
Callie: let see
Callie gets her measuring tape and measure Marie breast
Callie: you're like me, we have C size
Marie gets tracer off of her.
Marie: why are you even measuring us?
Callie: well....i was curious...
Pearl: hm, I doubt that
Marina: you.., don't have to be upset about it
Amelia: is everyone literally awake?
Callie: just the boys are asleep, any of you want to be measured?
Amelia looks away in embarrassment
Amelia: yeah...
Callie begins measuring Amelia while other girl's chat quietly
Tracer: mine is E
Pearl: seriously how do you get your breast so big.
Tracer: milk and pushups
Pearl: that sounds like a very lame thing to do to get your breasts big
Callie: well you're a B Amelia, not bad
Amelia looks away embarrassed
Callie: Wait what's Bridgett's size?
Amelia: I think almost a C
Marie: that's kinda sad that her breasts are bigger than yours
Amelia: shut up
Marina: but do you think that Tadayoshi likes huge breasts though...
All the girls: SHHH!
Pearl goes behind Amelia and grabs her chest
Pearl: I thought she and I are similar because we're flat chested but no, she had to grow some, that's bullshit
Marina: pearlie calm down
Pearl: calm down! I'll show you
Pearl tackles marina and removes her top
Pearl: look at your honkers, how can I calm down when I'm the only flat chested one here!
Marie: pearl stop it
The rest of the girls try to separate them, but Pearl keeps going from one girl after another, because of her jealousy.
Tadayoshi: would you girls just shut up and-
As soon tadayoshi looks at them, he sees the girls topless, only with their bra and what looks like they were having an orgy as they look back at tadayoshi and they were both quiet.
Tadayoshi: goodnight...
next chapter release next week
Tadayoshi and violet hanging out
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