Chapter 81: Bridgett's past
10 years ago:
Young Bridgett was stacking up some toy blocks while her mother was watching her.
Father: I know it's hard dear...
Mother: I know...
She wipes the tears that were crawling down her face as the father hugs the mother
Young Bridgett: mommy? Daddy? What is wrong?
Father: nothing little angel
Mother: we're ok sweetie, now we'll be right back ok
Young Bridgett: Ok!
Young Bridgett continues to play with her toy blocks as her parents go to another room, away from the octoling
Mother: I don't know if I can let her go...
Father: I know but... We can't take care of her anymore, our money is running low, and it won't be enough to keep her going...
Mother: yeah... She is a sweet angel... I don't want to change that...
Father: it's best for her to go there...
The mother begins crying again as the father tries to comfort her
The next day as her parents brings her to an orphanage center
Young Bridgett: what's this place?
Mother: Sweetie, this is where you'll be staying for a while
Father: your mother and I are going on a trip, and this is where you'll be staying, so promise me that you'll be a good girl, ok?
Young octoling: Ok!
Both the mother and the father hug Bridgett as they turn and leave, as the young octoling waves goodbye to them, not knowing that she will never see them again. As ten years went by, she always waited for her mother to come back, the orphanage center adult are lazy that they don't bother to give any of the kids any education, so the Bridgett that you know remained that same
Bridgett: where are mommy and daddy?....
Suddenly a group of Octarians enters the building and approaches the front
Lady: hi, how can I-
Octarian 1: we'll take every kid you have here, master Octavio is excepting to have more troops after his escape!
lady: O-Octavio returned?!
Octarian: yes, now bring the kids now!
Lady: yes sir...
She gets up and gathers every kid in the orphanage. Soon after grabbing all of the orphans and lining them up shoulder to shoulder, the Octarians walk up and down the line, investigating every single one.
Octarian 2: wait...
Bridgett: Hi!
Octarian 1: why are you smiling?
Bridgett: I'm going home Aren't i?
The Octarians stares at her for a bit before bursting out laughing, as Bridgett tilts her head in confusion
Octavian: no, you people don't have a home, did you know your in a place where your family abandons you
Bridgett: w-what...
They continue laughing as Bridgett tries to hold back her tears after starting to remember the times she spent with her family, all gone because they left her
Bridgett: No! I wanna see mommy!
She starts to make a run for the door, but the Octarians grab her as they hold her down, but she continues to struggle
Octarian 3: sir... I don't know she will want to join the army
Octarian 1: oh don't worry, thanks to this new glasses master Octavio made, we can make our own army... Very easily...
She slides the glasses onto Bridgett, which then she felt her entire memories begin to fade away until all she had in her mind was to serve Octavio
Octarian 1: Now, who is your master?
Bridgett: my.... Master is... Master Octavio...
Octarian 1: And what are you willing to do for him?
Bridgett: I'm... Willing... To give... My life and soul... To protect... And serve... Master Octavio...
Octarian 1: hehe, excellent, now it's time to begin your new life, soldier number 10008!
A year goes by as Bridgett, who is being hypnotized, begins to serve and protect Dj Octavio, which unfortunately didn't last long
Octarian : sir, an agent has just finished the first sector
Dj Octavio: is this agent 3 again? Ha! That girl doesn't-
Octarian: umm, no it's not agent 3
Dj Octavio: huh? Then who is it
Octavian: umm he is agent four, and he goes by the name, the "black-eye-demon"
DJ Octavio: what, sounds like he trying to be an anime edgy lord, well send some soldier to go and stop him
Octarian: yes sir!
Soon a group of soldiers begin making their way to sector 2, where agent 4 is at, but as they make their way to sector 2, something caught Bridgett eye, but unfortunately, she was distracted to notice there was an edge in front of her, so as the soldiers continue to follows the path, Bridgett goes off path and falls off the cliff.
The Bridgett wakes up to find some glasses in front of her broken and was in a large dark hallway, with pipes on the walls
Bridgett: h-hello...
She gets onto her feet as she walks around trying to find an exit. Suddenly she notices someone flipping a coin above her that was leaning against a doorway above her
Bridgett: "maybe that mister knows where I am"
She tries to to climb up the pipes that were on the walls and somehow was able to climb it up very easily
?: never thought you would be able to climb it
She looks at the octoling as he puffs out a smoke from his cigar, the stranger was a octoling with white tentacles as his skin was dark gray
Bridgett: where am I?
?: you're in the underground, like where every octoling live
Bridgett: oh... What happened
?: you were serving for "master Octavio" and you somehow fell and survive
Bridgett: wait... Serving?
?: yes, Octavio made you wear those glasses that fell off of you, but now you're free
Bridgett: oh... Who are you?
?: tell me yours and I maybe will tell you mine
Bridgett: ... My name is Vivian
This story is interrupted by a chibi Bridgett looking up above, wondering what is above the undergrounds
?: Vivian... Interesting...
Vivian: why
?: you look like you would have the name Bridgett
Vivan: oh... who are you?
The stranger takes the cigar out of his mouth as he puffs out smoke
?: my name is Shiroi
Vivian: Shiroi?
Shiroi: you heard me... So since you're free, what are you going to do?
Vivian: I... Don't know
Soon Vivian stomach begins grumbling
Shiroi: are you hungry?
Vivian nods at him as Shiroi goes through his pocket and pulls out a rice ball wrapped in tinfoil
Vivian: but... Aren't you gonna get hungry?
Shirori: I'll be fine, I just ate not that long ago anyway, plus it's not like I'll enjoy eating because I can't taste anything...
Vivian: you can't?...
Shiroi: no, but just eat it
She nods as she begins eating the rice ball
Shiroi: come sit, you shouldn't eat while standing
Vivian walks over and sits next to Shiroi as he throws away his cigar
Vivian: so... Do you work for Octavio
Shiroi: I don't work for anyone
Vivian: oh... Then what are you doing then?
Shiroi: just relaxing... I'm just wondering around the place avoiding people, but unfortunately, you found me
Vivian: why are you avoiding people
Shiroi: you can't trust anyone in this world, the world is nothing but a cruel place that is filled with fake people
Vivian: what are fake people?
Shiroi: Normally, I wouldn't tell other people, but since you're not a fake person and you're too innocent, I'll tell you. Fake people are people who only care about themselves, trying to be at the top of everything, acting like the nice guy/girl just to get attention or pampered and believe it or not, it does work, I know, I've seen it.
Vivian: oh... But not all people are mean and they're just nice and-
Shiroi: I hate nice people...
Vivian: huh?
Shiroi: just exchanging pleasantries with them makes me curious, and texting each other makes me feel restless. If I get a call, for the rest of the day, I'll keep checking my call history with a stupid grin on my face. But I know the truth. They're just being nice. Anyone nice to me is nice to others too. But I always find myself on the verge of forgetting that. If the truth is a cruel mistress, then a lie must be a nice guy or girl. And so niceness is a lie. I would always hold expectations. I would always misunderstand. At some point, I stopped hoping. An experienced loner never falls for the same trap twice. A loner warrior, surviving hundreds of battles. When it comes to losing, I'm the strongest. That's why no matter what happens, I will always hate nice people.
Vivian: ...
Shiroi: you don't have to think about it too much, but you wouldn't get it
Vivian: ok...
Shiroi: so where did you came from before Octavio came and made you join the group
Vivian: umm my family left me... And I'm going to find them
Shiroi: do you know where they live?
Vivian: I don't know...
Shiroi: I see...
Suddenly Vivian felt someone hitting her in the back of her neck as she slowly gets knocked out
Shiroi: Sorry Vivian, but it's best for you to forget everything and the man who killed your parents...
Present time:
Tadayoshi: I see...
Tadayoshi hugs bridgett, who was crying in tadayoshi arm as he was trying to comfort her
Tadayoshi: so your name is Vivian...
Bridgett nods as she wipes the tears off her face
Tadayoshi: "who is this Shiroi tho..."
Bridgett: I wanna go find my mom and dad...
Tadayoshi: I thought you said that he killed them
Bridgett: I'm not sure if he said that...
Tadayoshi rubs her head
Tadayoshi: don't worry kid, someday we'll go find them
Bridgett smiles as she hugs him and then gets up
Tadayoshi: so kid, do you want me to call you Bridgett or Vivian?
Bridgett thought for a moment
Bridgett: call me what you want...but I liked it if you just called me bridgett... It reminds me of the time I met you...
Tadayoshi: if that's what you want then alright
Bridgett smiles at him as she leaves him in the room
Tadayoshi: "how did I get her to remember her past tho, but also I want to meet this Shiroi guy..."
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