Chapter 67: memories

Tracer heads upstairs where her room use to be, but before she reaches there, she notices a familiar door

She enters in to find a large bedroom, where her parents sleep

Tracer: ... mother...


Young tracer: it's done!

She scoops up some curry she made into a container as she put on her coat and heads out

As soon she heads out the door, a butler notices her

Butler: m-madam, what are you doing?

Young tracer: going to see mama

Butler: but it's kinda far, and it's stormy-

Young tracer: I'll make it, don't follow me

The butler stop following her as he watches her leave

Young tracer: and don't tell my father

Young tracer was at a training base where she and her sister are trained harshly to become great assassins

As she makes her way back home she notices a dog growling at her

Young tracer: I'm sorry, you can't have it

The dog approaches her as she tries to run past it, but was tackled by it and she drops the container

Young tracer: ah! The curry!

She was able to push the dog off of her, and pick up the container as she begins running from it

After a few minutes, she arrives back at her house all messy

Maid: t-tracer! what are you doing here by yourself?

Tracer: I... wanted to see mama...

The Maid brings her inside as young tracer shows her curry, all ruined and nasty

Maid: oh dear... I appreciate what you did... but we can't let your mother get sick...

Young tracer didn't say anything as she pushes the container towards her

Maid: well... maybe it tastes good...

The maid uses her finger get to scoop a small piece, but as she tastes it, it nearly killed her

Young tracer: what!

A few minutes the maid brings her to her mother, who was laying on the bed

Mother: Tracer! Did you come to see me in this rain

Young tracer approaches her

Mother: you know your father would be upset if you are gone

Young tracer: uh-huh

Maid: madam, your daughter made you this

The maid hands her a plate of a perfectly looking curry

Maid: tracer made this for you

She looks at it and then looks at tracer

Mother: did you made this for me?

Young tracer:

The mother hen notice the bandages on tracer's fingers

Mother: ... maid!

Maid: y-yes madam!

Mother: don't be presumptuous! Bring what tracer made for me!

Maid: well yes... but it was damaged on his way here so I threw it out

Mother: bring it to me!

Maid: yes ma'am!

Young tracer looks up at her as the maid bring in tracer's actual curry

Mother: wow nice! Meat and fish and banana curry?

Young tracer: sorry mom, I messed it up... I tripped over and dropped it on my way here, it's been crushed and it got wet in the rain...

The mother scoops up a piece

Mother: let's give it a try

She takes a bite out of it

Mother: mmm, it's good!

Young tracer then gave a big smile

Maid: What!?

Young tracer: really!

Mother: yes

Young tracer runs up to her and hugs her

Mother: tracer, will you cook for me again?

She looks up at her

Young tracer: yes!


Tracer continues sitting on the bed quietly

Ariel: Having memories sis

Tracer: ...

Tracer turns to find Ariel at the door

Ariel approaches her as she sits next to her

Ariel: mother was amazing... sadly we never got to spend time together with her, cause of father

Tracer: why do you care?

Ariel: hey...  I may be crazy or psycho, but I still care about you

Tracer: hehe...

She sets her hand on tracer's shoulder

Ariel: I am sorry about laughing about you tho...

Tracer: I know...

Ariel: I was afraid if I get yelled at father, plus mother can't do anything about it cause she was sick back then... I still care about you, honest

Tracer: I know, I know...

Ariel: so mind if I asked... why did you want to learn how to cook, more than assassinating?

Tracer: ... I wanted to cook because not only to make mother happy but for my future husband

Ariel: huh?

Tracer: I wanted to marry someone, who is willing spend time with me, someone who is willing to sacrifice to me, someone that I can hold on to forever, someone that treats me like a family... but every man my father wanted me to marry was either a douchebag or just ugly

Ariel: hehe yeah... I know that...

Tracer: *sigh* but I guess this time... I can't escape this one...

She looks at her as she swipes Ariel hand away from her and continues walking back to her room

Ariel: maybe your friend can help you

Tracer turns at her

Tracer: I told them not to come... I don't want them to get hurt...

She continues walking away leaving Ariel in the bedroom

Ariel: ... tracer...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Callie flying in the air by using her long tentacles while chibi Marie and chibi Tadayoshi watches her with a wtf face


Admiral remora: so what brings you here, Holden?

Holden enters in there base as he looks at remora on his throne with women around him

Holden: this place smells

Admiral remora: what did you expect? This is a poor city, and I'm only here temporarily!

In the city of Patiala, this country is split into two, on the first half of the country lives the rich people, like Holden and his assassin family, and in the other half is where the poor people live, mostly where rich people throw their trash and the poor go treasure hunt there

Holden: I know we're having our wedding in 2 days but you still haven't shown me who my daughter is marring to

Admiral remora: shouldn't your slutty wife know about this

Holden: she doesn't need to know

Admiral remora smirks

Admiral remora: well, since we are gonna become allies soon, I mind as well tell you

He presses a button on his throne

Admiral remora: bring my son in

Pirate: yes sir

He gets up from his seat

Admiral remora: why don't we take a walk

Holden: does hurt

They begin walking around the seashore

Admiral remora: so tell me, when you bumped into me, why did you want your daughter to get married

Holden: Well for one, to make our assassin family stronger, you and your crew are one of the famous overlords, and surprisingly became wanted at the age of 8

Admiral remora: hrhrhr, I did a lot of things...

Holden: and second, people would fear us, when they hear you are part of our family

Admiral remora: true true, but do you know why I wanted you in my family also

Holden: I'm listening

Admiral remora face then had a disappointing face

Admiral remora: so I can beat the other overlords, WithcCraft, Dr. Victor, even the legend mask! I would have conquered everything in the world

Holden: you have a grudge against them?

Admiral remora: no...  but there in my way, especially mask, since he is powerful than any of us, I'll give him that

Pirate: captain! I've brought your son

The pirate moves out the way

???: Is there something you need?

Holden: ... he's small...

???: you got a problem with that old man

Admiral remora: son, your future wife's father wanted to see what did you look like

???: hehe, I can't wait to get married again

Holden: again?

Admiral remora: my son dick, has 8 wives

Dick: that's right, I could fondle with them all I want, there like my own toys or pets to use

Holden: your son is name dick?

The other pirate nearby tries to hold their laugh

Pirate: "don't laugh, don't laugh"

Pirate2: "throughout all the name, he chose dick"

Admiral remora: the reason why he has 8 wives is that so we make sure our army grows, we train them to become strong men, and dick here is-

Pirate: pff-

The other pirates panic when they heard one of the pirates made a laugh, remora turn at him

Pirate2: c—captain! Don't hurt him, he didn't mean it

Pirate3: yeah, s-spare him!

Pirate: y-yes I'm sorry captain!

Admiral remora: did you just laugh... at my son?

Suddenly tentacles slowly appear out or remora as the pirate begins running in fear, but before he can get far he turns to get caught by the tentacles and squeezed until his head pop

Admiral remora: such a shame I had to kill one of my crew

He turns at the other pirate, who was scared

Admiral remora: laugh at my family or I will do much worst than him... NOW GET TO WORK!

Pirates: Yes sir!

Holden: not bad

Admiral remora: oh there is more to me... you see... you will see...


The train arrives at their stop as Tadayoshi and the other got off

Callie: Woah!

Bridgett: COOOL!

Pearl: heh, I guess royals do deserve to be here

Marie: meh, I don't care about it

Terrance: do you know where tracer is marina?

Marina: umm... she should be a few blocks away from us

Amelia: then we better get moving

They start walking their way through the town, but as they were, they notice people looking at them and whispering

Pearl: what's up with them?

Amelia: we shouldn't of come here?

Bridgett: why? This place looks cool

Terrance: well we are in a territory that is remora's so-

Amelia: no I mean, look at us, we're not in fancy clothes

Callie: so we're saying we're causing a commotion

Amelia: exactly, if we stay out in the open with the commotion going on...

Marie: then we are gonna get caught easily

Marina: then how are we gonna find tracer without causing any rumors

???: if you're looking for my daughter, I can help you

They turned to see a tall woman behind them

Tadayoshi: who are you?

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