Chapter 55: Callie

Callie: Tadayoshi~

She was pinned against the wall as she felt his breath touching her skin. She then felt him biting on his neck, as she lets out a moan and leaving a mark on her

Tadayoshi: you're a dirty girl~

Callie: come on daddy show me more~

Tadayoshi: well if you-

???: Callie! Callie!

Callie turns around to see Marie who was the size of a mountain yelling at her


Callie wakes up to see Marie

Marie: finally, Jesus what was taking you so long

She then notices Callie's cheeks all puffed up

Marie: what now?

Callie: Why did you wake me up!?

Calle begins shaking her as Marie just sigh

Marie: look we're gonna be late if you don't get up you know

Callie: I know, but I wanted to sleep longer

Marie: let me guess, a dream

Callie stops shaking her

Callie: yeah and it was a good one

Callie begins drooling as Marie shakes her head

Marie: honestly I don't know who is more perverted you or tracer

Callie: hey! I don't show up to his place with a rabbit suit or go in the boy's bathroom with him

Marie: for once I can agree with you, but I will wait for you, so hurry up

Callie: fine, I'll meet you out in a bit

Marie leaves her messy room as she sits up and wraps her arms around her legs

Callie: maybe someday it will be true...

Callie get off her bed and heads into her closet to get her clothes but she then notices her body pillow of Tadayoshi in there

Callie: how can I forget I left this in here... we'll I'll come back for it later

Callie changes into her clothes as she kissed the body pillow and leaves the room and heads out with Marie


Marie and Callie waves goodbye as Marie heads her way and Callie enters the building

Callie: *sigh* another long day to go without Tadayoshi...

Producer: there you are Callie, your almost late

Callie: hey producer, I'm sorry

Producer: try to get here sooner

Callie: I will, but what are we gonna do today this time

Producer: well, I'm going to send you to the turf war championships, where you're gonna be the prize

Callie: prize?

Producer: that's right

Callie: I'm not a prize you know that I have someone in mind

Producer: relax, you will be there to sign autographs, and the winner of the championship gets to meet you in person

Callie: I see, who's gonna be at the championship

The producer thought for a moment

Producer: I think it was the black eye demon and-

Callie: did you say the black eye demon!?

Producer: uh, yeah

Callie: OK IM GOING!

Callie quickly runs out as she heads to the turf war

Producer: well good luck there!

Callie: "I can finally see him again"

Suddenly she bumps into someone and falls over

Callie: sorry mister I was-

???: well ain't this a surprise

Callie: you!

Drake: what's the matter, you missed me?

Callie: I thought you were killed by everyone in the square

Drake: Oh please, I was injured, very, very, very bad... but doesn't mean I'm dead... and I can still come for that ass

Callie: fuck you!

Drake: but unfortunately I can't get anyone to have fun with me due to still having my injures

Callie: good, I would have Tadayoshi-

Drake: ugh Tadayoshi, Tadayoshi, Tadayoshi, it's always that guy, what do you even see in that edgy lord

Callie: for starters, he doesn't kidnap all the women's in Inkopolis

Drake: maybe, but does he even love you

Callie: yes he does!

Drake: oh really? Sure you show affection for him, but does he?

Callie: well...

Callie thought for a moment

Drake: I guess, your mind as well give up on him, he wasn't even worth it, todello sexy, come see me when you want to have fun

Drake walks off with his goons following him while he laughs

Callie quickly shakes her head to forget what he says and continue her way to the turf war tournament

Callie: "he loves me! I know he does!"


This story is interrupted by a chibi Callie making out with a body pillow of Tadayoshi as Marie enters her room with a wtf face


Callie soon arrives at the tournament where she gets to her seat and begins to meet and greet her fans


Callie: aw don't sweat it

Inkling: c-can I have your autograph?

Callie: of course

Callie spent the next few hours signing autographs, shaking hands while she tries to watch most of the tournament


Callie finally finishes up her last autograph and then security came and clear out her fans



Callie: *sigh* fans these days...

Callie then turn over to the tournament to watch the finals

Marina: our first corner we have the green team!

The crowd cheers at the green team as Callie waves to pearl and marina and of course they wave back


Tadayoshi appears and looks around

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I really need to-

He then notices Callie waving to him, but he tries to ignore it

Tadayoshi: "don't wave at me, I don't want people to get the wrong idea!"

Callie notice him trying to ignore him, which cause her to stop and look down a bit

Callie: he might be right for once...

Soon the countdown went by and the game started, of course, Tadayoshi scaring the shit out of the other team and splatting them

Tadayoshi: "this better be worth it, I really need that cash"

Inkling: GOT YOU

Tadayoshi: huh?

Tadayoshi turns at him, which his stare, which panics him and he falls face plant on the ground

Inkling: NO, NOT MY EX-WIFE!

Tadayoshi: ...

He stabs him which splats him and he turns and continues covering the stage

Tadayoshi: I don't understand people these days...

After a few hours went by and Tadayoshi was announced the winner

Tadayoshi then approaches Callie

Callie: congrats on your win

Tadayoshi: thank you, you got the cash

Callie: but don't you want to spend time with me

Tadayoshi: it's my break week, so I don't want to be disturb

Callie: But-

Tadayoshi: my award

Callie doesn't say anything and hands him his prize cash

Tadayoshi: thank you

Tadayoshi turns and leaves as Callie looks down upset


Callie arrives home to see Marie making dinner

Marie: Welcome back

Callie: Hey Marie...

Marie: Dinner will be done soon, so you can go ahead and shower

Callie: ok...

Marie: Callie you ok?

Callie: Yeah I'm fine...

Callie disappears in the bathroom and Marie looks at her worried

Callie steps into the tub and looks down in the water

Callie: am I not attractive enough...

Suddenly she hears a ding on her phone

Callie picks up her phone to see a text from Tadayoshi

T: hey

Callie looks at it until she decides to answer it

C: hey

T: look, I wanted to apologize about... the way I was at the tournament

C: wait... so you don't hate me

T: uh no, I just... don't want people getting the wrong idea about us

Callie smirks

C: hehe you didn't want them to think we're a couple

T: pretty much

C: why you don't want to slap this ass here

T: ...

C: I'm just playing with you... but I'm also sorry

T: about what?

C: well... the times I've been being all perverted about you...

T: like Halloween?

C: yeah... like that

T: it's fine, I just didn't want to go, but... I didn't want Bridgett to be upset

C: hehe

T: what

C: you're working hard for us

T: ?

C: you'll find out soon maybe

T: ok...

C: but what are you doing

T: nothing why you ask

C: wanna see me in the bathtub

T: ...

C: you wanna

Soon she hears him hanging up the phone

Callie: Oh... he left, I guess I did too much to him

Callie finishes up in the bathroom and changes into her pajamas and heads out to Marie, where she is eating dinner

Marie: dinner just got done

Callie: FOOD!

Marie watches her gobble down the food

Marie: you feeling alright

Callie: of course I am!

Marie smile

Marie: well... it's good to hear that

Callie: yeah!

Later that night Callie went to bed while sleeping with a body pillow of Tadayoshi, kissing it

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