Chapter 53: splatoween

It's Halloween time and everyone's was at Tadayoshi place prepping up

Marie: calm down Callie

Callie: I'm sorry, I just can't wait, it splatoween, and I just can't wait for some candy

Tracer: Nah, I'm more into something else

Tracer stares at Tadayoshi, who was with Terrance, going through there bags with there costumes in it, as she drools

Marie hits her head

Marie: honestly you two

Pearl: we're all done

They all looked over as pearl and marina comes out of the bathroom

Terrance: not bad

Tadayoshi: mhm

Marina: thanks

Pearl smirks at Callie

Pearl: how's the vampire queen now

Callie puffs her cheeks as she grabs Marie

Callie: we're going next

Marie: alright you don't have to tug me

They enter the bathroom to take their turn changing

Marina: I forgot to ask where are Amelia and Bridgett

Terrance: they said they will be coming

Pearl: well can't wait to see their costumes

Soon Callie and Marie comes out as they look and see

Tadayoshi: the vampire and pumpkin queens?

Marie: yeah

Callie: yep, so what do you think Tadayoshi~

Callie presses her chest against his and tracer grinds her teeth and pearl looks down at her chest

Tadayoshi: I think you should get your fat off of my chest

Callie: rude!

Tadayoshi: what, if you think about breast is just fat, but to be nice, the costume looks good

Callie: hehe thanks

Tracer: I guess I will take my turn

Tracer enters the bathroom as Terrance heads upstairs

Marie: where are you going

Terrance: to change, there's another bathroom upstairs

Terrance disappears upstairs

Pearl: I'm surprised you never thought of that Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: I know I could've changed up there, but you guys will think I'm trying to escape from going to this splatoween concert

Marina: well... he does have a point

Soon tracer comes out with her Catwoman, it was black and was like she was wearing a very tight rubber suit

Tracer: meow~

Pearl: damn

Marie: that's.... idk what to say

Tracer: I know... do you like it Tadayoshi~

Tadayoshi: Good, I guess

Tracer: hehe~

Marie: alright that's enough tracer

Callie: Yeah! Only I can do that with him

Marie hits her head

Callie: ow

Tracer: alright alright I will stop

Soon Terrence comes down wearing a Husk costume

Pearl: is that husk from Batling series

Terrance: yeah

Marina: not bad

Pearl: hey where did Tadayoshi go?

Marina: he went to change

Pearl: oh ok

Suddenly they hear someone opening the front door and as they turn to see Amelia and Bridgett arriving

Bridgett comes running around with a broom underneath her, as she thinks she was flying around

Amelia: sorry to keep you guys waiting

Marie: you're fine, we're just waiting on Tadayoshi

Marina: Yeah, I wonder what he's gonna be

Callie: I can't wait to see what he is

Tracer: maybe after the concert, I can take him home and, and-

Tracer and Callie begins to have dirty minds going through there heads

Soon Tadayoshi comes out of the bathroom in a jumpsuit

Marie: what are u supposed to be?

He then puts in a mask

Tadayoshi: hey...


Callie and tracer panic

Amelia: that's not that scary...

Terrance: heh, it's quite fitting

Tadayoshi: don't know if I should take that as a compliment or insult

Bridgett: can we go now?

Marina: yes we can

Bridgett/Callie: Yah!

Bridgett and Callie starts running to the door as the others followed

Amelia: let's see how this go

Tadayoshi: I just want to win that money...


They soon arrive at the square where people were just walking around

Marie: Alright, we got to go guy

Callie: a concert is waiting for us

Amelia: we'll see you in a bit

Marie and Callie waves goodbye to them as they squids sister head to the back of the stage

Trader: then shall we head to where we supposed to go

Terrance: what

Tracer: oh yeah, we never told you

Pearl: BeatBox, is doing a contest for the costume for the people who are participating in

Marina: I just want to do it for fun

Terrance: I see, I'm more surprised that Tadayoshi wants to do it

Tadayoshi: I just want to win the cash

Terrance: Oh, well you guys have fun

Amelia: we're just gonna watch

The other waves later to them as they head to where they supposed to wait

Bridgett: Tadayoshi? Do you think I'll win

Tadayoshi: heh, I'm sure you will

He rubs her head as she gives a cute smile and hugs him

Back at the square, the stadium lights up and everyone heads there

Soon music begins to play as BeatBox and the squid sisters arise on the stage

BeatBox was where a skeleton suit and a large BeatBox head than looks like a skull, but the eyes had speakers

Squid sisters: IS EVERYONE READY!?

The crowd cheer as Amelia and Terrance just claps the hands

BeatBox: LET'S GO!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd cheers as they continue there concert


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi scaring other older inkling and stealing their candy and having it to chibi Bridgett


After the concert ends, BeatBox thanks the squid sisters for joining him as they leave

BeatBox: Thank you everyone for coming here, but now we will begin our costume contest!

The crowd cheers

BeatBox: we will be rewarding people in different ways, 1. The scariest one, 2. The most Cutest one, and the third, the best costume, those people will be a reward, and also we will be announcing our real king and queen of Halloween night, so you guys are voting, now, ARE YOU READY!

The crowd cheers again

BeatBox: our first contestant is... Off The Hook

The crowd cheers again as pearl and marina appear on the stage, pearl acting like a vampire, by covering herself with her cape and marina just waving, but as soon people saw marina, everyone begins to have a nosebleed, which causes some of them to fly

Pearl just look at them a bit pissed off without showing it

BeatBox: next we have... The Squid Sister

Callie and Marie appears on stage as Callie acts like a vampire and Marie was sitting in her fake pumpkin throne

Marie then notice a yellow inkling far away from the crowd, in a suit eyeballing them, while drooling

Marie: *tsk* fucking pervert...

BeatBox: and now we have... Bridgett and tracer!

Soon the crown see a little octoling running out of the stage while acting like she was flying, but it more looks like she was trying to fly as she was puffing her cheeks as tracer starts acting like a cat

Soon a loud thump was heard as everyone slaps their chest see this small innocent octoling while some were getting bright red seeing tracer begins so seductive

BeatBox: And now our final contest... Michael Myers!!

Soon the Michael appear on stage and all you hear was people chatting, some were saying it was decent and some were saying that he isn't scary

Soon he takes off his mask


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Soon the whole square became deserted, but only Amelia and Terrance we're there

BeatBox: uh...

Tadayoshi: ... am I that scary?


After a few hours, the crowd returns

BeatBox: and now the winner for the scariest goes to... Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi was given his trophy and money and then he leaves the stage

BeatBox: our winner for the cutest costume is... Bridgett!

Bridgett begins jumping up and down as she was given her prize

BeatBox: and our final one for the best costume is... Marina!

Marina waves at everyone again and the crowd gets a nosebleed and she was given her trophy

BeatBox: and finally our King and queen give too

Pearl and Callie starts leaning foreword to see who is the real queen


Pearl and Callie fall on the ground as Marie was on the throne and Tadayoshi was on his and was looking around so confusingly

Tadayoshi: how did I get back here?

Marie was a bit red but was trying to hide it from the crowd


After a few hours, the group begins to walk back home

Callie: I can't believe I wasn't queen...

Pearl: I can't believe Marie became the queen...

Marina: well there's always next year

Callie: yeah

Bridgett: I can't believe I won!

Amelia: you sure did

Terrance: yeah congrats everyone tho

Marina: thank you

Tracer: I didn't win anything but Ok

Like the others, we're chatting

Marie was still a bit red as she was walking next to Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: you alright?

Marie: huh?! What?

Tadayoshi: you've been like that since you won queen

Marie: I'm fine... but since we are won kind and queen... can we...

Tadayoshi: what

He turns at her but then notices Marie getting very close to his face and he felt her breathing oh his lip


Tracer and Callie separates them

Tracer: I think I should be rewarded!

Callie: No! Me!

Both tracer and Callie begins arguing as Marie was red again and Tadayoshi just shakes his head

Pearl: well, I'm not losing!

Bridgett: me neither... on what?

Soon pearl and Bridgett jumps on top of Tadayoshi as Amelia, marina, and Terrance watches

Terrance: I wonder who is next?

Amelia: well... I hope so...

Marina: yeah...

Both Amelia and marina were now red and Terrance just watches

Terrance: happy splatoween everyone!

Hello guys, thank you guys for reading this, but I'm gonna announce that no new chapter of any stories will be released next week, I will be on break, so the next chapter will be released, Nov 9, hope you have the patience, HAPPY EARLY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!

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