Chapter 5: hangout with off the hook

Tadayoshi wakes up, a little later than usual, he leans to check his phone to see if Marie text him

Two: going to show tracer around the square, so I won't be there, which means you can have a break for today

Tadayoshi: "thank god, I can finally have some peace and quiet"

He gets up to shower and change and heads downstairs to see pearl and marina eating

Tadayoshi: mornin

Pearl: you finally say morning to us

Tadayoshi: well, let's just say that I'm being to trust you

Even though he doesn't eat with them, he sits down with them and looks out the window

Marina: so Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: yes marina

Marina: well me and pearlie are going to the square, do you want to come

Tadayoshi: let me guess you guys have a day off

Pearl: you got that right

Tadayoshi: I see

Pearl: do you want to come with us

Tadayoshi thought for a moment

Tadayoshi: eh, got nothing else better to do, plus I have places to be, so sure

Pearl: alright then, we'll finish eating and head out

Marina: by the way, what places you need to stop

Tadayoshi: clothes shopping and salmon run

Pearl: you planning to more style clothes

Tadayoshi: no, to make your disguise a little better

He gets up to go put his shoes on as pearl and marina looked at each other

Marina: Well, that was thoughtful of him

Pearl: Yeah, he's probably doing the salmon run just to pay the rent


They arrived at the square and Tadayoshi made sure that pearl and marina were behind him

Pearl: so where are you bringing us

Tadayoshi: I told you, I'm going to get you guys a better disguise

They walk for a few minutes until they arrived at a fashion store

Tadayoshi: here we are

They enter the store

Clerk: hello how can I-

As the clerk turned around she saw who it was

Clerk: um-um, welcome sir, what c-can I do for you

Tadayoshi: could you please lock the door

Clerk: y-yes right away

The clerk quickly ran past them to lock the doors

Marina: why are you having them lock the doors

Tadayoshi: you'll see, but first I'll be back

He turns to leave, leaving pearl and marina sitting

Pearl: where are you going

Tadayoshi: to find some new disguise and I start with you, Marina by finding something that will cover this

He points at the marina slim hips

Marina: what wrong with that

Tadayoshi: you see you seem to have a liking of showing your skin, so if you wear something that covers your skin, people won't recognize you, because people wouldn't think you'd wear anything that covers your skin

He turns to leave while pearl turns at marina

Pearl: he does have a point

Soon someone walked by the store and looked at the window of the store and notice the two female cephalopods


As soon the inkling said that a crowd of cephalopods ran the store to look at through the window

Pearl: Oh that's why

Soon Tadayoshi returns with some clothes

Tadayoshi: these will do, marina you're first

Marina stands up and takes the clothes from him, but as soon she does the crowd stop what their doing and they gave dirty looks at Tadayoshi, but when he turned at them, they all panicked for a second

Marina enters the changing room while pearl and Tadayoshi was waiting for her

Pearl: so why did marina went first

Tadayoshi: oh don't worry, you're mostly going to have a big change on your disguise

A few moments later marina finally came out of the changing room

Pearl was surprised, but Tadayoshi looked at her thinking

Tadayoshi: hmm

Marina: um.. is something wrong

Tadayoshi: nope, it's just missing something, I've got it

He disappeared for a second and came back with eye contacts

Tadayoshi: put these on

Marina: but I like glasses better

Tadayoshi: to scared to put them on

Marina: yes

Tadayoshi thought for a second

Tadayoshi: I've got it

He walks over to marina and lifts her chin

Tadayoshi: now look me in the eyes

Both eyes stare at each other as marina starts to blush and her heart begins to race

Marina: um...umm

Tadayoshi: all done

Marina: what

Tadayoshi: I put the contacts in

Marina quickly runs to find a mirror and sees her eye contacts she's wear

Tadayoshi: now that's perfect, you go sit down, but not where the entrance is, then people will know who you are, pearl your next

Marina went to sit down as pearl gets up and follows Tadayoshi

He pulls up a chair

Tadayoshi: please

Pearl rolls her eyes as she sits down

Tadayoshi: now for some big changes

Few hours went by until pearl came out leaving marina shocked

Marina: p-pearlie, is that you

Pearl: Yeah, why

Tadayoshi: looks at yourself

Pearl runs to the mirror leaving her shocked too

Pearl: what-eh-how-how did you do this, and I'm tall too

Tadayoshi: let's just say, I use to help someone with their makeup, and the growth is the shoes, but the leggings cover the shoes so it looks like your legs

Pearl: wait, what

Tadayoshi: you heard me, but be thankful I got you something that makes you feel tall

Pearl: Yeah, thank you

Tadayoshi: now people won't recognize you guys

Marina: you know, let's go get something to eat, you guys were in there for a long time

Pearl: sounds good

Meanwhile, people were waiting for pearl and marina to come out, the two female cephalopods came out and as they soon saw them, they end up flying by their bloody nose

Pearl: hmm now, people are attracted to me

Marina: come on, you don't need to complain, we got new looks


Tadayoshi, pearl, and marina went to find the cafe as the people they were walking by, staring at the off the hooks new disguises

Inkling 1: who are they

Inkling 2: I don't know, but their hot, and she looks like marina

Inkling 1: I've doubted that marina shows a lot of skin

Hearing that made marina embarrassed and Tadayoshi rolling his eyes

Inkling 1: what about the other one

Inkling 2: she's hot, I wished that she was marina partner than pearl

Inkling 1: yeah, pearl has such a fat head, I don't know why marina is friends with her

Hearing that made pearl upset and Tadayoshi a bit pissed off

They arrived at the cafe and order there food and pearl and marina made Tadayoshi order himself food

They went to sit at the table and begin eating, and as usual, Tadayoshi still couldn't taste anything, but he notices marina was barely eating

Tadayoshi: why aren't you eating

Marina: I'm just worried if I might gain weight

Both pearl and Tadayoshi look at her with a really face

Marina: I looked at my scale and-

Before she could finish talking, Tadayoshi lean over and stuff a piece of Deep-Fried Shwaffle in her mouth

Tadayoshi: just shut up about you gaining weight and eat something you, you'll get skinny

Marina ate food Tadayoshi stuffed up

Marina: you don't think that I'm-

Tadayoshi: now give me a sip of your drink, since I shared my food with you

After a few minutes of eating, Tadayoshi went to the bathroom for a second, but when he came out, he sees some guys talking to them

Thug 1: Hey ladies, why not come hang out with us

Marina: umm

Pearl: get lost, we're not interested

Thug 2: aw, come on it will be fun

He leans over and grabbed marina's arm, but pearl shoved him, which caused the other guys to grab her

Thug 3: if any of you people tries to do anything stupid to us, will break you

Thug 1: now let's see what you are hiding under your shirt

Before he could do anything Tadayoshi ran past him and elbowed his face, which caused him to do a flip and fall face-down

Thug 2: hey you want to die

The thugs ran to him, but Tadayoshi grabbed him by the neck and slammed him to the ground, knocking him out

The third thug was about to attack him but when Tadayoshi turned at him and he stops in dead track with a panicked face

Tadayoshi: try to anything to these girls or any woman, and your skins will be my new rugs

All three thugs got up and ran to the door leaving everyone in the cafe lean against the wall in fear

Both pearl and marina looked around and notice how everyone was scared of Tadayoshi

Marina: thank you

Pearl: wow

Tadayoshi: your lucky I came out at a good time, come on

Tadayoshi walks away as pearl and marina follow behind

Pearl leans to marina

Pearl: "I get that people were scared of him, but I didn't think people would be this scared"

Marina: "I know"

Tadayoshi turns at them

Tadayoshi: I'm going to do the salmon run, so you guys are on your own

Both pearl and marina nodded as they watch Tadayoshi disappeared in the salmon run

Pearl and Marina turns to go shopping until the big tv screen turns on to reveal the third most popular idol, BeatBox

BeatBox: hey you know what time it is, its time is...some new coming to ya live since the off the hook is having their vacation, I'll be taking over

BeatBox: well first of all their is still no news about Callie, one of the squid sisters, but I've decided that when Callie I found,  I'm planning for a live concert as a celebration for her return, in other news, we have noticed that some zapfishes are returning which mean we all should still have some our power left...

BeatBox: well would look at the time, that all folks, but until then, don't get cooked stay off the hook, he said as he does their pose, and the screen shuts off

Pearl: did he just-

Marina: Yeah, he did it for us, but now I'm excited that he's going to have a live concert

Pearl: yep, do you want to buy a ticket for it

Marina: you betcha, I heard no one knows who he is

Pearl: tell me about it, I would pay money to see his face


After a few hours they met Tadayoshi at their meeting place and they all head home

Pearl: now today was interesting

Marina: you can say that again

Tadayoshi: eh... I don't care

They were quiet as they head back

Tadayoshi: say, you guys...

Pearl and Marina: yes

Tadayoshi: just because people say that your popular because you have a nice body or they say your ugly, don't listen to them, to me, I think you guys are fine as you should be

Both of them began to blush

Pearl: wh-what this all about

Tadayoshi: well I was on the boat and I heard some people were talking about you guy, and I felt bad for you guys

Both pearl and marina smiles

Pearl and Marina: thank you

They continue to walk home as the sun sets


Marina wakes up decided to head downstairs to make Tadayoshi breakfast, but when she arrives downstairs, she sees pearl make breakfast

Marina: Why do you have two plates

Pearl: ones for me and ones for Tadayoshi

Marina: but I thought he doesn't like warm food

Pearl: I'll make him like it!

Pearl passes her and marina quickly makes Tadayoshi a bowl and runs to his room which both pearl and marina barged into his room

Marina: Tadayoshi, we've brought you breakfast

Pearl: so we'll see if you like cold or warm breakfast

They soon realize they're looking at Tadayoshi, who is wearing nothing but a towel

Both pearl and marina began to blush hard as a tomato

Tadayoshi: you know there is a thing called, KNOCKING ON MY DOOR, GET OUT OF HERE

Both pearl and marina run out and slams the door and leans against it

Marina: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't see anything

Tadayoshi: good

Pearl: Well, I wish we saw something

Marina smacks her lightly

Tadayoshi: you guys know, I can't taste

Both began to look down remembering it

Tadayoshi: but I'll still eat it

Both pearl and marina smiles

Tadayoshi: now go away I'm changing

Both of them turn red and quickly heads downstairs and Tadayoshi makes sure their gone

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I don't know what's up with them

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