Chapter 48: The plan
Ms. Loser and marina looks at immortal loser that was chained up
Marina: that's immortal?
Ms. Loser: Yes!
Guard: hey!
He pulls the chains that are connected to marina and losers hands*
Ms. Loser: Ack! Let me go!
She turns back at her
Ms. Loser: Immortal what happen to you?
Immortal: ...
Ms. Loser: Immortal? Immortal!?
???: oh please, leave her be
Both Marina and Ms. Loser turns at the stranger
He wore a black suit, with a yellow tie and was a yellow ink
Drake: that bitch inkling and my rival doesn't even have the gut to do what she can to you two
Ms. Loser looks at Drake, pissed off
Marina: drake!?
Ms. Loser You! What did you do to her!!!
Drake: Oh nothing, just made him like this...
Marina: how could u do this
???: and what...
Suddenly another inkling appears with a red sweatshirt and white glasses
James: ... let her and Tadayoshi have the glory!?
Ms. Loser: James?!
James: that's riiiight, but she and Tadayoshi doesn't deserve what they have
Both drake and James begins to smiles
James: so we're gonna fix it...
Drake: ... the way it's supposed to be
Ms loser tries to get out of her chains, which pull marina a little
Drake: I don know
James pushes a button and suddenly see chain begin choking immortal but she doesn't look like she's reacting to it but was gaging
Ms. Loser: NO!
She then tries to attack Drake and James but the guard holds her back
Ms. Loser: You fuckin bastard!
James begins to laugh at this
Drake: do as we say then
James pushes the button again and makes the chains even tighter on Immortal's neck
Ms. Loser: Stop it!!! Stop it!!!
Marina: loser, just do what he says
Ms. Loser: But... but... Fine!!! Just don't hurt her!!!
Drake: laughs as James presses the button and making her finally breathing again, gasping for air
Drake: now come on...
James: we will explain everything
Ms. Losers: Bastards...
They were pulled into a large room where they see and operation and followers running around
They looked around, and see the follower was making, sex toys, clothing, pills, lots of empty changes, and a weird machine ahead of them
James: like our operations going on
Marina: what did you do to that gals
Drake: Oh don't worry
He pulls a switch and a light appear above them, reveals every woman and little girls locked up, some were crying, some were trying to reach for there kid, some are in rage
Loser then notice another cage with some familiar people
Loser: Insane!? Evil!? Everyone!?
The losers look down to see loser with marina
All the losers: Original!?
Loser: You!
James: don't worry, we haven't made our move yet...
Drake: not till our dreams are complete
Marina: but why, are you doing all this, I sure you can-
Drake grabs marinas face
Drake: you want to know why then I will tell you why
Drake: before I met Tadayoshi, I was known as the most popular guy in the world
Ms. Loser: I doubt that
Drake. the girls were all in love with me, I could've fucked them, but I decided to wait till every girl was in love with me so I could fuck them all at once...
Drakes smiles then turn into a frown and gives a mad face
Drake: till he came and ruined it
Marina: you mean Tadayoshi
Drake: correct, he was like a lonely loner, a piece of waste to the earth and he had that one gal I need to I can finally fuck them all.... and that was... Alex
Loser and marina: what
Drake: she was beautiful, with long black hair, a nice c-sized beast, and a decent ass, I decided she will be my main one
Both loser and marina look at each other
Drake: I did everything I can to love me, but she always leaves with that Tadayoshi, and it was trouble because my lust was growing stronger... so I made my move on her, I tied her up, threw her in the school storage room and when I was about to fuck her... he came and ruin it
Marina: that's Tadayoshi for you
Drake: he had every girl that liked me reveal me about to rape her... the new got on to everywhere... I lost everything
Loser: well, you deserved it
Drake: every girl that was in love with me ended up with a different guy than me, and my lust was even stronger... I planned and attempted everything I can to get my revenge on that Tadayoshi, but it always fails... until as I was walking home trying to think of revenge on him, I notice a thicc girl, said she had an I cup sized breast, a thicc ass, and maybe a woomy like mouth, she and an 8-year-old daughter with her
Marina then realized where this is going
Marina: no... don't tell me...
Drake that's right, I went there place and killed her husband quietly and then rape that woman and her daughter... the daughter had a tight woomy and don't get me started on how the thicc gals were like, I raped them for 3 days straight without stopping
Both loser and marina we shocked and couldn't stand hearing anymore
Drake: well, unfortunately, it didn't last long, I killed the daughter, due for her about to get pregnant, that thicc girl disappears, who knows where she went... that's when I realized what will be my ultimate plan, for the next years I made a group of idols club work for me ever since you marina and the squid sisters came, so we can make our move on you... well now the time has finally come
Marina: then why did u kidnap immortal
Drake: I first saw loser and was going to kidnap her and rape her for 5 months straight, until I saw more of herself wait for that idiot red inkling and gunslinger with them until I found out about how powerful immortal loser is and what she can do...
Loser then struggles again to hit him
Marina: No! You can't do this!
Drake touches her lips
Drake: shh shh shh, don't worry, that kiss that Tadayoshi stole from me, will be replaced as soon the plan is done
Loser tries to attack him, but the guards hold her back
Drake: ashamed, but I will let James have his turn now
James: thank you... my partner
This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi on the boat, looking at a picture of marina, who doing a peace sign, and a ghost Alex rubbing his back
James: Oh, you think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING! The shadows betray you because they belong to me!
Marina and loser looks at him confused
Marina: What are you talking about
James: never mind anyways
Suddenly he followed begins to play sad music as James starts to talks about his back story
James: Well I was just a young normal kid outcast sad shit not many friends tho I gained them by watching one thing on the tv which was anime then soon it came to me that anime was my life, and then I created the anime club which it has gotten popular, and finally I became a gang leader of it with many of my followers
Loser: wait... then why do you hate gun
James looked at her
James: there was a festival for anime and I made a booth for people who want to join and secretly fuck some anime waifu, then he came and destroyed it all
Marina: wait... you made at him because he just destroyed your waifu pillows
James: YES! It stills in rages and upsets me, that day to get revenge on him
The followers begin tearing up about it
Loser: but there are one thing I don't understand... what made you and drake come and alliances
James leans closes to her
James: we both have the same thing in mind, revenge, and something to fuck with, and together... WE CAN ACCOMPLISH OUR GOALS
Drake: exactly, so for my calculations, we have kidnapped 99% females in Inkopolis, we are only missing the other gals with fucking Tadayoshi
Loser: you two are insane!?
Drake: thank you so much
Marina: all of this for someone to have sex with!?
Both drake and James begins laughing
Drake: oh our plan...
James: ... is more than that
James: with our DNA extractor...
Drake: our virus creator...
James: tooth's old lust machine...
James: well with use the DNA extract to take the DNA of a thicc woman...
Drake: combine it with the lust machine and our newly created virus: The Lust Disease
James: then we will put our new virus in our new technology to spread the virus all around her world infecting everyone and everything, and when I mean everything, I'm talking about objects...
Drake: ... turn everyone guy, object, anime on tv, and gal into thicc gals full of lust, and only lust for us
Loser was in raged and trying to find a way to get out of her restraints
Marina: ... but won't it infect you guys
James: don't worry, our friend is helping make an antidote for us so we don't get infected
The guard then begin putting them in the DNA extract
Drake: we needed someone who has a dirty mind and a thicc body to make our plan work, and you two are the perfect subjects
Loser: wait...who is your friend
Drake: Oh he's familiar to you marina right...
A big shadow creature reveal out of the shadows which shocked marina
Marina: you...
???: did you miss me
Tadayoshi, the gals, the agents, and gun's drone we sailing there a way to the island
Terrance: this is it
Tadayoshi: I can't believe I'm going to war again
Pearl take a deep breath and looks ahead
Pearl: hang in the marina... we're almost there
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