Chapter 42: Grieving

Marina and pearl arrives at Tadayoshi's place

Marina: pearl, you can stop dancing you know

Pearl: I know, but team chaos won the final splatfest

Marina: yeah, but I'm gonna miss it

Pearl: I know, but you know we didn't just come here to see Tadayoshi

Marina: I know, we came here to invite him to celebrate and say goodbye to the splatfest

Pearl: yep

Pearl knocks on his door

Pearl: hey Tadayoshi, it's us, we want to invite you to celebrate

No answer

Marina opens the door

Marina: Tadayoshi?

Pearl: MARINA, what are you doing

Marina: I'm just gonna see if he's asleep

Pearl: but we look like we're breaking in

Marina: pearlie, you know people don't like him that much so I don't think people will past by here

They enter the house to see it almost clean

Pearl: he sure still has a messy place

They enter the living room to find him cleaning up trash

Pearl: hey Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: ...

Marina: hey Tadayoshi... are you ok...

Tadayoshi: I'm fine

He continues to clean the trash without looking at them

Pearl: I'm gonna be honest about you, don't you usually go out and practice some turf wars like usual

Tadayoshi looks ahead of him as his eyes sink in


Alex: thank you... for taking care of me and for them loving you

Alex fall of him and hits the ground

The memory kept repeating itself

Flashback ended

Pearl: Tadayoshi, are you-

Tadayoshi turns at them angrily while one of his eye twitches

Tadayoshi: I SAID IM FINE

Pearl and Marina got shocked by this

Tadayoshi: now leave me alone

Marina: but-


Pearl and Marina quickly leave the house and looks at each other

Pearl: I think we should tell the others to check on him

Marina: we could, but I doubt he will leave the house

Pearl: which is why I got an idea, call them to let them know

Marina: I'm on it


Tadayoshi continues to clean the house in anger

Pearl: hey Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi looks up ahead to see pearl dumping gunk in his pool

Tadayoshi eye twitches

Pearl: Oh sorry I made a-

Pearl then see his pen nearly misses her then comes back at him

Pearl: oh shit

Pearl begins to run and marina just finishes her calls

Marina: pearlie, I just-


Marina doesn't know what but she does run

Marina: pearlie, why are we running

Pearl: look behind to see

Marina turns around

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Yes he was running like that)

Both Marina and pearl begins running as fast as they could as Tadayoshi tries to shoot them

An inkling was minding his own business as he takes a walk up a hill, until marina and pearl runs by him screaming

Inkling: what with all the screaming...

Then he notices the black eye demon running towards him in anger

Inkling: OH MY GOD

Before he can turn around and run, he ends up getting run over by him

Pearl and marina notice the inkling getting trampled

Marina: run pearlie run

Pearl: they better be ready when we get there


This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox, practicing his music for saying goodbye to the splatfest


Both Marie and Callie we're getting ready for the fair well splatfest party

Suddenly Amelia, tracer, Bridgett barges in

Callie: hey agents

Marie: guys, you know that the party star-

Tracer: we need to get prepared

Marie: why

Amelia: marina just called me saying something is wrong with Tadayoshi, and he's chasing them

Marie: ok, but what can we do

Tracer: calm him do-

Suddenly marina and pearl appears and slams the door shut

Callie: hey gu-

Pearl: everyone gets down

Marie: why

Pearl and Marina begins moving the stuff to barricade the door and Bridgett, for some strange reason, decides to help them

Marina: you will see why-

Suddenly the door begins banging

Callie: who's that

Pearl: that's him, he's trying to-

Suddenly part of the door broke

Pearl: AH

Tadayoshi: Here's WOOMY!

Pearl and marina run back as the others join

Soon the door was kicked down and Tadayoshi walks through in anger and breathing heavily

He jumps at them

They all close there eyes, but then Tadayoshi stops and sees tracer and Bridgett

He falls as they look at him

Tadayoshi stands up and hugs tracer and Bridgett

Tadayoshi: sooo cute

Tracer blushes to this as Bridgett just hugs him too

Tadayoshi: how much do they cost

Marina: Tadayoshi, there not plushies

Tadayoshi lets go of them


Tadayoshi began throwing things that he owns at them

Tracer: Tadayoshi stop

Callie: what is up with him

Marie looks at him as his eye kept twitching and was begging

Tadayoshi: I NEEEEED IT

Marie: guys... I think I know what it is... it been a month since...

Marina then realized what she means

Marina: oh... Alex

Tracer approaches to him

Tracer: hey, we know why your upset

Tadayoshi looks at them

Tadayoshi: What are u talking about, I'm not upset

He begins laughing very weirdly

Callie: Tadayoshi, let it out, don't hold it in

Pearl: yeah do like I do with fans

Marina: pearlie!

Tadayoshi: WHAT, guys I'm already, over it, that was over ages ago, STOP SAYING THAT IM UPSET, I AM NOT, YOU GUYS DO HAVE PROOF THAT I'M... I'm...

A tear drops down his face

Tadayoshi: I miss her...

Bridgett tries to approach to him

Tadayoshi: DON'T TOUCH ME

He turns and leaves them as they all looked at each other

Amelia: I'll go get him

Amelia begins running after them leaving the other behind


Amelia spent hours looking for Tadayoshi until she was able to get a lead where he was

Amelia walks up a hill through the wood

Soon she finds him near a cliff sitting and looking at the view

Amelia approaches him

Amelia: Tadayoshi...

Tadayoshi points one of his duels at her

Tadayoshi: go away

Amelia kept approaching him and sit next to him

Amelia: Tadayoshi listen-

Tadayoshi: I can't do it...

Amelia looks at him

Tadayoshi:... I couldn't even help her change their lives... I couldn't make her happy... I couldn't make her have a happy ending... I thought, that if I helped her... I could see myself that I can help others... but I can't do anything

Amelia: Tadayoshi... I know how you feel...

Tadayoshi: stop, stop, just please stop, you don't know who I feel

Amelia: Tadayoshi...


Amelia: Tadayoshi...



Tadayoshi: WHAT

He turns at her

Amelia: that's what you think, but you didn't realize that you changed all of us... made us smile... changed our lives... made us feel like a happy ending...

Amelia leans over to him and lay her lips against his, making his eye grew wide

Her lips then let go of him and she lays on his shoulder

Amelia: and I'm sure Alex is happy the way you are

Tadayoshi looks at her still shocked but then smirks

Tadayoshi and Amelia looks at the view

Tadayoshi then notice Alex face on the moon a fades away

Tadayoshi: maybe your right... maybe your right...

Tadayoshi's Mind: *eternal screaming*

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