Chapter 4: tracer

Tadayoshi wakes up to find out it was still dark out

Tadayoshi: "Jesus, why did I wake up at this time..."

He gets up, heads downstairs to get a drink of water, and went outside on the balcony

He stares at the moon and stars,

Tadayoshi: *sigh* how did I end up here

Suddenly he hears footsteps coming it was marina

Marina: what are you doing up

Tadayoshi: getting myself a drink

Marina steps outside with Tadayoshi and watches the sky too

Both were quiet until marina spoke up

Marina: say Tadayoshi can I ask you something

He turns to her

Tadayoshi: certain questions, I'll answer

Marina: how do you do it

Tadayoshi: do what

Marina: how are you fine, even when you're always alone

Tadayoshi thought for a moment

Tadayoshi: when you learn the truth of the world, you'll understand, but I've doubted that

Marina looks at him

Marina: did something happen before

Tadayoshi end up quiet

Tadayoshi: I don't want to talk about it

Marina: oh...ok

They end up quiet again

Marina: well I'm heading up, goodnight

Tadayoshi: goodnight

Marina heads upstairs as she looks at Tadayoshi, still on the balcony

After marina left, he quietly heads upstairs, changes his clothes, and leaves

Tadayoshi: I better hurry this up, before they wake up again

He arrives in the square, which is empty but sees Sheldon getting ready to close

He walks towards him

Sheldon: Sorry, but we ar-

When he turns around and see and black aura around the black-colored inkling, giving him a death stare

Sheldon: o-oh it's you again

Tadayoshi: are the repairment done?

Sheldon: umm...yes, yes it is done... I'll bring it to you

Sheldon quickly runs inside in gives Tadayoshi his weapon that never existed, an ink pen

Tadayoshi takes the pen and starts swing it, to see how it is

Tadayoshi looks at Sheldon

Tadayoshi: thanks

He puts away his weapon and hands Sheldon his payment, leaves him, letting Sheldon breathe again

He finally arrives back at pearl and marina house and makes his to his bedroom, dives into his bed, falling back asleep


Morning came, and marina walks downstairs, to see that pearl was awake making waffles

Marina: morning pearlie

Pearl: morning marina

Marina notice that she had two plates

Marina: are you make Tadayoshi breakfast for him

Pearl looks at marina

Pearl: looks first off, he is our guest so I'll welcome him, and second, he refused to eat yesterday, so I'll give it to him face-to-face

Marina: what if he likes cold breakfast

Pearl: we'll see about that

She past marina as marina and enter Tadayoshi's room, but he wasn't there

Pearl: Now where did he go

Tadayoshi: I'm right here

She turns around and sees that he came out of the closet

Pearl: what were you doing in there

Tadayoshi: well I was going to change since I took a shower, but I heard you coming, so I went into my closet to change

Pearl: wait you were changing in your closet

Tadayoshi: pretty much

She began to turn red a little, but he doesn't seem to notice

Tadayoshi: anyway what do you two want

Pearl: I brought you breakfast

He looks at her

Tadayoshi: I'll pass the breakfast

He turns to leave, but Pearl shuts the door and blocks it

Pearl: you are not leaving until you eat

Tadayoshi: *groans* ok, fine mom, I'll eat them

He sits on his bed as he takes a bite at pearls waffles

Pearl: so what do you think

Tadayoshi looks at the food

Tadayoshi: I don't taste anything

Pearl look at him in confusion

Pearl: what do you mean

Pearl went and took a bite of her waffle she made

Pearl: I taste something

Tadayoshi: well, I don't

He stands up

Tadayoshi: welp, I'm leaving I'll be back around noon or night, maybe

Tadayoshi leaves as pearl watch him

Marina: morning Tad-

Before she could finish Tadayoshi left as pearl went downstairs

Marina: where he's going

Pearl: probably the same place when he left here before

Both marina and pearl looked at each other

Marina: so what did he think

Pearl: he said he couldn't taste anything

Marina looked at her confusion

Marina: what

Pearl: I know, should we have him a check-up

Marina: I think that would be the best


Tadayoshi finally arrives at the octo canyon and sees Marie in her usual spot

Marie: well you're here early

Tadayoshi: yep, and I'm off, kimono dragon

Marie looks at him

Marie: What was that

Tadayoshi: your nickname

Marie: why exactly

Tadayoshi: well you seem to always wear the kimono and when you get ticked off, your pretty much a dragon

Marie looks at him with a really face

Tadayoshi: relax, I'll still call you by your name because I'm beginning to trust you a bit

Hearing that made Marie smile

Tadayoshi: welp see ya

He dives into sector 4 to complete his mission


For a few hours, he completed sector 4 and he was half was halfway done with 5

Marie: Tadayoshi you-

Tadayoshi: you know why do you call me by my name

Marie: what do you mean

Tadayoshi: I mean you could call me agent 4

Marie: well I like to call you by your name, it makes me comfortable

Tadayoshi: huh

Marie begins to blush a little

Marie: well you call by my name you know

Tadayoshi: fair enough

He was nearly there to grab a zapfish when he notices two familiar octolings

Tadayoshi: oh great you two again

Octoling 1: that's right

Octoling 2: and you're going to pay for what you did before

Tadayoshi reach for his back and pull out his new weapon to try out, he swung at them, but they dodge barely, but one of the googles broke to pieces, and the other broke but was still wearing it

He stabs one of the octoling, but when he went to take out the other, it charged at him, but instead of attacking it hugged him

Tadayoshi: what

The octoling release him

Octoling: thank you

Tadayoshi was confused

Tadayoshi: what do you mean thanks

Octoling: well you see, what you broke was our google's right?

Tadayoshi: yeah so

Octoling: well these google hypnosis us

Tadayoshi: so you're saying that every octoling is being controlled

Octoling: well some do follow our leader, but he makes them wear them in case they happen to change their minds

Tadayoshi: and who is their leader

Octoling: his name is-

Suddenly more octolings appear and starts shooting and the octoling pushes him out of the way, now the octoling was on top of him

Tadayoshi: get off of me

He moves her and starts shooting at the octolings

Octoling: hand me a gun

Tadayoshi: no

Octoling: why I want to help

Tadayoshi: I don't trust you, you might shoot me than them

Octoling went quiet for a moment

Octoling: when I was young, I was one of the octoling, that wanted to see the surface

Tadayoshi turns to her

Octoling: Most of us dream about what's up there, and some even wanted to be with the inklings, so please if you let me, please let me come with you to the surface

Tadayoshi stares at her for a few moments, until tossing her a gun, the octoling looks up at him

Tadayoshi: my name is Tadayoshi

Octoling: I'm tracer

Both began to fight there way until they reach the zapfish

Tracer: you know when I look at this zapfish up close, it looks cute

Tadayoshi looks at it with its flat expression

Tadayoshi: maybe, but if you want to see the surface, we got to compete in this sector

He begins to walk away

Tracer: *giggle* right

She begins following him behind

Tracer: for an inkling, he has a nice body


Marie: Welcome back

Tadayoshi: hey Marie can I tell you something

Marie turns to her

Marie: yes what is it

Tadayoshi: it's just, I think I'm in love with you

Marie begins to blush

Marie: r-really

Tadayoshi: yes and I want to be with you forever

Marie: I like you too and I want to be with you

Both begin to lean for a kiss

Tadayoshi: hey Marie, MARIE

Marie then snaps out of it

If you don't get it Marie was daydreaming

Marie: um yes what do you need

Tadayoshi: well I was doing the mission right

Marie: Yes and?

Tadayoshi: well I think I met and octoling that was a pacifist

Tadayoshi reveals to Marie the octoling

Tracer: hello

Marie: wait-WHAT

Tadayoshi: I know, but hear me out

After a few minutes of explaining

Marie: I see

Tadayoshi: so it makes me question, what are we going to do with her now

Marie thought for a moment

Marie: she can stay at my place until we figure out the controlled octolings

Tadayoshi: if you say so

Tracer: hey Tadayoshi

He turns at her, which she has a smile on her face

Tracer: thank you

Tadayoshi: don't need to thank me, but I'm off, see you two later

Both waved goodbye as Tadayoshi leaves

Tracer: what's this

She pulls out the book that was on the table which says agent 4 fact-o-pedia and begins reading it

Tracer: ooh some juicy stuff about Tadayoshi

Marie begins to blush and runs to her to take to book away from her

Marie: don't go through people things

Tracer looks at Marie

Tracer: you like him don't you

Marie was still blushing

Marie: um what do you mean

Tracer: come on I know you, hey I even do too

Marie looks at her

Marie: Why do you like him

Tracer: he's cool, dark, and has a nice body

Tracer mind went to Lala land and Marie looks at her as her head begins to release steam out of her head

Tracer: what about you

Marie: well... he is nice, cute, and I do want to know about him

Tracer: well I'll tell you something, I won't lose

Marie: huh?


Tadayoshi was about to walk back until he notices pearl and marina

Marina: hey Tadayoshi

Pearl: where have you been

Tadayoshi: places, but I didn't think you guys need to wait for me

Marina: well-

Pearl: we're nice ok

Tadayoshi: fair enough

Marina: also we have some news

Tadayoshi: and that is

Pearl: well, when Callie is found, the squid sisters are going to come and visit us

Tadayoshi: I see

Marina: yep

Pearl: well wait till they hear about you

Marina: pearlie

Pearl: what, I want to see their reactions

As pearl and marina talked to each other, Tadayoshi rolled his eyes and continue to follow them

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