Chapter 39: fallen angel

Angela tries to slash her claws at tadyoshi's face but he kept blocking it

Tadayoshi then hits her on the side of the head and he continues his way to Alex

?: shall we help her

Mask: she doesn't need help, but you can join her, one at a time

They all smiled

Tadayoshi kept running unit, he was stopped by black ink hitting on the ground

The dark inkling jumps down

?: I've been waiting for this moment

Tadayoshi: motherfucking dark

Black: what's the matter, you don't miss me

Black pulls out his machine gun and fires and Tadayoshi runs around him, as Black laughs like a crazy maniac as where ever the shot hit, they explode

Tadayoshi: forgot he can make his ammunition into explosives, so he doesn't have to dive in his ink to refill

As tadayoshi dodges them, scarf appears in front of him in the air and takes a swing at him, but tadayoshi was able to avoid it

Scarf: miss me?

Scarf kicks his face, which then another inkling girl flys and tackles him against the wall

Suddenly a black octoling appears out of the shadows behind him and grabs him and throws him on the ground, as shade holds him down from the shadows

Tadayoshi looks around the darklings that we're able to hit him

Tadayoshi: uh, Bella? Shade? Hands?

Shade: hmhmhmhm, he remembers us

Hand: yeah, I'm quite... surprised

Bella: anyways, who's finishing him off

Hand: you've already tried to do something to him, it's my turn

Hands approached him and were about to stab him with his cane, but Tadayoshi turns into a squid form to escape Shades' grip. He swims his way to Alex, but then notice another darkling about to step on him, but Tadayoshi dodges and turns back to his normal form

Tadayoshi: you haven't changed maniac

Maniac: well, I'll show something different

Maniac's body gets covered in black ink, then he touched some darklings, which caused them to turn into mindless goop of eye

Tadayoshi: shit

Tadayoshi dodges the goop from touching him, but end up getting loud noises behind him which sends him flying

Tadayoshi: "AGGGHH MY EARS!!"

Tadayoshi looks at who did it

Tadayoshi: MegaPhone

Tadayoshi slowly get up in pain and looks around him, he was surrounded by the darklings

Tadayoshi: great, now I've got to deal with all of the darkling commanders

Tadayoshi: been a while, you guys

Black licks around his lips

Black: this is gonna be fun


All of the commanders' charges at him and Tadayoshi tries his best to dodge and use them to hit against each other

Tadayoshi: shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-

He notices Shade grab his foot and tank running toward him

Tadayoshi: SHIT!

Tadayoshi turns into his squid form and dodges it

Then hands come out of nowhere and stab him on the back with his cane

Tadayoshi: AARRRR

Tadayoshi falls to the ground as the commanders took turns kicking, beating, and stabbing him

Alex watches the horror

Mask turns at Alex

Mask: what's wrong, after all, he doesn't care if he dies

Alex turns at him

Mask: plus did anyone cared about him

Alex: ... I did

Mask: only you, and no one else, end of the conversation

Tadayoshi tries to crawl away and the commanders slowly follow him

Hands: what do you want us to do with him

Mask looks at them

Mask: finish him off

They all smile

Angela: let me do it, he's my brother

Angela flips him frontwards

Angela: sorry brother, but I don't think anyone wants to have a demon like you around

Tadayoshi: says who

Tadayoshi kick her and quickly turns into his squid form and jumps up to the balcony

Bella tries to hit him back down, but Tadayoshi uses her as if they were platforms

Tadayoshi lands on the platform in front of him

Alex looks up at him in tears

Tadayoshi: I made it

Tadayoshi then turns to see black ink coming towards him, but get hit anyway

Mask: don't think, I'll let you off that easy

Tadayoshi charges and mask's fist covered in black ink clashes against tadayoshi's pen

Both struggle to push each other way but end up both getting pushed back

Mask: fine

Mask raised his hands, which grew to the size of a giant

Mask jumps up and aims the large fist down

Mask: I'll just kill you both to get this over with

Tadayoshi quickly turns at Alex and begins to use the pen to break the chains

Tadayoshi: come on, come on, come on,

The fist hits the balcony, which causes dust to cover the balcony

Back at Inkopolis, the crowd watched in shock as for the girls, some were praying and come had their hands covering their mouth

Back at the battlefield darkling watches as the chains fall to the ground

Then Tadayoshi appears holding Alex's arm

Alex: idiot, you've could've gotten killed

Tadayoshi turns at her and smirks

Tadayoshi: I told you, I'll make sure you kept that promise


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi as a kid, giving chibi Alex a push on the swings


At Inkopolis the girls were still nervous until an agent comes bursting in

Agent: CAPN! I just got word that Tadayoshi was able to rescue the girl from the darkling, they are now making their escape:

The girl let out their breath as Bridgett, Callie, and marina were hugging in each other in happiness

Marie: thank god...

On the battlefield, Tadayoshi give Alex the pen

Tadayoshi: you ready

Alex smiles

Alex: hell yeah

Tadayoshi grabs her leg and begins to swing her and then throws her to the ground

Alex aims the pen and hits the ground, which causes the ground to fly out and send the darklings flying

Tadayoshi lands on the ground as Alex gives back the pen and Tadayoshi give Alex his splat duels

Tadayoshi: like old times?

Alex: like old-time

Both Alex and Tadayoshi both fought their way through, beating, shooting, cutting, and stabbing every darkling in their way

The commanders were about to go after them

Mask: wait, let me handle this in a little bit

Both Alex and Tadayoshi kept running as they make their way to exit the battlefield

Tadayoshi: we're almost there

Alex: you got that RI-

Suddenly Tadayoshi stops running and looks at her

His eyes sink in shocked

Alex look at her stomach as she sees a black ink hand going through her chest

Alex spits out a little bit of blood

Tadayoshi: ALEX!!!!

Tadayoshi still in shock follow where the fingers came from


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Mask (as he was laughing): you idiot! Did you think I'll let you go after I put up all this

Mask pulls back his hand out of Alex as she falls to her knees

Tadayoshi: ALEX

Tadayoshi catches her before she hits the ground


Tadayoshi: come on, kid, we're almost there

Tadayoshi holds her as they were on their knees

Tadayoshi: Alex... hey, you in there... hey

Tadayoshi felt something on his hand

Tadayoshi looks at his hand to see yellow ink covering his hands

Tadayoshi in shock looks at Alex

Tadayoshi: hey, we'll get you treated, when we escape, just hang in there

Alex: I'm... sorry, Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: huh

Alex: you went through so much trouble...

... pain...

...and horror... just to save me, but... I couldn't make it all the way

Alex: I'm sorry

Tadayoshi turns at her

Tadayoshi: what are you saying, don't be ridiculous, come on I can still save, just stay with-

Alex: no...

Tadayoshi: what

Alex: I can't hold out much longer... I know my time has come

Tadayoshi holding in his tears while in shocked

Tadayoshi: no... it can't be... your promised me...

Tadayoshi: you said that you will have a better life...


Alex: yes... I know... but I remember what you said to me before... "not everyone can keep a promise forever"

Tadayoshi clinched his teeth

Alex: but can you do me a favor...

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: I can't be there... when you get back with the other... but please... tell them and you that... Even though... I'm so worthless... Even though... I'm with the man that people call him demon... thank you...

Alex begins to cry as Tadayoshi hold his in

Alex: for loving me, and for them taking care of you!

Tadayoshi clinches his teeth and his tear begins to fill up in his eyes

Alex then smiles and closes her eyes as she falls

Tadayoshi then realized that Alex slides off of him, he watches her


Tadayoshi and Alex were sitting on top of the mountain lookout at the view

Alex: say Tadayoshi...

Tadayoshi: hmmm

Alex: do I... deserve to live

Tadayoshi looks at her

Tadayoshi: well... as long as your alive, you'll figure that out soon, kid

Flashback ended

Alex hits the ground leaving Tadayoshi shock as he sees her smiling

Tadayoshi: Alex...

He looks at his hands, which were covered in yellow ink

Tadayoshi shakes a bit and clenches his teeth and looks up...

And lets out a cry, but no tears came down

He cried until he ends up getting himself unconscious

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