Chapter 36: missing

Mini comic because why not

After a few hours, everyone who was on the island made it back to Inkopolis

Pearl: finally, we're back

Callie: but I don't want to go to woooorrrk

Marie: relax Callie, we told the producer we'll be on vacation for a while, so let's make the most of it

Tadayoshi: count me out, I'm tired, and I'm going home

Alex: Want me to take you home

Tadayoshi: no I'm good, but you guys have fun

Alex turns at the other

Alex: I'm gonna follow him

Alex then chases after Tadayoshi

Katie: oh heeeelll no

Lucy: you aren't taking senpai from us

Katie and Lucy then chases after Alex

Marina: sooo, you guys want to head to our place

Bridgett: YAY

Amelia: why not

Back at Tadayoshi, who made it back and waves goodbye to Alex, Katie, and Lucy, he enters his house to find it a mess

Tadayoshi: looks like the darkling tried to find me here, before the island, *sigh*

Tadayoshi then spent the rest of the day, cleaning the house

After he finishes clean the entire houses, he heads upstairs and dives into his bed

Tadayoshi: *sigh* what a long day

He slowly shuts his eyes and falls asleep


One week later

The gals were at the octo canyons chatting with each other

Tracer: you know it's been a week since we last saw Tadayoshi

Terrance: so what, we don't need to see him

Pearl: so why are you here

Terrance: one, to keep an eye on my sister...

Amelia: I can take of myself like I can take care of Bridgett

Terrance: ...and two, I don't want the darklings coming here again

Marie: he does have a point on the second one

Callie: why's that

Marina: well, we had a chat with the capn, and he said if scarf came here, then it's more likely that the darkling would be here too

Suddenly Katie and Lucy appears out of the drain

Katie: did you guys leave this

They turned at them

Callie: leave what

Lucy: we found Alex's phone, on top of the drain, before we came here

Tracer: should we call him

Marie: best off

Marina: I've got it

Marina pulls out her phone

Bridgett: aww, I want to see him

Marina: it's ok, we'll ask him to come

Bridgett: YAY!

Before marina could even begin to call him, Tadayoshi jumps out of the drain, and the others turn at him

Bridgett: TADAYOSHI!

Bridgett runs over and hugs him

Marina: oh I was just about to call you

Tadayoshi: oh, but anyway, do you guys know where Alex lives

Pearl: no why

Tadayoshi: well, she texted me a few minutes ago to come to her house

They all looked at him

Pearl: wait, did you say a few minutes

Tadayoshi: yeah why

Callie: well Lucy and Katie said that they found her phone on top of the drain

Tadayoshi: what

Tadayoshi walks over to Katie and takes the phone

Tadayoshi: that's weird

Marie: I try to find the address

Tracer: do you think something happens

Tadayoshi: what makes you think that

Tracer: how could she text you a few minutes ago when we found her phone

Tadayoshi: true

Marie finally come back

Marie: here's the address

Tadayoshi: ok thanks

Tadayoshi turns to leave but Amelia stands up

Amelia: I'm coming with you

Tadayoshi: why

Amelia: ain't this getting weird for some who text you with Alex's phone here

Tadayoshi: true, but I don't care if you come

Callie: you ain't leaving us behind

Tadayoshi: whatever


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi having a pocky hanging out of his mouth, while marina thinks he's trying to play a pocky game with her


They arrived at Alex's apartment and rings her doorbell

Tadayoshi: hey Alex, it's me

No answer

Tadayoshi then goes to knock on the door, but before he knocks on it, the door slightly opens

Pearl: it open

Tadayoshi then barges into the room to find a horror

Everything was damaged, there's ink all over the wall and scratches

Tadayoshi: what... the... fuck

Katie: someone was here

Amelia: no duh Sherlock

They began investigating the room

Bridgett then notices a disc that says watch me

Bridgett: guys

They all turn to see her holding the disc

Pearl: rina, do you still have your laptop

Marina: Yeah, right here

Marina pulls out her laptop and sets it on the table

Marie: let me see that

Marie takes the disc and puts it in the laptop and the video play as everyone watches

The first thing to come up was...

Alex, beaten and tied up on a chair, the room was dark, but they could see a dark figure, sitting behind Alex

Tadayoshi's eyes sink in

?: hello, Tadayoshi, it's been a while, I know you're probably pissed right now, but you deserve this, you deserve everything that you took from me, so now if you want her back, then come back home

Tadayoshi then punches the laptop, which scared everyone

Marina: my laptop

Callie: who was that

Tadayoshi slowly stands up and begins walking out of the room

They all watched him

Tracer: where are you going

Tadayoshi turns at them and opens his mouth to speak


A few hours later, Tadayoshi was standing at the train stations, waiting for his ride as he carries his bags of weapons, food, and his pen

Marie: are you sure you don't want me to have the squidbeak come with you

Tadayoshi: no

Tracer: are you sure, you will be ok

Tadayoshi: yes

Amelia: we could come with you and help

Tadayoshi: for the last time, no, this is my thing, I have to do this myself, or you guys will be all killed

Bridgett the approaches him and tugs his shirt

Bridgett: Tadayoshi...

Tadayoshi looks at the sad little octoling

Tadayoshi: yes, kid

Bridgett: will you come back

Tadayoshi pats her head

Tadayoshi: don't worry, I'll come back, I'll promise you that

Bridgett then smiles a little

Tadayoshi then looks at the others

Tadayoshi: I'll promise you all that

The gals then took their turns to hug him goodbye

Terrance pulls out his hands and Tadayoshi shakes his hand

Terrance: you better come back alive

Tadayoshi: never thought you say that

Terrance: Yeah, I know, I'm... sorry for the mean thing I said to you, especially the things that sound racist

Tadayoshi: don't worry about it, I know how it feels

Soon, the train the Tadayoshi needs to take arrives

Tadayoshi: *sigh* here we go

Tadayoshi boards the train and turns at the other, that we're waving and saying goodbye

Then the door closes

As soon the train begins to leave, they began chasing the trains as they wave goodbye, and Tadayoshi gives his waves goodbye

The gals stop running and watch the train go

All: be careful... Tadayoshi

The train then leaves the station and now Tadayoshi can't see them, he sets down his stuff and sits down and pulls out a picture of him and Alex when they were young

Tadayoshi: *sigh*, it's time to go back... to my hometown

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