Chapter 35: the attack

Tadayoshi was in his hotel room going through the tv and seeing that narwhals won, and BeatBox is celebrating it by singing this

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Tadayoshi: kinda figured that we'll win

He then notices that they announced the last splatfest will come next month


Suddenly Bridgett badges in

Bridgett: what's wrong, what's wrong

Tadayoshi turns at her

Tadayoshi: oh I'm fine, kid, I'm surprised they're going to make the last splatfest

Bridgett: awww, I don't wanna it to be the last one

Tadayoshi: agree... "but it makes me wonder, after the final splatfest, what will it leaves us to now?"

Tadayoshi: say, why don't you watch some tv, ok

Bridgett: ok

Bridgett jump on the couch and watches tv as Tadayoshi walks away from her

Tadayoshi steps out of a balcony to get some fresh air until he notices something at the other building

He squints his eye to see what he was looking at until then Tadayoshi's eye sinks in shock


Bridgett got very focus on the tv, until...



Bridgett quickly turns and jump off the couch to find Tadayoshi

She then finds Tadayoshi on the ground holding his shoulder, which was bleeding black ink

Bridgett: ah, ah, ah

Suddenly Tadayoshi grabs Bridgett

Tadayoshi: get the others and get out of the building right this instant

Bridgett: what about you

Tadayoshi: I'm fine, I have something to deal with

Bridgett: but...

Tadayoshi: GO!

Bridgett quickly runs out the door without looking back at Tadayoshi and runs out of the room and to the other gals room

Bridgett slams the door open

Callie: hey Bridgett

Marina: something wrong

Pearl: you shocked that unicorns lost

Bridgett: it.. it... Tadayoshi... s-shot, shot

Amelia runs over to her as Bridgett falls to her knees

Amelia: hey, hey, hey what's wrong

Bridgett: we have to get out of here, that what he said

Tracer: why

Suddenly an explosion happens outside

Marie: something tells me that's why

They all quickly got up and runs out of the room to an exit out of the building

Terrance: did you guys hear that as he runs to the,

Pearl: what is going on

They finally made it out of the building and notice a lot of inklings and octolings running around in fear.

They decide to continue leaving the island until they were stopped by someone, which shocked them

?: freeze

Terrance: the darklings

They quickly put their hands up

Darkling 2: bring them with the others

The darklings brought the others with the other people, who were being round up, and they end up sitting next to Ava and Emma

Ava: guys what's going on

Tracer: I don't know

Emma: where's Tadayoshi

They all begin to realize he wasn't in the crowd

Callie: where is he!?

Bridgett: h-he... stayed behind


Marie: we've got get him

Bridgett: no, he said we'll come back

Marina: what if he's killed

Pearl then realized something

Pearl: Alex, Katie, and Lucy aren't here, so maybe they took him

Amelia: could be

Suddenly they then notice some inklings are escaping by using boats, but they were stopped when other boats blocked them and had darklings on them

A few moments later a darkling beginning to walking around them

Tracer: who's that

Terrance and amelia: scarf

Scarf: listen up! You are all my hostage, so you are all to stay quiet, but until then, I WANT THE HEAD OF TADAYOSHI!!!


This story is interrupted by a chibi Callie wearing cat ears, and Marie pulls out her phone, and Tadayoshi giving the wtf face


The group were in shocked when they heard they want Tadayoshi

Ava: they know him

Terrance: I knew he was bad new

Amelia hits him in the head

Amelia: now's is not the time

Scarf walks around and picks up people asking where is Tadayoshi

Of course, no one knows until he approaches Bridgett

Scarf crouches down her height

Scarf: where... is... he!

Bridgett was too scared to talk

Scarf: you aren't gonna talk... well then

Scarf grabs her by the tentacles and throws her out of the crowd


Amelia stands up but the darklings aim their weapons at her and she sits back down

Scarf then grabs her by the tentacles

Scarf: don't make me ask again

Bridgett opens her mouth, but nothing comes out

Scarf: she knows something... and I'm gonna make sure she's knows

Scarf then kicks head and then walks to her and aims the weapon at her

Scarf you got three seconds, 3

Bridgett: ...

Scarf: 2...

Amila tries to get to her, but Terrance's holds her back and the other gals look away in tears

Scarf: 1...

Darkling: ARRRR

Before he pulls the trigger, he turns around to see and darkling shot, by yellow ink

Scarf: yellow?

He then notices some darklings falling dead on the corner of the buildings

Scarf: What!?

Then explosions happen at the boats where the darkling are on and notices something flying around, stabbing every boat

Then realize what it is

A pen

Scarf then watches the pen fly back to its owner

Tadayoshi, who was standing with his hand covering the bandaged place, where he got shot at

Scarf then notice a yellow inkling shooting at the darklings

As soon the other darklings were looking at Tadayoshi, the agents quickly stand up and knocked out the darklings and take their guns, and fires at the other darklings

Terrance, tracer, and amelia begins to quickly evacuate the inklings and octolings off the island, and Katie and Lucy quickly runs to Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: take the kid, this man is mine

Katie and Lucy looks at him and grabs Bridgett and joins the others on the escape boat

Both Tadayoshi and scarf stared eye-to-eye as the circle each other

Scarf: Been hiding too long, been searching for you for many years, but nowhere we are

Tadayoshi: well, I guess it's time

Tadayoshi gets his pen ready and scarf pulls out his sniper gun

Scarf: now to finish the job after so many years

Tadayoshi: well I'll tell you this, it won't finish any time soon

They both stared at each other and finally, they made their move


Both scarf and Tadayoshi charges at each other and the decides to throw in their fist, instead of their weapons

It made a small shockwave around them and they kept rapidly hitting each other's fist

But scarf finally hit him, which cause Tadayoshi to spit out ink and sent flying and smash through a building

Tadayoshi: ink?

Scarf: hehe, I've changed, and now I have something that can kill you

Scarf run to him but then was splatted in the face with yellow ink

Tadayoshi gets up and looks at Alex, who gives him a thumbs up

Scarf wipes the ink off his face, but as soon as he can see, he notices Tadayoshi, but Tadayoshi tackles him through the building. Tadayoshi pulls out his pen to stab him but scarf dodges it and then hits him with his charger

Scarf kept firing at him, but Tadayoshi kept dodging

Scarf then notice that he and Tadayoshi are on live news, which was shown on the big screen

Scarf: you sure have changed, but did you ever use you ink

Tadayoshi: I'll never

Scarf: welp, I'll just make it harder

Scarf then suddenly appears behind Tadayoshi and he kicks him in the back of the head

Scarf: you probably don't remember, but my ink is teleportation

Tadayoshi: oh I remember it alright

Scarf: that's the first and will be your last

Scarf then rapidly teleports around him using every hit on Tadayoshi, but Tadayoshi covers himself, but he notices a pattern that scarf is doing

Tadayoshi: 1,2,3

Tadayoshi swings his pen and hits him, but disappears

Tadayoshi: 1,2,3

Tadayoshi swings behind him and hits scarf again

Scarf then finally stops teleporting

Scarf: you figured it out

Tadayoshi: pretty much

Scarf: guess I can't use that

Tadayoshi: yeah, so I'm finishing up this fight

Tadayoshi then appears in front of him and uppercuts him and sends him flying up

Tadayoshi then squats down and black ink starts spinning around his lower legs and he launches himself up and both scarf and Tadayoshi starts throwing fists again

Tadayoshi grabs scarfs arms and throws him to the ground which causes scarf to break the ground around him and buildings begin to fall

Tadayoshi then finally finishes it off and he points the pen straight down at him and stabs him which again cause more damage than when scarf hit the ground

Both scarf and Tadayoshi stared at each other and they breathe heavily

Scarf: I remember that couldn't even touch me when I first taught you how to fight

Tadayoshi: and I remember that I always thought of you as a douchebag

Scarf: well we're not done yet, wait till you meet our lord again

Scarf the teleports away leaving Tadayoshi behind as he falls to the ground


After a few hours, the squidbeak arrives and starts cleaning up the mess at the island and Tadayoshi was being bandaged by Alex

Callie and pearl finds Tadayoshi and hugs him

Callie: thank goodness you ok

Tadayoshi: I've told you I've felt worst

Tracer: were you always that strong

Tadayoshi: idk, but where's Bridgett

Bridgett then appears with Katie and Lucy carrying her and Ava and Emma with them

Tadayoshi: you ok kid

Bridgett nods

Then Marie, marina, amelia, and Terrance arrives at him

Tadayoshi notice that Amelia didn't look too happy

Amelia: you could've gotten killed

Tadayoshi: I've told you, I don't mind if I'm killed

Amelia: whatever

Terrance: Oh that reminds me, scarf says that he trained you, do you two know each other

Marie: now you mention it, he did sound like he knows you for a very long time

Tadayoshi looks down

Tadayoshi: back then, when I gave up on making friends, they took me in as an experiment, the ink was something that gives inklings or octolings a small power, of course, he used their leader ink on me, they were hoping that I would work for them, but I refused, and escape with the ink, so now I'd carry the ink that gives me the power

Ava: and what is you power

Tadayoshi: it's classified

Pearl: does it have to do with your anger

Tadayoshi: yes, I'll tell you that

Marina: how many people follow him

Tadayoshi: 8 commanders which also includes scarf as one of them, the others are darkling followers and then you have the leader, mask

Amelia: guess, we're facing a big threat here

Tadayoshi: pretty much

They all looked down

Katie: I heard their closing the island for now

Marie: guess our vacation is cut short

Callie: nooooo, our vacation is gone

Pearl: if it's destroyed, then where are you guys staying

Marina: you can stay with us if you guys got no place to stay

Ava: Yeah, we're still staying here

Emma: it's fine, we're got our own homes somewhere safe

Amelia: you guys sure

Ava: Yeah, we're fine, but we got to go

Emma: it was nice knowing ya

They all waved goodbye to the others as they head back to the island

Alex: so now what

Tadayoshi: we go home

They all turn in front of them as the boat brings everyone back to Inkopolis

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