Chapter 3: off the hook

Tadayoshi wakes up in the middle of a dark room

Voice: Go kill yourself

He turned to see who said that, couldn't see who

Voice: nobody wants to hang out with someone like you

Tadayoshi: quiet

Voice: nobody will love you

Tadayoshi: stop

Voice: go die in hell

Tadayoshi lean down holding his head in anger

Voice: your nothing, but a nobody

Tadayoshi: I SAID SHUT UP!!

Tadayoshi quickly sits upwards, breathing heavily and beginning to realize it was all a dream, he put his hand on his face

Tadayoshi: "ugh, how long has it been, since I had one of those dreams"

Suddenly he began to realize that he is on a bed, and in a room that is not his

Tadayoshi: "wait a minute, where am I, wasn't I sleeping outside"

Suddenly, the door opens quickly

?: are you alright mister

Tadayoshi stared at the person who opens the door, which was one of the off the hook idol, marina

Marina: Oh you're awake

Tadayoshi was still confused about what happened last night

Tadayoshi: did you-

Marina: yes it was me, I just saw you sleep outside, and I felt bad so I and pearlie dragged you to our place for you to sleep

Tadayoshi stares at her

Tadayoshi: alright then, oh and thanks, I'm fine

Marina: no problem, anyway breakfast is waiting downstairs

Marina left downstairs as Tadayoshi watches her leave

Tadayoshi: "mind as well head down too"

He gets up and heads downstairs where pearl and marina are sitting at the table, eating

Pearl: ah, he's wake

Tadayoshi: hello MC princess

Pearl: Wow, you don't call me by my name

Tadayoshi: I give nicknames to people I don't trust

Both pearl and marina look at him

Tadayoshi: what?

Pearl: what do you mean, you don't trust us after we help you

Tadayoshi: I'm thankful that you help me, but I don't trust anyone, even if they are nice to me

Marina: why

Tadayoshi went quiet for a few moments

Tadayoshi: I have my reason

He begins to walk away

Marina: where are you going

Tadayoshi: home

Pearl: welp, it was ni-

Marina: why don't you come and eat with us

Pearl: Marina!

Marina: what you know breakfast is important, right

Tadayoshi: I'm not hungry

Tadayoshi began to find his shoes

Marina: come on, come eat with us

Tadayoshi: no

Marina: why not

Tadayoshi turns at them again

Tadayoshi: well one, I'm not hungry, two if I get caught, by some random fan, people are going to try and kill me and I won't get any alone time, and three, I've got places to be

Tadayoshi finally finds his shoes and puts them on

Tadayoshi: but, thanks for letting me sleep here, I owe you guy one

He leaves out the door leave marina and pearl look at the door

Pearl: see now we don't have to worry about him

Marina looks down

Pearl: what's wrong

Marina: it's just...I've seen him always with that emotionless face all the time, I don't know why but I want to know why and want to help him

Pearl stares at her with a really face

Pearl: you need to be a little meaner sometimes marina


Tadayoshi was on his way to the octo canyons until his phone made a ding noise

He looks at his phone and realizes that "agent 2" text him

Tadayoshi: "how'd she get my number"

Agent 2: are you coming or what

T: yeah, I'm on my way

Agent 2: alright, see you there

Tadayoshi puts away his phone as he continues to walk to the octo canyons


He finally arrives with Marie waiting for him

Marie: morning

Tadayoshi: hey

Marie looks at him

Tadayoshi: what

Marie: you know you're supposed to say morning, not hey

Tadayoshi: It's the same thing

Marie: *sigh* when will you trust me

Tadayoshi: why are you asking that?

Marie: because as your boss, your gonna have to trust me

Tadayoshi: I never said I'm working for you, but somewhere in the future maybe, anyway I'm off

Marie: oh wait

Tadayoshi: what

Marie tosses him an earbud

Tadayoshi: what's this

Marie: I'm going to communicate to you through this, so I know what you are doing

Tadayoshi: ok, now I'm off

Marie: careful

Marie watches as Tadayoshi leaves to the next sector

Marie: When you come back I going to ask you some questions


During the mission, Tadayoshi was flying by as usual

Marie: how you doing

Tadayoshi: just making my way downtown

Marie: welp you sound like your doing fine

Marie looks at a camera that focuses on Tadayoshi, which he doesn't know about

He then suddenly stopped in tracks when an ink bomb appeared in front of him

Tadayoshi: oh shit

He jumps out of the way, but still got hit

Marie: Tadayoshi are you alright, answer me!

Tadayoshi looks up and notices two octolings looking at him

Octoling 1: well what do we have here

Octoling 2: welp it's a shame, we've got to put him down

Tadayoshi crawls to get his weapon, but the octoling step on his hand

Tadayoshi: arrhhh

Marie: Tadayoshi!? Tadayoshi!? come on answer me

Octoling 1: not so fast there

The octolings aim their guns at him

Octoling 2: any last words

Tadayoshi then pulls out something in his hand which made the octoling freakout

Tadayoshi: say hi to satan for me

In Marie earbuds, she hears an explosion

Marie: Tadayoshi, come on, please don't be dead

Tadayoshi: ugh Jesus that was close

Marie: Tadayoshi, what happened, are you alright

Tadayoshi stands up

Tadayoshi: yeah I'm fine, I'm just glad I had one of these on me, so don't worry about me, he said as he was holding an ink bomb

Marie let out a breath

Marie: thank god


After completing sector 2 and 3, Tadayoshi appears back to Marie

Tadayoshi: hey I back I-

Before he could finish talking, Marie ran to him with a hug

Marie: thank God, your ok, I thought you were going to be killed

Tadayoshi looks at her in concern

Tadayoshi: uh what are you doing?

Marie quickly let's go of him and looks at him

Marie: what do you mean, I was nervous, you were almost killed

Tadayoshi: well first off one if I get killed I can respawn, and two I don't care if I get killed

Marie: how can you not care if your killed, aren't you worry about yourself

Tadayoshi: no

Marie: why

Tadayoshi thought for a moment

Tadayoshi: reasons

Marie looks at him and brings him to a seat

Marie: why not tell me what wrong

Tadayoshi: nothings wrong

Marie: something is wrong, you don't care about squid being

Tadayoshi went quiet for a few moments

Tadayoshi: I'll tell you somewhere isn't the future

Marie: you promise

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I hate promise, but I promise

Both Tadayoshi and Marie gets up and says their goodbyes, as Marie watches him leave

Marie: What are you hiding Tadayoshi...


Tadayoshi finally arrives at his apartment, until he realized that the landlord was waiting for him

Landlord: do you have the payment since you didn't come back yesterday

Tadayoshi: "ahh shit I forgot about it, I just hope he'll let me off the hook"

Tadayoshi: umm... I forgot about

Both of them stared at each other

Landlord: that's it, get your stuff and leave

Tadayoshi: what

Landlord: I said get your shit and get the fuck out of here

Tadayoshi: but I-

Landlord: I let you off the hook 3 times in a row and you still don't have to pay, so GET OUT NOW


After a few hours of packing, he was now walking in the streets with his stuff

Tadayoshi: well shit, now where I'm going to stay now

?: um why not live with us

Tadayoshi turns around and notices it was the off the hook again, but in there disguise

Tadayoshi: haven't I told you guys to make your disguise a bit better

Marina: yeah we know, but it seems that you're homeless...

Tadayoshi: well just became homeless

Marina:, why not stay at our place

Tadayoshi looks at pearl

Pearl: I only agree if you can pay for the rent

Tadayoshi: well, how much do I have to pay

Pearl: 8500 a month

Marina: Pearlie!

Pearl: what, if he can't pay, he won't have to stay at our place

Marina: but I want to help him

Pearl: *groan* fine, I meant 100 a month

Tadayoshi: alright, sounds good to me


Marina, pearl, and Tadayoshi finally arrives at pearl and marina's place again

Tadayoshi: so where am I staying at

Pearl: Well first set down your stuff and we'll show you around the place first

Tadayoshi: ok then

He sets down his stuff and pearl and marina begins to do a house tour

A few moments later

Pearl: and here is where we place our music

Tadayoshi then stares at marinas DJ set and other instruments

Marina: uh... are you coming

Tadayoshi: hm, oh yeah

Pearl: and there you have it, that's the end of our tour

Tadayoshi: pretty nice place, but you still haven't told me where I'm staying at

Pearl: go upstairs, the second door to the right

Tadayoshi: thx

He heads upstairs and enters his new room

Tadayoshi: "well this ain't bad, there's even a bathroom here, nice"

After a few hours of unpacking, he heads downstairs where marina and pearl are watching tv

Tadayoshi: welp I'm heading to bed, I owe you guy one

Marina: aren't you going to eat

Tadayoshi: nope

Both pearl and marina turned at him

Pearl: uh do you even eat

Tadayoshi: if I'm hungry, but mostly no, goodnight

He lives upstairs leaving pearl and marina spectacle

Pearl: marina

Marina: yes pearlie

Pearl: I think your right, somethings wrong with him

Tadayoshi takes off his clothes and has only his boxers and t-shirts and falls on his bed

Tadayoshi: I think I might able to relax here for once maybe

He shuts his eyes and falls asleep

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