Chapter 28: Octo expansion 2

Tracer: that's agent 7?

Callie: yes that was Ryan

Ryan: why didn't you save me

Marina: guys he can hear us

Pearl: he probably has an earpiece

Marie: Ryan can you hear me

Ryan: you could've saved me

Marie: Ryan listen to me

Commandar tartar: he won't listen

Callie: liar, I'm sure he's-

Tadayoshi: he's right

Marie: what

Tadayoshi: he went missing for how long

Marie: 5 years ago

Tadayoshi: he's gone, he isn't Ryan anymore

Commandar tartar: thank you for explaining, but unfortunately I had to have this man take care of you because you took out the other me in Inkopolis

Terrance: the one that attacks us yesterday

Commandar tartar: correct, now if you excuse me, I have work to do

Commandar tartar jumps from wall to wall leaving Ryan to take care of them

Amelia: guys what our goal now

Marie: Ryan, listen to me

Ryan: Ryan is dead, I'm now agent tart

The former agent jumps at them to make his attack


Every agent kept their attempts on attacking him, but the agent tart kept deflecting or dodging their attacks

Bridgett: why is he so hard

Callie: he was with us for a long time, so he's pretty skilled

Amila: and the goop that controls him now, make him stronger

Terrance: shit, we better get this over quick

Suddenly agent tart appears in front of Terrance, he grabs his face and slams him to the ground, knocking him out

Bridgett and Amelia use that advantage and shoots him in the back

Agent tart looks at them and run at them, grabbing their heads and smack them against each other

He turns at tracer but Tadayoshi hits him with his splattershot

Both took punches back and forth, but Tadayoshi then pulls out his pen and thrusts at him, but the agent grabs the pen swing him against the wall, and stomps on his face

He turns at tracer, knocks her weapon out of hands and kicks her down, and aims his weapon at her

Tracer: you were an agent, weren't you a hero

Agent tart: hero, no, I'm no hero, I'm no Ryan, I'm the first cephalopod of the new world

Agent tart was about to pull the trigger until a pen comes out through this chest, the agent spits out his green ink and goop

The agent turns at Tadayoshi, but then Tadayoshi pulls the pen out of him, then kicks him, causing him to hit against the wall

Agent tart tries to recover, but amelia and Bridgett kept rapidly firing at the agent, which makes agent tart a hard time getting back up

Marie: that's it finish him

Terrance pulls out an ink bomb and throws it at him, agent tart looks at it as everyone takes cover

Agent tart: *sigh* good fight, good fight

The ink bombs explode and everyone peeks out to see if he was finish

Sure enough, he was on the ground knocked out

Callie: May he rest well

Pearl: now what do we do with him

Marie: we'll lock him up with the others after this mission

Marina: I'm calling the squidbeak right now

Back at the agent, Terrance and Tadayoshi ties him up with some pipes while the others try to find a way up

Bridgett: let's jump

Tracer: we can't jump that-

Bridgett turns into her octo form and jumps above

Tracer: never mind

The other then follow behind to find where commandar tartar is now


This story is interrupted by a chibi armor and chibi Alexa chatting to each other while chibi capn cuttlefish is hitting the globe where chibi Octavio is with his cane


They finally reach the top where commandar tartar was sitting down looking away from them

Amelia: surrender now, for face your real death

Commandar tartar begins laughing and turns at them

Terrance: what's so funny

Commandar tartar: glad you ask, it is time FOR THE SHOW TO BEGIN

Commandar tartar presses a button

Suddenly the place begins to shake and the place begins to crumble

Tracer: guys, should we leave

Tadayoshi: way ahead of you

The agents quickly turn into their squid form and jump out of the roof, where they find lots of helicopters around and the 4 Idol on one of them

Tadayoshi: must have called for back up

They quickly jumped on to the helicopter where to idols were in and the place begins crumbling down and a machine arises from it

Pearl: rina, what is that

Marina: I'm working on it

Bridgett: it's the thing that almost killed me

Tadayoshi: what!?

Suddenly the see commandar tartar walking on top of the weapon and raised his hands up

Commandar tartar: thank you all for coming, I'm pretty sure you know what this is right, agent 8

Bridgett sticks her tongue at him

Commandar tartar: after my escape, I try to think of a way to wipe you all out, until I realize, why to bring it out when I can bring it in, with this weapon, I will suck everything in this whole planet, and once it is over, I will create a world, A WORLD FULL OF... ME

Commandar tartar slides down the machine laughing and start up his weapon

Marina: I got the diagram of the machine

Callie: what did you get, and weakness

Marina looks through and realizes something

Marina: he's changed it

Tracer: what do you mean

Marina: back when we fought him, all we had to do was cover it with ink, but he's upgrade it, you can't stop it

Amelia thoughts for a moment and remember something

Amelia: it's him

They all turned at her

Marie: what do you mean it's him

Amelia: the last time he made that was only to kill the capn and Bridgett, but I stop the machine, by taking him out

Tadayoshi: so that means, if we take him out, the weapon shuts down

Terrance: then let's do it

Marina: you guys better hurry then, the weapon will be ready in 10 mins

Amelia: then let's make the most of it

The agents turn into their squid forms and jump to the weapon


Commandar tartar was happily smiling as he watches the countdown, but then he turns to have his face kicked by Bridgett's foot, knocking him back

Commandar tartar: oh you're coming at him now

Tracer: that's what we're doing

Commandar tartar: fine

Suddenly his arms grow long and he slams them on the ground

Commandar tartar: then come at me

They all charged at each other as they try to get to him, but he kept knocking me back

They Bridgett and tracer rapidly fire at him, while Tadayoshi, Amelia, and Terrance were attacking him close

Commandar tartar: too annoying

He jumps up on top of the machine and the agents follow

They kept on their attack but then commander tartar grabs Amelia

Commandar tartar: attack me or she will become a squish sushi

Terrance, Bridgett, and tracer stop their fighting, but that gave the advantage to him them back

Commandar tartar: too easy

Suddenly appears out of nowhere and cuts his arm, freeing Amelia

Commandar tartar: you, BITCH

Commandar tartar and Tadayoshi went toe to toe, but then Bridgett and trace fire again, which kept commandar tartar from recovering his arm

Amelia then come running towards him and Terrance gives her a boost to jump, and Tadayoshi quickly steps back

She comes falling gives commandar tartar a sucker punch

Commandar tartar slowly tries to crawl away but realizing something

Commandar tartar begins to laugh

Terrance: what's so funny

Commandar tartar: you're too late, the machine will start in 30 seconds, it won't be enough time

Amelia: not if we kill you

Commandar tartar: kill me, it won't work, I program it, you can't shut it off, you can't stop the new world from being created

Tadayoshi looks down at the blender and thought of something

Tadayoshi: everyone gets out of here, take him too

Amelia: what about you

Tadayoshi: I'll catch up, I got a plan to stop this

Bridgett: but...

Tadayoshi: GO

The agents grab commandar tartar and jump on to the helicopter

Callie: what are you doing

Amelia: Tadayoshi wants us out of there

Pearl: is he trying to kill us all

Back at Tadayoshi, he looks down through the weapon and starts hitting the top with his pen

Tracer: what's he doing

Commandar tartar: wow, he is an idiot

Tadayoshi then takes another hit, and finally cracks it a little, he quickly asks the crack an open whole, which causes a huge suction everything outside slowly begin to pull in

Tadayoshi: now to do this

Tadayoshi then throws an ink bomb in the machine

The ink bomb passes the blades of the blender and lands where the waste is supposed to be contained

The ink bomb explodes and the weapon slowly begins shaking and making a creaking noise

Callie: what did he do

Commandar tartar stares in shock

Commandar tartar: no! How did he!?

Marina: he hit you

Pearl: what do you mean

Marina: well back then, the machine was covered with his goop-

Amelia: so my idea was right-

Terrance: we didn't kill all of him

Commandar tartar realize what they mean


Tadayoshi then quickly turns into his squid form and jump to the helicopter with the others

The machine starts falling apart and slowly falls to the bottom of the ocean, where it explodes

Marina: we DID IT

Marina turns and hugs pearl and everyone celebrates their victory

Marie: we're not done, we've got a lot of clean up to do

They all stop their celebration and look at the remains of the abandoned factory

A few days later

After the commandar tartar incident, the missing cephalopods were cured and return to their friend and families, while commandar tartar got locked up with the others

Tadayoshi: you think the globe will hold him and Ryan

Marie: if it can hold all three of these guys, then it should be able to hold them

Tadayoshi: if you say so, anyway I'm going home, I'm done for the day

Amelia: same

Everyone wave goodbye as they leave to their homes but don't realize that someone was watching them

?: sir, we found him

Back at an unknown location

?: hm, hm, hm, hmmm, after so many years, we finally found you

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