Chapter 21: a date with Bridgett

Amelia was walking with Bridgett, who was carrying her stuff for a sleepover, to Tadayoshi's place

Amelia: now, what do you do if you are lost or want to come home

Bridgett: call you

Amelia: good

They soon arrived at Tadayoshi's house

Amelia: alright, you have fun now

Bridgett: ok, bye

Amelia walks off as Bridgett enters Tadayoshi's house

Inside was quiet, so Bridgett decides to explore around the house again

She notices a small statue of a blue glass bird that was on his shelf and she walks over to see it

Bridgett: pretty

Bridgett then runs upstairs and enters Tadayoshi's room to find him sleeping

She didn't want to be rude and wake him up, so she sits next to the bed and watches him

Bridgett: hello

Tadayoshi: mmm

Tadayoshi slowly opens his eyes and see a small octoling staring at his

Bridgett: wakes, wakey

Tadayoshi jumps from this and quickly sits up

Tadayoshi: how long were you watching me, kid

Bridgett looks at the clock

Bridgett: long

Tadayoshi: *sigh* alright let me get ready and I will play with you

Bridgett: yay

Tadayoshi then stops and looks at what she is wearing

Tadayoshi: you're still wearing that agent clothes

Bridgett: but I like it

Tadayoshi: I'm not yelling at you, I'm just saying you had other clothes I bought for you

Bridgett: their pajamas

Tadayoshi: if you say so


After a few minutes, Tadayoshi heads downs and sees Bridgett drawing

Tadayoshi: what you making

Bridgett shows the drawing of Tadayoshi and herself holding hands on a small mountain

He sits down and takes the picture to have a closer look

Tadayoshi: is this us

Bridgett nods

Tadayoshi puts his hand on her head

Tadayoshi: good job, this is a really good drawing

Bridgett then stands up

Bridgett: let's play some games

Tadayoshi stands up with her

Tadayoshi: well what do you want to play

Bridgett: Mario Kart

Tadayoshi: alright

They both played some games for a while and Bridgett kept having a winning streak, due to Tadayoshi letting her win

Bridgett: yay, I win again

Tadayoshi: good job

Bridgett sets down the controller and grabs Tadayoshi's hand

Bridgett: let play more

Tadayoshi: alright, alright hold on

Tadayoshi shuts off the game and follows her to put their shoes on

They exit the house and Bridgett got immediately got bored as they walked to Inkopolis

Bridgett starts shaking Tadayoshi

Bridgett: I'm booooooooored

Tadayoshi: hmm, how about some riddle games

Bridgett: ok

Tadayoshi: alright, the big frog croaks, the little frog crickets, what does the baby frog say

Bridgett thought for a moment

Bridgett: squeak?

Tadayoshi: nope, it's a tadpole, it can't croak

Bridgett got a little trigger at that and punch him a little

Tadayoshi: what, that was the answer

Bridgett: one more

Tadayoshi: alright, how can a person jump higher than the Inkopolis tower

Bridgett thought for while and that while became minutes as Bridgett thinks even harder

Bridgett: !

Tadayoshi: well

Bridgett: superhero

Tadayoshi: they aren't real, you know

Bridgett was shocked a bit

Tadayoshi: the answer is all you have to do is jump, after all, the tower can't jump

Bridgett then got more triggered at that and began punching him again

Tadayoshi: hehe, got to think better than that

Bridgett: one more

Tadayoshi: sorry, I'm all out, kid

Bridgett: one more, one more

Tadayoshi: hehehe


This story is interrupted by a chibi Bridgett having cat ears, meowing and chibi Tadayoshi putting his hand on his chest, thinking it is too adorable


They arrive at the square and Bridgett finally calms down

Tadayoshi: alright we are here, now what, kid

Bridgett then pulls Tadayoshi to the arcade

Tadayoshi: "again," alright I'm coming

Both played games for a while and Tadayoshi kept helping and making her win every game she plays

Bridgett: let's play that

Tadayoshi looks at what she pointing and she was pointing at the picture machine

Tadayoshi: you want pictures, kid

Bridgett nods happily

Tadayoshi: sorry, I don't-

Tadayoshi then notice that Bridgett was giving her the puppy eyes

Tadayoshi: "motherfucker"

Tadayoshi: fine

Bridgett: yay

Tadayoshi: "this kid is so innocent"

They enter the machine and set up their frames for the pictures

Tadayoshi: you want me to just stand here or-


The first pic was taken

Tadayoshi: well that's one

Bridgett pulls out her hand

Bridgett: hold

Tadayoshi: ...ok then

Tadayoshi take her hand and the camera takes another picture


The second picture was taken

Bridgett then turns to her back

Bridgett: sit and back to back

Tadayoshi does what he was told and sits down with her, back to back


The third was taken

Bridgett stands up and so does Tadayoshi

Bridgett: pose the caramelldansen dance

Tadayoshi: what, I'm not doing that

Bridgett: pleases

Bridgett does the puppy eyes again and Tadayoshi, who is now embarrassed, do the pose and Bridget smiles


Bridgett runs out and grabs the photos to look at

Bridgett: yay, come on, let's go play some more

Bridgett runs ahead while Tadayoshi exits out, embarrassed and put his hoodie over his head and catches up to Bridgett

Tadayoshi: "I want to die now"


It was night time and they were at Tadayoshi's home and Tadayoshi made Bridgett some chicken nuggets for her to eat

Tadayoshi: want anything else

Bridgett: no thank you

Tadayoshi: alright, let me know if you are still hungry

Bridgett: ok

Tadayoshi sits down with her and watches her eat, but Bridgett looks up at him and tries to offer him some nuggets

Tadayoshi: no I'm good

Bridgett: but you don't eat

Tadayoshi: it's ok, I'll be fine

Bridgett eats the nugget and looks at him

Bridgett: "why aren't you hungry"

After Bridgett eats her food and changes into her pajamas, she heads downstairs where Tadayoshi is making popcorn

Tadayoshi: so, what do you want to watch, kid

Bridgett: hmm, something scary

Tadayoshi looks at her and raised his eyebrow

Tadayoshi: can you handle it, kid

Bridgett: yeah

Tadayoshi: if you say so

Bridgett sits down on the couch as Tadayoshi sets up the movie, he then hands Bridgett a blanket

Tadayoshi: in case you fall asleep

Bridgett takes the blanket and Tadayoshi sits down with her and they both watch the movie "IT" with some popcorn

After the movie ended, Tadayoshi looks at Bridgett, who is scared now

Tadayoshi: your still a kid, huh, kid

Bridgett puff her cheeks at him as Tadayoshi chuckles at her

Tadayoshi picks up Bridgett and bring her to a guest room and says goodnight to her, then Tadayoshi went downstairs to shut off the lights in the house, and then went into his bedroom and falls asleep

Bridgett POV

Bridgett wake up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare about clowns

She tries to hide under her blanket, but it didn't work, so she gets up and heads to Tadayoshi's room, crying

She quietly opens the door, to find him sleeping, she slowly slides into bed with him, but she was still scared to sleep

Suddenly Tadayoshi's arm wraps around Bridgett, and she looks at the dark inkling

Tadayoshi: zzz ok... I've got you... zzz

Bridgett smiles and snuggles in Tadayoshi's chest and falls asleep

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