Chapter 20: a date with Amelia

Marina wakes up and realized that she was snuggling with Tadayoshi and her tentacles are rubbing all over Tadayoshi face

She quickly pulls back

Marina: geez, what is up with my tentacles, it's like they have a mind of their own

She gets up quietly off the couch without wake up Tadayoshi

Marina: pearlie is probably wondering where I'm at, I should head back

Before she leaves, she turns at the sleeping black colored inkling and she blushes a little

Marina: Well, maybe, it wouldn't hurt

She looks around and slowly leans toward Tadayoshi face

Amelia POV

Amelia arrives in front of Tadayoshi house, taking deep breaths

Amelia: ok... ok, I can do this, we're just hanging out lie friend, not dating like couples

She knocks on his door, but when she first touches the door, the door slightly opens

Amelia: "why is it open"

Amelia pulls out her weapon and enters the house, but as soon she enters the living room, she sees Marina lean close to Tadayoshi face


Marina jumps at this and looks at Amelia

Marina: don't scare me like that

Amelia: well sorry, but what were you doing to him

Marina: I- uh, nothing, got to go, bye

Marina quickly runs out the door leaving Amelia to Tadayoshi

Amelia: *sigh*

Amelia walks over to Tadayoshi, who is somehow sleeping

Amelia: "how are you still sleeping"

Amelia starts shaking him

Amelia: Hey, wake up

Tadayoshi: mmm... no, I will not accept that pewdiepie lost to T-series

Amelia: what the hell are you saying

Amelia pulls out her ink roller and starts to swing at him, but Tadayoshi's hand quickly grabs the roller and he looks up at her

Tadayoshi: you know that yelling of yours before can still wake me up, you know

Amelia sets down her roller

Amelia: so, was up before Marina left

Tadayoshi: pretty much, I just wanted to see how would you wake me up

Amelia: funny

Tadayoshi: and let me guess, you're here because it's your turn, right

Amelia: yep

Tadayoshi get up off the couch

Tadayoshi: never thought, you would accept the date thing

Amelia: what do you mean

Tadayoshi: well I mean, you could have skipped it

Amelia: but Bridgett probably would make me go

Tadayoshi: of course, Bridgett would make you, speaking of her, how is she

Amelia: she's with the squid sisters, they're trying to teach Bridgett how to date

Tadayoshi: "please hope that it's only Marie is teaching her not Callie"

Amelia: anyway let's get this hangout over with

Tadayoshi: way ahead of you


Both Amelia and Tadayoshi chatted on the way to Inkopolis and they learn that they had a lot in common, they like being alone, they have to keep an eye on one cephalopod, and they are skilled fighters

Amelia: shall we play some turf wars

Tadayoshi: hmm, why not, but just so you, I won't go easy on you

Amelia: good, because I want to see how are you in a 1v1

Tadayoshi: really, it's gonna be boring for me, plus you sure you don't want to have teammates, it's gonna be a lot harder than having teammates

Amelia: I fought my way through octolings and DJ Octavio before, so I'll be fine

Tadayoshi: if you say so

They both enter the lobby to begin their turf war

Soon Amelia and Tadayoshi were choosing their weapons on what they gonna use against each other

Amelia: and besides, I also want to see your skills with your pen

Tadayoshi: didn't you see, when I fought armor before

Amelia: I was too busy taking out his followers and making sure that Bridgett would get treated due to her injuries

Tadayoshi: how are her injuries

Amelia: it's healed, she doesn't need to wear the bandages

Tadayoshi: good to hear

Suddenly the announcement was calling them to come to their stage

Tadayoshi: May the best inkling win

Amelia: we'll see about that

Soon they got onto their stadium to fight, but of course, Tadayoshi was able to scare off the teammates that Tadayoshi was stuck with while he notices that Amelia was threatening her teammates to leave

Tadayoshi: "she's good"

Judd started the countdown



Tadayoshi: "please hope that nothing will interrupt us"



Amelia: alright, "black eye demon," show me what you got


This story is interrupted by a chibi Amelia and chibi Tadayoshi going toe-to-toe against each other


After a few hours and many matches of turf wars, Tadayoshi end up winning against her

They exit out of the lobby

Tadayoshi: well, I guess this is your second loss

Amelia: second?

Tadayoshi: well, Bridgett happen to tell me that you lost against her

They both stop and look at each other

Amelia: Well, first of all, I was mind-controlled, so my skilled were probably off, because of commander tart, and second I was busy for a while, so my skill could've been tired

Tadayoshi: sureeee

Amelia points the gun at him

Tadayoshi: whenever you want to

Then Amelia lowers her weapon and they continue to walk

Amelia: why aren't you afraid of being killed

Tadayoshi: what do you mean

Amelia: I point the gun at you before, when I never liked you

Tadayoshi: and I thought you still do

Amelia: not that much

Tadayoshi: surprisingly

Amelia: anyway, I was gonna shoot you, until you told me to go ahead and take the shot, and it made me wonder, are you afraid of dying

Tadayoshi: ...

Tadayoshi: why don't we talk about this somewhere else

Amelia: funny, because I wanted to go to a bar

Tadayoshi: alright then


They arrived at a bar and got themselves some drinks and Tadayoshi went through 5 bottles

Amelia: thought you can't taste

Tadayoshi: drinks are the only thing I can taste

Tadayoshi took a big gulp on his drink

Amelia: so are you going to tell me

Tadayoshi:... well, I've just given up on hope

Amelia turns at him

Amelia: given up hope?

Tadayoshi: you heard me, I lost on making friends, lost being with my family, lost taste, lost showing emotions except for anger or sadness, and lost on love

Amelia turns at him in surprise

Amelia: you've felt love before

Tadayoshi: yes, I had, I met a woman that was my type back then, it was stupid, but one day, I confessed to her, and her response was the last time I talked to anyone, she said:

Tadayoshi: "Look, I'm not interested I don't believe you should tell anyone that you loved them, no one should date a guy likes you, people like you should just go and die, go to hell and never show me your face to me ever again"

Amelia was a bit shocked about this

Amelia: was she that cruel, who was she

Tadayoshi: don't want to think of what she looked like, but after that, I ran home into my bedroom and stayed there, and that's when I realized that God just wants me to be alone, so I kept it like that, and decided to be alone

Amelia looks down at her drink

Amelia: Well, if someone confesses to you, what would you do

Tadayoshi: I wouldn't believe them

Amelia: So you don't like love anymore

Tadayoshi: no, but if that person really does like me, I would reject her, because I feel like she will find someone better, but what I know, is that love will never happen

Tadayoshi finishes up his drink, pays for the drinks, and gets up to leave

Tadayoshi: you coming

Amelia: yeah but, it's raining

He looks out the window and sees the rain

He turns at Amelia, takes off his sweatshirt, and tosses it to her

Tadayoshi: wear that, it'll protect you from the rain

Amelia: what about you

Tadayoshi: I'll be fine

He steps out into the rain and looks up

Every drop that hits him, burns through him and Amelia watches as he takes in the rain

He looks at her again

Tadayoshi: let's go

They both walk to Amelia's home to drop her home


They arrived a few minutes and Amelia gives back his sweatshirt

Tadayoshi turns to leave, but Amelia stops him

Amelia: hey, Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi turns at her, with an emotionless look

Amelia: I'm sorry

Tadayoshi: for what

Amelia: for not treating you, as a friend

Tadayoshi: ...

Tadayoshi: usually I don't accept the apology, and just wait until I trust you again, but I'll accept this one

Amelia: why

Tadayoshi looks at her

Tadayoshi: because we both have things in common

They both waved goodbye as Tadayoshi walks back home

Amelia shuts her door

Amelia: "I'm serious Tadayoshi, I'm sorry"

Somewhere in an abandoned place

Inkling 1: shit, how are we supposed to keep an eye on him

Inkling 2: I don't know, who knows what's he doing

?: relax let him be for today

The two inklings look at the shadow cephalopod

Doctor: sir, if you get up again, you have to wait for another week for it to be healed

The stranger sits down

?: I'll get you Tadayoshi for not only being with the greatest idols but for getting me squished by that armor inkling, mark my words, Tadayoshi, mark my words

?: ehhh? So you're the one hurting senpai drake?

Drake: What?

?2: guess we have to make sure that won't happen...

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