Chapter 134: The squidbeak splatoon

100 years ago:

Inkling: Wait are you, serious Captain?!

Craig: Of course I am! Tomorrow, we are going to the octoling base and win the war!

Inkling: But Captain, I heard Octavio has hired some people to fight for him

Craig: *sigh* sounds like him... wish this was didn't come to this...

?: Quite being all wimpy Captain

Inkling: Holy shit! He's back!

A bunch of inkling gathers around a group of inkling soldiers which were led by two agents that came back from its mission. Craig pushes past through them and steps in front of agent 1

Craig: Good to see you back... Aaron

Aaron throws down a defeated octoling general in front of Craig and puts his pen away

Aaron: The mission is complete...

Kiryu: the octolings surrendered and gave out some information!

Craig: Heh, as expected from you two!

Kiryu: We also happened to find a survivor as well...

Craig: a survivor?

Suddenly he notices a small inkling girl hiding behind Aaron's leg. He kneels at the inkling girl

Craig: This little one?

Aaron: I found her in an alleyway, she wouldn't let go of me when we finished the battle

Craig: Ah it's ok kid... you're safe...

Inking girl: ...

Aaron: Go with him kid, you're safe from the bad octolings...

Inkling girl: ...

Aaron: Kid, you can't be a coward forever... the world is cruel but we all have to man up to survive... so if you want to live, you have to do something that you say you can't do...

Inkling girl: ... ok

She lets go of Aaron's legs and walk toward Craig, which he takes her hand

Craig: I'll take her to the safe house

Aaron: Fair enough

Craig walks away with Felicia as Aaron watches away

Kiryu: You're quite soft with children!

Aaron: You got a problem with that?

Kiryu: Nope, but you need to teach me to some words to say to my kid!

Aaron: Learn it yourself, samurai

Kiryu: How? I'm still struggling with how to be a father!

Aaron: Shouldn't have slept with her

Kiryu: Hey! It's not my fault she's attractive! Besides you have a son at home right?

Aaron: Not anymore...

Kiryu: ... oh... that happened...

Hakuchō: Welcome home dear

Aaron and Kiryu looks beside them to see Hakuchō, slowly walking towards them with her stick

Kiryu: Hey babe

Kiryu give Hakuchō kiss each other while they embrace each other

Aaron: How the hell did she know it was you...

Kiryu: How is the baby?

Hakuchō: It's doing well... I can feel it kicking

Kiryu: *gasp* really?! Let me feel it!

?: Family moment here I see!

Kiryu looks beside him to see an orange inkling standing beside him and Hakuchō

Aaron: What are you doing here Oscar?

Oscar: What? Can't an old friend visit you?

Aaron: You're not my friend

Oscar: Oh come on don't be like that bro! Remember the good times we had like I threw a pie at your face!

He grabs onto Oscars' face and begins to squeeze as Oscar tries to escape out of his grasp

Aaron: Thanks for reminding me of that. I'll break your face

Oscar: Owowowowow, you don't need to do that! Stop it!

Kiryu: Heh, You two are close

Aaron: Shut up

He lets go of Oscar who quickly touches his face to make sure it's not damage

Oscar: Jesus you could've changed my looks!

Aaron: Why do you care about looks?

Oscar: Because people won't accept me for who I am if I were to change...

Aaron: ... You're fine the way you are, so quit your whining

Oscar: I know but it's reality and how society is!

Aaron: I know...

Oscar: But after this war, want to come to hang out? I know some hot chicks that want to see you

Aaron: Not interested...

Oscar: Still not letting go of your wife?

Aaron: I already moved on from her, but getting together with another woman is like breaking a promise I made to her

Oscar: *sigh* well I can't force you

Inkling: Zane has returned!

Zane walks into the base as the inkling soldiers gather around him to welcome him. Aaron approaches him they grip their hand together

Aaron: Welcome back brother...

Zane: Same goes for you too!

Oscar: *tsk*

Kiryu: Still don't like that man?

Oscar: No... it's just something is off about him whenever I see him...

Kiryu: You think so?

Aaron: Do you want to grab a drink a bit later?

Zane: Of course! Just need to meet with the captain. I need to request from him

Aaron: Request?

Craig: Good to see you back Zane

Zane: Ah Captain! Good to see you!

Craig: Indeed, what have you found during your mission?

Zane: Well I manage to destroy their weapon supply so the octolings won't be able to get their weapons

Craig: That's excellent, it be easier to fight against them

Zane: But after I destroyed the weapons, I found this

Zane hands Craig a rolled up piece of blue paper which Craig looks in shocked

Craig: y-you didn't... don't tell me

He quickly takes the rolled-up paper and quickly opens it onto a nearby table for everyone to see

Craig: A blueprint...

Kiryu: Blueprint? Do you mean those hidden things that could create powerful stuff

Craig: Indeed... it's a good thing you found this in an octoling territory...

Zane: Which is why I want to request...

Craig: Eh?

Zane: lets-

Suddenly an explosion was heard near them which causes everyone to panic



The inkling army runs around in panic as they try to avoid the ink firing at them and grab their weapons in the tents

Kiryu: Wonder who's group is attacking us?

Aaron: Told you to put him out of his misery...

Kiryu: I did! And I'm positive it's not that general!


Both sides begin to fire at each other as a battle once again begins. Kiryu quickly hide Hakuchō in of the base tents so that none of the octoling sees her

Aaron: Shall I wipe them out, Captain

Craig: Go for it!

Aaron: Good... you can-

Suddenly Craig instantly starts running towards the octoling army before he could finish speaking

Zane: I guess the Captain is ready for some action

Aaron: That the Captain for you...

Craig continues to charge at the while the octolings fire at him but Craig continues to dodge their shot

Shellendorf: Captain!

Shellendorf tosses Craig a splatter shot which he catches until he leaps into the hair and stomps down on an octoling soldier's face. He leaps off of his face and starts to beat the octolings around him

Zane: Welp better get started

Zane pulls out his ink mace and charges into the battle. An octoling soldier shoots down an inkling but before he can turn to look at Zane, he swings his mace, smashing the octoling head

Octoling: Watch out! That agent 3! Don't underestimate him!

Zane: Heh, guess I'm known to them

He lifts his mace and slams it down, causing the ground to shake around him and crater to be made as to the octoling falls. He quickly jumps to each one and smashes each other their heads in until he goes to the last octoling and quickly whispers something to him

Octoling: I refuse!

Zane: Such a shame...

She swings his mace at him, smashing his head in as the bodies melt into ink

Zane: Aaron would understand...

Kiryu continues to dodged and cut the octolings that tries to attack him until he notices a giant octoling samurai stomping towards him

Octoling samurai: Move it! I'll take care of this

He brings his sword above his head and swings it down at Kiryu, but Kiryu lifts his katana, blocking the attack

Kiryu: This is their best samurai?

Octoling samurai: *tsk* Don't underestimate me!

The octoling samurai starts to randomly swing in anger as Kiryu continues to block his attack. The octoling bring down his blade again which Kiryu block again but the octoling samurai continues to try and push the blade down

Kiryu: *tsk* you're no samurai if you're just swinging your blades randomly

He lifts his sword which causes the octoling samurai to lose balance and Kiryu gets into a technique pose

Kiryu: Ink sword style...

Suddenly he zips towards the octoling samurai and past through him as the octoling samurai suddenly felt his stomachs being cut open and ink pours out of him. It wasn't long until he felt his entire top body was flying up in the air and his bottom half collapses to the ground

Kiryu: Paradise fall...

Kiryu lands down on the ground as the octoling samurai body falls behind him. The octoling soldiers look in shock and fear as they took a step back

Kiryu: A true samurai would know the ways of the sword skill...

Oscar: Damn they're sure putting up a good fight!

Octoling: RAHHH!

Oscar turns behind him to see an octoling swing at knife at him but Oscar dodged back from his swings

Oscar: Woah! Hey! I'm not the enemy here!

Octoling: Rah!

He takes another swing but Oscar dodged him and appears behind him with his leg high up. The octoling looks behind him and get kicks on top of his face until he was drilled into the ground

Oscar: Oops... hit a little too hard...

The octolings continue to fire everywhere until he notices large shadows around him which he turns around to see Aaron looking down at him. The octoling looks in shock and jumps back as he falls to the ground in fear. He quickly gets up and starts running towards the octoling which causes the octoling army to panic when they see him

Octoling: It's Aaron!

Octoling 2; FIRE AT HIM!

The octoling begins firing at him but most of them he dodged or hit away until a tank rolls in a fire a blast of ink but Aaron hits it away, exploding beside him. He stops in front of the army and jerks his pen back

Aaron: Divine Spear

He thrust his pen towards, which strikes the tank in front of him. Suddenly all of the metal on the tank get ripped off until it was instantly sends the tank flying along with a bunch of octoling soldiers around the tank from the thrust shockwave to be sent flying into the air, along with some larger octolings

Aaron: Fool...

A few hours go by until the entire octoling army were defeated

Zane: *tsk* should have brought someone stronger than these people

?: Well these octolings are better off executed!

Everyone turn their attention at the entrance as they see Armor walking in while dragging someone

Armor: These bastards are nothing but wasteful creatures that roam this place like their kings!

Kiryu: Where have you been?

Armor: Unlike you people, I went to execute some filthy octoling that is the lookout, but I also found this thing on my way back

He throws a small octoling boy in front of them who has white tentacles which he looks up at the group

?: Y-You're the squidbeak splatoon?...

Craig: Yeah we are

?: P-Please! Let me join your group!

Everyone looks in shock as soon they heard those words came out of his mouth

Kiryu: An octoling wants to join us

Armor: This thing believes he can join a group just to escape from death? As if!

?: No!... it's not that! I want to take down Octavio! I am sick and tired of this war and I want to put an end to it!

Aaron: We're inklings, you understand? Beating the octoling will-

Craig: What's your name?

?: Shiroi!

Craig: ... very well, welcome to the squidbeak splatoon

Shiroi lets out a smile and quickly wipe the tears off his face

Shiroi: Thank you so much!

Armor: What are you think Craig!? You're letting a spy in our group?!

Craig: Even if he's a spy, we can easily deal with him

Armor: *tsk* you're too soft Craig! Just because Octavio was your friend doesn't mean you need to go easy! He played you, Craig!

Suddenly armor notices Aaron point his pen near his neck

Aaron: That's enough Rex

Armor: Why do you care? They caused this war!

Aaron: Yet they're like us... fighting for their home...

Armor: hmp

Armor walks off into the camp as everyone glares at him in annoyance

Craig: What am I going to do with him...

Kiryu: I'm sure you can figure out something

Craig: Yeah, Kiryu takes Shiroi to the training room, he needs to get strong if he going to fight with us

Kiryu: Absolutely! Come on kiddo!

Shiroi: Don't call me kid!

Zach: *cough* can I finish my request before we were interrupted?

Craig: Yeah what was it

Zane: As we know the octoling have these blueprints in their base, which seems like they were going to uses them against us

Craig: Yeah

Zane: So I requested that we use these blueprints against them!


This story is interrupted by a chibi


Craig: What?!

Zane: Think about it, Captain! If we use them we can easily win the war!

Craig: Zane... we are fighting this war for our freedom and family, not for power! Using these will just bring fear to people's eyes!

Zane: But-

Aaron: He's right... I'm not interested in power...

Oscar: What is so great about being overpowered? Your opponent will be boring

Zane: ... I thought you guys would understand...

Aaron: ?

Zane: Can't you see how cruel this world is! They don't listen to some shitty word that people let out! With this, we can fix this broken world and-

Suddenly Aaron swing a punch across Zane's face, creating a loud shockwave which everyone looked in shocked

Aaron: Quit being an idiot Zane! You can't change society no matter how much you try!

Zane slowly looks back at Aaron in anger as he pulls out his mace while Aaron pulls out his pen

Zane: I was wrong about you... I thought you and I were the same and we could change the world together

Aaron: I have no internet in changing anything

Both Aaron and Zane swing their weapons at each other they clash which causes another shockwave and the ground starts to deteriorate around them. The inkling army quickly tries to hold their ground as they try not to get flown back.

Craig: Why did it come to this!

Oscar: Holy shit...

Kiryu looks back at where the strong wind is coming from as he was holding his ground

Shiroi: What is happening?!

Kiryu: It must be Aaron, he's gotta be fighting someone strong

Suddenly the cloud above them explodes until they see a clear sky in the air as Aaron and Zane tries to push each other from their clash. It wasn't long until they both pulled away from their clash and they quickly jump back from each other.

Zane: Why are you like this?! Why!?

Aaron: I've always been the same!

They jump toward each other to hit each other but before they could Craig jumps between them and blocks their attack before any damage could happen


Aaron and Zane lower their weapons down as they continue to glare at each other in anger

Craig: You're both going to kill all of us if you two continue to fight each other! We are not using those blueprints and that's final!

Zane: ... Well if none of you're going to be like that... then I'm leaving this group!

Craig: What?...

Zane: I thought we all can agree on the same thing... but I was wrong...

He drops his mace and begins to walk out of the camp as everyone watches

Zane: Don't bother trying to recruit me back!

Aaron: ...

Craig: *sigh* You alright?

Aaron: I'm fine... still pissed at him

Kiryu: What the fuck happened here?

He comes running back to see a massive mess around the camp as a disaster happened

Kiryu: I was only gone for a few minutes and something already happened?!

Craig: I'll explain everything later, for now, we got to settle down for tomorrow...

Oscar: Say do you want me to do with these blueprints?

Craig put them in the file tent, it's best if we lock them up somewhere so they won't be used by anyone

Oscar: Good

He takes the blueprints and brings them into the tent which once he enters, he does a little victory dance for Zane leaving the squidbeak splatoon

Oscar: Best day of my life!

Outside of the camp, Zane looks back of the camp while continue walking until he pulls a syringe with red like ink out of his jacket

Zane: Maybe if Aaron has it a taste, he'll finally understand


Nightfall as everyone was having a feast in the feast tent, celebrating and preparing for tomorrow final war

Kiryu: You seem to be in a happy mood Oscar

Oscar: Of course I am! Zane is no more!

Kiryu: You really hate the guy...

Hakuchō: Darling!~ say ah~

Kiryu: ... ah

Inkling: Look at agent 2 getting pampered!

Kiryu: SHUT UP!

Everyone in the camp starts laughter while Kiryu gets embarrassed while angry. As they were partying, Aaron gulp down his 5th gallon of booze

Craig: Easy now, you're going to get alcohol poisoning

Aaron: I won't... I've done this many times and I came out fine...

Craig: Still you should worry, especially about your condition

Aaron: I'm fine, we're born to die anyway so this condition will kill me in the end like everyone

Craig: ...

Aaron: You worried about losing another comrade?

Craig: Yeah... Octavio was my best friend... but he just turns on me when the water began to rise...

Aaron: It's how society work, he was a rich cephalopod and all rich people want is power or wealth.

Craig: Yeah...

Suddenly a large cup of booze was slammed in front of Craig which makes him jump

Inkling: Come on Captain! Have a drinking competition armor

Armor: I didn't agree to this!

Craig: Heh! You're on!

They continue to part until they collapse asleep from all the alcohol. Since most of the inklings were asleep, no one hears someone sneaking into the base. He walks toward Aaron who was sitting asleep and bring the syringe above him

?: You'll understand!

He brings down the syringe but suddenly some grabs the stranger's arm

Oscar: The hell are you doing

?: *tsk*

The stranger drops the syringe and catches it with his other hand and immediately injects Aaron with it

Oscar: You bastard!

He punches the stranger across the face, which sends him flying out of the tent but rebound back to his feet

Oscar: Who the hell are you!

Suddenly something begins glowing bright red in the tent which suddenly lets out an explosion of black ink, which sends everyone that was near Aaron flying out. Everyone immediately wakes up to see the black ink bursts into the sky

Craig: What the fuck?!

Kiryu: What just happened?!

Oscar look in shock as they suddenly see Aaron in the ink pillar, yelling in rage but he quickly looks back at the stranger to see him running away

Oscar: Hey!

Oscar chases the stranger into the storage room where once he enters, he immediately felt the back of his neck getting hit

Oscar: What...

He collapses onto the ground but tries to not go unconscious as he looks at the stranger taking the blueprint. The stranger pulls out and knife and raises it above Oscar's head

Oscar: you...

?: No witnesses...


Hey everyone, I apologize for the long wait for this chapter release. A lot has happened in rl so I never got the chance to work on this.

If you didn't see my recent announcement, in a few chapters, this series will come to a stop. If you're wondering why, please read my recent announcements and hope you will understand thank you.

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