Chapter 132: Rage

Both sides look in surprised to see Tadayoshi looking different, none of them wanted to step forward near him

Rebellion soldier: What going on with him?

Rebellion soldier 2: Is that ink flowing out of him?

Felicia: Rage...

Rebellion soldiers: Huh?

Felicia: Aaron had the same power before... it must've passed down to him, but I wouldn't think it would... I thought the power will only stay to its only owner...

Terrence: So this is his power that he's been holding back...

Tadayoshi continues breathes heavily as he glares at Mask

Tadayoshi: Mask...

Mask: Hehehe it's been a while... Tadayoshi...

He takes a few steps foreword until he was a few feet away from his Darkling army

Scarlett: What is that bastard doing?!

Mask: You know, ever since I "welcomed" you, I couldn't help but feel sorry for you. You always thought you found a home but you were just playing. You were blind to see our purpose on why we kept you and you still are. We kept you alive because we thought you would be helpful to our army and you would understand our goal... but unfortunately we were wrong

Scarf: It's was a shame that you didn't agree to the purpose that Lord Mask was trying to create... you indeed carry the bloodline of Aaron

Bella: It still makes me sick thinking of it... especially when you loved me before...

Hand: Then again you were a good puppet until you decided to break free

Shade: Yeah... we could've gotten along very well~

Angela: You had no idea how long I had to hide from you so you don't find out about me


Felicia: "What is he trying to do?"

Mask: It also surprises me that you were able to get your own slave... who was its name... oh right, that girl I "killed" with this hand

Tadayoshi starts to breathe more heavily while squeezing his fist as the black ink on his upper body begin to bubble and more ink starts to flow out of him

BeatBox: We... have... to... stop.. him...

BeatBox tries to walk towards him but Cora continues to hold him back

Cora: Stop! You're gonna make your body worse!

Mask: That girl that you kept under your wing was useful than I thought. I thought she was just your pawn but when you managed to turn her back into her regular ink color we figure out she was the one! We thought we had to plan things out to get her but instead decided to befool and challenge me herself, think she can "free" you from your emptiness! So I'll admit she was very useful and I thank you for making her so I can have this!

He raised the same arm that he kill Alex with the red orb around his hand which Tadayoshi grabs onto his head in anger as he starts to remember Alex being killed in front of him


Tadayoshi comes to his senses but still had the ink around him as he looks back at the rebellion army to see BeatBox weakling walking out of the army

Ethan: What is he doing

Cora: He... wouldn't listen to me... I couldn't force him away because it could kill him...

Scarlett: Dammit

BeatBox: You... may have lost her... that you loved and care... but don't let it get... to you... you have people that welcomed you... they helped you gave you a home... they loved you dearly... and Terrence and I.... are thankful for meeting you... and you changed our lives...

BeatBox begins to tear up as Tadayoshi notices the drop fall under his broken boombox helmet

Terrence: BeatBox...


BeatBox starts to cry as Tadayoshi looks down at his black ink hands until letting out a small breath, causing the black ink starts to slowly disappears

Armor: What an idiot...

Tartar: eMoTiOnS aRe ThErE dOwNfAlL...

Mask: *tsk*

Mask starts to get annoyed as he sees the black ink slowly fading off of Tadayoshi. Suddenly remembered how there was an incident when Tadayoshi saw Bridgett shot by armor which lead him to go berserk

Mask: Hey!

Tadayoshi turns back at Mask which he has his hand in a gun pose

Mask: Shall we revisit some small memories?

He aims his hand that is in a gun position, which a black ink shoots out of his finger. Everything felt slow and silent to Tadayoshi as he only hears a shot. He felt nothing hitting him but he looks back at BeatBox who collapses onto the ground. Everyone was in shock as BeatBox collapse to the ground

Terrence: BEATBOX!

He quickly runs to the collapsed BeatBox and lifts him up

Terrence: Come on stay with me!

Everyone that was watching the war live in inkopolis was shocked

Inkling: BeatBox...

Somewhere at octo canyon, the remote was drops as she runs out of the canyons


Capn: ...

At the battlefield, Tadayoshi looks down at BeatBox as couldn't think straight but only starts to remember some memories

*Memory 1*


The pies slowly slide off Tadayoshi's face which BeatBox bursts out laughing so hard he gets onto his knees

BeatBox: Oh my god! You should've seen your face! That was so priceless!

Tadayoshi wipes the cream off his face as he slowly pulls out his pen

Tadayoshi: You're dead

BeatBox quickly starts running as Tadayoshi chases after him but BeatBox continues to laugh.

*Memory 2*

BeatBox: Finally I got my body back!

Tadayosh: Now I finally don't have to go to your stupid concert shit...

BeatBox: Aw come one, you had some fun

Tadayoshi: I didn't

BeatBox: Hahahaha

Tadayoshi starts to remember how BeatBox was always there for him even though he has been annoyed by him. He starts to realize how he was someone very close that he has tried to push away... and he never thanked him for being with him... some more memories start to flow through his mind of Alex... her death... Bridgett getting shot... his mind was flowing too much until... he felt his entire mind break like it was glass...

His eye burst out blood-red as he turns back, grabbing his head as his upper body was covered in bubbling ink and black ink flowing out of him. He lets out a yell which causes a massive shockwave and a wave-like black ink to burst out of him. Everyone kicks stand their ground from the shockwave but some of the soldiers from both Rebellion and Darklings were slowly sliding back from the strong wind.
The black ink wave continues to burst into the sky until bending down and falling towards the ground. As it made an impact on the ground the black ink begins to swirls around him like a tornado. Everyone tries to keep their stand as they felt the strong wind and hear the scream of rage from Tadayoshi


Felicia: He's done it...

Hand: Hohoho! Now, this shall be fun!

Mask: There it is...

Through the black-ink tornado, everyone starts to see different things that cause them to have chills behind their back

Rebellion soldier: S-Spider?!

Darkling: O-Oni?!

Darkling 2: WHAT IS THAT THING?!

Scarf: That "thing"... is the power of the rage... since he has never used his powers at all, "it's" not gonna be able to control its power... it's trying to find a form...

The black slowly begin to be clear as everyone sees a black being with pure white eye, with no face but with white spots that look like teeth. Its body was all black but a bit skinny

Terrence: T-Tadayoshi?...

Logan: That thing ain't Tadayoshi anymore!

Mask: Finally! Show me what you can do with Aaron's power... Demon!


Terrence quickly carries BeatBox onto the medical bed which Cora quickly sets everything up

Terrence: Is he going to be ok?

Cora: I don't know, but I need some space to get the operation

Terrence: Ok, please stay with us

BeatBox: *cough* *cough* don't..

Terrence: It's ok, everything will be ok...

Tadayoshi lets out another roar in rage while every still tries to keep their ground

Logan: So this is the power of rage...

Scarlett: What should we do Captain?

Felicia: We can't do anything

Scarlett: What do you mean we can't do anything?!

Felicia: The user of this rage power gets stronger but how much rage he's feeling. Seeing how he is right now means he's been holding back a lot in him, but we have to remember that he has never used this power before so he's isn't in control. If we try to join in or try to calm him down, he'll slaughter everyone!

Ethan: So does that mean we can't just watch and do nothing? Sweet!

Felicia: Yes... that all we can do... we have to wait for a miracle for him to calm down

Tadayoshi stop yelling until the black ink tornado immediately disappears along with Tadayoshi, who appears in form of Mask, about to punch him

Mask: Eh?

Tadayoshi fist punches into Mask's face, which cracks Mask's gas mask and creates a massive shockwave, sending the Darklings around Mask flying. He completely swings his fist, sending Mask flying as he smashes through several buildings.

Terrence: Holy...

Hands: Now this is interesting

Infect was about to step forward but Scarf raises his hand stopping him

Scarf: Don't interfere with this fight...

Tadayoshi lets out roars again and starts speed blitzing toward Mask, who slowly get up, only to get grabbed by the leg and slammed around onto the ground

Logan: How is he hurting Mask? You mostly have to learn Sentō to hurt him, but he doesn't know any

Ethan: Maybe it's because of his rage... or Mask is making himself touchable on purpose

Tadayoshi tosses Mask in the air for a bit until grabbing his head and slamming him into a destroyed building wall, he starts running while grinding Mask faces against the wall until throwing him where the Darklings army. Tadayoshi leaps towards Mask and throws down a punch at Mask, creating a massive crater

Darkling: Lord Mask is taking a beating...

Darkling 2: I can't just stand here and do nothing! Let's take him out!

Two of the Darklings starts charging at Tadayoshi who was repeatedly beating down Mask, making the crater around them bigger and deeper

Bella: Those idiots...

The Darkling swings his weapon at Tadayoshi but doesn't do anything to him. Tadayoshi slowly turns at the Darkling, who panics until he grabs him but the neck and leg and rips him in half. The other Darkling realized what he's gotten into and run but Tadayoshi appears behind him and punches a hole through his chest killing him

Terrence: He really isn't in control...

Mask lets out a sigh and slowly gets back up but as soon he does, Tadayoshi appears in front of Mask, grabbing his face again and slides him across the ground, throwing him again. Mask gets up once again onto his feet which Tadayoshi leaps out onto him and goes for another punch

?: Stop it!

Tadayoshi turns at the voice and sees Alex standing there with tear crawling down her face

Alex: Stop it Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi looks in shock, letting his guard down as his eyes return to normal

Tadayoshi: Alex?...

Mask fist grows bright red as the reb orb appears around his fist with red aura swirls around it, which lets out strong wind blowing around him. Tadayoshi looks at Mask as he was too late to block Mask incoming attack

Mask: Divine Sovereignty!

Mask lays a massive blow across Tadayoshi's face, which creates a shockwave. Soon the ground begins shaking and starts to break apart, debris starts flying everywhere, and breaks down the building around him. Mask fully swings his fist, sending Tadayoshi flying, smashing through the building behind and into the rebellion base camp.

Rebellion: He got sent flying over here!

Mask red orb disappears from his fist as Alex starts to let out a chuckle until her skin starts to melt

Angela: Hehehe that face... was too priceless... I want to see more of that despair face of his...

Mask: I didn't order you to interfere Angela!

Angela: What? I couldn't help it, he was beating you down

Mask: Yes, but yet that rage doesn't mean it makes him completely stronger... since he's not controlling his power... his strength was worthless...

At the rebellion base, the soldiers find Tadayoshi, who was back to normal, but his body was completely covered in ink and was unconscious

Mask: yet I'm not the same strength you remember... Tadayoshi...


This story is interrupted by a picture of Tadayoshi with everyone that he knew and cared for


The rebellion doctors quickly run towards the unconscious Tadayoshi, which they pick up and place him onto the medical bed

Ethan: Mask tools him out with one-shot... damn

Scarlett: As expected from an admiral! We still can win! Take them out!

The rebellion army roars again and charges into the battlefield towards the Darkling army

Hands: Hoho, they're so persistent


The Darklings charges into the battlefield against the rebellion which once again the battle continues on

Mask: They got pride I'll give them that

Scarf: ...

Mask: What's the matter?

Scarf suddenly disappears, speed-cutting any rebellion that was in his way until he appears where the unconscious Tadayoshi is. The rebellion doctors panic but Scarf immediately cuts them all down before bringing his nodachi above Tadayoshi

Scarf: Best to finally take you out before you cause trouble for Lord Mask

He brings down his nodachi but it gets blocked by a katana. He turns to where the katana came from to see Terrence

Scarf: You again?

Terrence: I'm not letting another one of my friends get hurt again

Scarf jump back a bit and leaped towards him which caught Terrence off guard. He quickly blocks the attack again, but Scarf swings his nodachi up, making Terrence katana swing out of his hands and stabs into the ground.

Scarf: Just stop already... you can't do anything about it

Terrence: I rather die than let you hurt another one

Scarf: Then you can join them...

He swings his nodachi, cutting his chest as ink bursts out and he coughs out ink. Terrence's onto the ground which Scarf walks over and lift his nodachi up

Scarf: You were worthy but right now you disappoint me

Before he could strike down on, Scarf notice something coming towards him, which he quickly blocks the attack

Logan: Sorry, you aren't going to do anything

Scarf: ...

The battle continues as bodies begin to collapse, Felicia clashes against Mask once again, but she was pushed back by Mask. Felicia catches her breath. Felicia was already weak than before but she continues to fight on but unfortunately, she couldn't get back to her feet. Mask walks over to her and grabs her hair, lifting her up

Mask: Surrender, you and your rebellion army has lost this war

Felicia: I... refuse...

Mask: Fair enough

Mask hand turns bright red with the orb which causes the rebellion army to notice

Scarlett: Captain!

She leaps towards Mask to stop him, but Bella appears in front of her, blocking the attack

Bella: This is how far you'll go...

Scarlett: Dammit! Let me through!

Mask takes a swing at her, punching her across the, cause her to puke out ink as the ground begins to shake once again. The ground starts to break and smoke and dust covers the air. As soon the shaking stop and the dust clears out, everyone sees Mask looking down at Felicia as she lay on the ground unconscious. The rebellion army looks in shock as they see Felicia on the ground defeated

Rebellion soldier: H-He defeated Felicia...

Mask begins to chuckle a bit until letting out a laughter

Mask: Do you see this rebellion army!? This is what your savior is?! Please! Let the whole world know about this! To all of that peace-lover, boring commoners, squidbeak splatoon! Even criminals all around the world!

Everyone was watching the news is shocked to see the rebellion army, the one that where everyone hopes lost.

Inkling: Is... this a nightmare

Octoling: There's ... no hope for us... please be a dream


The Darklings commander looks on with Mask with a grin and respect on their faces while the rebellion army looks in shock and anger. Mask lets out a burst of laughter, give out the victory... the victory goes to the Darklings


The rebellion army continues to look in shock as Mask continues to laugh

Rebellion soldier: That bastard!

Mask: Guess the fate of this world is in my hand I can show this world how my order will bring a perfect world!

As everyone around the world was watching the war live, there were other people watching

Remora: *tsk* Mask showing off again... just like the old days...

WitchCraft: He better not ruin my business... I have plans to make

Victor: Oh relax all of you... this is perfect... with fate in his hands, the world can finally be entertaining, that I might scrape my plan

Remora: Don't make me laugh...

Victor: Hehehe well now the war concluded... it's time to see how the world will turn...

The rebellion army was hesitant to go after the Darkling as he looks at them with a smile on his face

Mask: Afraid Eh? Guess that how every group will be when a leader is gone... now to take her head as an award

His hand turns bright red with the orb and goes to take a swing

Logan: STOP IT!


before he could hit her with his fist, his punch was blocked by a sword, which everyone looked in shocked

Mask: You...

Shiroi: That's quite enough...

Felicia slowly wakes back up to see Shiori blocking the attack

Felicia: Shiori...

Shiori: Felicia

Both Mask and Shiori pulls back their attack as Mask looks in annoyance and anger

Mask: You're still alive?... after so many years?!

Shiori: I can say the same thing to you...

He lights his cigar and puffs out a cloud of smoke and turns his attention to everyone

Shiori: Retreat back rebellion army... you've lost... there no need for you to lose any more ink... that goes for you Mask... you already won

Darkling: Huh?! Who says you can order us?!

Darkling 2: We'll wipe them all out if we-

Suddenly Mask let out a smile and give out a laughter

Mask: Pull back men

The Darkling army looks in surprise as they lower their weapons

Mask: We've accomplished our mission and we got plans to be completed for our future... let go, men

Mask turns into a squid and super jump away while laugh as all the Darkling army does the same and follows him

Shiori puts his weapons away and looks at Felicia, who is being placed on a medical bed by rebellion doctors

Felicia: Thank you...

Shiori: Don't thank me... I didn't do it for you...

Felicia: Everyone, heal the wounded! Get everyone medicated!... This war... IS OVER!

After almost an entire day of nonstop battle, the war that will change the world has finally come to an end. This event will soon be remembered as the Paramount war

Shiori puffs out a cloud of smoke again and begins to walk away

Shiori: So you're the boy taking care of Vivian... I hope we get to meet again in person... Tadayoshi...

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