Chapter 131: Freedom vs Society

Felicia and Mask stood in front of each other, glaring as the rebellion and Darkling soldiers stood back

Mask: How long has it been?

Felicia: Quite a long time... I see you still got that scar across your neck

Mask: I still remember the time you always looked up to Aaron only to realize he failed to stop me

Felicia: You have no right to say his name

Mask: Is that so?...

Logan: It's finally happening again...

Terrence: Again?

Scarlett: This isn't their first time-fighting... the last time they fought they wiped out a city, but the winner was unknown

Terrence: Jesus

Mask: I still remember the time you were little, you would always run up to him to play with him... the bastard was always soft with children...

Felicia: At least he cared! He cared about you until you decided to go, rogue

Mask: I did what I did to complete my goal

Felicia: By killing his closest friend?!

Mask: He would be in my way!

Felicia: When this war is over, I'm gonna make sure you stay dead

Mask: We'll see about that but anyway, since your leader of this rebellion army... let's put that leadership of yours to the test

Mask swings his first attack, which Felicia dodged back as Mask continues to swing his fist until punching the ground, creating a crater in the ground but Felicia jumps back, dodging the attack. Felicia quickly shakes up some spray can and throws them at Mask, which explodes letting out a red color spray. Soon Mask begins to feel his entire body burning

Mask: *tsk* A burning spray can, but it's not enough!

Black tentacles latch out from his back as they try to hit Felicia, but she dodged them easily, which she suddenly teleports in front of Mask and goes for a punch but before she could hit him. Mask body quickly creates spikes all over his body which Felicia flinches back

Mask: Heh!

Mask shoot out the spikes that were covering his body which Felicia breaks with her fists, but Mask jumps at her which they begin to rapidly throw punches at each other

Mask: You've gotten stronger the last time I fought you!

Felicia: I could say the same thing!

They push each other back as Mask's arms begins to form a mallet and a blade which he jumps at her, swinging them at her which Felicia continue to dodge them

Mask: You can't dodge forever Felicia!

Felicia: I know which is why...

Felicia stops dodging and appears in front of Mask which she swings her arm, hitting Mask stomach, making him cough out some saliva

Felicia: I'm making my move!

Terrence: She... hit him... I thought he couldn't be touched because his body is literally like liquid

Ethan: Yeah... which is why she uses Sentō

Terrence: Sentō?

Ethan: It's fighting skill that makes your combat stronger. Right now she's using the ink touch

Terrence: Ink touch?...

Ethan: It's a technique that allows you to touch any liquid like an object. Since Mask always makes his body liquid, this technique helps her get some blows on him

Terrence: Interesting...

Felicia quickly jumps and lays a triple kick, two on his side and one across the face, which make him slide back a bit

Mask: Fucking Sentō... Try to hit me again!

He presses his hand onto the ground as the ink begins to spike out of the ground as it draws out of Mask's arm. Felicia quickly punches the ground, causes the ground to break, and stops the ink from reading towards her. Mask suddenly appears through the rumble and punches her across the face, sending her sliding back

Felicia: Dammit!

She starts to run at him but Mask dodged her punches until a large black fist appears out of his chest, punching Felicia, sending her back but she quickly rebounds

Mask: You know I've noticed something... where the demon?

Felicia: You mean Tadayoshi?

Mask: Yes where is he?

Felicia: Why do you care

Mask: I have some business to deal with him, especially he's-

Felicia: Aaron grandson, I know I refuse to tell you

Mask: Of course you wouldn't tell

Felicia quickly shakes up a spray can before throwing it up in the air. Her arms suddenly get coated with light purple ink and jump at him but Mask continues to dodge the attacks

Mask: I'll make you speak!

Felicia: Try all you want! I may have failed to save Aaron but this time I won't fail to protect that boy

Mask: *tsk*

BeatBox: T-Tadayoshi... Where is he...

He slowly tries to get off his medical bed, but Cora pushes him back onto the bed

Cora: You're hurt, don't move

BeatBox: But... where is Tadayoshi...

Cora: I'm sure he's fine...

Mask: throws a punch across Felicia's face, making her slide back a bit

Mask: Is this your fighting plan?

Felicia: Oh it's getting started!

Mask quickly notices the spray can falling towards him which was a blue can

Mask: "Blue can, it's an ice can..." As if this will stop me

Mask arms quickly stretched out and grab the can, as soon he got hold of the can, Felicia jumps back and the can let out an explosion of water sending him back flying back into a vehicle, as he felt his skin burning

Mask: AAHHHH!!! Why does this burn so much!

Felicia: That burning effect doesn't mean you only feel the burning in you

Mask: Huh?

Felicia kicks him across the face until swing around and giving another kick again

Felicia: That burning feeling also making your body more vulnerable than usual, so water can almost easily kill you

Felicia goes in for another punch which Mask arm quickly turns into a heavy shield to block her attack, but Felicia easily smashes through his ink shield, laying a punch across his face

Mask: Dammit!

Mask does a finger gun and starts to fire ink out of his finger at Felicia but Felicia walks through them

Mask: What?!

Felicia: I forgot that your attacks are also weak as well

Suddenly Felicia appears in front of Mask and uppercuts him in the face, grabbing his leg before he could fly into the air and slams him into the ground. He gets on top of him and starts rapidly punching him until Mask felt his body being sink into the ground. Mask slowly lift his arm which turns into a spike and tries to stab her, but she suddenly disappears.

Mask: "Where?!"

He quickly gets out of the ground and looks around for her. Suddenly he felt his back getting back and he quickly turns around to see Felicia pressing his hands on his chest


Suddenly Mask felt his entire inside ripped apart while feeling something massive going through him which causes him to cough out some ink. Soon he was sent flying until crashing through a building.

Felicia: *huff* *huff*

Rebellion soldier: D-Did she beat him?...


The crowd at the square stares at the tv screen as they see dust and Felicia look at where Mask was sent flying

Inking: D-Did she beat him?

Inkling Girl: Is the war over

Capn: "these youngsters know nothing... that bastard was always that man that refuses to back down..."

Back on the battlefield, Felicia continues to stare at the building, waiting for Mask. Suddenly she notices the building starts to crack and slowly lift up. She sees Mask with his massive ink hands lifting the building until he throws the entire building at her. She quickly gets into a stance and points her knife hand position towards the building

Felicia: Sentō shot!

A shockwave blast out of Felicia's arm, destroying the building, but Mask appears through the rumble which they start rapidly throwing fists. Mask quickly dodged back a punch until leaping towards her, grabbing her face and slamming her to the ground. He goes to stomp her but she quickly rolls out, dodging the attack

Felicia: "He's quicker than before"

Mask: Sorry but-

He suddenly disappears from Felicia sight and appears behind her

Mask: I underestimated you

She quickly turns around only to get stabbed in the shoulder by Mask needle arm. He pulls back as tentacles like fist sprout out of his back and starts rapidly punching Felicia, which she tries to dodged but get overwhelmed. She falls back which Mask turns his right arm massive and grabbing. He begins to spin her around as Felicia tries to escape her grasp but Mask lifts her in the air.

Mask: I'm finishing this!

He pulls down his arm and slams her into the ground, creating a crater that was like a sinkhole. He retracts her arm as he was breathing heavily

Mask: You disappoint me... now to-

Felicia: I'm not done yet...

Mask looks into the crater to seeing Felicia glowing as the dust begins to clear out

Felicia: Don't think you can just go ahead and wipe my soldiers! It's about time I go all out as well

Mask: So this is where you get the name Neon-Shadow from...


Felicia quickly turns into a squid and super jumps out of the sinkhole and lands in front of Mask

Mask: What is this supposed to do? Light show?

Felicia: There's more to it than you know

Felicia suddenly appears in front of Mask, and lays a punch across his stomach, which caused Mask to puke out blood before sent flying throw 3 different buildings

Terrence: What... the... fuck...

Ethan: It's her trump card, she is a different kind of specialing

Terrence: Different?

Scarlett: We don't know much about it, but it's different from the common specialing that you know

Terrence: Yeah

Ethan: But the problem is that having a "different" specialing skill is that it kills a lot of your ink

Terrence: What?!

Logan: Yeah, so she can't stay long in that skill or she'll drain herself might become a colorless

Mask pushes the rumbles off of him and shakes the dust off of him

Mask: Dammit!

He jumps toward Felicia starts to throw some punches at her but she easily dodged his swings until she hits him across the face, slamming him into the ground

Felicia: Give up, you can't beat me

Mask: ...Why... why fight for some people who are blind to see the truth of how society works? Why can't you see how I'm going to fix the rule and make it better?!

Felicia: Because your way of society is like being a slave. I'm fighting so they can look for a bright without worrying about your ass

Mask: Please you're just trying to have people look up to you! You're no hero. You're just a girl who's playing hero like Aaron or Craig

Felicia: I know I'm neither a hero nor a villain, not even a protagonist or an antagonist. No one is... not even Aaron or that boy Tadayoshi... Everyone always looks up to someone to believe they are a hero when they could be an antagonist in someone's eyes... I can see why your army looks up to you as a hero... but I'm just a girl who going to make sure you stay dead

Mask: *tsk* Pretty smart word but this "villain" is going to fix society whether you like it or not

He reaches his arms out as it latches out at him but Felicia dodged it and grab his arm, lifting him and slamming him around the ground

Bella: Should we help?

Scarf was about to head toward the fight as he grabs onto his nodachi but Hand stops him

Hand: Let him fight after all he's not using all of his power

Mask swings a punch but she limbos back and uses her hands to stand and kicks Mask up in the air. She quickly jumps and kicks him down back to the ground, creating a massive crater. Mask weakly gets up as he sees Felicia falling toward him at a fast speed. Ink begins to appears around Felicia as if she was becoming a missile

Mask: What the?!

Felicia: Ink shooting star!

She stomps down on Mask, which not only causes a shockwave, breaking every window on every building but creates a massive crater around Mask. Felicia jumps back out of the crater, breathing heavily. The dust began to clear out as Mask slowly crawls out of the crater

Mask: *Huff* *huff*

Felicia: For the last time... surrender...

Mask: Never...

Felicia: So be it

Felicia bends her finger and brings her hand close to Mask face but before she could do anything, Mask gives a smile and slips away from Felicia distance

Mask: I guess your worthy to be tested!

He squeezes his right fist as a red orb appears about his fist.

Felicia: What?!


This story is interrupted by a chibi Mask creating an ink sculpture


Mask quickly tries to swing at her while being down but Felicia jumps back which Mask quickly gets up. She looks at the orb around Mask fist in confusion

Felicia: You have a new power don't you Mask?

Mask: No shit Sherlock!

Felicia: "Dammit! I was able to avoid Mask ink manipulation attack since I've known it for a long time but this new power is gonna a struggle!"

Mask leaps towards her and tries to swing at her but Felicia dodged and jump away from him

Felicia: "it's best if I keep my distance away from him until I know what it is"

Mask: What's the matter Felicia, scared?

Felicia: *Tsk*

Felicia continues to jump back while Mask continues to chase after her. She suddenly stops which Mask smirk and goes to take a swing at her but she quickly sucks underneath and uppercuts her stomach cause him to be sent flying. She pulls out two different sprays can and quickly shakes them before throwing them. The cans explode from hitting Mask, freezing his body while the other can started to make Mask a bit woozy

Mask: Damn those... spray cans... ugh!

Felicia quickly appears in front of Mask and kicks in the stomach until following up with an uppercut, sending him up and falling on his back. She quickly jumps back as Mask slowly gets up

Felicia: I just need him to-

Suddenly she felt something stabbing through her ankle causing her to collapse to her knees.

Felicia: "What?"

Lucy: Ehhh? Why did she collapse?

Katie: Him...

Katie point at the Darkling they see Hand who quickly hiding his hand with a smug look on his face

Logan: That bastard!

Felicia weakling get up but she notices Mask leaping toward her which She goes to swing at him but he dodged her attack and slowly swing his orb fist


Mask lays a punch into her stomach, which she feels like she was being ripped in half as she pukes out ink. Suddenly everyone starts to feel the ground shaking as it begins to break apart

Ethan: What's happening?!

Armor: What did you do Mask...

Tartar: i'm ScAnNiNg An EaRtHqUaKe...

Terrence: Earthquake?

Scarf: He actually did it...


The ground continues to shake which causes the buildings to collapse and rumbles to fly everywhere. Felicia falls to the ground as Mask looks around the destruction that is happening around him

Mask: Can't you see Felicia, this is the only way for the world to do shit! The world doesn't care about the shitty protest or their belief! The only way to make them listen is by action and look where it got me! Somewhere!

He leans down and grabs Felicia hair, lifting her up

Mask: Join me... and I can make your freedom dream come true... by first telling me where is Tadayoshi...

Felicia gives him a disgusted look and spits on his face

Felicia: I rather die than give away the son that Aaron ever had

Mask: *tsk*

He throws her away as she gets sent flying, smashing through the building, and crashes into the rebellion army as he glowing skin fade off of her


Scarlett: Captain!

Logan and Scarlett quickly lefts her up which Felicia take a huge breath and starts coughing

Logan: Are you alright?

Felicia: *cough* *cough* that's... not ink...

Logan: I know... this power is too different!

BeatBox: What... is... happening

Terrence turn at BeatBox who was weakly walking towards them

Cora: BeatBox, you can't walk, your injuries are gonna get worse

BeatBox: I... don't... care... what.. happened?...

Terrence: I don't know... but Mask did... something...

They look up at Mask as they see him floating in the air

Terrence: How is he-

Lucy: He's using his ink manipulation power to float himself...

Katie: Ohhh that's so smart!

Mask: It seems your leader is done but refuses to surrender... so I'll clean you all up as soon as I can

He raised his hand in the air as everyone begins to notice ink floating out of the dead rebellion and Darkling soldiers into the air. As the ink continues to float in the air, the ink slowly starts to form into a typhoon

Scarlett: This is bad

Armor: What's is he doing?!

Felicia: *cough* get everyone... off the surface... NOW!

The rebellion soldier starts to panic as they all try to get onto something to avoid touching the ground

Terrence: What's happening?!

Cora: He's... doing that

Terrence: What?!

Hand: Welp time to make my move

Chaos: That bastard better not kill Bell with that attack

Angela: kya~ so many people are gonna die!~

It wasn't long until the Darklings were doing the same. Soon the sky turns pitch black as Mask looks down at the panic rebellion soldier, smirking at them

Mask: Ink...

He points downward as everyone begins to see a flood of black ink fall from the typhoon as if an entire ocean was being dropped onto them

Mask: Flood sovereignty

The black impact to the ground, flooding the entire ground as the unlucky Rebellion and Darklings soldier gets caught into it. Vehicles and the destroyed building gets caught in the black ink which turns into ink

Rebellion soldier: HELP MEEEEE!!


Scarf: That's your fault for being slow...

The soldier continued to scream as they were being consumed by the black ink while the group watches in shock

Terrence: T-This is like looking at a nightmare...

Armor: His powers changed since I saw him...

Suddenly the black ink stop flooding and start retracted itself along with anyone who got caught in the ink. Mask has his arms out as the black ink flood starts to absorb into him. The screams start to fade away as they were consumed into Mask's arm, absorbing the ink. Soon the entire ink danishes ink Mask, leaving a cleared empty area from where the ink consumed

Mask: Hehehe...

The rebellion soldier climbs down from the area they stayed from the ink flood as they stared in shocked

Rebellion soldier: W-What happened to our comrades?...

Rebellion soldiers: D-Did they get absorb into Mask?!...

Mask: ... Who's next

Mask looks at the rebellion army with an evil smile as the Darklings gets down from their safety and stands by him

Mask: What's the matter you don't want to fight?

Rebellion: Can we... really fight this guy

The rebellion army looks away as they were sitting on the ground, feeling defeated

Mask: No one? Fine... then tell me where is Tadayoshi!

The rebellion army's looks at each other, not knowing where is he

Mask: No one wants to answer? Guessed you all lost your fight spirit, it won't be long until society will be the same...

Rebellion soldier 2: We can't just attack him! He'll kill us!

Armor: Damn I guess we are gonna get finished...

Felicia: We're not finished!

The rebellion army quickly looks at Felicia, who weakling stands up while coughing up blood

Cora: Felicia, stop your-

Scarlett: Babe... let her be...

Cora: Ok...

Felicia: We are here because we chose to be... We're not here to die... we're here to give hope to everyone... Do you all want people to give up their hopes!...

Soon the fear on the rebellion soldier fades away as they gave a determination as they start to stand back up

Felicia: We're the Rebellion army, and we're here to bring new hope to everyone! We won't surrender until we are nothing but ink! Do you wish to run... or fight for our freedom!

The rebellion army begins to roar while Maks looks on in annoyance

Mask: *Sigh* why do they even bother...

He lifts his foot as the red orb appears about his foot, causing the rebellion army to catch his attention

Mask: Listen up! Bring me Tadayoshi or this entire city will go down! I'm sure you wouldn't want to let Aaron down, won't you Felicia...

Felicia: *Tsk*

Mask: 5!


Mask: 4!

The rebellion army began to charge at Mask while Darklings got down from their safety

Mask: 3!


Mask: 2!

Soon both the Rebellion and Darkling army charges at each other once again, for another clash

Mask: 1!

Suddenly everyone felt a shook to the ground which causes everyone to stop moving. Mask reb orb around his foot fades away and he set his leg down looking in confusion

Mask: Eh?

Logan: What's going on?

Tartar: I'm ScAnNiNg SoMeThInG iS mOvInG bEnEaTh Us...

Terrence: Moving underneath us?

BeatBox: It... can't... be...

Scarlett: What? What can't be?

The rebellion soldiers hear something moving beneath them but it's starting to fade away as they hear the movement going towards the open ground where Mask is. Soon the sound of movement begins to stop as there was nothing but silents

Darkling: W-What... was that?!

Mask: Heh... there he is...

Suddenly the ground explodes which everyone sees something climbing out of the ground. The Darklings look in shock and fear as they start to see red-eyes glowing from the dust. As the dust clears out everyone realizes who it was

Scarlett: What the fuck...

Terrence: Is that...

Katie: That's hot

BeatBox: Please... don't... Tadayoshi...

Felicia: So this is... pure rage...

Tadayoshi, with red-eyes and black ink flowing off of him, lets out a breathe which steam comes out of his mouth as he glares at Mask

Tadayoshi: You...

Mask: It's been a while... Tadayoshi!


Ok sorry for being late on this chapter, I wasn't feeling well yesterday. No, I don't have COVID, I'm fine now, but I just to clarify why this chapter was late. Happy reading and shit

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