Chapter 130: Commander Death

BeatBox throws another punch across MegaPhones face, making him slide back. Both BeatBox and MegaPhone are bleeding and breathing heavily as they glared at each other

MegaPhone: How am I... get my ass kicked by you?!

BeatBox: Maybe because you've earn the title commander for doing good deeds than strength?

MegaPhone: Don't get cocky because you're able to put up a fight!

Suddenly two killer wails appear on his back and begin to charge up

BeatBox: Oh shit!

The killer wail fire as BeatBox starts to run while MegaPhone kept turning in his direction to hit him

MegaPhone: Come on! Stay still so I can hit you!

BeatBox: Yeah I'm good! Tadayoshi! I need some help

Tadayoshi kicks Chaos back as he sees BeatBox running around MegaPhone in a circle

Tadayoshi: Dammit Bell!

He quickly throws his pen which hits MegaPhones killer wails. As soon the killer wails lose their aim, BeatBox quickly starts running towards him and punches him across the face

BeatBox: Thanks, man!

Tadayoshi: Don't always rely on me, shithead!

He quickly turns his attention at Chaos which he quickly dodged his hand before he touches him

Chaos: Why are you persistent! You are in my for revenge!

Chaos slams his hand to the ground, which begins to decay into ink. The decay starts to grow faster as Tadayoshi jump out of the way, but some of the rebellion and Darkling soldiers failed to notice the decay coming toward them, which they get caught and decayed into ink

Tadayoshi: "His power is trouble..."

He notices chaos suddenly turning his attention at BeatBox which Tadayoshi quickly held out his arm and flys back to him, nearly hitting Chaos

Chaos: Why do you bother protecting him? You never liked him so let me finish my goal!

Tadayoshi: ... I have my reasons

He thrust his pen at him but Chaos jumps over lands behind him. Tadayoshi quickly turns around and gets kicks across the face, sending him flying back. Chaos grabs a vehicle, decaying it into an ink back and throwing it at him but Tadayoshi quickly get up and cuts it with his pen which explodes behind him

Chaos: I can see why you are a former commander now

Tadayoshi: And I can see why you are a commander

MegaPhone lays another blow across BeatBox's face which he slides back a bit before running back at him. Both MegaPhone and BeatBox begin to trade blows against each other as they block or dodge their attacks. MegaPhone jumps back as his mechanic leg turns into a blade which he goes to a kick, but BeatBox cartwheels backward, dodging the blade

MegaPhone: How the fuck do you dodge things so easily?!

BeatBox: Yoga and dancing

MegaPhone: ... That makes no fucking sense

BeatBox: Neither does the entire anime plot of promise inkand season 2!

MegaPhone: You're such a fucking weirdo!

MegaPhone jumps at him for another punch, but BeatBox ducks down and uppercut his stomachs sending him up into the air.

BeatBox: Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: What now?!

BeatBox: Throw me up!

Tadayoshi: god dammit

Tadayoshi dodged Chao's touch and strikes his pen across Chao's face, sending him flying back as he quickly gets into position to send BeatBox up while BeatBox jumps toward him. He lands on Tadayoshi hands and he throws him up into the air. BeatBox begins flying up toward MegaPhone where he puts both his hands upward, punching his in the stomach once again.

MegaPhone: Motherfucker!

He grabs BeatBox's arms and starts to spinning him around until throwing him towards the ground. MegaPhone starts to thrust down towards him and tackles him straight to the ground, creating a massive crater. As the dust was clearing out, MegaPhone was kicked out of the crater as BeatBox crawls out of there, coughing up ink

MegaPhone: At your limits? Finally... was getting tired of you

BeatBox: I'm not done yet... I'll kick your ass then I'll kick Daniel's ass!...

MegaPhone: *sigh* I'm starting to hate you...

Somewhere on the battlefield, Terrence continues to swing his katana at Scarf but scarf continues to blocks his attack with ease

Scarf: Are you done yet?

Terrence: No...

He quickly takes a deep breathe as hydrangea petal begins flowing through his blade which he jumps up toward Scarf

Terrence: Petal axe!

He brings his katana down, but Scarf lifts his nodachi, blocking his attack

Scarf: Petals?

Terrence: *tsk*

He jumps back and starts to concentrate as the petals around his blade starts to turn into crystal which he runs at Scarf again

Terrence: Razor petal!

He swings his katana, sending his petal crystal towards Scarf, but he instantly swings his nodachi, cutting the crystals and blocking the attack

Terrence: H-How... she told me those crystals can't break!

Scarf: Nothing is unbreakable... anything can break as you find a weakness...

He pushes Terrence back and slowly puts his nodachi away

Scarf: I'll give you one more chance... then my turn...

Terrence: "Dammit! None of my attacks are working! I only got one that I have been working on, but I don't know it will work... but I won't know until I try!"

Terrence takes a deep breath and starts to concentrate as the petals start to swirl around him and turn into crystals. The petals kept coming as his entire blade was covered in a twister of crystal petals

Terrence: Razor Petal...

He jumps and does a cartwheel in the air, while spinning his blade, cause the wave of crystal petals to be launched out towards Scarf

Terrence: ... Wave of the Afterlife!

The wave of crystal petals continues to fly towards him at a fast speed but scarf grabs his nodachi and kneels while taking a deep breath.

Scarf: Silent strike...

Suddenly Terrence felt a strong aura around Scarf as if he was creating a strong wind from his stance. As soon the wave of crystal reaches him he suddenly disappears and Terrence only see something flying through the wave of crystal petals until Scarfs appears behind the wave and slowly puts his nodachi away

Scarf: ... Dance of death

As soon Scarf completely puts his nodachi away, every crystal petal in the wave breaks into pieces and falls to the ground as if they were mists. Terrence looks in shock as Scarf stands up once again

Terrence: This man... is way overpowered than I remembered?!

Scarf: Are you done with your attacks? If so... my turn...

Scarf pulls out his nodachi and takes a deep breath which Terrence notices grey ink crawling onto Scarf's blade.

Scarf: Black blade...

He lifts his blade which caught the Darkling's attention.

Darkling: Everyone, get out of the way he's gonna do it!

The Darkling quickly redraws back which Terrence look back at Scarf and quickly tries to figure out what to do

Scarf: Door to the Underworld

He swings his blade downward, only creating the wind from his swing

Terrence: ... Huh?

Suddenly Terrence felt the ground shaking until he notices the ground starts to sink. Some of the rebellion soldiers get caught and fall into the sinkhole with some unlucky Darklings. Some buildings were also caught into it as they begin to fall into the hole or fall on some rebellion and Darkling soldiers Terrence quickly jump out of the way, avoiding the sinkhole

Terrence: What-how

Scarf: I just simply cut the ground to create an opening for the ground above to fall through

Terrence: W-What

Scarf: But since you live... I'll try again...

He brings his sword back again but this time the ink wasn't coving the blade

Terrence: "I can't block it! I have to avoid it!"

Scarf swings his nodachi, creating a massive ink beam which Terrence ducks, but the ink beam easily cutting every tall building in front of Scarf. The buildings begin to tumble down once again as the Rebellion and Darkling runs to avoid not getting hit

Terrence: "I-I'm not ready for him at all!"

Terrence quickly looks back at Scarf, only to see him appearing in front of him

Scarf: You disappoint me...

Scarf swings his blade across Terrence's chest, which he coughs out ink as the cut felt deep to him as if someone is ripping him open. He falls to the ground which he tries to get back up but continues to collapse back down to the ground

Scarf: I was expecting more from you... but you're like every swordsman I met before...

Scarf brings his nodachi above him to cut Terrence's head, but before he could swing at him. Two people jump in front of Scarf, blocking Scarf's attack.

Scarf: You two...

Katie: Sorry Scarfy but

Lucy: We can't let you kill him

Both the yandere's and Scarf push each other back as Terrence continues to get back on his feet

Terrence: I... can still...

Lucy: You're done... please take him to Cora immediately

Rebellion doctors: Yes ma'am!

The rebellion doctors quickly lift Terrence and take him away as Scarf decides to turn his attention at Katie and Lucy

Scarf: Will you two be able to entertain me?

Lucy: Oh we will

Katie: We'll be able to create a lot of face paint with your ink!

Both the Yanderes and Scarf jumps at each other and clashes with their weapons, creating a shockwave around them


Ethan continues to fire at Bella but she continues to block and dodge his shot until she corkscrew tackles him, dragging across the ground before he kicks her off of him

Ethan: Aww man... I just got these clothes now they're dirty

Bella: Take this fight seriously will you...

Ethan: You know I would buuuuuut I'm good

Bella: *sigh* I hate you

Ethan: And I hate how there are a bunch of underrated writers in Wattpad that don't get enough attention! 4-wall broken bitches!

Bella: What the fuck are you talking about?!

Bella dives towards him which Ethan flips over her and lands on her back which he presses his hand on her back

Ethan: Impact shock

Bella suddenly felt her entire body and her insides being electrocuted as if they were burning her until she collapses on the ground which Ethan hops out of her

Ethan: You know I'm glad you don't act like Shade cause somehow people find electrocution is a fetish and it would be-

Suddenly Bella burst into the air and she folds her wing close to the face

Bella: Feather Wrath!

Bella flicks her wings back, sending her ink feather flying towards Ethan, which he tries to block and dodge, but he gets cuts but some of the feathers. Bella once again dives towards Ethan, laying a punch in his stomach. Ethan slides back a bit but manages to stop himself

Ethan: Damn... that was a good hit

Bella: Surprised that you're still alive

Ethan: Obviously, I'm not dying until I clap some ass cheek and call myself a man

Bella: Again what are you talking about

On the battlefield, Black continues to fire at Logan, but he continues to run around him

Scarlett: Why are you running? I can't fight him

Logan: It's avoiding him bitch!

Logan jumps towards him which Black stop firing and punches his fist which they both create a shockwave around him

Black: Heh!

Suddenly black arm begins to expand and glows which Logan realizes what he's doing and jumps back from him, as Black arm immediately explodes.

Logan: That was too close...

The smoke clears as he sees Black with both his arm which he jumps at him, swinging his fist at him


Logan: Nope

He slides underneath Black and jumps up behind him, lay a few kicks behind him

Logan: Just trying to find an opening

Scarlett: That's lame


Scarlett: Fine then!

Angela thrusts her knife at her which Scarlett dodged back and quickly grabs her arm and slams her into the ground

Logan: That even lamer

Scarlett: Huh?! Do you want to go?!

Both Scarlett and Logan stomp towards each other as they both headbutt each other

Logan: I can still kick your-

Angela: You're wide open!~

Angela swings her knife, creating a small ink beam that both Scarlett and Logan get caught in. Both get sent flying back after getting cut as Black catches them  and wraps his arms around them


Both Black's arms begin to expand and glow until letting out an explosion, sending Scarlett and Logan flying into a building

Angela: Man they are weaker than I thought. I was hoping they be weeping for mercy so I can tell them to lick my feet like a dog~

Black: Who cares, this will raise our rank any-

Suddenly both Scarlett and Logan appears in front of them Logan uppercuts Angela stomach, making cough out ink while Scarlett dropkick Black face, which sends him flying back

Angela: Never mind there still alive~

Black: GOOD!

Black fires at both Scarlett and Logan, but they both begin dodging and charging at him. Angela quickly pulls out her knives and run towards them, trying to cut them. Scarlett dodged back for her swing while Logan goes behind her and suplex her which Scarlett flips over her while grabbing her legs and throwing her at Black

Black: Oh shit!

As soon Black accidentally shot Angela, the ink that hit Angela begin to glow and expand

Angela: You mother-

The ink explodes while Scarlett and Logan jump through the explosion and presses their hand on Black Chest

Logan/Scarlett: Sentō Shot!

Black immediately felt a massive shockwave going through their body as his insides felt like they were being tested apart. He coughs out ink as he was sent flying into a building. Angela weakling gets up in anger

Angela: How did you...

Logan: When we get along once in a while...

Scarlett: We're unstoppable

Black lifts the rumbles out of the way as he started to make his hands glow while Angela gets up and points her weapon at her

Logan: Shall we?

Scarlett: Yeah...

Armor slides back a bit while Shade retract his shadow arm from hitting him

Shade: You pain you give is too much~ Give me more and I'll have an orgasm~

Armor: Will you ever shut up about your horniness!

Shade: Oh I would but then again, my erection is starting to go down because of you so if you excuse me... I'm gonna find a new prey~

Armor: Don't try to run away!

Armor shoulder pads open up to a mini-missile which shoots out and flies towards Shade but he quickly dives into a shadow and the mini-missile hits the ground exploding

Armor: Dammit! Where did that-

Suddenly Armor sees Commander Tartar flying towards him, which he dodged as Tartar collapses onto the ground

Armor: The hell happened to you?

Tartar: iNfEcTiOn...

Armor: What?

Suddenly something massive lands in front of them, which slowly straighten itself up to show Infect with a different monster looking

Infect: Are you gonna try to infect me again

Tartar: i'M nOt FiNiShEd WiTh YoU!

Both Tartar and Infect clashes once again, consuming and infecting each other but Tartar was being overwhelmed as the black goop slowly starts to crawl onto Tartar

Tartar: You should know who I am! I am a superior infection!

Suddenly Infect felt his entire body burning from Armor, who pulled out a flamethrower at him and starts to burn him which made him stop infecting Tartar. Tartar quickly uses his tentacles to grab him which he lifts him in the air and slamming him into a vehicle that explodes

Armor: I've seen his Infections before, fire is his infection weakness... but sometimes he'll muscle through things...

Tartar: WhY dId YoU hElP mE CePhLoPoD? i KnOw YoU hAtE oCtOlInGs bUt WhY pRoTeCt Me FrOm An OcToLiNg

Armor: We both have hatred toward Aaron's grandson... so we have something in common and besides, it'll be fun to have a rival

Tartar: fAir EnOuGh

Infect massive goop hand grabs onto a destroyed burning car and lifts himself out of the burning car which he slowly walks out of the flaming car while still on fire

Infect: I'm going to kill you... and then kill you again

Infect leaps towards them which Tartar and Armor jump back, dodging his punch as Infect hits the ground, creating a crater. Armor opens up his flamethrower and continues to burn him and his infection, but Infect latches out at his arm, squeezing the flamethrower before slamming him down and dragging him across the ground. Tartar quickly stretches out and grabs his head, pulling back as Armor manages to escape Infects grasp and launches out some mini-missiles at Infect which Tartar quickly lets go of him.

Tartar: ScAnNiNg CoMpLeTE! OuR pOsSiBiLiTy Of WiNnIng Is 0

Armor: *sigh* figures

Infect swings his hand, clearing out the smoke as he glares at Tartar and Armor

Infect: You know Rex, I'm not the same as 100 years ago so don't take me lightly after what Aaron did to us

Armor: I don't take anyone lightly...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Cora and chibi Scarlett on a date


BeatBox throws another punch at MegaPhone, breaking a part of his mechanics helmet. Both BeatBox and MegaPhone were badly beaten and exhausted but they both continue to throw punches at each other

MegaPhone: *huff* Are you... *huff* done?

BeatBox: Hell no...

MegaPhone: Fine... I'll finish this once and for all!

MegaPhone slowly takes a deep breath as his mouth begin to glow

Darkling: He's going to tell!

Chaos: He's pulling his trunk card for him... he better not kill him...

Tadayoshi: Eyes up!

Tadayoshi swing his pen across Chaos face, which makes his slide back a bit

BeatBox: "I can't dodge this... I'm too exhausted... I guess I'll have to use trump's card as well...  but..."

BeatBox mind:

?: Try to use that skill and you'll die Bell... although may be able to break your curse... can't promise if that's true

Present time:

BeatBox: "I don't care anymore... I'll win this fight!"

BeatBox stands up straight as the speakers on his BoomBox head begins to glow

Tadayoshi: What the hell are you doing?!

Suddenly Chaos appears beside him with his arms back, about to swing at him

Chaos: Get out of my WAY!

He swings at Tadayoshi, which he blocks the attack but gets sent flying into a building, which Chaos speed blitz to the building and touches it

Chaos: Decay...

Suddenly the building starts to decay into ink as it begins to tumble down on top of Tadayoshi which Chaos slowly walks away from it

Chaos: Now to see who wins or dies...

Both BeatBox and MegaPhone were almost done charging up attack as they both glares at each other


MegaPhone lets out a yell, which creates a black ink beam while BeatBox launches out an orange ink beam out of his speakers, which the ink beams clashes each other

MegaPhone: Don't think you can beat me, a commander! I can wipe you and this entire city out of existence with this scream!

BeatBox: There is more to me than you know it!

BeatBox tries to push his beam hard to overcome MegaPhone yell, but he started to feel his boombox helmet cracking

BeatBox: "Come on... just a... little more..."

MegaPhone: GIVE IT UP! There's no future for you!


BeatBox gives one finally push to his ink beam which starts to overcome MegaPhone scream

MegaPhone: What?!

MegaPhone was immediately hit by Beatbox ink beam as he felt his body starting to disintegrate by the ink


MegaPhone scream begins to fade away as BeatBox finally stops his ink beam as his BoomBox head was nearly damage which he falls to his knees in exhaustion. The Darklings and rebellion army stares in shock as they see MegaPhone body gone but his gear left behind

Darkling: He... killed commander MegaPhone...

Chaos: Well that's... surprising

BeatBox slowly looks up to see Chaos looking down at him with his hands behind his back. He slowly get up and tries to throw some punches at Chaos but they felt like getting hit by cotton

Chaos: *sigh* I'll give you credit for taking down out top officer but...

As BeatBox goes for another weak punch, Chaos removes on of his gloves and grabs BeatBox arm

Chaos: You're done here

Suddenly BeatBox entire left arm disintegrated into ink, which BeatBox lets out a scream of pain and fall on his back, grabbing onto his shoulder where he lost his arm, Chaos step onto BeatBox stomachs and knees down towards him

Chaos: I despise you so much...

He lays his hand on BeatBox head, giving him a disappointed look

Chaos: That I hope that curse of yours is a lie

Before Chaos could do anything, Felicia appears and swing a kick across Chaos face, making him fly off of BeatBox

BeatBox: I... did all I can...

Felicia: I know you did... take him away

Rebellion doctors: Yes ma'am

The rebellion doctors quickly picks up BeatBox and drags him away and Felicia turns his attention at Chaos

Felicia: You're my opponent now...

Chaos: ... I would be... but he's yours...

He quickly jump away but before she could go after him, she starts to notice most of the Darklings are falling back for some reason

Felicia: Something is happening...

Cora: Captain! We have a problem!

Felicia: What is it?

Cora point up at the sky which she looks up to see a black ink meteorite fall from the sky. Everyone begin to look up in the sky in shocked

Logan: Holy... shit...

Scarlett:: Everyone get out of the meteorite way!

The rebellion army and other quickly starts to make a run for it to avoid the meteorite collision. The meteorite crash down the ground, exploding and some of the rebellion soldiers were unlucky and gets caught in the meteorite. Building starts to tumble and everything near the meteorite explode or flies into the from the impact. The collision finally stop as there was only smoke and fire and a huge crater from the meteorite

Rebellion captain: Investigate the meteorite!

Rebellion soldiers: Yes sir!

The rebellion army slowly approached the crator the black meteorite created but as soon they got close, something zips through the smoke and dust, killing some of the rebellion soldiers

Rebellion soldier: GET BACK

The rebellion soldier quickly back off as they see someone.

Felicia: He's here...

The smoke slowly clears out as everyone begin to see an inkling standing in the middle of the crater

Darkling: L-Lord mask has arrived!


The Darkling army roars in cheer while Rebellion army quickly aims their weapons at Mask

Scarf: About time he came


The rebellion soldier quickly runs to the crater and aims their weapon down at Mask who looks back at the with a smug look

Rebellion soldier 1: FIRE!

The rebellion army fires at Mask, but the ink get absorb into Mask as they make impact to his body

Rebellion soldier 2: You idiots! Firepower doesn't work on him!

The rebellion pulls out their blades and jumps down the crater where they charge at him and try to cut him, but when they swing or strike their blades at him, the attack fazes through him

Mask: Heh

Rebellion soldier 3: N-Nothing is working!

BeatBox: How is that possible...

Scarlett: His power is ink manipulation...

BeatBox: What?

Logan: He has the power to control and take ink from anyone... meaning he's a liquid cephalopod

Scarlett: And there is also a problem about him taking ink... he's been around since the Great Turf war and has taken many live so...

Mask grabs the nearest Rebellion soldier by the face and lifts him up while the soldier struggles to get out of Mask grasp.

Logan: The more ink he absorb... the more stronger he gets!

Suddenly the soldier body starts to dry up as he was nothing but a white dry body like raisin. Mask throw the dried dead inkling aside before walking out of the crater past the feared rebellion soldiers

Mask: Oh, I forgot I may have left a few ink drops down there

Rebellion soldier 1: What?

The rebellion soldiers in the crater looks down at the ink drops which Mask snaps his finger. Suddenly the drops of the ink explodes, killing the rebellion soldiers in the crater. The rebellion soldier looks in fear Mask turns his attention at them with a smug look

Mask: Who's next?

The rebellion army hesitated but they started to charge at him. Mask reaches his arms out and lets a drop of ink off of him between him which hits the ground, suddenly the drop of ink float up making a spiral like donut into the air beside him. Mask thrust his arm, punching a Rebellion soldier as a massive fist appears out of the spiral donut, punching the other rebellion soldiers, which send them flying in into the environment around them. Mask continues to beat the rebellion soldiers that try to attack him. Suddenly  black ink tentacles appears out of his back which he uses to grab, throw and beat the rebellion soldiers. It wasn't long until the rebellion soldiers stops charging at him

Mask: Is this really the power of the rebellion army? Is this really the group that will bring peace and freedom? Please... no one is free because we all have rules to follow... peace doesn't exist ever... do you why? Because of the rule of the society and order.... but me?... I'll do whatever it take to make a true freedom and peace... if anyone really want or CAN stop me... stand up and try...

Felicia: Like I'd back down from your delusional dream!

She pushes her way past the rebellion soldier as she stands in front of Mask face to face

Mask: Felicia...

Felicia: Mask...


Splatoon harem will be on break next week but you can enjoy an upcoming thing

Tadayoshi: Upcoming thing?

Yeah announced it before but I didn't do it because shit happened...

Tadayoshi: And that is?

Ace: Hey...

Tadayoshi: Who the fuck are you?

Ace: I'm you... but don't have anger issue...

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