Chapter 128: The Start of the War

Scarf: How many years has it been... Felicia?...

Felicia: Scarf... it's has been so long since I last saw you with that blade

Scarf: Had to get some upgrades to it... but it's worth it...

Terrence: "He's a swordsman?"

Angela: EHHH? Tadayoshi is that you?

Tadayoshi: ...

BeatBox: That's your-

Tadayoshi: Sister...

BeatBox: If you want, I can beat the shit out of-

Tadayoshi: No, no I rather do it myself

BeatBox: Fair enough

Angela: *gasp* I thought you'd be still running by now! Guess I can enjoy playing with you after all~

Tadayoshi: that little bitch...

BeatBox: Wait... I thought there were only two 2 admirals, who's the third one?

Logan: Chaos... he's a new member of their group, I believe he appears a few years ago

BeatBox: Interesting

Bella: It's been a while Black-Eye-Demon!

Tadayoshi: Same to all of you!...

Shade: Glad to see you look healthy... and a lot sexier with a few other~

BeatBox: Is he gay?

Tadayoshi: No pansexual

BeatBox: Ah... makes sense

Infect: Rex? Is that you?

Armor: It's been a while...

Infect: Ha! The last time I saw you was when Aaron put you down!

Armor: And the last time I saw you was when Aaron easily put you down like a dog

Infect: Oh you're gonna eat those word

Armor: If you can make me...

Felicia: Where's Mask?

Scarf: Busy... but be grateful he's giving you all a fighting chance before he wipes you all out

Felicia: As if... we're about to put an end to this endless fighting

Scarf: Indeed...

Both Felicia and Scarf glare at each other as they slowly grab onto their weapons and each other army prepares to attack. The was a long silence but only the sound of the wind

Felicia: FIRE!

The rebellion army fires their first attack with their ink canon which hits a group of Darklings


Hands: Hohoho, this shall be fun!

Bella: Hey... be careful...

Hand: Of course I will just don't hurt your beautiful face

Bella: ... shut up

The Darkling army lets out a war cry as they begin to charge into the battle

Armor: Finally...


The Rebellion army lets out their war cry and begins to charge. Both sides begin to fire at each other until both sides collide. The paramount war that will change the fate of the future has finally begun.


Both sides begin punching, shooting, and cutting each other as each side had members falling. Felicia leaps above the air and land down a splashdown, splatting any Darklings around her.

Darkling: She's wide open! Attack her!

The Darklings jump at her for an attack but she quickly throws a bunch of spray cans at them, which explodes and makes them fall to the ground. The second the Darklings get back up, Felicia speed blitz pass them with her arms out splatting them instantly with a punch.

Felicia: Glad Sentō exists

Armor lay a full-on punch at a Darkling octoling face which sends him flying into a bunch of Darklings that were behind him

Armor: Heh!

Darkling: Surround him

Armor looks around him to see a bunch of Darkling that were octoling surrounding him as armor couldn't help but chuckle

Armor: for once I'm so glad all of you are octolings

Suddenly his shoulders open up as a few small ink missiles fly out of him and explode at the Darkling that surrounded him.

Armor: Know your place... ink-dwellers

One of the Darklings that was an inkling come charging at him with a nailed bat but Armor quickly turn and blocks his attack

Armor: *tsk*

Suddenly and greenish-blue tentacles latches out at the Darkling and lift him in the air before slamming him down to the ground

Tartar: WhY dIdN't YoU aTtAcK hIm? YoU cOuLd'Ve SwUnG a PuNcH aT hIm ThAn BlOcKiNg?

Armor: I'd never hurt my kind

Tartar: tHaT wIlL aFfEcT yOu LaTeR oN yOu KnOw...

A few Darkling charges at armor and Tartar but Tartar tentacles flies out his back grabbing onto them and starts using that as a bat at some of the Darkling

Armor: Whatever I don't care

Tartar: iF yOu SaY sO cEpHlOpOd

Tartar throws the Darkling before jump back into battle as armor does the same as he pulls out his ink Gatling

Scarlett cuts a Darkling neck until cutting another one across the chest. Three other Darkling jumps at her but she started to spin around and quickly creates an ink Twister, sucking up the Darklings and cutting them.

Scarlett: 45

Jason fires his charger, killing three Darkling through the chest before turning behind him and smacking a Darkling with his charger and firing it at his face

Jason: 46 higher than your

Scarlett: 48 now!

Jason: Oh is this how you're gonna be like?!

Ethan: 68

Both Scarlett and Jason look at Ethan who was relaxing on the ground, picking his ear while the Darklings trying to attack him but get electrocuted when they touch him

Ethan: What? You counted so I decided to count as well

Scarlett: ... I'm still gonna beat more than you!

Jason: As if!

Ethan: Those two...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Felicia spray painting a wall with the rebellion army logo


Another ink canon was fired into the air which starts to slowly come down at the Darkling, but before it hits the ground, the ink suddenly expands while glowing and explode

Black: You're not killing any more of our men!

Rebellion soldier: Get him

One of the rebellion charges at him to stab him, but Black dodges him and touches his shoulder before pushing him away. The rebellion soldier quickly tries to not fall but he doesn't notice his shoulder was expanding and glow until he bumps into a few rebellion soldiers up ahead, which the lump on his shoulder explode with the soldiers he ran into

Black: Heh!

Rebellion soldier: Fire!

Some of the rebellion snipers were firing in the air at Bella, with her wings out dodges all of the shots until diving towards them, using her wing to smackdown two soldiers. One of the soldiers pulls out his .96 gal and fires at her, but she uses her wing to block the firing until he ran out of ink

Rebellion soldier: What the hell?!

Bella pulls out fuel blade and appears in front of the soldier with the blade around his neck like scissors and cutting him

Bella: Weak...

She suddenly hears some of the soldier screams which she looks to see three soldiers holding up by some strings like a starfish

Hand: Hohoho, I would complain the sneak attacks are quite unfair but this is a war... there is no rule...

Rebellion soldier: Dammit...

Hand: But you know... life is like a play...

Hand slowly brings his fingers down as the strings around the rebellion soldiers get tighter

Hand: But I get to choose your ending

He brings his fingers into a fist which cuts the Rebellion soldiers behind him into pieces while he takes his hat off and bows down

Hand: Now that's was a performance!

Rebellion soldier: Kill him!

Hand: Not good enough? Very well...

He pulls his cane which reveals to be a swordstick which he starts to dodge the attacks from the soldier and cuts them from behind but as he sees more of them coming, he brings his arm out and positions his fingers like he was holding a string puppet until the soldier around him stop moving

Rebellion soldier 1: W-What the?!

Rebellion soldier 2: I-I can't move!

Hand: How about doing the work for me

He brings down his middle finger as the soldier turns around and begins cutting their comrades

Rebellion soldier: Stop it! Stop it!

Hand: Hohohohohoho... beautiful!

Bella: That man...

Shade: Over here you sexy man~

Rebellion army: Get him!

Shade skips away until diving into one of the soldier shadows

Rebellion soldier 1: What the?!

Rebellion soldier 2: Where did he go?!

Rebellion soldier 3: What happened?

Rebellion soldier 1: One of the Darkling commanders just dived into your-

Suddenly the rebellion soldier stabs the soldier into the stomach which he coughs out ink!

Rebellion soldier 1: What...

Rebellion soldier 2: Hey! What are you doing?!

Rebellion soldier 3: Hehehe

The rebellion soldier begins laughing as they see his skin melting, revealing that he isn't a comrade

Angela: Oh my god, your face was so priceless! I love to see people realizing they were betrayed

Rebellion soldier 2: She's a Darkling!

Suddenly the rebellion soldier felt someone pinching his ass before getting stabbed through the back

Shade: You forgot about me sexy~

He slowly looks behind him to see shade, almost out of his shadow before filling down to the ground dying

Angela: That went out perfectly

Shade: Oh it did... I can't wait to take some of the bodies home~

Angela: You do you, I have more to kill!

Shade: Oh I know...

He looks around as he catches his eyes on Tadayoshi, who was pulling his pen out of a Darkling's chest

Shade: I have my pray on someone~


Tadayoshi stabs through a Darkling before pulling it out of him and swings at another Darkling that charged at him

Tadayoshi: Fucking bastards...

Shade: Oh how I miss this sexy ass~

Tadayoshi quickly turns back swinging his pen but shade limbos back, dodging the attack

Shade: Well, you've grown a lot... especially down there~

Tadayoshi: Fuck off!

Tadayoshi continues to try and stab him but shade continues to dodge like he was grass in the wind until jump over him

Shade: You know, when I beat you, I'm gonna have lots of fun with you~ touching those muscles, stroking you until your empty~ and-

He dodged once again as Tadayoshi was getting annoyed by him and his pervertedness

Tadayoshi: I've never liked ever since the beginning

Shade: Oh you never liked any of us baby~ But what you gonna do with me if you somehow beat me?~ tie me up and whip me until I call you daddy?~ choke my chicken until I released everything out of my nuts?~ oh please do me dirty~

Shade begins to rub himself as he was breathing heavily while Tadayoshi looked at him in disgust

Tadayoshi: I don't even know if I can fight you?...

Terrence: INK CANON!

Terrence quickly creates a cyclone, which sends a bunch of Darklings that got caught in the cyclone flying but before the cyclone could go any farther, something slashes through it, making the cyclone disappear

Terrence: Huh

He looks up ahead to see Scarf, who was slowly putting away his nodachi

Terrence: I've been wanting to meet you... but I didn't expect you to be a swordsman

Scarf: It was hard to not have my blade for a long time. I'm a bit rusty I'll admit, so I'll give you a few chances

Terrence: "chances... I want to see how strong he is.."

He jumps toward Scarf and swings down his katana at him, but scarf quickly blocks his attack

Terrence: *grunt* "he's only using one hand for this?!"

Terrence jumps back and continues to try and attack him but Scarf continues to block his attack, looking unamused. It wasn't long until scarf out his nodachi away again and starts to dodge his attack easily

Terrence: "he's... making a fool out of me"

Rebellion soldier: He's wide open! Get him

Four rebellion soldier charges at Scarf from behind which Scarf lets out a sigh

Scarf: You never interrupted a duel between swordsmen...

Scarf uses his thumb to push his nodachi open but the second he opens his nodachi, Terrence suddenly felt a huge chill crawling behind his back. Everything around him felt as if time has stopped. His ears were ringing like he couldn't hear anything but the ringing as he sees Scarf gone and something speeding around the rebellion soldiers like a fly. Suddenly the ringing stop and time look like it proceeded once again as he sees Scarf back where he was standing, putting back his nodachi with the rebellion soldiers exploding into nothing but cut ink

Terrence: "W-What was that... is that his power... no... What is he?!"

Scarf: Shall we continue?

Somewhere on the battlefield, BeatBox was laying kicks and punches at every Darkling that charges at him

BeatBox: Jesus some battle music would make this fight so intense and interesting!

As he continues to fight he doesn't notice one of the admirals, Chaos was staring at him

Chaos: You...

Chaos begins slowly walking past the fighting as he only had his eyes on BeatBox

Rebellion soldier: He's wide open! Attack him!

The rebellion army jumps at him to attack him but chaos removes one of his gloves and reaches out his arm, lightly touches one of the soldiers. Suddenly the soldier and others begin to decay into nothing but ink

Chaos: You're all in my way...

BeatBox lays another punch until turning his attention at Chaos as he decays all the rebel soldiers that attack him into nothing but ink

BeatBox: Oh shit...

Chaos stops walking and stares at BeatBox who looks around awkwardly and nervously

BeatBox: Uhhh... can you fight someone else? I don't want to fight an admiral and-

Suddenly Chaos starts to snicker which then lead him to laugh hysterically while BeatBox watches him in confusion

BeatBox: Uhhh

Chaos: You don't recognize me, old buddy?

BeatBox: Uhhh I don't know you

Chaos: Of course you don't!

He grabs onto his ink-guard mask and removes it, revealing his face, which BeatBox's eyes grew wide in shocked

BeatBox: No... it can't be... Daniel?!

Chaos: It's been a while... Bell...


The next chapter releases next week

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