Chapter 127: Darklings

The helicopter continues to flies back to the base while everyone sitting quietly

BeatBox: So... why do you hate octolings so much?

Armor: Why do you care?

BeatBox: I'm just curious since... it's so quiet in here

Armor: What's wrong with it being quiet? It's more peaceful

BeatBox: Never thought I hear that from you

Armor: What? Just because I hate octolings doesn't mean I'm always a dick bag

Terrence: What did octolings ever do to you?

Armor: *tsk* all they care about is power and territory, we gave peace to them and what do they give us back? War! All the murder they cause before we fought and put them into the underground as they deserved

BeatBox: Yeah but that was like 100 years ago, things change

Armor: Yeah right, has Octavio changed?

Terrence: ...No...

Armor: And do you know his reasoning why?

Terrence: ... the Capn...

Armor: See, he refuses to change because he thinks what we did is a scar but what they did is a true scar! Do you think moving on from something deep as a scar is easy like butter? No! You can't just forget something that was cut deep. What they did is unforgivable and I'll never forgive them! I bet even the demon would agree don't you think?

Tadayoshi: ... he's right...

Armor: heh, for once I'm glad you agree!

BeatBox: Yeah...

Terrence: Well moving topic, why did you join the rebellion army?

Logan: Revenge...

He pulls out a lighter and lights up his cigar which he takes out of his mouth and puffs out a smoke

Logan: My little brother was killed by that bastard... he kept giving the stupid ass smile while murdering him...

Tadayoshi: Black...

Logan: That's him... he kept cutting my brother little by little like he was a potato... WHY DIDN'T I DO ANYTHING! WHY DID I HAVE TO BE A COWARD BACK THEN!

He just the helicopter wall which made BeatBox jump a bit until he catches his breath

Logan: Sorry...

BeatBox: It's fine...

Scarlett: I had the same thing sorta...

Terrence: What's the difference?

Scarlett: ... I had a husband and a young child when I was young... I thought I had a happy life... but he came...

BeatBox: A Darkling?

Scarlett: No... some inkling killed my husband and raped me and my daughter for 3 days...

Tadayoshi was suddenly caught by her attention and slowly looks at her in realization

Tadayoshi: Wait... Was that victim wearing a stupid suit and tie, had yellow tentacles

Scarlett: Yeah...

Both Terrence and BeatBox suddenly begin to realize who this victim was

BeatBox: Oh shit...

Terrence: It was you...

Scarlett: So you boys do know the story...

BeatBox: Yeah...

Scarlett: Figures... but after my daughter was killed, I escaped and tried to start fresh... but every man I met was like him... they only care about the body and my looks... but I met her... Cora... She was a sweetheart, innocent, and an energetic one...

Tadayoshi: "Reminds me of Bridgett..."

BeatBox: I see... but still why did you join

Scarlett: I'm getting there! Anyways after we decided to get together... we got married and I thought my life had a new beginning... but my mind shouldn't have jinxed it... that bastard Octoling made me watch as Cora went through horrible shit while I was forced to watch...

Tadayoshi: "Shade"

Scarlett: it felt like years just watching her cry and being used... but Felicia came and saved us... unfortunately, she didn't save us in time...

Terrence: What do you mean?...

Scarlett: ... Cora went through... trauma from the incident... making her lose her memory of everything we did... our marriage, her past... everything we did together... that why we're only dating... because she couldn't trust everything around us... but since time flew by she slowly begins trusting... but she's in denial of our true relationship... I joined so I can kill that son of a bitch...

BeatBox: I see why you don't trust men...

Terrence: I'm sorry to hear that

Scarlett: Don't think I'll accept you all just because I told you this! Especially you Black-Eye-Demon

Tadayoshi: I know

Tartar: YoU'rE aLl WeAk...

Everyone turns their attention to Tartar who lifts his hat and sits up after going into sleep mode

Tartar: yOu'Re LoVe AnD cArE fOr SoMeOnE mAkEs yOu EaSiEr FoR tO mAkE a WeAkNeSs OuT oF yOu...

Scarlett: Huh?!

Tartar: FrIeNdS aNd FaMiLy wIlL aLwAyS bE tHe DeAtH OuT oF yOu... WhY dO yOu ThInK tHe DeMoN aLwAyS hOlDs BaCk? BeCaUsE oF pEoPlE He CaReS... aNd tHe ReAsOn WhY tHat InKlInG gIrL dIeD

Tadayoshi suddenly pulls out his pen goes to stab Tartar but Felicia blocks Tadayoshi pen with her brella

Felicia: Don't start a fight in here... we have a war to get to

Tadayoshi: ...

He puts his pen away and sits back down and continues to look out the window

BeatBox: How long do we got left?

Felicia: 3 hours and 30 minutes left...


Darklings territory:


Bella: Still acting like a general?

Black: Got a problem with that?

Bella: You're a commander, don't act like a lower class

Black: I like to yell at people SO I CAN YELL ALL I WANT!

Bella: Whatever hurry up and get yourself ready, we'll be leaving soon

Black: Fine, but if we don't leave soon, I'm going ahead

Bella: I don't care

She exits out of the supply room and makes her towards the meeting room but accidentally bump into Shade

Shade: Now that was wonderful~ but not enough...

Bella: Is this what you have been doing the whole time?

He looks back in his room with a bunch of exhausted men and females on his bed and looking back at Bella

Shade: Of course~ you can join if you want~

Bella: I'll kill you if you try

Shade: *sigh* being grouchy as always, why can't you be like Angela or Hands

Angela: What about me~

She puts her knife up to shade neck which he gives a fake "I surrender" pose

Shade: Oh noooo... you got meeee... are you gonna punish me~

Angela: *tsk* if you were my brother I would... very painfully~

Bella: why do you always have him in his mind?

Angela: Because he was hilarious when was weak, but since he looks like he can put up a fight, it's would be much fun when he drops the edgy look and be like the old day~ Just imagining him crying and begging for mercy~

Shade: Sounds kind sexual~

Bella: You two...

Shade: What? I'm a perverted man who will fuck anything, men, women, trans, children, you name it... Though Tadayoshi has a cute ass~

Bella: Alright I'm done

She pushes them both aside which shade gives out a fake moan but both Angela and Shade laugh about it while Bella continues walking

Hands: Ho Ho feeling upset?

Bella: What do you want?

Hand does a little tap dance while spinning his cane around until he stops

Hands: Lord Mask was wondering if you have seen Chaos

Bella: I haven't

Hands: I figured, after no one knows much about him, he's much edgier than you

Bella: You got a problem with that?

Hand: Nope! Just find it adorable when you play hard to get

Bella: ... shut it

Hand: Awww someone shy?

Bella: ...

Hand: alright I'll leave you alone, but I'll see you at the battlefield Hohohoho...

Bella: ... Baka

Somewhere in the meeting room, Scarf and Infect were sitting in their seats waiting for Mask and Chaos to come

Infect: *groan* I'm so bored!

Scarf: Patience infect

Infect: I'm not like you Scarf! I still don't understand how can you ever be patient with anything!

Scarf: ...

Infect: Then again you are next in line of Mask goes away

Mask: Of course he is, he's my most trustworthy ally

Infect: Lord mask!

Mask walks into the room with chaos following behind which he sits down with infect

Infect: Ah you're that new Admiral, still surprised you reach this far in rank for a newbie

Chaos: ...

Scarf: So what makes you bring us here?

Mask: Well we only got a couple of hours till we go to battle so I'm gonna make this quick, since your all next in line I'm gonna give you something

Infect: Eh?

Mask looks at his hand which turns black and into ink which then stretches out and touches the three Admirals.

Mask: This may hurt a bit...

The second the ink touches the admiral's shoulder, all three of them felt a strong pain coursing through their body as Infect lets out a scream of pain while Chaos and Scarf try to endure it. It wasn't long before the pain went away and Mask retract his ink

Infect: W-What did you do to us

Mask: You'll find out when you enter the battle

Scarf looks at his hand as he notices ink bubbling on his hand which he smirks under his scarf

Scarf: Well this is interesting...

Mask: You all may leave now

Infect: Aren't you coming?

Mask: Not yet... as soon I can finally master this...

Infect: As you wish

Darkling: Sir! Your blade is finally complete!

Scarf: Give it...

One of the Darkling runs in the room with Scarf's katana nodachi laying on a pillow. Scarf takes his nodachi and opens it to see the blade before closing it

Scarf: How long has it been since I wielded you...

Infect: I forgot you wield a blade since you gave that to the Creator to upgrade it to Unbreakable

Scarf: I know...

Mask: You all better get going... you all have a war to get to

Scarf: I understand...

Both Scarf and infect exits out of the room while Chaos stays

Mask: Why are you still here?

Chaos: I'm just wondering... is BeatBox in this war?

Mask: BeatBox? Do you mean that boombox DJ that hangs out with Tadayoshi?

Chaos: Yeah...

Mask: Hmmm... I believe so

Chaos looks down at the table starts to chuckle which lead to him laughing hysterically

Chaos: Good... I've been waiting to meet him...

Mask: Yeah yeah now get going before everyone leaves

Chaos: As you wish

Chaos exits out of the meeting room and makes his way to the launching room where an army of Darklings was in position with the commander and Admiral watching

Black: There he is! It's about you showed up newbie

Chaos: ...

Shade: Still a shy man~ how cute~

Angela: Say... isn't lord mask supposed to be giving his speech

Scarf: No... he is

They look up ahead as they see their last commander, MegaPhone who walks in front of the entire army to make his announcement for Mask

Infect: Oh that guy...

Hands: Hohoho this is gonna be interesting

MegaPhone: Today is the day... Today is the day we bring victory to our name! We spent so many years fighting a group that always goes against us and the other Overlords! We have won and lost to them... but today is about the change... The change to the fate of this world! The fate of true order! The order that will fix this cursed society! We shall give this rebellion army the true order that will fix this society! TO WAR FOR THE DARKLINGS! TO OUR LORD MASK! TO A NEW ERA!

The Darklings army's roars out a cheer as MegaPhone raised his arms as if he was god

Hand: Not bad for a speech


MegaPhone: Now to war...

All the Darkling army turns into their squid form and super jumps out the base as they fly their way to the battlefield. The darkling commander and admiral begins running does do the same as they follow the army, while mask watches them leave

Mask: Hehehe... this shall be very... very... interesting...

2 hours left until the war...


This story is interrupted by chibi Hand tap-dancing while chibi Bella watches from behind


The helicopter finally lands back at the rebellion army as they see all of the soldiers running around in a hurry. The group get out of the helicopter Felicia rushes over to see what's going on

Felicia: What happened?

Ethan: The Darklings are making their move! They'll be here within an hour!

Felicia: Shit... they're leaving this soon...

Logan: *tsk* I should've stayed

Scarlett: Oh is it because you're afraid they'll kick your ass so easily

Logan: Huh?! You idiot, I could kick your ass and theirs if I was a kid

Scarlett: What?!


Both Logan and Scarlett continue to glare at each other as they run off to get ready

Armor: Well if you excuse me, I got some upgrades to do

Tartar: i HaVe BeTtEr ThInGs tO Do...

Both Armor and Tartar walks off leaving Tadayoshi, Terrence, and BeatBox alone

Terrence: Do you guys think we're ready for this?

BeatBox: I don't know... kinda nervous

Tadayoshi: If you guys are so nervous why did you come?

BeatBox: Huh?

Tadayoshi: This is a life and death situation, you die or get lucky and survive... you can't get nervous on shit like this...

Terrence: ... You're right... I should get prepared

BeatBox: Yeah... I better train myself as most as I can

Both Terrence and BeatBox runs off while Tadayoshi decided to walk off out of the panic camp for some peace and quiet

Tadayoshi: *sigh*

Ethan: You nervous

Tadayoshi: Hm

He looks behind him to see Ethan who lays beside him lazily

Ethan:*yawn* I said are you nervous

Tadayoshi: Sorta... but not for me... just the others

Ethan: Ah so like me... sorta

Tadayoshi: What?

Ethan: Well, I join the Rebellion army because I thought I might be popular with the ladies... kinda got my wish, but now what? It's got boring when you have nothing to be motivated about. So I help others so they won't feel motivated like me

Tadayoshi: You look you haven't done shit

Ethan: Because I haven't met anyone that needs help, besides when you feel less motivated, you get lazy... I think?

Tadayoshi: Ok you're starting to remind me of
BeatBox and I hate

Ethan: What, I just share some personality like him. Besides I got nothing to be worried about, I don't have anyone waiting for me at home

Tadayoshi: Whatever

He gets up and leaves back to the camp, while Ethan picks his ear and flick out whatever he pulls out

Ethan: Wonder what should I have for lunch tomorrow...


An hour goes by as the rebellion army were in position waiting for Darklings to arrive. One of the rebellion soldiers brings a news camera that will be shown live throughout the world to watch.

Inkling: I can't believe this is happening...

Octoling: So many people are gonna die...

Squidbeak agent: Sir... are you sure you didn't want to fight in that war

Capn: of course not... I'm afraid this will be worse than the Great Turf war... we've lost a lot back then and I don't want it to happen again...

Back with the rebellion army, The group were waiting in front of the rebellion army in determination as time was ticking before the war begins

Cora: So armor, what did you upgrade your armor to do?

Armor: Oh you'll see...

Scarlett: Babe, you shouldn't be talking to him, he's a bad man

Cora: A bad man?... ok sorry

Scarlett: It's ok

Armor: You treat her like a kid?

Scarlett: She's my girlfriend dipshit!

Logan: Both of you shut the fuck up

Felicia walks in front of the army as she takes a deep breath

Felicia: About 85 years ago the Darkling made their first move and 1 year later, we came together to fight this group and the other Overlords! We have won and lost from these fights but this time... This time we can free everyone that has suffered from the Darkling clutches. This time, no one will suffer a horrible fate from them. This time, we will bring them down for good! We will win the world and come home to our families and friends! It's time for all of you to stand with me! You can go home and be safe with your family... or stand with me and fight FOR A BRIGHT FUTURE!

The rebellion army roar while Tadayoshi rolls his eyes

Terrence: Not a fan of speeches?

Tadayoshi: No...

BeatBox: Of course you don't



The rebellion army quickly straighten up themselves as Felicia jogs towards them

Tartar: YoU rEmEmBeR OuR dEaL rIgHt?

Felicia: I know...

Everyone begins to wait for the Darklings to appears but all they hear is silence and the wind blowing

BeatBox: So... are they supposed to be here?

Tadayoshi: they're here...

BeatBox: Huh? Where

Felicia: Lookup

BeatBox looks up as he sees a large ink drop flying across the sky with millions of them behind it

Terrence: Shit...

One by one, black inks land on the ground across from the rebellion and each Darkling climbs out of their ink like zombies and pulls out their weapons, and gives out their war cry

BeatBox: That's a lot of Darklings...

Tartar: PlEnTy Of BoDiEs To CoLlEcT

Armor: And plenty of octolings to murder

Logan: These two...

Suddenly they see a few other black inks in the sky which lands in front of the Darkling army, which was the admirals and commanders that climbs out of the ink

Rebellion soldier: The 6 commanders are here...

Rebellion soldier 2: and the 3 admirals...

Bella: Quite a lot of enemies for a rebellion group...

Hands: Hohoho, don't underestimate any of them... they have a few familiar people there...

Scarf slowly climbs of his ink last and dusts himself off and looks at Felicia, who pulls out some spray paint

Scarf: How many years has it been... Felicia...

Felicia: Scarf...


I want to apologize for not releasing some chapters for a while, my friend _MIST8K_ has had me worried for a few days but I believe he just wants some alone time but I'm back writing the chapter.

The next chapter releases next week

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