Chapter 126: Unlike Alliance

Felicia: Tadayoshi, listen-

Tadayoshi: I'm not accepting those bastards again! I don't want to deal with them when they decide to turn against us!

BeatBox: Calm down Tadayoshi... I'm sure there is a way to convince them

Tadayoshi: Sure, try to convince a racist inkling and a telephone that is covered in salmon slime!

Ethan: Is he always like this?

Terrence: Kinda, but he's more like of a chill guy or just edgy

Ethan: huh, reminds me of an edgy anime protagonist

Tadayoshi: How are they gonna help, why not someone else that isn't gonna possibly turns against us

Felicia: We tried, but those two are the perfect people to help us

BeatBox: But how exactly are you gonna get them to fight for us?

Felicia: I've known armor for a while so I could blackmail him if he still reject our deal

BeatBox: Blackmail?

Felicia: Let's say I know some secrets Armor keeps

BeatBox: Ok?...

Ethan: And I think I know a way for you guys to convince the telephone guy

Terrence: How so?

Ethan: Let's just say I'm good with my words

Felicia: Which explains why you always bring chicks here

Ethan: Hey! They decided to come with me and get a drink until Logan always comes in a ruins the party...

Felicia: Because we don't allow people to come to our camp like it's some club!

Ethan:*hmph* You don't know how to have fun!

Terrence: *sigh* Anyways so where exactly are they?

Ethan: We moved them to a supreme prison, mostly where the worst criminal that can never be released to the world

Terrence: Was armor and Tartar's criminal record that bad? Like Octavio did something kinda as they did, but we still had him locked up in a globe

Felicia: Well after Tooth and Octavio escape from the captivity, you guys sent them here so they can be locked up

Terrence: I see

BeatBox: Might explain why I haven't seen Light for a long time

Ethan: What does that suppose to mean

BeatBox: Knowing him, I'd feel like he would escape and try to do another music duel

Ethan: So he's a man who can't get over shit

BeatBox: I guess

Ethan: That's kinda sad... they rather do that instead you know, getting to know what your hobby is or something

Tadayoshi: You ever shut the fuck up

Ethan: Hey I'm trying to communicate! Unlike you edgy lord!

Tadayoshi: Keep talking trash and that tongue is coming off

Ethan: ...

Felicia: Anyways, we got no choice, so we're going to recruit them whether you like it or not

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Fine... but if they try to do anything funny, I'll kill them

Felicia: Fine by me, cause that what we had planned if they do betray us. I would like you three to come with us to pick them up since you guys were able to handle them in the past

BeatBox: Sure, I would like to see what the prison looks like

Felicia exits out of the tent as the boys follow her where they see Logan and Scarlett waiting for them by a helicopter

Felicia: We're all ready

Scarlett: Do we have to bring those boys... especially the Darkling and you

Logan: Huh? Wanna say that again?

Scarlett: I guess I will have to repeat it so your little ears can hear me

Logan: I don't need a repeat but I think you need your head check since you didn't realize I didn't mean literally

Scarlett: Huh?!

BeatBox: This is quite entertaining

Tadayoshi: More like watching two brats fight over a toy...

Felicia: You two stop! Argue when the war is over, for now, we have a few people to pick up

Logan and Scarlett flip each other off as they got onto the helicopter while the boys and Felicia hops on. They felt the helicopter ascending in the air as it makes its way to the prison

Terrence: You gonna be ok with them

Tadayoshi: Yeah...


A few minutes go by as the helicopters were still flying towards their destination through some thick fog

BeatBox: Damn it got foggy out

Logan: It has always been foggy

Terrence: What do you mean?

Logan: For some reason, this area is always been covered by this fog. No one knows what is in the fog other than the prison, but there are legend saying that somewhere in the fog, unknown things are there

BeatBox: Wait... of no one knows what's in the fog... how do you block the door or actually who built the place

Logan: First off there is no door in that prison, if they want to escape, they have to go through the roof. Second, I believe the prison was built before the Great Turf war by the Creator...

BeatBox: The Creator...

Tadayoshi: Guess he's been around since the beginning maybe

Logan: Who knows

Pilot: We're here!

The boys look out the window as they see the top of a like castle pillar style building up ahead, with a helipad and some soldiers waiting. The helicopter descends until it lands on the helipad, which Felicia and everyone gets off

Guard: Hello Captain Felicia, what brings you and a few people here?

Felicia: I would like to see Armor and Tartar

Guard: Oh... Yeah sure, right this way

Felicia: Alright, Logan you stay here this time in case something happens

Logan: Yes ma'am

Scarlett: I guess she didn't choose you because you can't handle any criminals below

Logan: You idiot, I can beat if I was a child, she doesn't want a massacre in there

Scarlett: Huh?!

Felicia: Enough you two! Let's get going

They begin to make their way down into the building until entering an elevator which the guard presses the 5 button

Tadayoshi: I'm guessing the numbers of the floors are how dangerous these criminals are?

Felicia: Yep! The first and second floor are like criminals that are likely to be free if they are in good behavior, third to the fourth floor is a 1/100 to earn freedom, the fifth floor are people that cant never be free ever

BeatBox: Has anyone escaped her before?

Felicia: Yeah... 2 two people... and they happened to be Darklings

Terrence: Who?

Felicia: Scarf and Infect...

BeatBox: Wow! Didn't expect them

The elevator finally makes it to the fifth floor as the guard open the door for them

Guard: You may go ahead I have to guard here in case anyone tries to escape

Felicia: Fine by me

Scarlett: If you let someone escape, I'll break as if you have bone!

Guard: ... Yes ma'am

They begin to walk around the fifth floor and see a lot of globes with the glass covered in metal like materials

Terrence: Quite a lot of criminals for a fifth-floor

Scarlett: Some of them are Darklings and some of them and legendary criminals that are still locked in here

Terrence: Legendary?

Scarlett: *sigh* some of the bastards claim to be around when Mask rises or when Aaron was around but I doubt that

BeatBox: You never know

Felicia walks up to a certain globe and presses a few buttons on a keypad beside the globe. The metal around the globe starts to fold away as they see a green inkling with a spiky-haired hairstyle and a scar across his eye. The inkling wakes up a looks at Felicia and the others

Felicia: It's been a while, Rex

Rex: Heh, it sure has... especially you... Tadayoshi...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Logan and chibi Scarlett fighting over the last pizza pocket until chibi Ethan comes and eats the last one


Rex: How many years has it been, you've grown a lot since I last saw you at the Great Turf War

Felicia: And you still haven't changed that attitude since I met you

Rex: *tsk* I almost forgot about you Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: ...

Rex: Still mad at me for shooting that Octoling, it's her fault be being born as one

Tadayoshi: I will kill you in that globe or out

Armor: Try me!

Felicia: Enough! We're not here to start a fight

Rex: What do you want with me then if it's not my execution?

Felicia: We came for a deal

Rex: Eh?

Felicia: There is a war that is gonna happen in a few hours against the Darklings and we don't have enough manpower... you are one of them that we need to fight the Darklings back

Rex: Darklings Eh?

Felicia: Yes, you heard me

Rex: Hmm... seems tempting mate...

Felicia: You are allowed to kill anyone in the Darklings but not any on our side

Rex: Are there octolings in your side Felicia?

Felicia: Yes, obviously

Red: Hmph, that gonna be tougher for me... how about this, if I help you have to let me have my freedom

Felicia: ...

Rex: What's it gonna be?

Scarlett: As if! Just because we are giving you a deal, doesn't mean you have to try to-

Felicia: Deal

Scarlett: What

Felicia: Let him out

Scarlett: But captain-

Felicia: I said let him out!

Scarlett: ... Yes ma'am

Scarlett presses a few buttons on the keypad and globe open, spills out the liquid, and him out of the globe. Armor slowly gets back up to his feet and takes a deep breath

Rex: It's been a while since I'm finally out of  that globe

Felicia: Try anything funny and we'll execute you

Rex: Don't worry mate, I'll behave. Now where's my suit

Felicia: You'll get it soon, we have another to pick up

Rex: Another?

Felicia and Scarlett walks off but Tadayoshi grabs Rex and pulls him close

Tadayoshi: I still won't forgive you, just so you know

Rex: No shit, but I will get you back one day

He lets go of Rex and follows the other as Rex fixes his shirt and follows them. They enter a room that was surrounded by water and a metal sphere in the water. Felicia presses a few buttons as the metal sphere to rise out of the water and then opens to see a telephone in the glass sphere

Felicia: Hello, Tartar

Tartar: ReAcTiVaTiNg, PlEaSe sTaNd bY... cOmPlEtE.... HeLlO... aGeNt 4 AnD 5

Terrence: He remembers us

Tadayoshi: Quite surprising for a telephone

Rex: So this is the thing humans left in case they die? Ha! What a joke!

Felicia: Listen we have-

Tartar: A dEaL, i KnOw... bUt wHo ArE tHe OtHeRs... a BoOmBoX HeAd aNd A OlD mAn tHaT lOoKs YoUnG...

Rex: My name is Rex... or armor for my code name

BeatBox: You don't know me?! Well, I'm BeatBox! Aka the Masked DJ!

Tartar: MeMoRy sAvInG.... SaViNg CoMpLeTe!... NoW WhAt iS ThIs DeAl, CaPtAiN oF tHe ReBeLlIoN aRmY?

Felicia: There is a war gonna happen with the Darklings, we need your help

Tartar: i'M wIlLiNg To HeLp FoR mY fReEdOm

Felicia: Deal!

Tartar: BuT!

Felicia: But?

Tartar: ThE BoDiEs... AfTeR tHe WaR iS oVeR, I wAnT tHe BoDiEs Of ThE dEaD...

Felicia: If you're gonna use them against us than no, you-

Tartar: It'S nOt AgAiNsT yOu... I nEeD tHeM sO i CaN nEgOtIaTe WiTh SoMeOnE oNcE i'M fReE...

Felicia: ... fine but If that's possible... Mask could just observe the dead bodies, taking the bodies and make them strong...

Tartar: ThEn ThAt's GoNnA bE a PrObLeM wItH oUr DeAl...

Felicia: We can try... but only take the Darklings bodies

Tartar: fInE By mE... We HaVe A dEaL...

Felicia: Good... Let him out!

Scarlett presses a few buttons on the keypad the glass globe moves away from the water and dumps out the telephone in front of the group. Suddenly the telephone begins to grow limbs and starts to stand up slowly and leaks out green-blue slime out of his body with tentacles.

BeatBox: Woah...

Guard: I got the clothing for those two!

Rex: Finally!

The guard brings Rex suit and Tartar clothing which a green-blue tentacles snatches his clothing instantly, scaring the guard and making him fall to the ground. Tartar puts on his clothing while Rex takes his suit which starts to power on

Rex: Where's my other part of my suit?

Guard: Oh here

The guard hands Armor a small tube with a purple crystal inside, which he takes, and armor squeezes it, breaking the bottle. He reaches for his back as a small claw comes out of the spinal part of the suit and takes the crystal into his suit. The tube of his suit turns purple for a bit until going back to green

Armor: Ah... much better...

Terrence: Say... that's-

Tadayoshi: A youth crystal...

BeatBox: Guess it would explain how he is still young...

Felicia: We're done here, let's get back

Scarlett: Yes ma'am

Rex: The ride better be quick... it's been too long since I killed any octoling...

Felicia, Scarlett, and armor begins to walk off but before the boys could follow, Tartar stops them

Tartar: YoU bOyS hAvE gOtEn StOnGeR sInCe I lAsT sAw YoU... I mIgHt MaKe YoU pArT oF My ArMy

Terrence: As if

BeatBox: rather die

Tadayoshi: I'll kill you if you dare...

Tartar: HeH LiKe mOnStErS...

They begin to catch up with the group but before they could exit out of the 5th floor, something catches Tadayoshi attention

???: Well, you have grown so fast, boy...

The second Tadayoshi hears that voice, his pupil shrink and he slowly turns at a globe to his right

???: How many years has it been...

BeatBox: You ok?

Scarlett: Hey shit heads! What are you waiting for?! Let's go!

Tadayoshi: who's in that cage...

Scarlett: Huh, it's just a Darkling dealer, now get-

Tadayoshi: Show me him...

Scarlett: Huh?

Tadayoshi: I said show me him!

Scarlett: *tsk* I don't take orders from you!..

Felicia: Just show him!

Scarlett: ...

She presses a few buttons on the keypad as the metal slides out of the way as it reveals a certain inkling that Tadayoshi recognized

BeatBox: Woah... he kinda looks scary...

Terrence: For a Darkling

???: Heh, hello tool

Tadayoshi: Hello... father...


Terrence: Father?!

BeatBox: That man is your dad?! Who is he

Scarlett: His name is Magnus... Like I said he's one of the dealers for the Darklings... but honestly, I never thought this dealer was the demon son

Tadayoshi glares at his father which he only gives him a smug look

Magnus: I'm surprised you're still alive after you left the Darklings, I guess my father was right about you being some "special kid" as much as I hate it

Tadayoshi: I'm surprised you're still alive

Magnus: I'm could say the same thing... I've heard a lot of things with you... taking down one of the former squidbeak agent armor and that slime telephone

Armor: *tsk*

Magnus: What most surprised me is the people you gain for a demon son

Tadayoshi: Don't call me son, you're not my father!

Magnus: Whatever at least since you left out of the picture my life has fineness better than ever

Tadayoshi: This is what you been doing with your fucking life?...

Magnus: Of course, joining the Darklings finally made me feel royalty, but of course it cost my wife life to earn it

Terrence: you... killed your wife... FOR FUCKING FAME!

Magnus: Of course, I'm tired of this poor life but now I got what I wanted after so many years... food, money, women... but I'm still not happy to see you're doing fine

Tadayoshi: Why give a shit about me

Magnus: because you don't give me respect that I didn't kill you sooner when you were young...

Tadayoshi: Why would I be happy?! You cause nothing but pain to me! And all you care is about your shitty reputation!

Magnus: Yet I made you what are, a killer, a weapon, and you almost act like me.

Tadayoshi: I'm nothing like you...

Magnus: Say what you want, but if I didn't treat you like... you would have the thing you have if I didn't do shit to you.  You wouldn't have a tool with you if I don't kill you... that I'll give you credit

Tadayoshi clinches his teeth and squeezes his fist as he tries to hold his anger but suddenly BeatBox punches the globe, leaving a crack on it

BeatBox: Tools?... What kind of being you think he is?! Terrence and I are people that we thank for meeting Tadayoshi, who we call a friend or family! SO CALL US TOOLS ALL YOU WANT! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW THIS FUCKING TOOL CAN KILL A SCUMBAG LIKE YOU!

Magnus: ...

Terrence: BeatBox...

Magnus: Heh, surprising you have people that care and defend you...

BeatBox: Something you'll never truly have...

BeatBox stomps his way towards the elevator as Terrence decides to follow him

Terrence: I'll check on him

Armor: Huh not bad...

Magnus: Much as I like to stay a chat some more but, I got places to be soon and so do you... don't ya son...

Tadayoshi: ...

Tadayoshi walks away while glaring at him as Scarlett slowly closing the globes with Magnus continues to give them a smug look

Magnus: Have fun in the war...

They got on the elevator and make their way back to the top of the prison

Terrence: You alright?

BeatBox: I'm fine... just pissed off to know how much of a shit person he put Tadayoshi in

Terrence: Yeah...

The elevator finally makes it to the roof with Logan sitting in the helicopter

Logan: About time

Felicia: We ran into some... problems

Scarlett: Something that you probably couldn't handle

Logan: Huh? Say that again bitch!

Scarlett: I'll say it again man-child!

Logan and Scarlett starts to argue once again while armor takes a deep breath

Armor: How long has it been since I smelled fresh  air

Tartar: oNe YeAr, 5 mOnThS, 4 DaYs, 6 HoUrS, 32 MiNuTeS, and 3 SeCoNdS

Armor: I didn't mean literally telephone!

Tartar: ShOuLd'Ve BeEn SpeCiFic

The rest of the group hops onto the helicopter as it begins to lift off the ground and makes its way back to camp

Tadayoshi: Hey...

BeatBox: Hm?

Tadayoshi: Thank you...

BeatBox: You don't need to thank me, I'm just doing what a friend does...

Tadayoshi: You're still a shithead

BeatBox: I know... I know...

4 hours until the war


Next chapter release next week

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