Chapter 125: The rebellion army
A few days went by after they left Inkopolis, Terrence meditating on the seat, BeatBox's laying back, texting on his phone and Tadayoshi's standing by the door, looking through the window
Katie: What are you doing, senpai?
Tadayoshi: Nothing... just thinking
Katie: Ehh? Do you regret leaving? It's fine if you do, I sometimes think I regret joining the army
Tadayoshi: Sorta...
Lucy: You don't need to worry about them... I'm sure they can handle themselves... and you got us
Tadayoshi: I know... but you barely get my attention especially when you girls were away
Katie puffs her cheeks in jealousy until grabbing Tadayoshi and starts shaking him
Katie: Why are you treating them with live but not me! Senpai you idiot!
Tadayoshi: Stop shaking me, or I'll beat you
Katie: Not unless I cut you!
While the yandere's were having a fit, Terrence opens his eyes after meditating and turns his attention to BeatBox
M: If there are any problems, please let us know! We'll come and help!
B: I told you, I'll be fine. But what has been going on since we left?
M: Yui... a little upset, the rest of the girl are doing fine, they have high hopes on Tadayoshi
B: Of course they do, even I do for him
M: Yeah... I also heard this war is going to be broadcast all over the world
B: Wait why?
M: People are starting to think this war will affect the outcome of the world. Of the Darklings fall, we have more freedom than usual, but if the rebellion army falls... something terrible might come...
B: I see...
M: Yeah...
B: Well, I got to get going, ttyl?
M: Yeah... love you
B: ... love you too...
He puts his phone away and gives out a sigh while looking a bit upset
Terrence: What's the matter?
BeatBox: Nothing, I'm fine
Terrence: You're normally not always upset, something up?
BeatBox: It's... I think I know what's going to happen to all of us when the war is over...
Terrence: What do you mean?
BeatBox: Remember when I said I made a deal with someone?
Terrence: Yeah?
BeatBox: Well... becoming a boombox wasn't the only cost I got...
Terrence: ... What was it...
BeatBox: ... Well-
BeatBox: I'll... tell you later
Terrence: Fine...
BeatBox: Anyways is there another reason why you decided to come
Terrence: ... kinda, I owe Felicia a debt
BeatBox: Debt?
Terrence: Well she was the one who taught me and my sister how to fight, and she took care of us... this is a way for me to say thank you
BeatBox: I guess
Terrence: Still... fighting the Darkling will avenge my mother's death as well...
BeatBox: Yeah... you know I wish I had parents like yours?
Terrence: Hm?
BeatBox: My dad's a cheating bitch and my mother was... well what word should I put her... whatever, but at least you had a parent that loved you
Terrence: Did you have any grandparents?
BeatBox: I... think so... a grandpa. I heard he was killed, but I don't know-how
Terrence: What was his name?
BeatBox: Oscar... I believe
Suddenly they felt the train finally stopping which everyone gets up and exits out of the station, to find themselves in a campground in the middle of an abandoned city
BeatBox: Woah...
Terrence: Looks like a military base... even though we are in a city
Lucy: We evacuated everyone when the Darklings and us declared war, but we believe this city will be wiped out in the war
Tadayoshi: What city is-
Suddenly ink shoots in front of Tadayoshi, missing him. He turns around to where the ink came from to see someone jumping toward him with two small bent radiator brush and goes for an attack, but BeatBox blocks the personal attack from hitting Tadayoshi
BeatBox: The hell are you trying to hit him!
???: *tsk*
???: Stand down Scarlett!
The inkling girl pulls back her weapons and puts them away. The other girl approaches the girl, which they realize she is a little taller than them
Terrence: It's been a while, Felicia
Felicia: It sure has... Thank you for bringing them here, you may go ahead and help the solider
Lucy: Yes ma'am
Katie: Bye senpai!
Katie and Lucy walks off to the camp, leaving the boys with the leader and an angry-looking inkling girl
Scarlett: Who are these three Felicia?
Felicia: These boys are going to help us at the war
Scarlett: But why him
She glared at Tadayoshi in anger which he looks back at her with a glare
Scarlett: How can you trust a Darkling like him?!
Terrence: I know how you feel, he's not what you think
Scarlett: You shut the fuck up! A follower or not! You can't trust a Darkling!
BeatBox: You don't know that! He's not like any of them!
Scarlett: Coming from a guy who wears a mask causes he's afraid of his own face!
BeatBox: ... I'll kill you!
Scarlett: Try me bitch!
?: Knock it off Scarlett!
The boys notice a small blue inkling girl walking toward them, who was a little smaller than them
Scarlett: *tsk* I'm sorry my love
??: It's ok, but Logan needs you
Scarlett: *Tsk* what's does that bastard want?
She walks off leaving the boys with the small inkling
??: Sorry about my girlfriend, she had a small history with the Darklings
Terrence: I don't blame her
BeatBox: Girlfriend?
Cora: Yeah, we're a couple
Terrence: Ah lesbian couple
Cora: yep, but she kinda has a history with men... especially with the darklings, but
Tadayoshi: I think we all know what happened
BeatBox: Either in a dirty-minded or not
Terrence: So are we going to have to know around this place?
Felicia: Yes, but before we show you around, I'm Felicia and this girl is Cora, our nurse
Cora: It's a pleasure to meet you all, also are you the Boombox DJ and the Black-Eye-Demon?
BeatBox: Yes sir!
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Cora: *gasp* I'm such a huge fan of your music! I'm also a huge fan of your turf war skill! The way you eliminate and fear your opponents is amazing
BeatBox and Tadayoshi notice her eyes were sparkling showing her excitement for meeting them with Tadayoshi giving a disgusted look and BeatBox happy for her
BeatBox: Hehe thanks!
Tadayoshi: Eh...
Cora: Oh I'm sorry for the manner, shall I lead you to your rooms
Terrence: Sure
Cora: Right this way!
Felicia: Oh you boys, once you're settled come find me
BeatBox: Alrighty then!
As the boys were following Cora, they look around the base, seeing a lot of rebellion soldiers chatting and getting all prepared
Terrence: So when is this war going to happen?
Cora: Uhhh... 9 hours
Terrence: That soon!
Cora: Which is why we're all trying to hurry up before the battle begins
She brings them into a tent with four bunk beds and an inkling boy on one of the beds
Cora: This will be your room, for now, come meet us when you guys are done
She leaves out of the room and the boys settle in their beds
BeatBox: Top bunk is mine!
He throws his bag on top of the bed and jump up on top and relaxes while Tadayoshi sets his bags on the bottom of the bed.
BeatBox: Wow you're sleeping near me?
Tadayoshi: It's better than that guy
??: What's wrong with me?!
Terrence: He doesn't trust anyone, that's why
??: Ah, an edgy lord
BeatBox: What's your name
??: The name is Ethan! An officer of the rebellion
Terrence: An officer?
Ethan: If you are strong soldiers, you are promoted to the officer which you lead your group or army. It's like how a Darkling goes from commander to admiral
Tadayoshi: Yeah... Sounds stupid
Ethan: For you probably
Terrence: Aren't you supposed to be helping them out?
Ethan: Eh, I'm too lazy and tired, I just to relax and masturbate
Terrence/Tadayoshi: ...
Ethan: What? Nothing wrong with that, we all got to let out our lust once in a while
BeatBox: Exactly! Just because you have porn magazine doesn't mean you're always a pervert, it's fine to have one
Ethan: This guy gets it!
Tadayoshi: Whatever, I'm heading out
Terrence: I'll meet you out there soon
BeatBox: Same, anyways ass or tits?
Ethan: Ass
BeatBox: Hell yeah!
Tadayoshi walks around the base as he notices some soldiers were staring at him but looked away when he looks back at them
Tadayoshi: "This place is annoying me..."
He notices Felicia up ahead with a soldier, who was explaining where the Darklings will appear.
Tadayoshi: Hey
Felicia: Well, you arrived
Tadayoshi: Yeah, don't shove it in my face
Felicia: I'm not, but where are the other boys?
Tadayoshi: They're busy...
Felicia: Alright... well since you are here, I figured you would like to know some information
Tadayoshi: Information?
Felicia: Come with me
Felicia begins to walk out of the base as Tadayoshi follows. They walked for a few minutes until they were out of the city and up ahead they notice an abandoned town
Felicia: We evacuated this place so no it's not been always abandon
Tadayoshi: Why did you bring me here
Felicia: You're the grandson of Aaron right?
Tadayoshi: Yeah
Felicia: I've known your grandfather since I was a young kid, he was one of the people I looked up to... it's one of the reasons why I made the army.
Tadayoshi: What does this have to do with here?
Felicia: I have a reason why I put my base here... this place is your grandfather's hometown
Tadayoshi: What?
Felicia: This part of the town was quite poor, so it never had protection from the public. A lot of criminals would come here and terrorize the place... but your grandfather was a like protector to this place... he was an orphan, but he loves this town... but he grew up, he left the town to travel places...
Tadayoshi: Guess might explain how he met the capn
Felicia: Yeah... he would donate all of his money he finds or earns to this town, so they can have some protection when he was gone... but now that gone for real...
Tadayoshi looks back at Felicia who was rubbing her eyes while wiping off the tears on her face
Felicia: I... took responsibility to continue to protect his town for his name... and his love for this town...
Tadayoshi: I see... but why are you telling me this now?
Felicia: I figured I might give you more purpose on protecting this town
Tadayoshi: Yeah... Hey, I want to thank you for saving my ass a year ago
Felicia: You don't need to thank me, it's just our job
???: Oi Felicia
The two of them turn around to see a black inkling in a hoodie, putting out his cigar
Felicia: Do you need something Logan?
Logan: The other boys are looking for you, you might want to go meet them
Felicia: *sigh* Alright, love to chat with you more, but I got places to be
Tadayoshi: Fine by me
Felicia walks off leaving Logan and Tadayoshi alone which they both glare at each other
Logan: So you're the Black-Eye-Demon, the former Darkling commander
Tadayoshi: Yeah, but don't call me that
Logan: Never planned to, Darkling
Tadayoshi: Don't trust me?
Logan: No really... I don't care what you are or who you are, as you don't get in my way from my revenge
Tadayoshi: I don't plan to get in your way
Logan: Good, but tell me Darkling... you're the grandson of the strongest being in the world
Tadayoshi: Yeah so?
Logan: Do you even know how to use that power of yours?
Tadayoshi: ...
Logan: Come, let's get a drink and talk about this
Tadayoshi: Fine
This story is interrupted by a chibi Ethan wearing the deal with it shades while looks at a hot piece of ass
Both Logan and Tadayoshi arrive back at camp to find a bar with a bunch of soldiers there, drinking and partying. Both Tadayoshi and Logan take their seats up at the counter as Logan's orders themselves their drinks
Logan: I heard stories about Aaron and how he was the first man to defeat Mask
Tadayoshi: First?
Logan: Mask has been around since the Great Turf War, but since Aaron is gone, Mask took his chance to rise...
Tadayoshi: "Guess that means that bastard is older than I thought"
Scarlett: So what? He probably knows about it
They both look beside them to see Scarlett gulping down a small cup of red ice
Scarlett: Another one!
Logan: What are you doing here bitch?
Scarlett: I can say the same thing to you
Logan: Boi, I'll beat your stupid ass
Tadayoshi: Is this what you two do every day?
Logan; yes
Scarlett: but actually no
Tadayoshi: "These two..." Bartender! Slide me an Everclear
The bartender pours two cups of Everclear and slides to Tadayoshi and another one beside him which he gulps down
Scarlett: I can kick your black ass back to Africa!
Logan: I can kick your ass until it becomes a sea-elephant ass
Scarlett l: Try me bitch! I'll-
Tadayoshi/???: HEY BARTENDER!
Bartender: Eh?
Tadayoshi/???: This drink tastes awful/good... huh?
Tadayoshi glares at the tall grey-skinned octoling with white tentacles, who glares at him back
Tadayoshi/???: Bartender, give me a different drink!
The bartender takes a different drink and pours them into two small cups and slides it down to them, which they take and gulp down. They set down the cup, while Tadayoshi looked impressed while the octoling disgusted
Tadayoshi/???: This drink is a lot better/terrible... Eh?
???: Are you trying to mock me?
Tadayoshi: I was going to ask the same thing
Bartender: Look if you two are gonna fight for it outside, I just clean this place
Tadayoshi l: I don't plan to
???: Neither do I... Bartender! Gives me some drinks to go!
The bartender slides him two bottles of alcohol which the octoling takes and walks out of the bar
Logan: Do you know that man?
Tadayoshi: No... but I get a weird feeling around him
Scarlett: He looks familiar though...
Tadayoshi: So you two... why did you become a member of the rebellion army?
Logan: Revenge... I lost my wife and son to those damn darkling... I could do anything but watch them get infected into those infections...
Scarlett: I'm only doing this for Cora... which reminds me, come near her, and I'll break you
Tadayoshi: Don't plan to
Scarlett: Good, but once the Darklings are gone we can hope for peace since we all worked together to-
Tadayoshi: *Pfft*
Logan and Scarlett looks at Tadayoshi who was holding his laugh while holding his cup of drink
Scarlett: What's so funny demon?
Tadayoshi: The stupid, believing that peace will come because we just defeat a powerful enemy, pathetic
Scarlett: Huh?!
Tadayoshi: You heard me, there's no such thing as peace in this world even if we try to believe there is
She grabs him by the collar and lifts him while she pulls back her arm to punch him
Scarlett: What do you know Demon! You murder so many people for what? A new order? A new society? None of you darkling knows anything about peace! They don't know what it is like to be afraid of losing someone you loved again!
Logan: Leave him be... he's just stating his opinion... and you can't change that
Scarlett: ...
She lets go of him while looking at him in disgust and sitting back in her chair
Logan: I got a text from Felicia, she wants to see you
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
He finishes his drink and leaves out the bar while Scarlett continues to be disgusted by him while Logan lights his cigar
Scarlett: That man gets on my nerves
Logan: Well he's just Aaron... never believing in anything...
Tadayoshi kicks the door open and starts to make her way to Felicia
???: You're right on what you said
He stops and turns at the voice, which he sees the same white octoling, sitting on the sidewalk while drinking his alcohol
???: People who believe that piece will happen are nothing but shit. A world where everyone can come together in love and harmony? Please... World peace... will never happen!
Tadayoshi stares at him which he still had a weird feeling around the white octoling
??: No matter how hard you try, no matter how hard you fight, peace is never going to happen... but much as I would chat with you about, seem to be busy... good luck with the war
The octoling gets up and begins walking away while Tadayoshi watches him leave until he can't see him anymore. He turns away and continues to make his way toward Felicia.
After walking around for a bit, Tadayoshi finds Felicia with Terrence and BeatBox in the meeting room
BeatBox: Hey! You did come here!
Tadayoshi: Yeah... You didn't think I'll appear
BeatBox: Well knowing you I feel like you wouldn't come
Tadayoshi: Whatever...
Terrence: You alright?
Tadayoshi: I'm fine... so what did you bring me here for?
Ethan: Well, I did some checking on our army power and the Darklings power
Terrence: After Cora had to kick you out of the bed and threatened to burn your porn books
Ethan: Look, those were the only books I had to help me let my lust out!
Felicia: Can you continue
Ethan: Sorry, but after we check our army power and I move found out we still don't have enough power to go up against the Darklings
Tadayoshi: Shouldn't you have this planned before you guys declared war on them
Felicia: We thought we did, but this man was too lazy to check out manpower
Ethan: Look a man's gotta sleep when he's tried!
Tadayoshi: So what did you have a plan?
Everyone became quiet in the room as everyone was scratching and waiting for someone to speak to him
Felicia: Well... it's something we are worried that you'll disagree on
Tadayoshi: What do you mean
He looks at BeatBox and Terrence, who looks away from Tadayoshi, trying not to make eye contact
Felicia: You see since we still don't have enough manpower to fight the Darklings... I have an idea in mind, but your friend was worried about that idea. If you agree to it, it'll be enough to fight the Darklings, but we have to pick them up quickly, if you disagree, then we will have a huge problem.
Tadayoshi: You're recruiting more people?
Felicia: Two specifically... and you've fought them before...
Tadayoshi: What?
BeatBox: One at that Splatfest...
Terrence: And one on that mission...
Tadayoshi thought for a moment until realizing who are the two people they were talking about recruiting
Tadayoshi: You're joking
Felicia: No... we're planning to recruit Armor and Tartar
Rebellion army members:
The Splatoon Harem will be on break and the Light in the Dark final will be released next week! Happy Valentine's Day!
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