Chapter 124: Tadayoshi's Past

9 years ago, a young Tadayoshi lived in a poor town where the lowest people were known. The houses were poor, there were no services, no transportation to this town. The town was quite isolated from the public. The young Tadayoshi was sweeping up in the old attic upstairs while his mother was watching him.

Tadayoshi: *huff* *huff*

Mother: Who said you can take a break!

His mother kicks him down to the ground, making him bleed from his head when he hit the ground

Mother: If you keep slacking off, no supper for you tonight

Tadayoshi: ...

He gets up and picks up the broom that fell over and continues sweeping the room. His mother smirks and walks out of the basement to the living room where the father was watching a movie

Mother: You're watching that movie again?

Father: I just love watching these carefree people getting what they deserve when they think they are special

Mother: Unfortunately that's what your father thinks of that boy

She sits beside him and pours him and herself a cup of wine that was on the table which the father takes and gulps down

Father: Fuck him, he's a dying old bastard anyway, besides I made sure that brat isn't some special person

Mother: I know, but he's a pain in the ass

Father: Relax, he's a tool for us so we can at least feel like we are like royalty.

???: If you don't have any uses for him can I use him too?

The parent looks behind them to see Angela, standing behind them

Father: Ah my beautiful daughter! Welcome back

Mother: Did you get any money?

Angela: Yeah, I got a few bucks from a couple of guys, but I had to kill one of them because he caught me stealing. It's funny to watch him beg for mercy when I stabbed him~

Father: As expected from our daughter

Mother: You know, we want our first child to be a girl but unfortunately he became an abomination, but he's now a good use

Father: But now our dream is filled when you finally showed up, my angel

Angela: Can I go out a play with the tool?

Mother: Of course sweetie

Angela: Thank you!

She skips her way upstairs into the attic where Tadayoshi was still weeping the room

Angela: Hi brother~ I see that you are cleaning like a good boy should~

Tadayoshi: ...

Angela: Not gonna talk huh? Are you afraid that daddy is gonna cut your tongue if you spoke? That's a shame...

She notices a vase on some dusty boxes which she smirks and walks over to it and knocks it over, breaking it

Angela: Whoops!


Angela: My dumb brother broke a vase

Father: Mother fucker... I'LL BEAT YOU LATER DO YOU HEAR ME!!

Angela: Ooohh looks like daddy is mad at you? Are you going to yell at me?~ Hurt me?~

Tadayoshi: ...

Angela: Nothing huh? Hmm... I guess you don't mind if I just hurt you a lot~

She kicks Tadayoshi down to the ground again and starts stomping on him

Angela: Come on! Let me hear you scream! I want to see mommy and daddy cut your tongue out! I wanna hear whimpers from you!

As Tadayoshi was trying to cover himself from his sister kicks, he can hear his parent beneath him

Father: What did you do with him anyway?

Mother: He tries to take a break, but I'd make sure he got back to work as a tool should.

Father: Good if he messes up anymore, I'll sell him, we could make a good price for him

Mother: Yeah, from a tool to a sex toy

Father: You can say it that way

Both the mother and father laugh while upstairs Tadayoshi hears them with Angela laughing insanely while still kicking him, he squeezes his fist tight, holding his anger and sadness, knowing he can't fight back at all. Night came and the father throws him out of the house, into the pouring rain

Father: You'll disturb our fun time if you're in the house, go find some food in the garbage or something

Mother: Make sure you're alive, we still need use to you... now then~

The mother closes the door and pulls the father to the living room for a fun time. Tadayoshi gets up and starts walking down the rain while people watch in disgust through the windows of their home

Inkling: It's that boy...

Inkling 2: I heard he's a demon... willing to hurt anyone who he sees

Inkling 3: Keep your child away from him...

Tadayoshi finally arrives at a house, which he lets himself in, to see an old inkling with a bunch of medical equipment around him while watching tv

Tadayoshi: Grandpa...

Aaron: My son...

He hugs him carefully, trying not to hurt him. Aaron is an old retire inkling, who has a heart disease and slowly dying

Aaron: They hurt you didn't they...

Tadayoshi: *nods* I hate them...

Aaron: I'm sorry I can't do anything... I wish I could take you away from them... but my time is near soon, so I can't be there for you forever...

Tadayoshi: It's ok... I'm more worried about your health...

Aaron: I'll be fine for now... would you like to hear some stories

Tadayoshi: Yes please!...

Every night, Tadayoshi would go visit his grandfather, who is the only person that treated him with love and respect. Most of the time, Tadayoshi would just help him with his health and cleaning than relaxing with his grandfather.

Aaron: And then, Octavio looked in shocked at the leader of the squidbeak splatoon eye who- *cough*

He coughs out some ink which Tadayoshi quickly gets up and check on him

Tadayoshi: Easy there...

Aaron: *cough* I'm fine... *cough* just getting old...

Tadayoshi: ...

Aaron: You ok boy?

Tadayoshi: I'm fine grandpa...

Aaron: Don't lie to me, or I'll throw whatever around me at you

Tadayoshi: I... don't want you to go... I don't want to be alone... I *sniff* don't want you to die...

Aaron: ... Boy... you can't stop the inevitable... no matter how hard you try... the reality is cruel... we just got fight it... but through you're life... I promise you that you'll find some people that will accept you...

Tadayoshi: ...

Aaron: Oh... that reminds me... can you look in the closet

Tadayoshi: Y-Yeah

He walks over to the closet and opens it, to find a spear-like pen in there

Tadayoshi: What's this?...

Aaron: It's my weapon that used during the Great Turf War

Tadayoshi: Woah...

Aaron: I'm giving it to you...

Tadayoshi: What?!

Aaron: That thing has been around me since the war... but since I'm going soon, I want to give it to you... think of it as a memory to you...

He turns back at Aaron and hugs him again and let's put some tears on his shoulder

Tadayoshi: thank you...I would never forget you...

Aaron: No... thank you for being like a son to me...


Day went by as Tadayoshi continues to be abused and hated by everyone as he tries to hold in his anger. Tadayoshi was outside the house sweeping the walkway with his mother watching him

Father: Brat! GET IN HERE!

Tadayoshi sets his broom down and walks inside with his father in front of the sink in the kitchen

Father: I told you to make sure you perfectly clean the dishes and look at this!

He shows tadayoshi a plate with a speck of food on the plate

Father: A tool shouldn't be making this kind of mistake! how are we supposed to feel rich, IF YOU KEEP MESSING THINGS UP!

He swings the plate at tadayoshi, smashing it across his face, making him fall to the ground

Father: Why are you so useless! I mind as well sell you by now and get a better one!

Tadayoshi: S-Stop-

His father stomps down his face to the ground in anger while his mother looks at him in disappointment and his sister smirking in the corner

Father: What did I tell you about speaking! Tools don't speak! Give your tongue!

His mother grabs him by his hair and lifts him up from the ground while his father forces his mouth open and his sister starts to laugh hysterically. Tadayoshi felt fear in him as he sees his father grabbing the scissor and bring it to his tongue. He closes his eye, prepare for the pain but before anything could happen, an explosion was heard outside. The parents quickly turns outside as they hear the siren


Mother: W-What!?

Father: Dammit! We have to go

Angela: Whaaaaat? I wanted to see that tongue come off~...

The father and mother quickly run out the door run away while his sister follows but looks at where the explosion is coming from and goes towards it.

Tadayoshi: Grandpa...

Tadayoshi slowly gets up and runs out to try to get to his grandfather's place. He runs through the panic and explosions but nearly gets hit by open, causing him to fly back a bit and starts to hear ringing in his ears. After he gains his hearing, he looks up in front of him to see Aaron with the pen

Tadayoshi: Grandpa?...

Aaron: *sigh* I didn't think they will come here

Tadayoshi: W-What are you doing out here? We got to get out of here and get you some medical supplies and-

Aaron: No... you have to go...

Tadayoshi: What?...

Aaron: This is my time... here...

He hands Tadayoshi the pen which he takes and looks at Aaron who starts to walk towards where the explosion is coming from

Tadayoshi: Wait! Where are you going?!

Aaron: Run... this is my time... this is my goodbye...

Tadayoshi: Goodbye... No... No! Please don't! Let get out of here together!

Tadayoshi grabs onto his legs and starts crying but Aaron looks down on him and set his hand on his head

Aaron: ... I can't go any farther anymore... I already had my time throughout my life... it's about time I retire from my life and rest in peace... Go and find a new life... a new family... Start from scratch and become a better man!

Tadayoshi lets go of him and walks back a bit while looking at Aaron until turning around and starts running with the pen while crying, not looking back at his grandfather. As Tadayoshi running, he tries to dodge most of the explosions around him but another explosion causes him to fly in the air and hit the ground, going unconscious. He wakes up for a few minutes to see someone else standing in front of him

???: Well don't you look terrible

The smoke clears out to show a purple inkling wearing a mask and a leather jacket

Tadayoshi: W-Who are you

The stranger looks at the pen and looks back at him, giving him an innocent smile

???: I'm your grandfather's friend... we knew each other for a long time!... I'm here to help you

Tadayoshi: Y-You know my grandpa?...

???: That pen was your grandfather Aaron... am I correct

Tadayoshi: Yes...

???: Well then, your grandfather made a... promise that I will take care of you when he is gone

Tadayoshi: But... I want to begin a new life... he told me too...

???: Which is why I'm giving you a choice, come with me, and I'll give you and new life, a new dream, a new hope... or you can reject and run away to knows where. The choice is yours.

He kneels and reaches out his hand to Tadayoshi who thought about it for a moment until taking his hand

Tadayoshi: I'm... Tadayoshi...

???: Nice to meet you... you can call me Mask...


This story is interrupted by a chibi young Tadayoshi eating a cinnamon bun


Darkling: And here is your room

Tadayoshi walks into his new room, which was quite big for a dorm room

Tadayoshi: Woah...

Darkling: Make sure you hurry up, Lord Mask want you to meet the other members

Tadayoshi: Other members...

The Darkling shuts the door as Tadayoshi continues to look around until swan diving onto the warm bed. It was the first time he felt something warm and comfy to lay on. Suddenly he hears a knock on the door which he answers to see a man wearing a skull scarf

???: You must be the new commander

Tadayoshi: commander?...

???: Of course, you don't know... you're name is Tadayoshi right?

Tadayoshi: Y-Yeah...

???: Come with me

Tadayoshi follows the stranger out of the room, down the hallway

???: My name is scarf... I'm an admiral of the Darklings

Tadayoshi: Admiral?

Scarf: It means if Mask goes away, I will take his place as a leader...

Tadayoshi: Oh...

Scarf: A few people are joining us soon...

Tadayoshi: Oh...

Suddenly Tadayoshi felt someone touching his chest from behind, making him jump in surprise

???: Who is this sexy man~

Scarf: Leave the boy alone, Shade...

Shade: *sigh* I was just joking around scarfy~

Tadayoshi looks back at Shade, who was a black octoling, pitch black, and was wearing bondage like clothing with some male and female Darklings with him

Shade: Is this youngster joining for dinner

Scarf: Mask wants to welcome him as a new commander...

Shade: Quite strange since that something Masky isn't like

Scarf: Yeah... but let's just get going...

They continue down the hall until they enter a room to a long dining room with a few black cephalopods in the room


Hand: Easy now black, Lord Mask wouldn't want a new member to be hurt already


Infect: That makes no sense but I don't care if it's bloodshed, it would make this dinner quite interesting

Scarf: I'm sorry for their manner, go on and take your seat

Tadayoshi slowly walks over and sits at the dinner table, staring at the food at the table while Shade and Scarf join the table

Infect: So newbie, what brings you here?

Black: Did kill someone strong like Logan?!

Hand: Ho! Ho! Ho! Uses your brain Black, this boy is too young to kill that man

Infect: Still would've been interesting to hear...

Shade: Still, killing him would be a waste. His body is just... mmmm~

Scarf: You domestic pervert...

Suddenly Mask enters the room and sits down on his royal chair that was at the end of the table

Mask: Thank you for your patience everyone. Today we will be celebrating our welcome to our new commander Tadayoshi

All the Darklings at the table suddenly went surprised and slowly turning their heads at Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: W-What?...

Infect: You... SON OF A BITCH

Infect jumps from the table to attack Tadayoshi, who covers himself, waiting for the pain to come. After a bit, he realizes nothing happen until he opens his eyes to see a black wing covering infects attack

Tadayoshi: Huh?

???: Sorry I'm late...

Mask: Stand down infect

Infect: *tsk* He somehow becomes an commander that easily...

Infect retract his black fist with eyes while the inking girl pulls her wings back. Tadayoshi looks at her, who she looks back at him which Tadayoshi felt a small thump in his chest

Mask: Sorry for the mess Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: Huh? Y-Yeah it's fine... but... did I see

???: Wings... yes... my name is Bella... a Darkling commander and wings are my power

Tadayoshi: Bella...

Mask: Well since you don't know, it's about time we introduce ourselves and what we are

Black: My name is Black! I'm a commander and my power is explosive!

Tadayoshi: Powers?...

Mask: I'll explain in a bit...

Infect: Infect... I'm an admiral and my powers are infection

Hand: You can call me Hand, I'm a commander and a dealer and my powers are strings

Shade: I already introduced myself baby, but I'm a commander and my powers are shadow

Scarf: Teleportation and admiral/vice-leader...

Tadayoshi: W-Well... it's nice to meet you all

Mask: Oh you will fit in so well... anyway I'm sure all of you are confused why I'm immediately put this newbie a commander

Bella: I was questioning about that, knowing you...

Mask: This boy happens to be the grandson of the strongest being in the world

Everyone in the dining room stares at Tadayoshi in shock while Tadayoshi looks in confusion

Tadayoshi: Strongest being?

Mask: Well you see... you carry... something within you that your grandfather had like us and I could see true potential for you to help us as a family

Tadayoshi: H-How... I can't fight and all... I don't even know what is my power and what is the power you're talking about?

Mask: Which is why I'm having my vice-leader scarf train you, but the power I'm talking about are ability I created for everyone here. Everyone has a different ability that makes them stronger than normal, and you happened to have one like your grandfather. Once you are ready to fight and know your power, you'll be helpful to all of us

Tadayoshi: Helpful?...

Mask: We are trying to bring a better world to the planet. The world is cruel with this stupid society and the way the world works! But not us, I'm coming to change the way this society is and make a new one... a better one... a world where they can be free!

Tadayoshi: Are you sure?

Mask: Of course I'm sure but first... You must be tested!

Tadayoshi: Huh?

Mask: Bring one in!

Suddenly two Darkling enters the room while they drag in a beaten and bloody inkling boy to Tadayoshi

Inkling boy: H-Help me

Tadayoshi: This is a test... This man is a member of an army called the rebellion army... They want to bring us down...

Hands slide Tadayoshi a knife which Tadayoshi take and looks in confusion

Hand: Kill him

Tadayoshi: W-What?!

Mask: If you want to help us, you have to kill, if you can't then leave

Inkling: P-Please...

Tadayoshi had some hesitation but starts to remember how people always rejected him, how he was kicked out of his home and how he was nothing but a tool to everyone. He lets out a scream and brings the knife over his head, stabbing the inkling in the head and killing him.

Mask: Welcome to the Darklings... I expect you to work out there

Tadayoshi: Y-Yeah.... I'll do my best

Mask: Well now that is settled, let's enjoy our feast!

Soon the Darklings start to munch down the food that was brought to the table. Tadayoshi stares at the food in surprise, it was his first time he'll have anything good to eat. He rips off a piece of Turkey wing from the turkey and goes to bite it, but as he bites down on the food, he doesn't taste anything.

Tadayoshi: Huh?

Bella: Something wrong?...

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I... can't taste anything

Bella: ... You must've had a hard life

Tadayoshi: Huh?

Bella: Nothing

Tadayoshi couldn't help but stare at her face, admiring her beauty and feeling his heart beating faster but he snaps himself out of it and tries to eat the food

Tadayoshi: Say Mask-

Mask: Lord Mask

Tadayoshi: Sorry... Lord Mask... what is this thing I have in me that is like my grandfather and you?

Mask: It's a power like we all have...

Tadayoshi: What's my power?

Mask: Rage...


3 years go by as Tadayoshi continue to work and train hard for Mask, completing a lot of his task that we're given to him. He also got along with the commander and Admirals, believe he found people that welcomed him. New member joined as well when time flew by. After Mask congrats to him on another successful mission, he makes his way back to his room until he bumps into Bella

Bella: Hey... Watch where are you going

Tadayoshi: S-Sorry...

Bella: You should...

She walks by Tadayoshi, who was shaking a bit before turning back at her

Tadayoshi: W-Wait!

Bella: What? Do you want to fight?

Tadayoshi: N-No... There's something I have to tell you...

Bella: Better be quick...I got places to be...

Tadayoshi: Well... We've hanged out a lot since I joined the group and I... I

Bella: And?

Tadayoshi: I like you! Please go out with me!

Bella: ...

Tadayoshi was bending down, waiting for her to answer but he hears nothing from her. He looks up to see her gone

Tadayoshi: "Where did she-"

Speaker: Tadayoshi! Your next mission is ready! Please report to the mission room!

Tadayoshi: "I'll think about it later"

After a few hours, Tadayoshi was sent with his team of Darklings to take over a town so they can expand the territory. They start to slaughter anyone that tries to run or fight back. Tadayoshi kicks down someone house to find anyone, but he sees an old inkling trying to protect a young inkling boy

Old inkling: S-Stay back! You zoomer! I won't let you kill my grandson!

Tadayoshi stares at them and imagines them as him and his grandfather. He stares at them in shock and lowers his pen away from them

Tadayoshi: Get out...

Old inking: What?


The old inkling and the young inkling run out the back of the house, escaping. Tadayoshi steps outside and starts seeing the destruction he is causing around him

Tadayoshi: What am I doing... is this what it cost for freedom...

Inkling Girl: Please don't hurt me!

A darkling shoves down an inkling girl and pull his weapon at her

Darkling: If you refuse to cooperate... then die!

Before the darkling could kill her, the darklings were stabbed through by the side, sending flying back into a house. Everyone looks in shock as they see the pen fly back Tadayoshi

Darkling: C-Commander Tadayoshi... what are you-

Tadayoshi immediately turns around, stabbing the darkling behind him, killing him m

Darkling: He's gone rogue!

Darkling 2: Kill him!

The Darkling starts to fire at Tadayoshi but he blocks and dodges them and starts to massacre the Darklings. After a few hours, Tadayoshi stabs the last Darkling and pull his pen out of him. He was standing in the middle of dead corpses around him that melt away and the ink spirits float away. He turns away and starts to make his way back to the Darkling base to confront Mask.

At the base:

Mask: Are you sure?

Darkling: I'm sure! Tadayoshi soldiers were wiped out!

Mask: What the hell is-

Suddenly the entrance to Mask's throne room was kicked open as Tadayoshi stomps toward him

Mask: What happens out there?!


Mask: ...


Mask: ... *sigh* it's exactly how your grandfather told me...

Tadayoshi: Huh?

Mask: I didn't think you would act like your grandpa but now that you know it's a shame that I have to get rid of you

Tadayoshi: What?

Hand: Ho! Ho! Ho! You were a great tool to help us expand our territory

Suddenly the Darkling commander and admiral appear beside Mask

Infect: But seeing you believe we welcome you to us was the funniest shit I've seen. You think we let someone that was Lord Mask old enemy grandson into our group

Tadayoshi: Y-You were using me?...

Shade: Of course we did Tadayoshi~ we just act along so you won't get suspicious~ it's sad that we won't see your cute face anymore~

Tadayoshi looks in despair and fall on his knees, realizing all the thing he did with them was a huge lie. Believe he found someone that welcomed him was a lie

Tadayoshi: ...


Tadayoshi: What...

Suddenly felt something stabbing behind him, which he coughs out ink. He slowly looks behind him at a familiar face

Angela: It's been a while brother~

She pulls the knife out of him which Tadayoshi places his hand on the wound and swing his pen at her but she jumps out of there and lands beside the Darklings

Bella: Oh that confession you made for me... Look, I'm not interested I don't believe you should tell anyone that you loved them, no one should date a guy likes you, people like you should just go and die, go to hell and never show me your face to me ever again

Tadayoshi continues to look in shock to the point, he sees the face of the admiral and commander laughing at him. Tadayoshi realizes that he has been still alone the whole time

Tadayoshi: You... You... BASTARD!

He jumps toward Mask to stab him but Scarf pull out the charger to block his attack

Scarf: I don't have my katana... still in progress to become "unbreakable"

Scarf push him back and infect arm grew large with eye and infect and lays a punch sending him flying through the throne room door

Mask: Take him away

Darkling soldiers: Yes sir!

Tadayoshi weakly gets up and sees the two soldiers running toward him, but he gets up and kills them immediately

Tadayoshi: One day... I swear I'll get my revenge on all of you! I'LL KILL YOU KILL YOU ALL!

Mask: Good luck with that... demon

He turning away and starts to run out of the building, making his way out of the territory

Angela: Aww he's running~ Should I go and finish him off?~

Mask: Let him go, we can get that traitor later... After all, people won't accept a former Darkling since he killed so many people... For now... let's see how far he'll go...

Present time:

Tadayoshi: I've been on the run for 3 years until I met Alex but we split a year later and I moved here... I was hoping to start a new life... but I doubted that will happen...

Everyone stood quietly while Winter and BeatBox looks away since they knows the truth of his past

Marina: ... it... explain why you don't trust anyone...

Amelia: Or love...

Tracer: I'm... sorry to hear that...

Tadayoshi: It's fine...

BeatBox: This is one of the reasons why I'm going...

Tadayoshi: So I'm asking you all... let me handle this alone... without you girls interrupting...

Marie: ... I understand...

Callie: Yeah...

The girls go in for a hug while they let out some tears after hearing his past

Pearl: I'm going to miss you... you dummy...

Winter: You better not die...

Tadayoshi: I know...

Yui: Please come home safe, Darling

Terrence: I will...

Melody: Make sure you text me so I know you're ok

BeatBox: I will...

Capn: Leaving so soon?

Everyone looks back to see the capn walking towards them.

Tadayoshi: Old man...

Capn: Normally I would order you boys not to go, but after hearing that story... I'll allow it just this once...

Tadayoshi: Thank you...

Lucy: We got to go!

The boys give the girls and everyone their goodbye hugs as they boarded onto the train but before Tadayoshi could step in, he felt his sweater being grabbed. He turns back to see Bridgett holding while crying

Bridgett: D-Don't... *sniff* go... I... don't want you to die...

Tadayoshi: ...

He turns back at her and sets his hand on her head

Tadayoshi: You can't stop the inevitable... but I will always be with you if I die... so, please...

Bridgett looks up and sees Tadayoshi giving Bridgett a smile for the first time

Tadayoshi: Don't think I'll be gone forever even if I'm not here...

He steps onto the train and the door shuts as they give their goodbye while the girls run for a bit, waving back

Tadayoshi: Goodbye... everyone...


The next chapter release next week

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