Chapter 123: Unexpected Return

Big news and trend were announced all over the internet and on new channels as everyone has caught their attention to it. It was trending all over social media as everyone in inkopolis and the world was shocked

Inking: N-No way...

Inkling girl 2: I never thought this day will be happening...

Inkling 2: So many cephalopods are going to die...

At the train station, a train in a battle armor roll in, and two inkling girls exit out, seeing everyone in shock and panic

?: Ehh? I guess the information spread

?2: Of course it would spread, this is something we can't hide like every other battle

?: I know, anyway let's go find him, the boss said we need him

?2: I know our objective, but it's been a while since we last saw him

?: I know, can't wait to meet him again

?2: Yeah now where would you be... senpai?

At a café, Tadayoshi exits out of the place with his drink while scrolling through his phone, seeing all the panic and memes about the trend

Tadayoshi: "What the hell are people freaking out about?"

BeatBox: Yo! Tadayoshi!

He looks ahead of him to see BeatBox, who was waving and walking towards him with Terrence

Tadayoshi: Oh hey...

BeatBox: I thought you were going to go out with Amelia today?

Tadayoshi: Marina told me to take a break from the dates so that's what I'm doing

BeatBox: Must be hard to love a group of girls

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh... what about you two?

BeatBox: Just taking a stroll around Inkopolis also went to get some exercising equipment

Terrence: You're taking your workout seriously

BeatBox: Of course I am! I got to be strong if I want to protect the ones I love

Terrence: Yeah... I was trying to practice my cherry petal skills, but I need an open space to practice

BeatBox: And I bumped into him

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

BeatBox: Mind if we join you?

Tadayoshi: I don't care...

They sat down at the outdoor seats while Terrence and BeatBox order their drinks

Terrence: Have you guys heard about the news

BeatBox: News?

Tadayoshi: What news?

Terrence: The TGTF2 trend?

BeatBox: No, too busy with my work

Tadayoshi: I don't care much about trends...

Terrence: ... Well since you guys don't know about it

BeatBox: What? At least I'm not sitting in my house doing god-damn bills or yelling at people who are doing a small mistake in cooking

Terrence: ...

Tadayoshi: ... So what's this news that has been going around

Terrence: Well there's-


BeatBox: That voice...

Tadayoshi: Oh shit...

Tadayoshi looks beside him and was tackled to the ground with a hug

?: Senpai! I missed you so much

He sits up and looks at the familiar face that was rubbing her face in his chest while hugging him

Tadayoshi: Katie?!

?: Let him go... you didn't let me hug him first...

Katie: Ehhh? Fine...

She gets off of Tadayoshi as he gets up on his feet and dusts himself off while looking surprised at another familiar face

Tadayoshi: Lucy?!

Lucy: It's been a while... senpai...

Terrence: Never thought I see you two again

Katie: Yeah... we've been busy with the army, and we never got time to see you all

Tadayoshi: What do you two want?

Lucy: Well Felicia sent us to get you... all of you ... we need some help?

BeatBox: Felicia?

Terrence: Felicia is a leader of a group called the rebellion army. They are a group of survivors that escaped the hands of the overlords and are fighting back against the Overlords. People say she is strong enough to go toe to toe with Mask. So don't try to fuck with her

BeatBox: Woah... she must be strong...

Tadayoshi: Well whatever it is why?

Katie: Felicia has heard the news about you boys fighting some sting samurais and messing with an Overlord's territory! It was so amazing but... I'm still mad at fox for hurting you senpai... should I got and cuts him open?~

BeatBox: Jesus...

Tadayoshi: No, but I had my reasons to do those shit, but so what?

Lucy: Felicia felt you boys are strong enough to help us, so she wants you to come with us...

Tadayoshi: Tell her to fuck off... I'm not interested in helping

Katie: Ehhhh??? Why not senpai?

Tadayoshi: Is she gonna pay me to help whatever she is doing

Terrence: Of course money...

Lucy: Knowing her, most likely not

Tadayoshi: Then no, I don't work for anyone unless it comes with a payment

Lucy: Well you still have a reason why you have to come

Tadayoshi: What do you mean "have"?

Lucy: She did save you from death when you tried to save Alex. You own her a debt and also-

Tadayoshi: That doesn't mean I have to give her that as my thank-you. I can give her something else, good day

He finishes his drink and throwing it in the trash and begins to leave them

Lucy: The Darklings and the Rebellion army are going to war

Tadayoshi stop in dead track and turns back at her in a bit of surprised face while BeatBox does the same

BeatBox: What...

Katie: I know! I couldn't believe my pointy ears when I heard that, and I couldn't help be excited... I just can't wait to rip some Darkling throats

Lucy: After so many years, we decided to finally put a stop to the Darklings once and for all. Besides, there is another reason why this war is happening.

Terrence: Another reason?

Katie: Yeah, we figured you would like to meet him

Tadayoshi: ...

Lucy: Felicia also thought you would like to come since you have a grudge against that man.

Tadayoshi: I do...

Lucy: So can you help us take them down, but you don't need to, it's your decision... but just so you know, this war is a life and death situation... you could die there

Tadayoshi: ...

BeatBox: ... I'll go!

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Terrence: Wait why?! You never had any problems with them

BeatBox: No, I have a problem with them for what they did to Tadayoshi. I want to go there, so I can help not only him but everyone I love future...

Terrence: ... Yeah... I'm willing to go... for my sister and Yui...

Lucy: Fine by me... so what's it going to be... senpai?

He thought for a moment and starts to remember Alex and everyone and how happy they are when he was around

Tadayoshi: ... I'll do it... I'll go to war with you all... only just because of... their safety

Katie: Yah! Senpai is coming with us!

Lucy: Ok... Meet us at the station when you are ready... I'm sure you want to say your last goodbye and be prepared for what's coming...

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Katie and Lucy walks off, leaving the boys alone

Terrence: I... guess I'll see you all at the station... once I'm packed up

BeatBox: Yeah...

Terrence and BeatBox walks off to their homes while Tadayoshi look up at the inkopolis tower and look away

Tadayoshi: "This might be my time for my revenge..."


At Yui and Melody house, Melody was listening to some tunes while reading some mangas while Yui was on his phone, trying to get a hold of Terrence

Yui: Why hasn't he answered

Melody: Maybe because you're texting him everything 5 seconds

Yui: I'm not, the last time I texted him was 3 hours ago

Melody: That's... quite surprising...

Yui: Hey, since I'm dating Terrence, I'm trying to be a better girlfriend. I even asked Tracer for some tips

Melody: Oh

Yui: So what has been going on with you and BeatBox?

Melody: We've been doing very well... we had one argument though...

Yui: Well... I found out he kept some porn magazines under his bed and I wanted him to get rid of them because I was worried it would ruin his reputation to the public and... he has me... if he...

Melody was bright red while Yui looks at her in surprise

Yui: Wow... also he has porn magazine

Melody: Yeah... he told me nothing is wrong with keeping them, and he said a man's got to let out his lust once in a while when he is horny...

Yui: Damn I didn't know he was like that, but Terrence and I almost did it, but Terrence passed out in nervousness, buts he's getting there

Melody: I guess...

Suddenly Yui phone finally buzz which Yui quickly answer his text

Yui: Yes darling~

Ter: Hey...

Yui: Is there something wrong?

Ter: Can you and Yui meet us at the train station... BeatBox and I need to chat with you privately...

Yui: ... yeah we'll be there

She puts her phone away while Melody looks at her confused

Melody: Are you ok?

Yui: Something's wrong BeatBox and Darling

Melody: What?

Yui: They want us to meet them soon

Melody: O-Ok

Yui and Melody quickly gets up from the couch and puts on their shoes and exits their home

Yui: "What's wrong with you darling?"

At Pearl's mansion, Marina was laptop playing some Friday Night Funkink as she was getting close to beating her high score on the mom level

Pearl: Rinaaaaa!

Marina: Eek!

She jumps a bit in surprise, making her missing one point off as the final music finishes

Marina: Aww I was so close...

Pearl: Sorry about that Rina, but did you hear about the new trend?!

Marina: You mean the war?

Pearl: Wait you know about it?

Marina: I'm always looking through the trends, so I know what's up

Pearl: ... I ran upstairs for nothing

Marina: It's fine

Pearl: Still surprising that they're finally going to a war... it's going to have a huge impact on the world since those two were like the perfect balance to the world

Marina: I guess... so many people are going to die...

Pearl: Well at least we don't have to be part of the war

Marina: Still... does that mean the agents have to participate in the war?

Pearl: What makes you think that's?

Marina: Well the squidbeak splatoon is a group meant to protect the world and all so...

Pearl: No, unless the Rebellion army asks them, but I feel like they would reject

Marina: I hope so

Suddenly marina phone ringtone went off which marina picks up and Pearl looks over at the phone to see Tadayoshi texting her

Pearl: I wonder what he wants?

T: Are you there?

M: Yeah

T: Is Pearl with you?

M: Yes she is, why?

T: Can you and Pearl meet me at the train station... I want to say something before... whatever

M: ... Yeah... we'll be there...

She puts her phone away and pearl with a worrisome look

Pearl: Don't tell me he's...

Marina: It can't be...

Both Marina and Pearl exits the room and quickly gets ready to leave out of the house

Marina: "Please let that be a lie..."


This story is interrupted by a Chibi Lucy giving chibi Katie head pats like she is a cat


The agents and the squid sister are sitting at a meeting table at the squidbeak base, waiting for the capn to arrive

Callie: Wonder why the capn called us

Marie: Probably wants us to do another octo mission

Amelia: I doubt that, we inklings and octolings are pretty much in peace since Octavio got captured

Bridgett: Maybe he wants to play with us like a family reunion!

Tracer: For Callie and Marie, maybe but why call us?

Sudden the capn kicks open the door as the agents turn their attention to him

Capn: Sorry I'm late had to meet with someone but- wait where are Tadayoshi and Terrence?

Amelia: We tried to get a hold of him, but they won't answer back

Capn: strange, those two always show up...

Tracer: So what brings us here?

Capn: Ah yes, as you know the Rebellion army and the Darklings are going to war

Marie: Gramps, you know those two groups have been going to battle against each other for so long since 5 years after the Great Turf war ended.

Tracer: Yeah, what's the big deal about this one?

Capn: Because this war will be the decision to who will rise and fall to change this era

Callie: Era?

Capn: After the Great Turf war ended, our era started but unfortunately after Kiryu and Aaron were killed, I knew our time is almost over and a new generation will take over us.

Marie: I... don't get it, what are you trying to say?

Capn: I'm saying this war will affect our future! If Felicia wins this war, we could see a bright future without one of the overlords... but if the Darklings win... I'm afraid of something worse happening...

Agent/squid sisters: ....

Bridgett: Like a coin?

Amelia: Y-Yeah...

Suddenly the capn phone buzzes a bit which the capn picks up and answer his phone call

Capn: Hello?.... Yeah... Yeah, they're with me... Why?... What?!

He hangs up the phones and turns his attention to the girls

Capn: All of you at the train station now!

Tracer: Huh why?

Capn: I'm afraid... it's the these youngsters wanting to say their goodbyes

The girls grew in shock realizing what he means and quickly runs out of the room

Capn: "What are you brats thinking..."


Tadayoshi finishes up his calls while BeatBox and Terrence wait with their supplies

Terrence: Did you need to make us call them

Tadayoshi: Yeah, I would've left quietly

BeatBox: Hey this war might kill us, it's best if tell them goodbye before we go

Terrence: Y-Yeah...

Marina: Tadayoshi

The boys turn up ahead to see Pearl and Marina runs towards them

Terrence: And here they are...

Pearl jumps up and slaps him across the face which Tadayoshi takes the hit

Pearl: Are you an idiot! What's are you thinking idiot

Tadayoshi: look, there is a reason

Marina: Leave it be! You'll kill yourself if you go

Tadayoshi: I know, let me explain

Terrence: Well at least we-

Suddenly Terrence gets drop kicked to the ground while BeatBox gets tackled with a hug and falls as well. Both Terrence and BeatBox sit up and see Yui and Melody on them

Yui: Darling, what are you doing!

Melody: Don't go! I don't want you to die when we just started dating!

Terrence: I spoke too soon...

BeatBox: You think!

It doesn't take long until the rest of the girls appears and all start kicking Tadayoshi down

Tracer: Are out of you mind

Amelia: You must've hit your head you two!

Callie: Just stay and be safe with us!

Bridgett: Why are we doing a jojo reference!

Tadayoshi: Just... Wait let me explain!

Marie: Leave them be girls!

The girls finally stop beating the shit out of the boys as Marie walks up to them

Marie: Do you boys want to explain yourself

Tadayoshi: *sigh* this war is personal to me... and for the safety of all your future...

Tracer: Still doesn't mean you have to risk your life for it!

Marina: You've done enough for us!

Yui: Yeah, also why are you two going with him

Terrence: I'm doing this for the same reason... and for you Yui...

BeatBox: Yeah... for everyone!

Melody: Still! You can just leave it, you can move on from it!

?: It's still not gonna fix it...

Everyone turns around to see Winter who walks past everyone up to Tadayoshi

Winter: Even if we try to move on from it, it will still stick to us... and we will always be reminded of him... since he's still alive

Tadayoshi: Never thought you would come to say goodbye

Winter: you didn't tell me you were leaving demon...

Tadayoshi: Figured you would care if I leave, ice bitch

Winter: I do... baka...

Tracer: "Baka?... wait don't tell me..."

Tadayoshi: Anyways I'm going there and hope to put an end to the Darkling rampage so I can move on with my life

Callie: But... if you go there... you're going to go through the same mess as what happens with Alex!

Tadayoshi: I know... which is why I won't let these two idiots die on me

Lucy: Better hurry up and say goodbye before we leave senpai!

Terrence: Hang on, we'll be there!

Bridgett: Wait... What if... you don't come back... what if we don't see you again...

Bridgett starts to tears up a bit while trying to hold it in. Tadayoshi rests his hand on her head and then take a deep breath

Tadayoshi: ... if I'm going to die in that war... then I think it's time for all of you to know my past then...


The next chapter will be released next week

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