Chapter 120: A Date with Pearl 2

Marina's alarm starts blaring which she shuts it off before she sits up and stretches a bit. She gets off the bed and exits her room as she smells something cooking

Marina: "Pearlie up already?"

She heads downstairs still in her pajamas as she sees Pearl finishing up her sunny side eggs and slides it onto the plate with her bacon and breakfast Seaham

Pearl: Perfection!

Marina: Morning Pearlie...

Pearl: Morning Rina

Marina: You're up early

Pearl: Of course I'm up early, today is my date!

Marina: I know, kinda jealous though

Pearl: Don't worry Rina, you'll have your turn after Winter since we all drew from sticks

Marina: I know

Pearl: You want me to make some Seaham?

Marina: I'm good, I'm going to make some squid loops

Pearl: ... Uncultured swine...

Marina: Hey! I still think cold food is better!

Pearl: Whatever

Marina walks to the kitchen and grabs some Squid loops in the cabinet and a bowl. She pours the cereal into the bowl while Pearl walks to the dining room table and starts eating her breakfast

Marina: So do you know what are you going to do with him today?

Pearl: I'm not sure... since he always looks like he's not having fun with anything

Marina: But won't he do anything that at least makes us happy

Pearl: I get that, but I want him to have some fun at least

Marina: True...

She put the cereal and milk back to where they belong before grabbing a spoon and joining breakfast with Pearl at the table

Pearl: Anyways what are you going to do all day?

Marina: I got work today *munch* they want me to work on some of the lines before we release our next hit, the manager has been strict

Pearl: Is he giving you a hard time *munch* if he is I'll kick his ass

Marina: No I'm fine, but he's a lot better than Tooth

Pearl: I can't argue with that

Pearl finishes up her breakfast and throws the dish into the sink

Marina: You know, why don't you try to bring him to your studio, you know play some solo music you've tried to work on?

Pearl: Maybe, but I'm not sure that-

Suddenly Pearl heard a knock on the door which she answer to see Tadayoshi

Pearl: Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: Hey, just here to pick you up

Pearl: ... you came... to pick me up?...

Tadayoshi: Yeah, it's our date day right?

Pearl: ... Tadayoshi are you feeling alright?

Tadayoshi: Again, I'm fine

Pearl: Are you sure, cause this is not what you would usually do

Tadayoshi: This is a Christmas present and I don't want your gift to go to waste. Besides I'm... trying to be more open with all of you

He scratches the back of his head while looking away which Pearl give him a smile

Pearl: I'll give you credit for trying

Tadayoshi: Yeah... but you ready

Pearl: Give me a moment

She grabs her disguise from her coat racket and puts them on

Marina: Who is it?

Pearl: Tadayoshi, he came to get me

Marina: ... Wait for eel?

Pearl; I know, I'm shocked as well, but I'm off now, Rina

Marina: Ok Pearlie, you two have fun!

Pearl walks out of the house and Tadayoshi shuts the door as they both begin walking together

Pearl: So... what do you want to do?

Tadayoshi: I'll do anything you want to do

Pearl: I know that but what do YOU want to do

Tadayoshi: ... honestly I just want to chat with you

Pearl: That's it?

Tadayoshi: Kinda hard to enjoy anything when you're busy with stuff... especially what society throws at your life, like we are some target for a dartboard...

Pearl: Yeah... I guess...

Tadayoshi: But since we're out here let do what you want to do

Pearl: Do you mind if we go to that cake shop?

Tadayoshi: You like that cake shop huh?

Pearl: Hell yeah I do, like who doesn't like cake?

Tadayoshi: The people voted for ice cream during the cake vs ice cream splatfest...

Pearl: True... Still disappointed in that result...

Tadayoshi; Well just be happy for the people who voted for your side

Pearl: I know

They continue walking quietly until Pearl looks down Tadayoshi hand. She stares at it a bit before she hesitantly reaches out to grab it but Tadayoshi turns at her which she looks away blushing.

Tadayoshi: You alright?

Pearl: I'm fine!...

Tadayoshi: ...

Pearl suddenly felt her hand being grabbed which surprises her. She looks down at her hand to see Tadayoshi, holding her hand

Tadayoshi: As I said, I'll do whatever you want me to do

Pearl blushes a bit and looks away from him embarrassed

Pearl: I-I knew that... shut up


Tadayoshi opens the door for Pearl walks into the cake shop

Tadayoshi: So what do you want?

Pearl: I'm going to get a kraksecake

Tadayoshi: ... You want that large cake?

Pearl: Hell yeah, Aren't we going to eat it together

Tadayoshi: Oh, I thought you wanted your own cake since I was going to order an opera cake for myself...

Pearl: You were going to order a cake? I thought you can't taste?

Tadayoshi: Well... a lot happened before...

Pearl: Ok?

They walk up to the counter as the cashier walks up to them

Cashier: Hi what can I get you and your child?

Pearl: Hey! I'm not a child! I'm just... just

Pearl got on her knees in depression while Tadayoshi and the cashier stares at her

Cashier: Sorry... but what can I get for you two?

Tadayoshi: Two pieces of the kraksekake

Cashier: How original...

He looks back at pearl who was on the ground upset still and turn back at the cashier

Tadayoshi: With some strawberry for the additional topping

Cashier: Daring today, aren't we, coming right up

The cashier walks off to get the cake while Tadayoshi picks up Pearl and put her into the seat where they are going to sit

Tadayoshi: You doing alright?

Pearl: *sniff* Why do I have to be so short... I want to be tall and not treated like a child

Tadayoshi: You're fine the way you are, so stop crying about it

Pearl: I am

She lifts her head back up from the table and turns her attention to Tadayoshi

Pearl: So... since we are waiting for our cake... do you watch any good shows?... if you have any?

Tadayoshi: ... Primal

Pearl: Primal?

Tadayoshi: The show is kinda underrated... but it's a good show to watch

Pearl: Well I'll give it a watch!

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Pearl: Have you heard about the new game, Friday night Squidin?

Tadayoshi: The game where some blue hair guy tries to pick up a chick with Beatboxing

Pearl: Yeah... I guess if you put it that way, but the game is interesting especially the music

Tadayoshi: I guess...

Pearl: Too bad for them, it won't surpass the Off The Hook music, especially the love I'm finally getting!

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Pearl: Well, a lot of people are finally showing me some love instead of the hate for being... me. I still wonder what causes them to change their minds?

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

A few days ago:

Crusty Sean: Peace!

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

He sips down his latte until he goes by a group of inkling hat were chatting with each other

Inkling: *sigh* I still can't understand how that pearl girl is still an idol...

Inkling 2: Tell me about it, the music is great but she kinda ruining the reputation of the Off The Hook, especially when she sounds like a five-year-old screaming...

Inkling 3: If anything we need someone who is has a nice personality like Marina

Inkling: Yeah, like showing most of her skin like Mar-

Suddenly a pen stabs on the table which the inklings recognizes the pen as their stomachs sink in

Inkling 2: Oh... fu-

Within a few days, Tadayoshi scares the boys that the people in inkopolis were nervous to talk and negative about Pearl when Tadayoshi was around for the next few days.

Present time:

Tadayoshi: Probably they grew a few brain cells

Pearl: Hmph! Most likely!

Soon the waiter appears with the cake and tea and sets them on the table

Waiter: Hope you two enjoy it!

Pearl: Thank you!

Tadayoshi: Thanks...

The waiter walks off and Pearl grabs her fork and scoops out a piece and begin munching on it

Pearl: Delicious! The creamy texture and taste is the reason I love cake

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

He takes his fork and scoops a piece and munches on it only to give a bit of a disgusted expression

Tadayoshi: Still the same...

Pearl: Nothing?

Tadayoshi: No... taste like sand

Pearl: Wait... You can taste something?!

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I found out a few days ago... even though I can taste a bit... everything is like I'm eating sand...

Pearl: Well... it's better than nothing... I guess?

Tadayoshi: Maybe... But I rather taste nothing than something that tastes awful...

Pearl: Your opinion

She takes another bite down another scoop of her cake until she felt something touching her cheek, which she notices Tadayoshi reaching over to her

Tadayoshi: You have frosting on your cheek

He scraps the frosting off of her cheek with his finger and eats the frosting off his finger which made Pearl blushing bright red

Tadayoshi: What?

Pearl: N-Nothing...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Pearl standing on some boxes and being proud of herself for being taller than chibi tadayoshi who was looking up at her


Pearl: Now that was a delicious cake!

Tadayoshi: Meh...

He finishes up his tea as the waiter gives them the bill they have to pay and takes their dirty dish

Pearl: $35 for just two cakes Jesus...

She goes to pull out her wallet but notice Tadayoshi pulling out some cash

Pearl: What the fuck are you doing

Tadayoshi: I'm paying for it

Pearl: No you're not

Tadayoshi: Why not?

Pearl: Well I heard you're always behind the bill so I don't want you being behind on them

Tadayoshi: Pearl, I order those cake meaning I gotta pay for them

Waiter: Have you paid yet?

Pearl slams down the money pulled out of her wallet which the waiter takes and thank them for eating at their place

Tadayoshi: Goddammit Pearl

Pearl: You don't need to do everything for us

Tadayoshi: I know

Pearl: Well since you just want to chat? Is there a place you want to go exactly?

Tadayoshi: How about your place

Pearl: Sure... is it personal?

Tadayoshi; For you probably

They walk out of the cake shot and they walking back to Pearl house

Pearl: Kinda wish you told me your plan before, we would've chatted there in the beginning

Tadayoshi: Sorry

Pearl: It's fine... say can I get a piggyback ride?

Tadayoshi: Uhhh, yeah why?

Pearl: I just want to... for reason

Tadayoshi: Alright

He picks up Pearl and holds her by the legs while Pearl wraps her arms around his shoulders

Tadayoshi: Are you just lazy to walk back up?

Pearl: Kinda, but I also want to know what is like being this tall

Tadayoshi: *sigh* You're fine with the height you are... you're cute the way you are

Pearl blushes a bit and starts punching his back

Pearl: You idiot!

Tadayoshi: That feels nice honestly...

Pearl: Oh... I could give you a back massage when we get back?

Tadayoshi: I'm good

They soon arrive back at Pearl's house and walk into the house as Pearl takes off her disguise and Tadayoshi takes off his boots. Pearl leaps onto the couch while Tadayoshi walks over the shelf with pictures

Pearl: Well we are back here now, what do you want to talk about since it what you wanted to do?

Tadayoshi picks up a picture of a young pearl with long tentacles which Pearl notice and quickly runs to him and takes the picture

Pearl: Hey! Don't look through my stuff!

Tadayoshi: Sorry... just curious about you, but you look a lot different when you were young

Pearl: Yeah, but now I'm a lot better than that old me

Tadayoshi: Yeah, you've grown very far from where you are...

Pearl: Thanks

He picks up a picture of Pearl and Marina together which they were giving out a peace sign

Tadayoshi: Say, Pearl, how did you meet Marina?

Pearl: Marina?... Let's see... I think it was around when inkopolis square started to become a popular place...

Tadayoshi: Eh?


One year ago:

Pearl: What do you mean "we" have a problem?!

Manager: You see our sale and the overall rating has been dropping for a while now

Pearl: If the sales are the problem then you should be solving it! You're responsible for the marketing and shit! Are you just saying my work is shit!

Manager: No, just your old selling is just bad

Pearl: What?!

Manager: So we are still trying to figure out what could fix this problem and-

Pearl: Fine! Do it! I don't have time to deal with those things!

Manager: We're already working on it. Just come back if you have an idea in mind

Pearl: Fine! But if you thought of something it better work!

Pearl slams the door behind her and makes her way down the hall, scrolling through her phone until she bumps into someone

Pearl: Hey watching!

Stranger: S-Sorry... I'm in a hurry

The weird man who was wearing a boombox head runs off as Pearl rolls her eye and walks out of the building. She arrives at Crusty new shop that he just opened recently

Crusty: Hey, what can I get you today?

Pearl: A latte please...

Crusty: Sure thing!

He quickly whips up a small latte and hands it to her which Pearl pays for it

Crusty: Peace!

Pearl: Whatever...

She takes her drink and sits at the seats while she scrolls through her squidstagram, sipping her drink. All she sees in her social media are people talking about Pearl's downfall and hate which she slowly gets ticked off.

Tweet: It's about time her career falls, I'm starting to get sick and tired of looking at that big forehead, I bet she uses her head as a mirror!

Pearl: Why don't people understand not everyone can look pretty like they want us to be... dipshit!

She puts her phone away and tries to finish her drink quicker until she notice someone odd standing in the middle of inkopolis with a bag

Pearl: "The hell is that?"

She squints closer to see a tentacles that was similar to a octolings

Pearl: Wait... don't tell me...

She notices the stranger starts walking away and Pearl decided to follow her. For a few minutes she watches the stranger going to places to place, looking at clothing, food, etc like she's a new squid

Pearl: Why am I following her?...

She suddenly notice the stranger tripping over and falling down as her bag opens up and a bunch of paper flies out of it

?: Oh no!

The stranger quickly goes around picking up the paper and Pearl runs out and helps her so she doesn't look so suspicious around everyone and get a closer look to this cephalopod

Pearl: Hang on let me-

The second Pearl looks up at the stranger, she sees and black octoling under her hoodie while the octoling looks up at pearl as they both at each other in shocked

Pearl: O-O-O-

?: P-P-P-

Pearl: Octoling?!

Octoling: Pearl?!

Pearl: Wait... you know me?

Octoling: Y-Yeah.... I'm a huge fan of you after I let the octolings...

Pearl: You're... not one of them?

Octoling: Not anymore, but it's a honor to meet you

Pearl: Thanks... (this is the first time someone complimented me without making fun of me)

They continue to pick up the papers until Pearl takes a look at one of them to see some written music

Pearl: So what are these

Octoling: There... scripts... I try to think of some music when I want to be big... like you

Pearl: Well I'm going to be honest... they look pretty good!

Octoling: R-Really?

Pearl: Yeah... have you tried singing some of them

Octoling: I do... but I get nervous sometime

Pearl: Give me a tone, just a small one

Octoling: I... don't think I can... right now...

Pearl: Fine...

They continue to finish up pick up the papers and handing them back to the octoling

Octoling: T-Thanks you, but it was nice meeting you

Pearl: Yeah

Octoling: I'll... see you later

The octoling begin walking off until Pearl starts to think about the script she saw

Pearl: "What if... she can help my problem... maybe she can help me get back to the top!" Hey wait!

Octoling: Y-Yeah?

Pearl: *sigh* How about I'll take you to the studio so I can hear you

Octoling: The studio?

Pearl: Yeah

Octoling: B-But what if they don't welcome me, I'm an octoling after all

Pearl: Relax, they're welcome to any species so you're fine

Octoling: o-ok...

Pearl: Come on

After walking for a few minutes, they walk into the studio which the octoling looks around in amazed until Pearl kicks open the door to her manager

Manager: Welcome back Pearl

Pearl: I might have someone that can fix my problems

Manager: "we"

Pearl: Whatever, but come on in

The octoling walks as she was still in amaze and sits on the chair besides Pearl

Manager: An octoling?

Pearl: Yeah I found her, but she has written some nice scripts

Manager: Show

The octoling: S-Sure

The octoling pulls out the scripts from her bag and hands them to the manager which she looks through which a surprised look

Manager: Fascinating... Say can you come with me, I would like to hear you sing

Octoling: I... don't think I can...

Manager: Don't worry, you'll be in a room where no one will look at you so you'll be fine

Octoling: O-Ok...

The manager gets up from her seat and starts walking out as the octoling and Pearl follow her. They were soon brought to the recording room where Marina walks in with her script

Manager: Ok now show me what you got

Marina: I'm... don't know if I can...

Pearl: Nervous?

Octoling: Yeah...

Pearl: You shouldn't be, if you get nervous you are going to make a mistake and if you make a mistake, people will never forget it

Octoling: Well... What do you do when you are nervous?...

Pearl: Bitch please! I'm never nervous!

Octoling: I'm sorry...

Pearl: But it's been a while since my first recording, but I know I have what it takes!

They arrive at the recording but before Pearl walks in, she turns her attention back at Marina

Pearl: But listen, you aren't going anywhere if you just stand there and you get lucky! You gotta walk on your path you got for the better or the worse! You made it here because you earned it, so stop being all nervous thinking you made it here by accident!

Octoling: Yeah...

Pearl: Now give it your all!

The octoling looks at her script and takes a deep breathe and let's put her voice. As soon she let out her voice and begins singing, everyone in the studio was shocked on how good her voice was. Once she finishes her singing, she exits out of the recording room and sees everyone applauding

Manager: That's was amazing

Pearl: Got to admit, you have talent

Octoling: R-Really?

Pearl: Yep!

Manager: Alright, it's official! You two will form a duo!

Pearl: Wait what?!

Octoling: Huh?

Manager: Is there something wrong with that?

Pearl: Wait why can't she go solo? I mean she's pretty good for her beginners

Manager: I know but since this is her first time, it's best for her to team up with you so she can get better and besides it would help rise your popularity again

Pearl: ... Fine...

Octoling: A-Are you sure? I can sing with you Pearl?

Pearl: Yep

The octoling begins jumping up and down in happiness and Pearl gives a chuckle at her

Manager: Now you two get back to recording, so you mostly can get use to singing miss...

Marina: Marina... my name is Marina... and thank you for making my dreams come true...

Pearl: No need for you to be thanking, now then let get the show on the road!

Present time:

Pearl: And just like that, our popularity grew and we took the squid sister place after they went their separate ways, sorta

Tadayoshi: ... Heh

Pearl: What's so funny?

Tadayoshi: Nothing... just think about the stuff you told Marina to remind me of the old days with Alex...

Pearl: Do you miss the old days

Tadayoshi: Not really... honestly even though I hate everything that has happened before I'm glad what I have now...

Pearl: Huh?

Tadayoshi: Well if I didn't meet you and everyone... I would probably be the way I was before I met you all... thank you

Pearl: ... Tadayoshi, can you kneel

Tadayoshi: Ok?...

He kneels to her level which he was a bit lower than her height

Tadayoshi: What-

Suddenly Pearl leans close and lays her lips on his which surprises him but he goes along with it until their lips separated

Pearl: I just wanted to do that!

Tadayoshi looks at her smile and looks away from her embarrassment

Tadayoshi: Ok...

Marina: Hey Pearlie, are you home? I got out of work today early and-

As soon Marina walks into the living, she sees Tadayoshi on his knee in embarrassment, in front of Pearl

Marina: Oh... am I interrupting something, sorry I didn't-

Pearl: It's... nothing...

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Pearl: Can I have another one?

Tadayoshi: I think one is enough...

Somewhere at the squidbeak base:

Capn: Did you sent the message?

Agent: I did Capn, we are just waiting for them to answer

Capn: Good

Agent: But sir I still don't understand why-

Capn: If we take part in this, We are not going to live when we step into it!

Agent: Y-Yes captain...

Capn: God I need to sit down, this is way stressful than before... pray to god it will be over soon...


Some art:

Created by: @Fireghost647

Two different versions

The next chapter releases next week

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