Chapter 12: splatfest duel

A mini-comic I found on the internet, though it relates to the splatfest of hare or tortoise

Everyone was placing their votes on which side thereon until someone interrupts them

?: I have found you Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: hmm

He turns to see a yellow boy inking in a black suit

Tadayoshi: ah shit, you again

?: that's right...

The yellow inkling approaches to them

Marina: who's that

Tadayoshi: that's...

Drake: I am drake, and as a leader of the Porn fan club, I demand you to step away from them

Everyone looks at Tadayoshi

Inkling 1: the black-eyed demon is hanging out with the 4 most popular idols

Inkling 2: I would be mad and jealous, but it's the demon, we're going to be mad at...

Inkling 3: there's no way I'm going against him, I'll get killed by him

Tadayoshi: you forgot to mention that you're a pervert

Drake stops talking

Drake: no I'm not, you don't have evidence

Marie: he has a point

Tadayoshi turns at them as he pulls out his phone, he then looks at tracer, Amelia, and Bridgett

Tadayoshi: tracer and Amelia, could you cover Bridgett's ears and eye

Tracer and Amelia do that while Bridgett got confused on why they were doing that to her

Tadayoshi then opens up a video

Tadayoshi: I have these because he tired to false accuse me before, so this was evidence that I was innocent

They all lean close at the phone to see what it was

In the video, he first shows Marie that drake playing with a Marie and himself dolls

Doll Marie: I love you drake

Doll drake: then kiss me

Drake made the dolls like kissing then made them humping each other while drake was destroying his room in the process

Next, he shows Callie that drake was looking at a Callie doll, then starts kissing and licking/slurping it

Finally, he shows marina that drake had a body pillow of an extra thicc marina and his was humping it, while he pretends marina was talking to him

Extra thicc marina body pillow: yes, give it to me drake

Drake: Oh, I will, you dirty slut

After showing the video, Marie, Callie, and marina slowly looks at drake, which marina had her hands on her face with embarrassment, Marie giving a disgusted look, and Callie sticking her tongue out while hiding behind everyone else

Pearl: for once, I'm glad I don't have a body like you guys...

Drake on the other hand was on his knees looking upset

Drake: now I will never be able to be with them, why oh why

He then gets up in anger

Drake: This is your fault! I challenge you to a duel

Tadayoshi: no

Drake: then...

He notices the two octolings, that were next to Tadayoshi, which he approaches them

He puts his hands on there's

Drake: my, what beautiful octoling you guys are, why not join my team

Tracer slaps him

Tracer: in your dreams

Tracer puts her arms around Tadayoshi

Tracer: I already ready to give my body and soul to him

Tadayoshi: Oi...

Bridgett quickly runs behind Tadayoshi and peeks at him

Bridgett looks up at Tadayoshi with puppy eyes

Bridgett: why did he touch me...

Tadayoshi puts his hand on her head

Tadayoshi: don't worry about it

Drake got really pissed

Drake: I will never forgive you after before, so I challenge you Tadayoshi for a duel

Tadayoshi: no, now if you excuse me, I got places to be

Tadayoshi turns and leaves while everyone else follows him

Drake: oh I guess you still haven't changed, even after the reason why you left your hometown

Tadayoshi stops in dead track

Drake: I mean, I'm glad that I'm not you when you were born there, if I was you, I would kill myself

Amelia starts to get mad because she knows how it feels when someone talks bad about you

Marie, Pearl, and Callie starts tapping very fast, wanting to punch the living shit out of him

Marina and Bridgett turns at Tadayoshi, which he's eyes was shadowed

Tadayoshi turns at him

Tadayoshi: fine, but just so you can shut your fucking mouth

Drake: Well then, if you win, I won't pull up your hometown

Tadayoshi: and if you win

Drake: stay away from everyone, for the rest of your life

Everyone got shocked here this

Marie: WHAT no, that's bullshit, why do you wa-

Tadayoshi: deal

Everyone turns at Tadayoshi

Everyone: WHAT

Drake: well then I will see you at the splatfest

Drake walks past him and walks over to vote, and of course, chooses marina side as every splatfest and enter the stages

Pearl: What are you thinking

Callie: if you lose, you won't see us

Tracer: yeah, then I will be stuck as a virgin forever

Everyone looks at tracer

Callie: well I have to agree with you

Bridgett starts tugging on Tadayoshi shirt

Tadayoshi: what is it, kid

Bridgett: we won't be able to see you

Tadayoshi notice that Bridgett starts to tear up

Tadayoshi: don't worry kid, I'll win it

Bridgett wipes the tear off her and nods with a smile

Tadayoshi turns to enter the splatfest

Amelia: why did you accept the challenge that might cause you to lose everything

Tadayoshi: thought for a moment

Tadayoshi: because I already lost everything before

Amelia kinda got surprised by his answer and watches him enter to splatfest

Marie: good luck


Tadayoshi enters the stage with random inklings, which left him the second they enter the stage and drake's team, which are the cephalopods that are in the club) enters the stage

Fan member 1: you sure you want to challenge him

Fan member 2: Yeah, I heard that he made a winning streak and never got splatted

Drake: yes, and besides, they might be rumors

Drake smiled in an evil look

Drake: he will fall, like last time

Tadayoshi looks at the stadium and noticed Marie, Callie, tracer, Amelia, Bridgett, and capn cuttlefish

Marie was clapping with everyone, Amelia and capn starts observing him, Callie and tracer were in cheerleading clothes cheering for him, while the people behind them got a bloody nose, and Bridgett was holding a sign that says "go Tadayoshi go"

Tadayoshi: "how did the capn get here first"

Pearl and Marina: welcome to the splatfest everyone

The crowd cheers

Marina: on the left side we have the yellow team, known as, the PORNO SQUAD

The crowd of the club members cheers as drake and his team comes out of the ink

Pearl: on the left side...

Suddenly on the left side, black smoke blocks the view on the left

Pearl: ... he is known as the demon that lurks in the shadows, the conqueror of the stage...

Two red eyes glow through the black smokes

Pearl: let's give it to... the BLACK EYE DEMON

Tadayoshi walks out of the smokes slowly while having his fountain pen leaning against his shoulder

The crowd cheers as he comes out leaving Tadayoshi in disgust

Amelia: Wow, I guess he doesn't like fame

Cuttlefish: well his grandfather was like that

Pearl: Hey Reena, didn't you heard about it

Marina: heard about what

Pearl: that the yellow tea challenged the demon

Marina: WHAT, no way

Pearl: yes way, so let's see what will happen against each other

The countdowns start going down





The crowd cheers and drakes team starts charging through, painting much as his can, while Tadayoshi was just walking, like he was taking a stroll in the park, while painting the stages

One of the members' charges at him, but Tadayoshi gives him a death stare, which causes him to stop and Tadayoshi whips him with his pen, splatting him

Pearl: oh man did you see that marina, he gave his famous death stare

Marina: I want to know how he does it

Times went by a most of drake's teammate keeps on getting splatted by Tadayoshi's fountain pen, and Tadayoshi seems to be winning

Drake: damn it, how did he get so go all of a sudden, well I know he won't suspect this

Drake jumps at Tadayoshi, but Tadayoshi turns at him, leaving drake in shock

Drake: "what, he knows where I was"

Instead of Tadayoshi striking him, he grabs drake by the neck and slams him on the ground

Pearl: Wait what's this

Marina: don't know pearlie, I never saw him do that before

Tadayoshi: you don't know how many years, I waited to splat you...

Drake was now in complete shock and was scared now


Tadayoshi: ...but now I guess I finally got the chance to


Suddenly a shadow appear underneath Tadayoshi and drake

Tadayoshi: dafuq

He looks up to see something big is coming down

Tadayoshi dodges it, but drake get stomped on and gets splattered

Then green inklings wearing octoling google land down on the stage and aims at the stadium

Everyone panics as pearl and marina quickly gets up to find Callie, Maire, and the other


Everyone froze as they see a big inkling walks up to the middle of the stage

Cuttlefish: oh no...

Amelia: what

Cuttlefish: it's him... he returns

Amelia was about to pull out her weapon to shoot at the green inklings on the stage, but a green inkling caught her and takes her weapon, and brings, Callie, Marie, marina, pearl, Amelia, Bridgett, and capn cuttlefish to the stage, and everyone leaves

?: I am armor, and today, everyone that is watching this, These people are my hostage, anyone who tries to do anything, they will be killed, I will let everyone go, if you bring me every octoling, that is Inkopolis square

A soldier walks over and grab Bridgett and tracer  and pulls her up violently

Bridgett starts crying, in fear

Amelia tries to get up to help her, but the green inklings hold her down, as the solider brings them to armor

Armor: you are all about to witness a beginning, the beginning of a new era! A beginning... where octolings never exist!

Cuttlefish: you're a mad man!

Armor: well sorry capn, but Arron isn't here to stop me now, it's time to bring what's the world is supposed to have

Armor aims his splatter shot at Bridgett's head and Bridgett closes her eyes for the shot to come


Suddenly, a fountain pen hits armor causing him to fall back and letting go of Bridgett

Armor: ARRRR

Soldier 1: captain

Soldier 2: sir

Bridgett and tracer runs back with the other and they cover Bridgett from the other green inklings, then they turn to see who threw that

The fountain pen draws back from where it came from

Armor gets up to see a black inkling, looking mad, while dragging the tip of the fountain pen on the ground

Tadayoshi: so your armor right?

Everyone: TADAYOSHI!

Armor then realize what he is encountering

Armor: your pen...

Tadayoshi: ...

He points his pen at armor

Tadayoshi: I'll be putting you to sleep for now

Armor: heh

Armor pulls out an ink machine gun and aims at Tadayoshi

Armor: we'll see about that

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