Chapter 119: Christmas Eve Party
Marina pulls the ribs out of the oven and sets them on the table
Pearl: Come on... almost there...
Marina puts down his oven gloves as she sees pearl trying to reach up on the wall to put the lights
Marina: Pearlie, I told you I could do that
Pearl: Shut up, I got this!
She continues to try to reach up while Marina watches her but pearl was making no progress
Pearl: ... Yeah I need help...
Marina picks pearl up and she finishes up hanging the light
Marina: Yay! You did it Pearlie!
Pearl: I'm not a child!
Marina: I know, but I'm just trying to cheer you up, you know
Pearl: Yeah, thanks, but I think we are finally done!
Marina: Yeah I think so, I think Terrence and Melody are making the food
Pearl: Pray to god she will be ok... but we're about to make the best Squidmas Eve party!
Marina: Pearlie, you always say that isn't most of the parties we do are the best?
Pearl: Yeah but this will be better than last year!
Marina: If you say so
Pearl: Oh shit! I forgot to make hot chocolate!
Marina: Well, you can go ahead and make those
As pearl goes to make the hot chocolate which they hear the door knocking which Marina goes to answer to see Marie, Callie, and capn cuttlefish in Santa clothing and holding the Squidmas gift
Marie: Hey!
Marina: Hey! You made it!
Callie: Yeah, we did! Now where is the food!
Capn: Calm your appetite Callie, we need to relax and enjoy the holiday.
Callie: *sigh* Fine!
Marina: Well, come on in
The squid sisters and the capn walks in as they make themselves at home while the capn goes to the couch to take a seat and Marie seat the gifts under the tree while pearl finishes up some of the hot chocolate and brings it to them
Marie: Thanks!
Callie: Hell yeah! Thanks!
Capn: I haven't had hot chocolate for a long time
Pearl: no problem
They sip their hot chocolate as the capn grabs the remote on the table and flips on nightmare before Squidmas
Marie: You guys went all out this year, huh?
Pearl: Hell yeah, it's going to be the best!
Marie: (Even though 2020 has been shit, and the year is finally almost over...)
Pearl: What?
Marie: Nothing
Marina: Do you guys know if the others are coming?
Capn: I heard the agents and the boombox head guy are coming, they are just helping Melody and Terrence bring the food, and I don't know where Tadayoshi is at right now
Marina: Oh?
Pearl: I'm sure he will come, he's just probably... busy
Callie: He better come, I brought in the mistletoe!
Marie: ... you brought that?
Callie: Of course I did! I still want a kiss with meaning to it!
Marie: *sigh*
Suddenly the door right which Callie jumps up and runs to the door with a mistletoe
Callie: Hi tada-
Bridgett: Hi Callie!
Callie: ... Where the fuck is tadayoshi
Marie hits Callie in the back of her head and lets the agents walk-in
Marie: Sorta about her
Tracer: It's fine
Amelia: Sorry we are a bit late... had to calm Terrence down
They look at Terrence who was twitching and had tissues up his nose
Pearl: What happened to him?
Yui: I gave him a happiness punch after he yelled at melody for cooking a little badly
Melody: I said I was fine...
Callie: Wait you fisted him?
Yui: What? No! I-
Tracer: She just showed him her nude body
Marina: ...
Tracer: But I got to admit, her body is quite fine
BeatBox: Well since we are here, where do you want me to put the gifts?
Marina: under the tree
BeatBox bring the gifts to the tree while Terrence and tracer set the food on the dining room table as the others got settled
Capn: I forgot to tell you but congratulations BeatBox and Melody
BeatBox: Hehe, thanks!
Melody: Yeah... I still think I'm dreaming and I can't wake up...
Marie: It was about time you two finally paired up
Pearl: Yeah, also melody... did you get to see his face
Melody: ... uh...
She looks at BeatBox, who gives her an ok nod as she looks back at pearl
Melody: Yes...
Pearl: What did he look like? Was he like Freddy Kruger?
Melody: N-No
BeatBox: Say where is Tadayoshi?
Terrence: He texted me, saying he is picking up Winter, he'll be here in a few minutes
Amelia: Why does he have to pick her up? Can't she walk here?
Marina: Well... she... how do I put it...
Callie: Lazy?
Marina: Now... maybe like a kuudere
Pearl: Except she doesn't seem to like him
Marina: That's what I mean, she-
Tadayoshi: Jesus this place is pack...
Everyone turns around to see tadayoshi carrying some small gifts with winter sipping some frozen drinks
Marie: You came here fast
Tadayoshi: She honestly doesn't live far from here...
Marie: Ah ok
He goes over to the tree and sets the gifts by the tree as winter turns into a squid and swims to the couch
Capn: Hello there youngster, my name is Craig!
Winter: ...
Capn: "Ah she's a quiet type!"
Pearl: Perfect, but now that everyone here! Let's start the party!
Everyone got their food and drinks as they were all chatting while some were watching and listening to some Christmas shows and music. Amelia was sipping down some hot chocolate as he notices winter sitting on the couch awkwardly
Amelia: You doing alright?
Winter: Yes... now go away...
Amelia: Hey, I'm just checking on you, it's probably your first time being around people right?
Winter: *nods*
Amelia: Well you'll get used to it soon
Winter: ...
Tadayoshi: So what do we even do in a Squidmas Eve part?
Capn: Hohoho, I have something I have in mind for all of you
Marie: You do?
Capn: Of course I do, I did many things with some friends when we were young
Terrence: Well, I'm kinda curious what kind of games you played back then
Capn: Well then can you all grab a chair and circle them
Pearl: Ok?
They all grabbed a chair from the dining room and set them up in a circle as they all sat down
Pearl: Now what?
The capn return, who was holding a bun CB of small gifts
Capn: Now I hope you guys didn't mind but I went and grab one of the smallest gifts you each had
Tracer: What?
Capn: Now each other of these gifts are from everyone so I don't know who are these gifts from.
He hands everyone their gifts as everyone recognizes what gifts they wrapped up before
Capn: I'm going sing jingle bells and all of you are going to pass the gift to the person on your right. Once I stop singing the gift is yours, but you can all keep going if you want to switch gifts
Bridgett: That sounds fun!
Winter: Boring... but I'll do it... for Christmas spirit...
The girls grew nervous and look down at the gifts they're holding
Tracer: "so that means..."
Callie: "one of these gifts is tadayoshi..."
Amelia: "Much as I want his gift... I'm worried the other aren't going to get there..."
Melody: "I must!"
Yui: "Get senpai gift!"
The boys stare at the girl as if they were giving out some intense aura
BeatBox: Well... this is going to be interesting...
Terrence: In a good way or a bad way?
Tadayoshi: Probably depends on how you think of it...
Capn: Hoho now then ready? Go!
Everyone begins passing their gifts while the capn was giving off a bad but an ok song of jingle bells with everyone growing nervous
Capn: Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle-
Everyone completely stood and everyone looks down on their gifts while everyone recognizes who has their gifts. The girl groans a bit as they were trying to do some deep thinking
BeatBox: This is like watching people taking the hardest shit...
Terrence: More like they are trying to unlock the other 90 percent of brainpower or become a super Saiyan...
Tadayoshi: ...
The girls continue to stare at their gifts as pearl switches her gift
Pearl: Jingle bells! Jingle bells!
Soon everyone begins switching their gifts but it felt like they are moving a bit faster. After a minute everyone got a different gift but everyone stares at their gifts again intensely
BeatBox: It's still the same result...
Terrence: I guess they want our gifts...
Capn: Hoho, but watching them is funny
Tadayoshi/Terrence/BeatBox: -_-
Soon once again passing the gifts again with the capn singing jingles bell but the passing was faster than before again
Winter: This is getting ridiculous...
Everyone stops passing again after the song stop and everyone stares at the gifts instantly once again
Terrence: This is just going to go on of eternal at this point...
Soon enough everyone begins passing the gifts once again
Tadayoshi: Stop!
Everyone immediately stops and turns their attention to tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: You know we all got gifts for all of you
BeatBox: Yeah
Pearl: You should've told us sooner! We wouldn't be stuck doing this!
Tadayoshi: Well I didn't think it was going to be like this...
Capn: Hohoho, I guess you're all settled with what you all have?
Bridgett: That was fun! Can we play again?
Melody: I think we are good...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi wearing a reindeer's costume with Bridgett dressed up as Santa
Everyone open the gifts they got as many of them got hats, cups, etc. Soon everyone gave out their gifts, such as tadayoshi gave the girls hairpins that had flowers on them, Terrence gave Yui a necklace, and BeatBox gave Melody a scarf.
Capn: Hope you are all ready, cause I got another one in mind
Tracer: What game?
Pearl: Is it a competition game, cause I would kick all of your ass easily!
Winter: coming from a girl who can't reach the shelves above the kitchen counter...
Pearl: You wanna fight?
Winter: I'll freeze you...
Bridgett: Like freeze tag?
Winter: No...
Marina: Come on... let's not fight
Capn: Well no... it's more like growing your relationship
Terrence: Eh?
Capn: When I was young my friends would make me be in a room with a girl I like and we would stay there until we did something that seems like we grew our relationship
Amelia: That was a thing?
Capn: Hohoho of course it was! Good old days... Besides, it seems fitting for the Christmas year
Amelia: I guess
Yui: Wait... does that mean... Do we have to do something that is like skin contact to grow our relationship?!
Capn: No no no, just do something the same like massage, heat pats, etc. Doesn't have to sexual, I'm not Master Rochi
Yui: Oh...
Bridgett: What wrong with skin contact?
Tracer: She thought of it sexually...
Bridgett: Oooooh
Capn: Now, Tadayoshi, I know-
Tadayoshi: I'm not doing it
Callie: What?! Why I wanna grow our relationship!
Bridgett: Yeah! I wanna spend time with tadayoshi!
Marie: Callie, you just want to something dirty to him?
Callie: No...
Marie: -_-
Callie: maybe...
Marie: *sigh*
Tadayoshi: I have my reasons, and doing it would ruin the thing I have planned
BeatBox: Plan?
Melody: Is this plan personal?
Tadayoshi: Kinda
Yui: Wait... are you saying... you're worried that doing something dirty with the girl will take so long?!
Tadayoshi: No!
Capn: Well whatever it is, it's fine, you don't need to do it
Tadayoshi: Thanks
Capn: So why don't you two couples go ahead then
Yui: We'll go first!
Capn: Very well, Pearl do you have a spare room
Pearl: I still got that room that was once tadayoshi apartment
Capn: That will do, you two go up ahead and start. Remember that I will keep you two in the room until you guys do something that grows your relationship
BeatBox: Got it!
They both enter the spare room and the capn closes the door and kept it shut
BeatBox: Man, didn't think tadayoshi lives here before
Melody: Um... BeatBox...
BeatBox: Yes?
Melody: W-Would you like to do squats?
Melody begins intensely squaring as BeatBox couldn't help but chuckle
BeatBox: It's ok, take a deep breath and relax
Melody: Ok...
She takes a few deep breaths until suddenly she starts panicking a lot more
Melody: I just try to relax but I thought about it and now I'm more nervous
BeatBox: Well we are a couple now, why are you feeling out
Melody: Yeah we are a couple... but I'm so nervous doing something like an actual couple and not just friends!...
BeatBox: Well... I guess.
Melody: Can... can I give you a headrest?
BeatBox: Um... sure
Melody: Really?... Hang on let me sit down...
She gets into a seiza sitting position as BeatBox lays his back head on her lap
BeatBox: Sorry if my helmet is in the way
Melody: It's fine... I'm still happy that I'm giving you a headrest
BeatBox: Well it's good to see that you're happy
After a few minutes, the capn lets the two of them out as Terrence and Yui walk in to take their turn
Yui: Well we are finally alone now darling
Terrence: Y-Yeah...
Yui: Do you want to do something... naughty~
She walks up to him and makes her finger walk up to her chest which Terrence grew nervous
Terrence: Well...
She leans close up to his ear whispers in his ears
Yui: You can put your hand in my honey jar~
Terrence: I-
Yui: Hehe I'm joking, but could I touch your chest... shirtless?
Terrence: Uh...
Yui: I'll let you touch mine~
Terrence: Well... fine
He lifts his shirt a bit to show his six-pack as Yui presses her hands on his chest
Yui: Ooooh, nice and muscular~
Terrence: Thanks... I've worked out a lot
Yui: yeah...After 8 months, 2 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours, and 8 seconds, in finally feeling it
Terrence: ... How do you keep track of that...
Yui: Never mind that, but now you can touch mine... if you want~
She lifts her shirt and reveals her black bra which causes Terrence to have a small nosebleed
Yui: Oh, I didn't think you get that excited already
Terrence: N-No... I wasn't... expecting that...
Yui; That's fine, it's your first time seeing real breasts so take your time!
He looks at her breast which he takes a breath and until he slowly reaches out for them. Suddenly the door opens behind them, which causes Terrence to jump and fall on top of her, laying his face on her chest
Capn: Have you finished yet, cause your time is-
The capn stares at Terrence who had his face buried in Yui chest that was only exposing her bra
Capn: Oh lord, you two already going at it?
Yui: Well... he's a bit-
Suddenly blood bursts out of Terrence's nose and was sent flying and smacked into the roof which he falls back to the ground a bit unconscious
Yui: Darling!
Everyone was watching the movie while Terrence was laying on Yui lap with tissues up his nose
BeatBox: Shall we give out the gifts?
Marie: I thought we already gave out the gifts
BeatBox: Well me and the boy went shopping a few days ago and got you guys some big gifts for you girls
Marina: You didn't need to
BeatBox: Well we did!
He walks up to melody and hands her a small key
Melody: What's this?...
BeatBox: The gift is a bit too big... but let's just say... you'll be able to make your music a lot easier
Melody's eye open wide and she looks up at him in shock
Melody: No... you didn't...
BeatBox: Yep, I got everything! The microphone, soundboard, everything you need for your music and album! In high-class
Melody: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
She gives him a hug in happiness which he hugs her back before realizing what she is doing and separates from her in embarrassment
Terrence: I guess... I'm up...
He weakly gets up and removes the tissues out of his move as he grabs a gift from under the tree and hands it to Yui
Terrence: For you...
Yui takes the gift and opens it to find a small rabbit plush
BeatBox: ... What the hell man?
Terrence: I'm sorry... I couldn't think of something big I could give to her and-
Yui: It's fine... I like it, big or not I'll accept it... after all, all I want is you, Terrence
Terrence blushes red and tries to cover his face in embarrassment
Terrence: Glad you like it...
BeatBox: You're up tadayoshi
He gets up and takes a deep breath he walks up to the girls
Tadayoshi: Listen... I want to apologize for the ways I have been to you all...
Marina: Hey it's fine, we know why you were acting like that and-
Tadayoshi: But I learn from an old friend that I should be more open. So since I couldn't think of what I could get you all because of money and other things but would you all like to... go out on a date?
The girls and everyone in the room stares at him in shocked
BeatBox: Wait that was the gift?
Pearl: Hang on... are you ok?
Tracer: What did you do to the real Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: Look, it's weird for me to ask ok, but would you all like to?...
The girl looks at each other as the quickly whisper to each other and turn at him
Girls: Of course we will
Winter: Fine... cause I'm still curious about your darkling thing...
Tadayoshi: Fine by me
Pearl: Dibs on going first!
Callie: Hell no! I'm dating him first tomorrow!
Bridgett: No! I want to spend time with him first!
Soon the girl gets into a small argument as the other watches and chuckles
Capn: Hohoho, the boy is quite popular like his grandfather
Suddenly the capn phone begins to ring which the capn gets up and walk outback
Capn: Craig cuttlefish speaking
Squidbeak Agent: Sir we got some big news!
Capn: What? Octavio gave up crime? That would be-
Squidbeak Agent: No... it's about Felicia and Mask
Capn: Felicia... Felicia... Oh right! She's the girl who leads a rebellion army to fight against the overlords... wasn't she Aaron's student?
Squidbeak Agent: Yeah, but more importantly, something big is going to happen between them
Capn: Eh?
The agent speaks out the information which the capn eye grew wide as he was in shocked
Capn: A-Are you sure that is true
Squidbeak Agent: Yes I am sure, capn!
Capn: Oh dear... We are not getting into this
Squidbeak Agent: But sir?...
Capn: If we get involved many people are going to die!... but hearing this... this might be a lot worse than the one 100 years ago...
Merry Christmas everyone and I wish you all a Happy New Year! The year 2020 is finally almost over, let hope next year will be better, but we are all still here, and we will be there to say goodbye to this shitty year!
Fanart made by _MIST8K_
Tadayoshi if he had a ponytail
Next chapter release next week!
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