Chapter 117: Family Reunion

Tadayoshi alarm begins to sing, "All I want Squidmas is you" as tadayoshi smashes it with a sledgehammer

Tadayoshi: That's song is fucking annoying...

He gets up and changes into his normal clothing until he starts to hear sizzling downstairs

Tadayoshi: ... Did Callie break into my house again...

He grabs his pen just in case and he hears downstairs to find tracer in the kitchen cooking up a full course breakfast

Tadayoshi: Tracer?

Tracer: Oh, morning!

Tadayoshi: What are you doing here?...

Tracer: I got up early and I thought of cooking something for you in the morning. You know... as a house-wife

Tadayoshi: You're quite serious about that?

Tracer: I am, I'm still waiting for my answer, but I hope you didn't forget it

Tadayoshi: Relax, I didn't...

Tracer: Well, go ahead and sit, breakfast will be done soon

Tadayoshi: I-

Tracer: I know, you can't taste still, but it's not good for you if you don't eat, now sit down

Tadayoshi: ...

He puts his pen away as he takes his seat on the table while tracer bring him a fresh cup of coffee

Tadayoshi: I could've gotten that

Tracer: I know, but I know you like to have peace a quiet, so just relax and let me do the work for now

Tadayoshi: ...

He takes the coffee and sips it, which he finds to his liking

Tadayoshi: Hm, pretty good

Tracer: Glad you like it

Tracer places the bacon onto the plate, with the sunny side up eggs and sausages, and bring it over and sets it in front of tadayoshi

Tracer: Make sure you eat it all

He grabs his fork and stabs the sausage and takes a bit of out it, but feeling a bit disgusted

Tadayoshi: Taste like sand...

Tracer: *sigh* yeah I- wait...

Tadayoshi: What?

Tracer: Don't you normally can't taste anything

Tadayoshi: ... Wait...

He looks down on his food and takes a bite again, tasting the sand-like taste

Tadayoshi: I'm... tasting something...

Tracer: Hold on... how do you normally lose taste?

Tadayoshi: When you surpass the feeling of like regret, depression, a scar in your life, etc. your tentacle will turn black, then you lose taste... and other levels

Tracer: So that means... your tasting again because you're feeling happy...

Tadayoshi: I... don't know

Tracer: Well... even if you don't know, I'm happy that you're at least tasting something again

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

He finishes up the food as he was about to get out to bring his plate, bite he felt his arm being grabbed

Tracer: I'll handle that

Tadayoshi: You're doing too much

He pulls back his arm, but Tracer grabs the plate and brings it to the sink

Tadayoshi: God dammit woman

Tracer: I said I'll do the work and you relax

Tadayoshi: And I don't want to look like a lazy piece of shit

Tracer: Except you aren't

Tadayoshi gets up from his coffee and he goes to stop tracer from doing the dishes

Tadayoshi: At least let me do something

Tracer: I'm not-

Suddenly Tracer slips on the wet floor from the sink and fall on Tadayoshi which causes his warm coffee to dump on her

Tracer: ow...

Tracer looks down as she sees himself sitting on top of Tadayoshi laying on the floor

Tadayoshi: Are you alright

Tracer: *blushes* Yeah, I'm-

?: Hello

They quickly turn around at the door as they hear a familiar voice, opening the door

?: I heard this is where tracer crush lives here so-

The figure stares at Tracer who was all wet and on top of Tadayoshi as they were staring at the figure

Tracer: M-Mom?!

Tadayoshi: The cow tit milf....

Alannah: Oh my~ my apologies I didn't know you two were going this far, I'll leave you be, but if you need condoms, I have in the-

Tracer: Wait! It's not what it looks like Mom!

Tracer quickly gets off of Tadayoshi and runs to the door as Tadayoshi get up from the floor

Tracer: It's a misunderstanding and-

She fully opens the door to see not only her my mother but the man she never liked

Holden: What is a misunderstanding?

Tracer: ... Oh it's you...

Holden: That not a way to treat your father

Tracer: I don't care if you're here, but if you are here to force me to marry-

Holden: I have no intention of that anymore, I'm only here for a different reason

Tracer glares at Holden in disgust as Alannah calms Tracer down

Alannah: Now let not get into an argument in our first family reunion

Tracer: Fine, but what are you guys doing here

Alannah: We came to see how you and your fiancé are doing so-

Tracer: Fiancé?!

Alannah: Yeah, the cute little inkling boy you were with just before

Tracer: Well... he hasn't decided yet...

Alannah: Ara ara, young kids learning complicated love

Tracer: Well come in, I have so many questions

She lets her parents in as they see Tadayoshi cleaning up the mess

Tracer: Hey! I said I'll clean up the mess

Tadayoshi: Shut up! I'm not going to be-

He suddenly notices a familiar face which he also grew a face of disgust towards to

Tadayoshi: The hell are you doing here

Holden: Keep your pants on, you brat, I'm not here for my daughter

Tadayoshi: ... Try to do anything and I'll kill you

Holden: Try if you can, brat

Both tadayoshi and Holden glare at each other and Alannah again calms down Holden

Alannah: Darling, you shouldn't be rude to your son


Tracer: Haven't?

Holden: The reason I'm here is to test this brat, are you worthy for my daughter... or you some shit head who got your hands on the pen

Tadayoshi: ... What are you trying to say here...


Tracer parents and Tracer, who was wearing dry clothing, sat across each other at the dining room table as Tadayoshi brings them to tea

Alannah: Oh my, what a gentleman

Tadayoshi: ...

He goes over to Holden to give him tea but he looks away in annoyance

Holden: I don't want any

Tadayoshi: Fine by me

He sets the cup of tea on the kitchen counter and sat besides Tracer and he and Holden glares at each other

Tracer: So... what happened to you guys after we left Patiala

Alannah: After you and your friend left, we escape the pirates, but we had to leave the city since our home was raided by the pirates. We are still currently looking for a place to lay low

Tracer: What about Ariel and Sadie? Are they ok?

Alannah: Your sisters are fine as well. They are currently doing some assassinations right now

Tracer: Well... at least they're safe

Alannah: Also they wanted me to tell you that if you don't want your boyfriend they will take him

Tracer: As if!

Holden: Putting our safety aside. Edgy brat, are you the grandson of the strongest cephalopod in the world?

Tadayoshi: What?

Holden: I heard you were defeated by Fox, which made me questioning if you are his grandson if you were that weak

Tadayoshi: I am and I wasn't weak, I was just not strong enough to beat him, he is an overlord member after all

Holden: Yet you're still weak, the strongest cephalopod I know would never fall that easily. In the Great Turf War, I fought that man and he was nothing but the devil himself... Aaron's strength... no many how many times I remember it. He could've destroyed the world if he wanted too

Tracer: Wait... you fought in the Great Turf War?

Alannah: Of course he did, it's how we first met

Tracer: But... the war was 100 years ago...

Holden: We had a business with The Creator and got some youth crystals, years ago

Tadayoshi: Wait... youth crystals?

Alannah: Mhm, we bought some, which kept us young for this long. They've probably been around after the humans were wiped out

Tracer: So that means... you're-

Alannah: 124 years old, I was 24 during the war

Holden: 125 years old

Tadayoshi: ... Old bastards

Holden: Listen brat, I'm not dying until I have a true successor to continue my generation

Tracer: So other cephalopods have a youth crystal...

Alannah: Yes, we met after our former boss, Octavio recruited with two other octolings

Tadayoshi: You worked for Octavio?

Tracer: Two others?

Holden: Yeah... Octavio knew Aaron and many strong members like Kiryu were on the inkling side, so he has to get a few strong members on his sides

Tadayoshi: Who were they?

Alannah: I'm sure you'll find out soon!~

Tadayoshi: ...

Holden: Now answer my question brat, ARE YOU REALLY THE GRANDSON OF AARON!

Tadayoshi: I am, no matter how you see me as

Holden: If you are, then come with me, and bring the demon heir pen as well

Holden gets off his seat and leaves out the house as Tadayoshi follows him in suspension

Tracer: He better not do anything to him

Alannah: Don't worry honey, he won't. If he does, I'll beat his ass

Tracer: Fine...

Alannah: So tell me, how are you and your friends?

Tracer: Pretty good, a lot has happened since I last saw you...

Alannah: Well I'm glad to see that boy is making you happy, he almost reminds me of the way Holden was when we were young

Tracer: Yeah he is... Hey mom

Alannah: Yes?

Tracer: How come you never told me that you fought in the war and you're... quite old

Alannah: Well... you were our only child and we were worried that you tell everyone our identity and secrets

Tracer: I see- wait only child?

Alannah: Hmm?

Tracer: You said the only child, I thought Sadie and  Ariel are my sisters?

Alannah: ... Well... to tell you the truth... They aren't your real sisters... They are just members of our family that are like sisters to you

Tracer: What...

Alannah: We keep many secrets in this family, tracer... to keep this family going

Tracer: So I was the only child

Alannah: Of course you were, and we loved you dearly, even if your father was cold

Tracer: ... What else are you hiding that I don't know?

Alannah: ... Well can you get me some water but make sure it's saltwater

Tracer: Uhhh, yeah

She gets up and gets a cup from the cabinet which she fills it with water. She then dumps some salt into the water and mixes it until handing it to her

Alannah: Thank you

She suddenly pours the water onto her head burning her tentacles which surprises Tracer

Tracer: Mom! What are you-

Suddenly she notices the tentacles red color slowly disappearing into a white color

Tracer: White?

Alannah: Dear... I'm a colorless


This story is interrupted by a chibi making chibi housewife Tracer making stew while chibi Terrence was about to hit her with a pan from behind


Tadayoshi continues to follow Holden as he brings him to the training room

Tadayoshi: Ok, I followed your ass here, what do you want?

Holden slides out two kukri knives from his sleeves as he turns back at Tadayoshi

Holden: Come at me

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Holden: I want to see what you got t see if you are the grandson. If you are worthy for my daughter then I will leave you alone, but if you fail, I'll kill you and take back the pen

Tadayoshi: Fine by me

He pulls out his pen until spinning it around for a bit until slamming it onto the ground. He jumps at him as he begins swinging and striking his pen at Holden, but he dodged the attack which his arms behind his back. Tadayoshi jumps up to do a roundhouse kick but Holden lifts his arms blocking the attack as Tadayoshi jumps back

Tadayoshi: "Damn, he's got quick reflexes"

He throws his pen at him but Holden dodges it as tadayoshi charges at him, going to hand to hand combat, but Holden blocks those his attacks with a single arm. The pen suddenly flies behind Holden but he does a black flip dodging the pen as Tadayoshi catches it

Holden: Is that all? If so then my turn

Tadayoshi: What?

Suddenly Tadayoshi felt a massive strike against his chest as Holden was in front of him, laying a blow on Tadayoshi, which he coughs out some saliva. Tadayoshi was then sent flying and slamming against the wall

Tadayoshi: What the hell... I didn't see him...

Tadayoshi gets out of the wall as he sees Holden gone. Suddenly Tadayoshi felt his body get cut across the chest until he starts feeling his body being cut everywhere, but couldn't see what was cutting him. He left his pen up, stabbing the ground, and black ink splashes out around the ground causing Holden to reappear

Holden: You finally made me stop moving, impressive... but it's not enough to prove that you are worthy

Holden jumps at him as they both start clashing but Tadayoshi was mostly being overwhelmed by Holden attack as he was kicked back once again

Holden: Hmph, I can see why Fox was able to beat you so-

Suddenly the pen zips by Holden, which he quickly dodges and dodges again as the pen return back to Tadayoshi, whose pen had black ink floating around it

Tadayoshi: I'm not done yet

Holden: good, cause I'm starting to get bored with you

Suddenly they start zipping around the training map as they continue to attack and block each other but Tadayoshi begins to have an upper hand as he appears behind Holden and swings at him, but Holden blocks the attack, sending him, smashing into the ground. Tadayoshi lands back to the ground catching his breath as Holden gets up and dusts himself off

Holden: Not bad... but you're going to need more than that

Suddenly Tadayoshi notice Holden slowly disappear as he quickly looks around for him

Tadayoshi: "Is he zipping around me again"

Suddenly he felt his back being punched which he looks back but doesn't see anyone

Tadayoshi: "What the hell?"

He felt his side getting kicked, which he slides a bit but stops himself

Tadayoshi: "Where is he?"

He jumps up into the air as the crystal on his pen glows and a small black ink sphere grows on the top of the pen. He points down to the ground as the pen was charged up

Tadayoshi: Killer Orca

Soon a massive blast of black ink shoots of the pen, covering the entire area with black ink and almost creating a small crater. He lands back to the ground as he looks around

Tadayoshi: "Now I got to wait for my pen to charge"

Holden: That attack is what the demon heir used before

He around to see no one, but suddenly starts to see Holden slowly appearing again, still looking normal

Tadayoshi: Dafqu?!

Holden: When you sent that black down, I quickly obliterated the ink around me with my Kukri

Tadayoshi: No, I mean... you camouflage...

Holden: Yeah so? There are a few cephalopods that can do that, and I'm one of them called specialings

Tadayoshi: Specialings?

Holden: Our ancestors before we came to land had different traits that we don't have now: poison, camouflage, and regeneration. Since we cephalopods are the next generation of their kind, some of us carry one of these abilities, which is why they are called specialings

Tadayoshi: Wait...

He begins to remember the time he fought doku, where he notices Doku poison leaking poison onto his blade and back when Scarf camouflage back in the splatoon island

Tadayoshi: "So Doku was a specialing... but does that mean Scarf is as well and he has shown his true abilities?"

Holden: You get it now, brat?

Tadayoshi: Yeah, yeah, but are we just going talk or we fight

Holden: Heh, you're a cheeky brat

Both Holden and Tadayoshi jump at each other as they go for another clash


Tracer stares at Alannah as she revealed she had white tentacles

Tracer: A colorless? What's that?

Alannah: Why don't we... talk about this outside...

They got up from their seat and Alannah and Tracer begins to walking together outside

Alannah: You see... we inklings and octoling are born with a thing called an ink sack, It's how we produce our ink and have our colored tentacles...

Tracer: Yeah I know about that, it's a common thing we all know

Alannah: I know, but some people are born that have a cut ink sack, which causes their body to not be able to produce the ink, making them a colorless

Tracer: So... that means...

Alannah: Your tentacles remain white and you can't do anything that has to require your ink like turf wars. Most of those people are looked down on and considered as the weak cephalopods... they treat the colorless like another species that shouldn't exist... far worst than how octolings are being discriminated against...

Tracer: I'm... sorry to hear that... it... must've been hard for you to do much without ink

Alannah: It's ok honey, I'm still happy the way I am, but you should be happy you're able to produce ink like a normal cephalopod

Tracer: Still... now that I think about it... it makes me sick to hear that they are being discriminated

Alannah: Well... you can't blame everyone... they just learn it from their family and it sticks with them like a piece of your body...

She pulls out a picture from her pocket of a younger version of Holden and Alannah with white hair holding a baby Tracer and looks at it

Alannah: But even if I was a colorless when you were born, I hid my tentacles so you won't get discriminated against as well...

Tracer: Mom...

Suddenly they hear a blast up ahead which they look up to see what it was

Alannah: *sigh*... it must be your fathers doing

They start running toward the blast which they came to the training area where they see Tadayoshi and Holden clashing

Alannah: HOLDEN! What did I tell you about fighting!

Holden: Shut it! Leave out of this!

Tadayoshi lifts his pen, causing Holden to go a little off balance and Tadayoshi goes in for a punch, but Holden blocks the punch and kicks at him, sending him slamming into the wall

Alannah: Dear, stop

She runs up to Holden's and grabs him, holding him back

Holden: Let go! This is just a test for this brat

Tadayoshi get off the wall as he was bleeding while he catches his breath

Tadayoshi; Damnit!

He charges towards Holden but he gets out of Alannah as he points his kukri at Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Holden: Sentō blast!

Tadayoshi moves out of the blades way as a huge shockwave was blasted out of the blade into the wall, destroying it and causing it to crumble and rain down the rumble

Tadayoshi: "What the hell was that?!"

Holden: Dammit, I released too much sentō

He blocks the attack, covering Alannah as Tadayoshi notice a large rumble fall towards Tracer

Alannah: Tracer! Watch out!

She looks at the large rumble above her which shocks her, but she felt being covered as the large rumble fall on her. She notices suddenly herself being wrapped and covered around tadayoshi, who starts to remove the stones on him

Tadayoshi: Are you alright?

Tracer: I... I'm fine, but are you ok?!

Tadayoshi: I'm fine, I felt worse

Holden: You took your entire body to protect her...

He looks back at Holden, who was putting his weapon back into his sleeve

Tadayoshi: You did that on purpose didn't you...

Holden: You had a strong will and endurance to fight, which I liked and you took the pain for my daughter... I guess you are worthy

Tadayoshi: ...

Tracer: Father...

Holden: We are going home dear... we stayed our visit long enough

Both Holden and Alannah walks up to Tadayoshi and Tracer as he set his hand on his shoulder

Holden: You better protect and take care of her with all of your heart. If you try to do anything to her, I will kill you, brat

Tadayoshi: I will, you old geezer

Holden walks off as Alannah hugs both Tadayoshi and Tracer

Alannah: I'm glad I get to visit you two, and I'm glad you and my husband got along

Tadayoshi: ...

Tracer hugs her mother back as he gives her a smile

Tracer: I'm glad I got to chat with you again mother

Alannah let's go of them as she leans close to Tadayoshi and whispers in his ear

Alannah: (If you two go to the next set, call me and I can teach you two different positions~)

Tadayoshi: No thanks

Alannah: Fufu, bye now

She walks away as she catches up with Holden and wraps her arms around his

Tadayoshi: You know, even though I don't like your father, he's quite... interesting

Tracer: I guess...

Tadayoshi: Ow...

Tracer: Hang on let's get you home and I'll fix you up...

Back at Holden and Alannah, they begin to make their way to the train station as they put up their hoodies to disguises themselves

Alannah: You held back on him didn't you dear?

Holden: Sorta... but I know one thing... that boy is holding back something... I let out more of my strength at him to see if he will let it out, but he seems to refuse to free it... hmhmhm, that brat is quite interesting

Alannah: Ara ara, you have grown an interest in him now

Holden: Maybe...

Alannah: ... Honey, let's got to a hotel before we go home... seeing you fight before kinda... turn me on~

Holden: Dear, we did it 5 times before we got here!

Alannah: But darling~ let be like the old day when we were young~

Holden: *Sigh*


The next chapter releases next week

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