Chapter 114: demon and DJ hangout
Tadayoshi was sitting on his couch and stared at his broken pen.
Suddenly he heard a knock on his door but before Tadayoshi said anything, he hears the door open itself
BeatBox: Yo!
BeatBox: what?
Tadayoshi: where have you been?
BeatBox: what do you mean?
Tadayoshi: while you were gone yesterday, I had to fight some dimensional guy with a friend and my pen broke....where were you?
BeatBox: uhhh, dimensional guy?
BeatBox: I never heard anything about that, but my manager called me saying that I had to go back to work, he's quite strict on my work schedule sometimes
Tadayoshi: that explains where you went...
BeatBox: But look I'm sorry I wasn't there to fight with ya!
Tadayoshi: it's fine...
BeatBox looks over and notices Tadayoshis pen broken.
BeatBox: woah....your pen...broke?!
Tadayoshi: yeah... Now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pay to get this fixed about I pay for it? you an apology for not fighting with you
Tadayoshi: no, but also I don't see why you need to apologize
BeatBox: come on, I can pay for it to make it stronger than before
BeatBox: great, and while we wait for it to get repaired, we should hangout
Tadayoshi:... Is that why you came here?
BeatBox: yep!
Tadayoshi: no
BeatBox: come on, just one hangout, it wouldn't hurt you. After all, it would be our first time hanging out in person
Tadayoshi: no
BeatBox: then what are you going to do all day? Pay taxes 24/7?
Tadayoshi:... I-
Tadayoshi mind:
Tadayoshi: be more open?
Violet: yeah, you can't always hide yourself in a box
Tadayoshi: I'm fine in a box vi
Violet: come oooon....please try to be more open.....for me?
Tadayoshi: you know what....fine...
BeatBox: really? Awesome!
He gets up and stretches before walking towards the doorway to put his boots on
BeatBox: oh and I already made some plans for our hangout so you don't have to worry about it
Tadayoshi: alright...
They walk out the door and they make their way inkopolis
BeatBox: well winter is coming
Tadayoshi: I know...
BeatBox: and the year is finally gonna be over soon!
Tadayoshi: finally...
BeatBox: yeah it was a shitty year, but what are you planning to do next year?
Tadayoshi:... I don't want to talk about it
BeatBox:... *smirks* you shy about it?
Tadayoshi: *looks away*
BeatBox: i know you by now Tadayoshi, stop lying
BeatBox: well of you don't want to talk about it then we won't
Tadayoshi: good, cause I was gonna break your face if you did
BeatBox: You don't need to be so violent about it!
Both BeatBox and Tadayoshi walks into Sheldons shop and Sheldon turns at them after he was cleaning some weapons
Sheldon: Ah! BeatBox and-
Sheldon noticed Tadayoshi staring at him as sheldon felt him giving off a scary vibe
Sheldon: the black-eye-demon?!
BeatBox: are they always like this to you when you're in public?
Tadayoshi: mostly
He sets his broken pen onto the counter, causing Sheldon to look at the pen in shock
Sheldon: it... Broke?
Tadayoshi: yeah, I need it fixed
BeatBox: And have it upgraded!
Sheldon: sure... But I'm surprised it broke after so many years...
BeatBox: what do you mean?
Sheldon: well... This pen has been around since the great turf war, it's original user was aaron
Tadayoshi: my grandfather...
BeatBox: wait! Aaron?! The demon heir?! The demon king?! The strongest cephalopod in the world?!
Tadayoshi: yeah...
BeatBox: my god!
Sheldon: yeah, he was quiet strong, like my grandfather said, but let me get the blueprints and I'll fix this pen
BeatBox: say Sheldon, what are the blueprints?
Sheldon: ... the blueprints... well...
He brings over the pen blueprint to the counter where Tadayoshi and BeatBox could see them
Sheldon: this is a blueprint... these things are like instructions... but they are instructions to create the most powerful weapons... I don't know how many there are... but they were discovered back in the Great Turf War...
BeatBox: Do you know who made them?
Sheldon: I... don't know... but people say that it was made by a man who goes by the name "the creator"
Tadayoshi: the creator?
Sheldon: they say he is the one who created the weapons with the strongest metal called the "tungsten."
BeatBox: tungsten?
Sheldon: It's a strong and rare material found in the ground which is used for the blueprints
Tadayoshi: interesting...
Sheldon: We still don't know the creator's true identity, but we know that most of the blueprints and tungsten materials are mostly being sold to different criminals and overlords from V city... the territory where an overlord, Dr. Victor rules...
Tadayoshi: ...
Sheldon: you can probably still find blueprints out in the world, but we squidbeak agents are mostly confiscating these blueprints so they don't fall into the wrong hands
BeatBox: I see...
Sheldon: But if you want me to upgrade the pen for it to have tungsten material, it's gonna cost a lot of money
BeatBox pulls out a bag of money and sets it onto the counter
BeatBox: consider it done!
Sheldon: well then...
He takes the money and puts it in the cash register while taking the blueprint and the pen to his work table
Sheldon: it should be done in a few hours so go do whatever you want until then, I need privacy
BeatBox: Alright! Thanks
Sheldon: any time!
Both Tadayoshi and BeatBox walk out of Sheldon's workshop and they begin to head into a cafe. They find their seats as they wait for a waiter
BeatBox: so who do you think is the creator?
Tadayoshi: probably someone dangerous if he's selling his blueprints to criminals and to that overlord
BeatBox: yeah, if you took him out, then all of the overlords and criminals would be after you then since they can't get their supplies any more...
Waiter: hi you two, what would you like to order?
BeatBox: hi can I get some curly fries and a chocolate shake?
Waiter: ok, what about you black-eye-demon?
Tadayoshi: *sigh* I'll just take black coffee please
Waiter: ok! I'll be back with your order soon
BeatBox: thank you!
The waiter walks off, as BeatBox and Tadayoshi continues their conversation
BeatBox: so what have you been up to?
Tadayoshi: just paying taxes and training...
BeatBox: how is your relationship with the girls?
BeatBox: I'm guessing there isn't any progress?
Tadayoshi: Look Bell, I'm not you ok? being all open to your girlfriend, but... I'm going to try to be open....
BeatBox: ... well that's something I never thought I'd hear out of you...
Tadayoshi: what's that supposed to mean?
Soon the waiter appears back with their drinks and food and sets them onto the counter
Waiter: I hope you two enjoy!
BeatBox: thank you!
The waiter walks off as BeatBox begins munching on the fries while tadayoshi drinks his coffee
Tadayoshi: what about you?
BeatBox: shitty
Tadayoshi: really?
BeatBox: yeah, some Karen started yelling at me in a grocery store for wearing this helmet, saying it was "stupid" and how all lives matter.
Tadayoshi: you did as well? I met a Karen a few days ago, she got mad at me because I look like a rapist and a thief
BeatBox: I know, but I also got some death threats from some fans, because I was wearing a purple sweater yesterday.
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: *sigh* fans are always so picky... but I've been having fun. I've been playing some among us
Tadayoshi: I see...
BeatBox: say... I got a confession to make...
Tadayoshi: eh?
BeatBox: I've been thinking of retiring from my career
Tadayoshi stops drinking from his shake and looks at BeatBox in shock.
Tadayoshi: what?...
BeatBox: well you see... after I've been hanging out with melody and getting to know her, she told me her dream is to become a popular idol like off the hook or the squid sisters. I was happy with her dream... but people believe the top 3 are the specialists, so it would mean she would have to surpass me as well
Tadayoshi: so you're giving up your career for her dream to come true?
BeatBox nodded silently as tadayoshi gave him a sigh and takes a sip from his coffee
Tadayoshi: why can't you just have her be a part of your music?
BeatBox: I'd love to! I really do! But... people are so picky with what we famous people do. We can do the smallest change and people will send death threats to you because of it... I'm scared of melody being hated because she is my partner...
Tadayoshi: ... you don't have to listen to them
BeatBox: huh?
Tadayoshi: people hating you because of the smallest things? Bullshit. There's nothing but fake beings, they can't decide your choices like they're your parents. Do what you want to do, even if people hate you, let yourself know that you decided it because you wanted to.
BeatBox: ... heh
Tadayoshi: what?
BeatBox: nothing, I knew you had some positivity in you
This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox and chibi tadayoshi doing the kill me baby dance
Tadayoshi and BeatBox return to Sheldon weapons shop where they see Sheldon setting Tadayoshis new pen on the counter
Sheldon: *huff* *huff* it's finally done!
Tadayoshi takes the pen and begins to look at it
Tadayoshi: it's quite light
Sheldon: well it's upgraded but if you want to test it out, you can go out back and see how strong it is
Tadayoshi: sure
Sheldon: oh I almost forgot, I added some things to the pen, but I'm not gonna tell you what they are
Tadayoshi: why not?
Sheldon: cause I want you to figure them out
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: come on let's do it!
Tadayoshi: alright sheesh I'm coming
They both walk out back where they see a bunch of squid balloons that are used for turf war players to practice
BeatBox: now let's test out that baby!
Tadayoshi looks at the pen and swung it horizontally, which pops all of the balloons
Tadayoshi: did it-
BeatBox: I guess the wind of the swing popped it, but...
Tadayoshi: But what?
Suddenly he notices BeatBox fist coming straight at him, but tadayoshi blocks it as he slides back
BeatBox: I don't think the balloons are gonna prove anything so...
He pulls out his gloves and slides them on and gets into a fighting position
BeatBox: let's have our first duel to see how strong it is
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: you don't have to worry about me getting hurt, I'll be fine. Give it all you got
Tadayoshi: fine by me
He jumps toward BeatBox and he punches the pen then they begin to struggle against each other until they push each other away
BeatBox: try some of your special attacks to see how strong they are
Tadayoshi: I know
He chucks the pen at him which flew faster than normally but BeatBox barely dodges it as they see that the pen was thrown farther than before
Tadayoshi: interesting...
He hold out his hand as his pen flies back to him, but nearly hits BeatBox again
BeatBox: I guess even calling it back, it will still try to hit the opponent
Tadayoshi: yeah
His crystal on the pen glows and small black ink begins to swirl around his pen. He zips by BeatBox, which he barley dodges and smashes into the wall, creating a large crater on the wall
BeatBox: woah...
Tadayoshi: I guess the attacks are not only faster...but stronger...
BeatBox: and I would've died....sheesh
Tadayoshi: I know-
Suddenly Tadayoshi felt his face getting punched which he was thrown back but he quickly lands back on his feet
BeatBox: sorry, this is a duel man!
Tadayoshi: I know that
BeatBox suddenly removes his gloves and replaces them with his gauntlets
BeatBox: say do you mind if I practice some moves as well?
Tadayoshi: fine by me
He point the pen at him which the pen glows bright as a small ink ball was slowly created at the tip of his pen which suddenly lets out a massive blast of black ink, which hits BeatBox and smashing into the wall behind him
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: *sigh* Sheldon is gonna get so pissed about this destruction we are creating
The dust clears out as BeatBox was shirtless and revealing his six-pack while he stretches
Tadayoshi: ... when did you start working out?
BeatBox: I was always working out!
Tadayoshi: we were at a spa a 2 months ago, you did not have any muscles before
BeatBox: well after my fight with a ninja, I have been doing 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, and 10 kilometre run every single day
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: look I can't do that much workout since I have a career to deal with you know
Tadayoshi: whatever
BeatBox suddenly appears in front of tadayoshi with his arms wide open
BeatBox: CLAP!
Tadayoshi quickly ducks down as BeatBox claps his hands, creating and ink exploding from his clap
Tadayoshi: the hell?!
BeatBox raises his arms up as Tadayoshi gets out of the way and BeatBox slams down onto the ground creating a crater
BeatBox: damn this workout was worth it
He lifts up his hands and begins firing out ink blasts from the palm of the gauntlet but Tadayoshi tries to deflect them but became overwhelmed by them
BeatBox: Sorry! I fired out too many! Are you alright?
Tadayoshi: I'm fine
He swings his pen, clearing out the dust as BeatBox notices Tadayoshis pen spinning rapidly fast from the black ink tornado on his pen
BeatBox: I guess we are using our final skills
Tadayoshi: sure
BeatBox: sweet!
He punches his fist together while taking a deep breathe as his gauntlet began to be covers with orange ink
BeatBox: Here I go!
They both jump at each other as they both go to lay a final blow on each other
Sheldon: HEY!
They both stop themselves as a huge shockwave was created between them
Sheldon: Just because I said you can try your weapon out here, DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN CREATE THE DAMAGE AROUND HERE!!
Tadayoshi: oh I forgot...
BeatBox: shit...
Then they spent the next few hours apologizing and listening to Sheldon scolding while fixing the damage they created
It was getting late as they begin walking around at night
BeatBox: you want to get a bite?
Tadayoshi: again?
BeatBox: well it's late and it's probably too late for you to make yourself dinner
Tadayoshi: I don't eat...
BeatBox: you should, if you don't eat, you won't survive, come on let's go to a restaurant
Tadayoshi: fine...
They both walk into a fancy restaurant which Tadayoshi was hesitant, but goes in
Waiter: hi how can I-
The waiter looks at Tadayoshi up and down and gives him a glare
Waiter: is that... commoner with you?
BeatBox: commoner?
Waiter: the black-eye-demon
BeatBox: oh, yes he's with me
Waiter: I-I see... well let me bring you guys to your table
The waiter brings them to the table as Tadayoshi notice everyone in the restaurant staring at him.
Waiter: I will be back for your order soon
The waiter walks off as Tadayoshi and BeatBox take their seats
BeatBox: they got some pretty nice food here
Tadayoshi: all I care is the wine
As they were going through the menu BeatBox notice the people in the restaurant whispering
Rich inkling: why is a commoner in here?
Rich inkling 2: must be a slave of his
Rich inkling: makes sense, since commoners know their place
BeatBox: Hey-
Tadayoshi: leave them
BeatBox: what?
Tadayoshi: you're going to embarrass yourself
BeatBox: but I'm not going to just sit here and let them talk shit about you
Tadayoshi: that's just how my life is..
BeatBox: ...
Soon the waiter returned with her notepad
Waiter: hi are you two ready to order?
BeatBox: umm I'll take the Michael Mina Stripsteak
Waiter: ok and I'm guessing this commoner will have small sandwiches or maybe just water?
Tadayoshi: ye-
BeatBox: no! he's going to have what I'm having and the best wine you have here!
Waiter: o-ok...
The waiter walks off as everyone in the restaurant starts to get uncomfortable
Tadayoshi: you're making yourself look bad here
BeatBox: so what? If I can't punch or yell at someone here, I'll just make them uncomfortable
Tadayoshi: ...
After waiting for a bit, the waiter returns with their food and they begin eating while Tadayoshi stares down on his food
BeatBox: I know you don't want to eat, but you got to
Tadayoshi: I know...
He cuts himself a piece and eats it only to taste nothing but continue to eat
BeatBox: do you think you will be able to taste again?
Tadayoshi: I don't know...
He takes a sip of the wine.
Tadayoshi:....but thanks for being concerned about me
BeatBox: yeah no problem
After they finished eating at the restaurant they both begin walking back to Tadayoshis home
BeatBox: so did you have any fun?...
Tadayoshi: eh I didn't care honestly...
BeatBox: well it's fine that you didn't like it, you wanted it to be one time and-
Tadayoshi: but you were quite an interesting fighter, let's fight again sometime
He suddenly notice water dripping beneath BeatBox's helmet
Tadayoshi: are you crying?
BeatBox: No... I'm just happy you're finally accepting me!
Tadayoshi: it's not a big deal though...
Our great god Beeg tadayoshi has been created but now I'm curious to what YOUR beegs would look like, so if you want, I have a template beneath me so you can create your beeg.
Just make one out it in your story and @ me or put it in discord, so I can see it. The next chapter release next week
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