Chapter 113: lets meet again

At tadayoshi place, some of the girls were sitting patiently, playing some cards while some of them were pacing back and forth

Tracer: draw 4 and I change the color to red, Uno!

Bridgett: no. take 8 and I change it to green

Bridgett throws down another plus four

Marina: I'm good. plus 4 blue

Marina tosses another plus four as Ellie looks through her card and sets down another plus 4

Ellie: plus 4 and yellow

Tracer:...I hate playing stacks -_-...

Tracer takes 16 cards from the deck and sighs.

Pearl: AHHH! Why are we just sitting here doing nothing?! We should be out there helping them!

Yui: Yeah! Senpai could be on the ground crying for me to help him!

Marina: Pearlie, you know that luna said she would take care of it right?

Callie: what if she's just underestimating us?

Ellie: she's not underestimating you girls, they are strong...She's just keeping you guys safe

Marie: yeah...she has a point

Pearl: so what are we supposed to do?

Marie: we just wait...

The room got quiet again as the girls continue to do their own thing.

Tracer: are you guys 100% sure they'll be ok?

Angelica: awe don't worry sweetie~

They quickly turn around to see Angelica leaning on the door frame and holding a big rock head.

Angelica: boo is a strong girl so she can protect the demon boy since he's weaker than her

Bridget: he's not weak!...Violet is just....stronger than him!

Pearl: where have you been?

Angelica: *shows them the head* killed that already?!

Angelica: of course *smirks* so who wants to die next?


Angelica: *giggles* I'm messing with you girls....maybe..


Angelica: too bad It died....I could've kept going

Ellie: Hey! Remember what luna said about you being that way!

Angelina: I know I know little snip snip

Ellie: I told you not to call me that...

She jumps onto the couch, sitting between Amelia and Marie.

Angelica: so how are you girls doing?

Marie: I'm fine

Amelia: mhm...

Angelica: Why are you being such a downer duck different 3?

Amelia: it's nothing...

Tracer: are you still jealous of Violet?


Tracer: oh come on, she's nothing to be jealous over. This isn't the first time Tadayoshi brought in some random girl *shrugs* if we're lucky she might become a harem member

Amelia:... Harem member?

Tracer: yeah you know, he likes all of us, he'll kiss us, sleep with us... Fuck us~


Yui: couldn't hold in your perverted side?

Tracer: *smirks*

Yui:....well I don't have the right to talk...

Both Tracer and Yui give each other a thumbs up as a sign of their agreement and respect.

Marie: umm sorry, not trying to sound rude but... did any of us agree to be a harem girl?


Suddenly Luna flashes into the room which surprises the girls.

Angelica: mommyyyyyy!!

Ellie: Is everything alright?

Marina: did she just...appear out of nowhere?...

Marie: must be their "scar powers"

Callie: scar powers?

Marie: were you even paying attention? We were told a little about them when we meet them

Callie: no...I was just staring at how thicc Violet was...I kinda wanna have a threesome with her and Tadayoshi...

Tracer: oh my god I said the same shit!!

Callie/Tracer: *high five*

Callie: I smell a lemon coming!

Pearl: what?

Callie: nothing

Marie: *sigh* anyway it's their power basically

Callie: Ohhhh, I wonder if they can summon a spirit bomb?

Marie: it doesn't-...never mind...

The girls notice luna carrying the unconscious Terrence, surin, and winter in her arms

Yui: Senpai!

Marina: oh dear winter!

She hands them Terrance and winter and they quickly brought them to the couch and start to bandage them up

Amelia: *sigh* Terrence....

Cherry: I'm quite surprised he's still alive...

They quickly turn to see Cherry standing next to Luna. Yui walks up to cherry and gives her a hug while smiling

Yui: thank you for keeping him alive

Cherry: get off me...

Pearl: What about Tadayoshi and the big tit girl?

Luna: they're fine, they just returned from their recovery.

Tracer: recovery?

Luna: they retreated through a portal before, I don't know where they went tho

Amelia: as long as they're safe then I'm glad they're fine

Callie: but why aren't you go help them!

Luna: it's not my fight..I want to give the children a chance to adapt and learn

Marie: you sound like a mom

Luna: *giggles* I guess I'm a really old mother

Callie: wait how old are you?

Luna: 332 years old is that possible?

Ellie: it's a lot to explain

Amelia: so're a demon right?

Luna: Mhm, an Archdemon

Amelia: and that's what Violet is too?

Luna: That is correct

Amelia: so will she live to be as old as you one day?

Luna:.....I do not know....

Ellie: wait what do you mean Luna?

Cherry: *opens her mouth*

Luna: no....



Luna: well anyway, it was nice to meet you all

Luna pulled out Violets key from her pocket and threw it onto the ground which causes a portal to open in front of her

Tracer: wait! You're leaving?!

Luna: of course. I had fun getting to know you all, but I believe it's time we take our leave

Ellie: what about violet?

Luna: I'm sure Aldrich can handle that

Angelica: Yeah, Boo is strong and she'll probably torture that guy to make him open a portal for her to go home!

Amelia: I guess?...

Bridgett: But can't you guys stay a little longer

Ellie: Yeah! I like hanging out here!

Luna: we've had our fun but we actually have matters to attend to, Eleanor


Bridgett gives Ellie a hug and the two smile at each other.

Bridgett: don't forget about me

Ellie: I won't!

Cherry: Yui...

Yui: hmm?

Cherry: makes sure Terrence is training perfectly....

Yui: I will! don't worry about it

The other girls wave goodbye to the scars as they walk through the portal and it closes on them

Bridgett: I miss Ellie already...

Marie: they were quite interesting tho

Callie: So do you guys think violet will be able to return to her world?

Pearl: I hope so! cause I don't want her to steal him away!!


Aldrich: Galactic barrier!

Violets scythe clashes against the barrier and she struggles to push him back as she notices Aldrich use his other hand to point his two fingers to shoot her but Tadayoshi dashed over and clashed against the barrier with Violet, helping her push him back. The two jump away from the barrier and in the air, then Violet grabs onto the other end of Tadayoshis pen and uses it to fling him towards Aldrich.

Aldrich: *grunts* Galactic barrier!

As soon the barrier appears, the barrier gets caught on the pen tip, causing the pen to get stuck

Aldrich: what?

Tadayoshi: Violet!

She throws her scythe to add more pressure onto the barrier and Tadayoshi managed to break through and stab Aldrich with his pen, noticing it was breaking even more.

Tadayoshi: *grunts* (just hold in a little longer)

Aldrich: Galactic bullet!

Tadayoshi saw Aldrich hold his finger gun up to him and just as he was about to fire, Violet pushed him out of the way and Aldrich fired right on her arm, completely blasting it off and knocking her back.

Tadayoshi: Violet!!

Violet looked at the blood gushing from her arm and gritted her teeth in pain before her arm regenerated back and she looked at Tadayoshi while giving him a painful smile.

Violet: see? Good as new


They suddenly notice Aldrich dashing at them and holding his hand out at them.

Tadayoshi: Get ready!

Violet: For what?

Tadayoshi pulled out a key from the ring and threw it onto the ground beneath them, causing them to fall through. As they were through the portal, they found themselves in a deserted place

Tadayoshi: the hell are we?

Violet: wait I see someone!

They look closely as they see two black figures up ahead of them, staring at each other

Dark violet: surrender yourself you pathetic weakling....

Corrupt Tadayoshi: don't get one does...i just want to die...slowly and painfully...

Dark violet: blah blah blah whatever!

Dark violet summons her scythe and charges at corrupted Tadayoshi and starts swinging at him, but he dodges her swings. He pull out his pen and block her attack

Dark Violet: stop resisting!....

Corrupt Tadayoshi: let me drain away your pain...

Dark violet: *tsk*

She pushes him away and lays a cut on him as they both glare at each other again

Dark violet: having masks power doesn't mean you can kill me... After all, I'm not normal...

As they began fighting, Tadayoshi and violet watches them fight in the distance

Violet: is that... Us?


Aldrick: You two!!

Tadayoshi quickly pulls out another key and they quickly jump through and land in front of Tadayoshis house.

Violet: wait what?

Tadayoshi: I didn't use my original key....come on

The two looked through the window to see a alternative Violet making herself a bowl of cereal while wearing some cute pajamas as Tadayoshi was sitting on the couch while only wearing pajama pants and no shirt.

Alt Violet: so Squid crunchies or Octo O's?

Alt Tadayoshi: either is fine..

Violet shrugged and grabbed the box of cinnamon flavored Octo O's, then poured it into a bowl as Tadayoshi scrolled through channels.

Alt Violet: you really need to stay on your side of the bed Tadayoshi....

Alt Tadayoshi: why?

Alt Violet: because....y-you know....

Violet grabbed the milk from out of the fridge and closed the door, but the second she did, she felt Tadayoshi's arms wrap around her body and hug her close.

Alt Tadayoshi: do you not like me?

Alt Violet: no it's not....*whimpers*....that....

Violet felt Tadayoshi begin to nibble on her neck and she slowly tried to get out of his grasp but he wouldn't budge as little moans and whimpers escaped her mouth.

Alt Violet: T-Tadayoshi please.....if the girls see this....

Tadayoshi got off of Violet as she hugged the milk close to her with a flustered face.

Alt Violet: now I'm all....embarrassed because of you

Tadayoshi leaned down and gave Violet a quick peck on the lips before taking the milk out of her hands and pouring it in his bowl.

Alt Tadayoshi: wanna go to the mall later?

Alt Violet: why?

Alt Tadayoshi: *shrugs* I'm bored

Alt Violet: would this be considered our first date then?

Alt Tadayoshi: Mhm

Back outside, both Violet and Tadayoshi were staring and just....looking at their other versions slightly concerned.


Tadayoshi: I am such a faggot in this dimension


Aldrick: Stop running

Tadayoshi: Good, we can leave!

He pulls out another key and throws it onto the ground then they were brought to a place with inkopolis all decorated in Halloween decorations.

Violet: woah...

Tadayoshi: more like what the fuck...

They look around and they see a bunch of cephalopods dancing.

Violet: cute


Violet: also why are we even running?

Tadayoshi: just to tire him out

He then throws his key to Tadayoshi world and they jump through while aldrick follows

Aldrick: Thats enough!

Aldrick summons his sword and throws it, catching the ring of keys in Tadayoshi hands and stabbing to the stone wall

Aldrick: I'm done playing... *huff* cat and mouse... I will make this quick now

Tadayoshi: now we fight... also take this

He quickly hands violet the key to his world as violet looks at him confused

Violet: why are you giving me this?

Tadayoshi: You'll see

The pen flies back to Tadayoshi's hand as Aldrich clears the dust around him and jumps towards them which his entire fist glowing

Aldrich: Galactic strike!!

He strikes against tadayoshi stomach, causing him to cough up ink and send him flying back. He goes to punch violet, but she quickly blocks his attack but was sent sliding back.

Violet: Tadayoshi! Dammit!

She jumps at Aldrich as they clash again, but Aldrich pushes her back. Aldrich continues to throw punches but Violet blocks some of the attacks.

Aldrich: galactic barrier!

The barrier suddenly hits against violet, causing her to get knocked back and tumble onto the ground.

Violet: dammit!

Suddenly she notices Aldrich fist glowing as he was in the air, about to punch her.

Aldrich: Galactic strike!

Violet goes to block his attack until suddenly a key lands beside Violet and opens up a portal under her causing her to fall in and the portal closed before Aldrich could hit her

Aldrich: What?!

He suddenly felt some wind being blown behind him, but as he goes to turn around, his stomach was struck, sending him flying back into the stone wall.

Aldrich: "What was that?!"

He clears out the smoke as he sees Tadayoshi holding his pen but had ink floating around his pen

Aldrich: You're alive surprisingly


He suddenly dashes towards Aldrich as he tries to summon a barrier.

Aldrich: Galac-

Suddenly he was hit right in the face and tumbled to the ground before his barrier could come out. He slowly gets up and looks back at Tadayoshi

Aldrich: you're trying to make a sacrifice for your friend, you're just as pathetic as she is

Tadayoshi: just shut up and fight me


Aldrich summoned his blade as they both clash against each other, but as they clash, he notices Tadayoshi pen slowly cracking even more.

Aldrich: interesting...

Back to violet:

Violet falls through the portal, up in the air, and fall onto the ground as the portal closes

Violet: (shit, why did Tadayoshi do that?! Where did he send me?)

She looks around and notices that she's in a house and sees a Inkling boy with red Tentacles walk down the hallway while holding 2 cups of coffee.

Violet: (who's that?)

Violet slowly followed the Inkling until he walked into a room and she quietly creeped up to the door and looked inside the room to see the red Inkling hand one of the cups to a Octoling boy with cyan tentacles.

???:...*takes the cup* *sigh* thanks scott

Scott: you really need to stop working yourself like this, 8

MIST8K: yeah's the last chapter of our collab and I want it to be a little cool at least

MIST8K leaned back in the chair and let out a tiny yawn before taking a sip of his hot coco.

MIST8K: well I need to work twice as hard to produce that spinoff series chapter for November 1st....


Scott: yeah....also I got a question

MIST8K: hm?

Scott: we actually have to tell the readers that Violet and Tadayoshi are just close friends and Tadayoshi sees Violet as another Alex so that's why he likes her and opens up to her so much?

MIST8K:......I uh....hope they figure that out on their own......

Scott: yeah...but anyway I'll leave you alone so you can get shit done man

MIST8K: thanks

Scott walked out of the room as Violet quickly hid until he was out of sight, then slowly walked into the room. She walked behind MIST8K and tapped him on the shoulder while feeling kinda nervous.

MIST8K:.....Scott didn't you just lea-......


MIST8K:.....woah.....maybe I've been drinking too much coffee

Violet: no no no! I'm real! you're my creator huh?


Violet punched MIST8K in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him and began to pout at him.

Violet: that is for giving me a depressing and painful backstory!!

MIST8K: yea....I deserve that

Violet then quickly hugged the Cyan Octoling while still pouting at him.

Violet: you're still cool though....


Back to Tadayoshi:

Aldrich continues to swing his sword as Tadayoshi, who was shirtless, continues to block his attack, but he continues to get cuts from his blade.

Tadayoshi: ( is he so damn fast?!)

As Aldrich continues to swing at him, he notices the pen starting to crack more and more and he gives a wicked smile

Aldrich: You're finished

He swings down his blade, causing Tadayoshis pen to snap in half, which shocks him, but he felt Aldrich's blade cutting across his chest. Tadayoshi coughs up more ink, he falls to his knee but Aldrich grabs onto his head as he looks displeased then begins to go through Tadayoshis mind and thoughts

Aldrich: let me see your darkest memories...

*Tadayoshi vision*

Young Tadayoshi was sweeping the dust outside as the cold wind blows by but he continues to hear his parents inside chatting

Mother: he still didn't do those dishes

Father: as expected from a worthless boy... *shrugs* I'm telling you we should sell him for a good price, woman

Mother: that sounds good actually

The parents start to laugh as Tadayoshi continues to say nothing but let tear crawl down his face

*Vision ends*

Violet jumps out of the portal as she sees Tadayoshi on his knees, bleeding and beaten with Aldrich going through his mind

Aldrich: You're just like that woman...

Violet begins running at Aldrich with her scythe, which he quickly turns and sees her. He quickly tries to summon a barrier but she uppercuts him, sending him up into the air, flying back

Violet: Tadayoshi!

She quickly kneels to him as Tadayoshi was breathing heavily

Tadayoshi: what took you so long?...

Violet: hang on I'll heal you

She begins to heal him as his large cut slowly began to heal, but before it could be completely healed, Tadayoshi grabs her wrist, stopping her from healing him

Tadayoshi: I'm fine now


Tadayoshi: I don't want to be more... If I'm going to get strong, then I'm going to take the pain...


He gets up and looks down at his broken pen on the ground

Violet: is it... Useless now?

Tadayoshi: not yet... It can still work but its not gonna last long until I get it fixed later...

He picks it up and puts the tip away but keeps the bottom half with the crystal out.

Violet: let's just kill this son of a bitch

They slowly walk to where Aldrich landed as he slowly gets up in anger

Aldrich: you two are in my way to rule the entire dimension! Why bother stopping me when the world hates you both?!

Violet: we may have been through pain! mentally and physically... But there are people out there that care and want to  protect us

Aldrich: enough games...

They both clash as they both struggle to push the other away.

Tadayoshi: fine...

Violet and Tadayoshi pushes Aldrick back as Tadayoshi goes to strike down the ring of keys

Tadayoshi: fuck you!

He strikes down the ring of keys, breaking them, which shocks Aldrich in fear and shock

Aldrich: No!...

He kicked Violet and Tadayoshi away then looked at the broken keys on the ground.

Aldrich: What have you done?!

Suddenly the broken ring of keys causes the ground beneath them to crack and suddenly shatter opening a huge whole, causing Aldrich, Tadayoshi, and violet to fall in

Aldrich: NOO!!

Violet: Why did you do that!!!!

Tadayoshi: I DIDN'T KNOW!!!


Thu story is interrupted by a chibi violet and chibi Tadayoshi arm wrestling as chibi Ellie and Bridget cheer them on


Both violet and tadayoshi soon find themselves in a black empty void, floating around in the darkness

Violet: why did you do that?

Tadsyoshi: well how I was supposed to know this would happen?

Violet: whatever! More importantly where are we?

Tadayoshi: I don't know... but it's good that we can breath-

Aldrich: Galactic strike!

Aldrich appears out of nowhere and punches tadayoshi in the stomach which sends him flying farther than usual

Tadayoshi: "what the hell?"

Violet: Tadayoshi!

She quickly summons her scythe and clashes against Aldrich's blade

Aldrich: This is all your fault! We are stuck here forever!

Suddenly Tadayoshi appears beside him and tackles him, which they both land on the ground which was brought with them through the void then Tadayoshi jumps back from Aldrich as violet lands beside him.

Violet: you alright?

Tadayoshi: I'm fine... Just fighting the pain

Aldrich gets up from the rubble in anger with a blue aura around him

Aldrich: everything was going well until you demons entered the picture

He spins his sword around until pointing it at the demons

Aldrich: I'll finish this fight!

Tadayoshi: violet...

Violet: yeah...

He squeezes his pen tight as he takes a deep breath

Tadayoshi; you ready to finish this?

Violet: definitely...

Aldrich begins to yell and Tadayoshi and violet does the same, charging at each other and clash their weapons against each other. They begin to swing their weapons at each other, blocking and striking each other as Aldrich felt himself being overwhelmed.

Aldrich: *tsk* "my body is somehow getting slower! Why?"

He quickly jumps up in the air to escape their attack

Violet: Give me a boost!

Tadayoshi: Got it!

Violet grabbed onto Tadayoshis hands and she threw her into the air towards Aldrich as she glared at him and tightened her grip on her scythe

Aldrich: You two are so persistent!

Violet: as if we let you kill us

Both Aldrich and violet continue to use their weapons but violet continue to cut Aldrich little by little

Aldrich: how are you cutting me?!

Violet: heh, I guess the curse is finally affecting you

Aldrich: Curse?

Tadayoshi: Move violet!

Violet quickly kicks back Aldrich and she goes down while Aldrich sees Tadayoshi in front of him

Aldrich: How did you-

Tadayoshi: Killer orca!

Suddenly a huge blast of black ink sprays out at Aldrich overwhelming his entire body, sending him flying back into a boulder floating around the void. He weakly looks up as both violet and Tadayoshi strike him again until he swings his sword, cutting both Tadayoshi and violet chest, sending them flying back

Violet: ow....right on the left tit...


Violet:...well you're kind of a sucky god...

Aldrich glares at them and He lifts his blade up as it glows brighter as brighter while Tadayoshi and Violet looks up at him



Tadayoshi: let's end this...

Tadayoshis pen begins to have a small black ink floating around his pen as it's starting to speed up, until it was like a tornado on his pen, making the crystal shake a little.

Violet: scar essence...

She brings her hands close together as a small white sphere appears in her hands

Aldrich: DIE!!!!

He swings down his blade, creating a massive sword beam as it flies towards Tadayoshi and Violet

Violet: Dissipation sphere!

She launches the small white sphere,  which made contact with the beam, evaporating the beam

Aldrich: she... Evaporated then beam?!

Suddenly he notices the white sphere still coming towards him which as he tries to block it, but as soon it made contact with his blade, the blade shatters for the 2nd time with his right arm getting destroyed as well.

Aldrich: GAHHHH!!!!

Tadayoshi: my turn...

He uses a boulder beside him and boosts him forward towards Aldrich, with his pen charged up

Tadayoshi: Mullet...

Aldrich notice Tadayoshi flying toward him fast as he tries to block with his only arm

Tadayoshi: GATLING!

He trusts his pen at Aldrich, which he felt his entire body begin to get stabbed rapidly, and feeling a different color ink going in him, which he pukes out more ink. Tadayoshi finally stopped and brings his pen up above him while violet appears beside it


Tadayoshi: YOU SHITHEAD!!

They both swing their weapons at his chest, cutting him and causing him to cough out some ink as he flies back deeper into the void

Violet: it's over...

Tadayoshi: finally...


???: no Aldrich...

Suddenly they notice Thea floating behind Tadayoshi and violet as aldrich was in shock

Aldrick: what....

Thea: you two fought well...

She grabs onto violet and Tadayoshi and they fly up to a dimensional portal.

Aldrich: *smirks* you're just going to leave me to rot Thea...

Thea: this is your punishment for messing with these dimensions

Thea flies into the dimension portal with violet and Tadayoshi and the portal closes as they get out of the void

Aldrich: dammit... Dammit!... WHY! DAMMIIIIIIIIIITTT!!!!


Back at Tadayoshi world, the girls continue to wait patiently for Tadayoshi and violet to return

Terrence: *goan*

He slowly wakes up to find himself laying on Yui lap.

Terrence: Y-Yui?!

Yui: shhh... Easy now... You're still injured

Terrence sighs and he notices the other girls waiting and winter in her cooler with a bandage on her head, sleeping

Terrence: what happened to cherry?

Yui: she brought you here with luna after you went unconscious, she said she's surprised that you're still alive

Terrence: I see... Where's Tadayoshi and Violet?

Yui: we don't know yet... But right now I'm glad your safe senpai

He felt her hand patting his head as he tries to hide his embarrassment. Suddenly they notice a portal opening as thea comes out with Tadayoshi and violet


They ran up to him but slowly gave him a warm hug due to his pain. Violet looks at him and chuckles a bit

Violet: Thank you thea

Thea: mhm

She floats to the window and raises her hand, making the ground that created the doorway to the void to close

Thea: I want to thank you all for taking down the criminals... I don't know how much damage they could've done...

Violet: no prob

Terrence: umm sorry to interrupt but who are you?

Thea: my name is Thea...The creator of these dimensions and the one who created the keys...

Callie: Woah!!

Bridget: COOL!

Thea: now I'm sure you want to return home violet

Violet: I do...

Thea: well let me bring you back to your world... But first...

She suddenly summons two different keys and hand them to Tadayoshi and violet

Tadayoshi: this is...

Violet: the keys to our worlds..

Thea: I give you access to each other's worlds, you may visit each other whenever you want... Take it as a thank you gift

Violet: hell yeah... Thank you!

Thea: now shall you bring you home

Violet: Wait, Tadayoshi

She walks up to him and they high five and give each other a nice nod.

Violet: I can't wait to see you again

Tadayoshi: yeah... I wanna fight you again... To see how strong you've gotten

Violet: I'll kick your ass easily!

Tadayoshi: we'll see about that

Thea opens the portal as violet and Tadayoshi gives their goodbyes and she walks through the portal with thea

Pearl: so Tadayoshi...

Tadayoshi: eh?

Pearl: How come you never hang out with us like her

Tadayoshi: we're just close friends and...

The girls leans closer to him and a drop of sweat crawls down Tadayoshi head


Tadayoshi: WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!!!


One month later:

Violet was in her own dimension with her own harem and all of them were sitting together while passing around a bowl of popcorn.

Olivia: stop hogging the popcorn, Chloe!

Chloe: look, I don't know what Marina did to this popcorn....but this is good *nom*

Marie: yo 3, toss me a piece *opens her mouth*

Chloe: *toss*

Marie: *nom*

Callie: so someone tell me why we're watching this series again?

Pearl: well 1, it's a good series, and 2, we all need to bond as girls

Violet: how many seasons are in this show?

Pearl: *shrugs* only 10 fucking god....

Callie: Vi I'm sorry look really cute in that onesie

Violet: *blushes* thanks Callie

Marie: honestly yeah...where did you get it?

Violet: I went shopping with my sis

Marina: awwwwe sibling bonding!

Violet: well it has officially been 1 whole year ever since me and Syndel got on good terms again

The second Violet finished her sentence, a portal opened in front of the girls and Tadayoshi jumped through while panting like all hell.

Marie: oh it's the emo boy

Violet: Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: h-hey...*pant*.....

Violet: what are you doing here?

Tadayoshi: the girls tried to give me a pedicure...

Pearl: it's crazy that in a alternate dimension we're in love with this offense

Tadayoshi: *shrugs* none taken, anyway do you mind if i stay here for a couple hours?

Marina: we don't mind, we're watching a series anyway

Tadayoshi sat on the couch and laid back, but the second he did, Pearls doorbell rang and Violet stood up from the couch.

Violet: I got it

Violet walked away as Tadayoshi saw all of the girls stare at Violet in a very.....seductive way, causing him to roll his eyes. Violet opened the door and saw neither a Inkling or Octoling boy but...a hybrid boy with his tentacles tied up in a man bun.

Violet: *gaaaaaaasp!!!* KNIIIIGHT!!

Knight: hello Violet *nods* girls

Olivia: hi Knight!

Chloe: sup man

Pearl: where the fuck have you been?

Knight: *shrugs* home

The hybrid boy closed the door behind him as Violet hugged him tightly while smiling, causing Tadayoshi to look over at them and just....stare.

Violet: dude I fucking missed you!! You wouldn't pick up my calls!

Knight: my apologies Violet

Violet: do you like my onesie?

Knight: *nods* it suits you

Knight patted Violets head and walked over to Marina as Tadayoshi glared at him.

Knight: I'm here to pick up the cinnamon buns you made Marina

Marina: oh they're in the refrigerator, they should still be warm

Knight walked over to the refrigerator and opened it up, then grabbed a box of cinnamon buns and began walking towards the door.

Knight: thank you

Marina: you don't wanna stay?

Knight: I'm fine, I have to train anyway

Violet: wanna go bowling next week?

Knight: of course

Pearl: yo let me tag along!

Callie: and me

Marie: I'll come but I'll just watch

Knight gave the girls a nod and walked out of the house, then Violet closed the door and locked it before walking back over to the couch.

Chloe: Violet is that a.....butt flap?

Violet: yeah, mainly so my tail could slide through the pajamas

Marie: damn that tail.......

Violet sat down next to Tadayoshi on the couch and he sighed before looking at her.

Tadayoshi: so who was that?

Violet: my friend, Knight

Tadayoshi: Mhm....sure

Violet: he is I swear! He's another guy friend! I told you I don't date guys, a guy would need to sweep me off my feet and Knight did not do that

Tadayoshi: if you say so

Violet: Tadayoshiiiiii!!


And this concludes the collab with _MIST8K_ this was honestly really fun and I enjoyed doing this with him. Since we got a lot of votes last chapter and all of you said yes, we will officially be doing the spinoff and the first chapter will release tomorrow on November 1st and get updated once a month. I really hope you guys enjoy the spinoff

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