Chapter 112: glowing eyes

A glare shined through the window and straight onto Tadayoshis face, causing him to squirm a little before slowly opening his eyes.

Tadayoshi:...*sigh*...of course

Tadayoshi leaned up and looked around to realize that the room was still dark as hell, making him slightly confused as he reached over and turned on the table lamp that was next to the bed.

Tadayoshi: I guess I only slept for a couple hours....

Tadayoshi slowly got out of bed and looked out the hotel window to indeed see that it was still dark outside.


Tadayoshi walked over to the bathroom door and slowly turned the doorknob, then walked inside after opening the door while letting out a yawn.

Tadayoshi: at least I feel refreshed...

Violet: Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshis eyes shot open and he saw Violet standing there while wearing only a towel around her body. The two just.....stared at each other awkwardly, then Tadayoshi let out a sigh and prepared for the worst.

Tadayoshi:....alright....go ahead....say it

Violet: say what?

Tadayoshi: aren't you gonna call me a pervert and scream your head off?

Violet: No...did you expect me to?

Tadayoshi: well ordinary girls do it

Violet: Tadayoshi you already know I'm not an "ordinary girl"


Violet: I mean..when you walked in I could obviously tell it was an accident...

Tadayoshi:...(thank god...a girl who thinks before she assumes shit...)

Violet: anyway get out, I gotta get dressed

Tadayoshi: bad

Tadayoshi closed the door and walked over to his bed, then flopped his face right on it.

Tadayoshi:.....well that was awkward...

Tadayoshi flipped over onto his back and stared at the ceiling....he slowly placed a hand on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with every breath he took.

Tadayoshi:..(I might not ever tell her....but she fills the my heart....that Mask created when he killed Alex)

Tadayoshi closed his eyes and imagined a chibi Alex and Violet hanging out and smiling together.

Tadayoshi: (now that I think about it....Violet and Alex would get along pretty wel-)

Violet: Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: AJDHEUDBKSH!!! Violet what the fuck?!

Violet: my bad! I saw you laying here with your eyes closed and I assumed you were sleeping, but I wanted to say your name just to be sure!

Tadayoshi: I was awake!...just...thinking

Violet: about what? if you don't mind me asking

Tadayoshi:.....*looks away* it's nothing

Violet sighed and sat down next to Tadayoshi, then patted his back.

Violet: you ok?

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

Tadayoshi looked back at the Demon Octo to see that she was wearing....different clothing than before. She was now wearing a black turtleneck sweater with a pair of black jeans and socks.

Tadayoshi:.....where did you get those clothes from?

Violet: well while you were sleeping, I went shopping and bought some clothes that I liked...since...ya clothes were ripped up

Tadayoshi: Makes sense

Violet: also I bought you something cute!

Tadayoshi: that being?

Violet pulled a paper bag from under the bed and handed it to Tadayoshi while giving him a smile.

Violet: I hope you like it

Tadayoshi opened the bag and pulled out a fur coat, then began looking at it front and back.

Violet: well I honestly didn't know what to get for you and i really didn't want to get you something ugly so I-

Tadayoshi: I like it do?

Tadayoshi: *nods*

Violet: *sigh of relief* ok good

Tadayoshi put on the fur coat and stretched a little before pulling out the ring of keys and looking back at Violet.

Tadayoshi: ready to head back?

Violet: yeah, I feel way better now

Tadayoshi nodded and reached to grab his key from off the ring but stopped when he saw a weird glowing key that stood out from all the others.

Violet: what's the matter Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi picked the key from off of the ring and showed it to Violet, causing her to look at it a bit confused. The key had a galactic design and shined within Tadayoshis hand, making the two look at each other and Violet to smirk a little.

Violet: maybe one dimensional detour couldn't hurt

Tadayoshi nodded and tossed the key down, causing a portal to open. The two put on their shoes and walked into the portal, then when they exited the portal, they saw a bunch of shelves containing keys. The two looked around and saw nothing else surrounding the area they were on...just...endless darkness.

Violet: woah...look at all of these keys

Tadayoshi: this must be where those three guys came from

The two walked through the library of keys until they heard a familiar voice echoing throughout the library.

Violet: that?...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* It's most likely him

The two followed the voice until they saw Drake chained up next to another Inkling, causing them to look at him, completely confused.

Violet: Drake?

Drake: uuuuugh! Someone get me out of he-....Violet!!....*looks at Tadayoshi* and you -_-

Tadayoshi: Drake, what the fuck are you doing here?

Drake: uh....well you know those keys you took from me?

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Drake: those....were not mine

Tadayoshi: as expected

Drake: shut up!!

Tadayoshi: so I guess they really did belong to those 3 guys

Drake: actually no

Tadayoshi: what?

Drake nudged his head over to the figure that was chained up beside him while smirking at Tadayoshi and Violet.

Drake: this beautiful lady is the original owner of those keys


Violet walked over to the figure next to Drake and saw that it was a Inkling girl with galactic like tentacles.

Drake: she told me that those guys imprisoned her a while back and have been causing chaos to dimensions. She's the one that created the keys

Violet gently touched the Inklings face and stroked her cheek with her thumb as the two boys watched.

Violet: hey...are you ok?

The Inkling slowly opened her eyes and the two stared at each other for a little while before the Inkling began to glare at Violet.

???: Tadayoshi...and Violet.. do you...

Tadayoshi let out a sigh and held out the ring of keys to the woman, showing her all of the different keys.

???: his keys?

Tadayoshi: *nods* explain who exactly you are, lady

Violet summoned her scythe and sliced the chain's along with Drakes as well. The lady stumbled a bit and fell forward but Violet caught her and helped her stand.

???:.....*pant* Thea...I am the protector and creator of these dimensions....

Drake: is there a dimension where I'm king of all women?!!

Thea: *slowly nods*

Drake: fuck yeah!!


Thea: you two...I thank you both deeply...

Violet: no problem but how exactly did you know our names?

Thea: I've been watching you two for a while....I've seen your struggles....

Thea walked over to Tadayoshi and gently put her hand on his cheek, then gave him a look of pure sadness.

Thea: a boy who doesn't know who to trust anymore.....forever known as a disgrace to the darklings...shunned away ever since he was little


Thea looked at Violet and walked over to her, then gently rubbed on her head with a calm and soothing rhythm to make Violet feel safe.

Thea: a girl forever known as an experiment....tortured by her own sister and beaten down....forever known as a demon to anyone that crosses her path


Drake: *tsk*....that's lame

Tadayoshi:....*scoffs* If you knew that shit happened to us lady, why didn't you do anything to help us?

Thea let out a gentle smile and folded her hands together while speaking to Tadayoshi with a soft, womanly tone.

Thea: everyone experiences ups and downs Tadayoshi. Those ups and downs are what turn us into the people we are today; whether be good or bad

Tadayoshi: yeah and my downs made me 100% fucking miserable

Thea: are you sure you're 100% miserable?

Tadayoshi saw Thea nudge her head towards Violet, causing him to look away and sigh.

Tadayoshi:....I guess not....100%...

Tadayoshi walked over to Thea and handed her the ring of keys that belonged to Aldrich.

Tadayoshi: here

Thea handed them back to Tadayoshi and nodded at him.

Thea: do as you please with them, please...defeat Aldrich


Violet: can do!

Drake: uh....Aldrich isn't no joke you two. This guy has got shit that you've never seen

Violet: *rolls her eyes* yeah like spamming the same move over and over again

Violet/Tadayoshi: *fist bump*

Violet picked up Tadayoshis dimension key and tossed it, then looked back at Thea.

Violet: we'll defeat Aldrich for you Thea

Thea smiled at the two as they walked through the portal and Drake smirked at her while grabbing her tit.

Drake: so I've never fucked a dimensional goddess before~

Thea: *sigh* and you never will

Thea picked up Drake and tossed him into the portal that Tadayoshi and Violet went through, then saw the portal close.

Thea:.....I need a coffee...


This story is Interrupted by....a teaser?!

Alex was sitting next to Callie and Marie in Octo canyon with her agent 4 gear on and relaxing with them.

Alex: *stomach grumbles* ugh, I'm starving

Marie: same

Callie: if only we could order pizza or something

Cuddlefish: don't worry girls

Callie, Marie, and Alex looked over at the manhole and saw Captain Cuddlefish jump through.

Cuddlefish: I'll order us something once i get situated

Callie/Marie: GRAMPS!!

The two idols stood up and ran over to Cuddlefish, then gave him a big hug as Alex stood up and pointed at him, slightly confused.

Alex: that's Captain Cuddlefish?

Marie: yup, Gramps I'd like you to meet agent 4

Cuddlefish: so you're the one who saved my granddaughter from Octavio huh?

Alex: yup, it's nice to meet you mister Cuddlefish

Cuddlefish: it's nice to meet you as well

Callie: hey gramps? Where's 3?

The second Callie spoke, Tadayoshi jumped up through the manhole, wearing his signature agent 3 cape and gear, crossing his arms and letting out a sigh.

Callie: *gasp!* 3!! How have you been bud

Marie: *smirks* still as dull as always

Marie ruffled Tadayoshis tentacles, making him give her a look of annoyance before fixing them up again. Marie noticed that another figure was behind Tadayoshi, then looked at him slightly confused.

Marie: uh...who's behind ya, 3?

Cuddlefish: oh this is the newest member of the squidbeak splatoon, girls

Tadayoshi: *sigh* he's talking about you...

Violet slowly peeked from behind Tadayoshi and Callie, Marie, and Alex stood there in awe.

Cuddlefish: this is agent 8....

Callie: she's so cuuuute!!

Cuddlefish: also, agent 3?

Tadayoshi: hm?

Cuddlefish: Agent 8 will be staying at your apartment for a little while alright?

Tadayoshi:......(god...kill me...)


Winter jumped back and summoned an Ice wall in between her and Ferox, only to get it punched down. Winter saw Ferox throw a punch at her again, causing her to put her hands up and block it, but get knocked back in the process. Surin was quivering in fear and hiding behind a gaming booth on the boardwalk as she watched the two fight.

Winter: Surin! Help would be nice!

Surin: b-but I....think....*mumbles* you got this...

Ferox: *smirks* someone's a scaredy squid

Surin: *whimpers*

Winter summoned some ice daggers and pointed right at Ferox, making the daggers fly towards him. Ferox let out a little chuckle and quickly dodged the daggers with ease.

Ferox: looks like someone can't keep up

Winter: shut up

Ferox smiled and walked towards Winter slowly, making her put up her fists, ready to fight him; Ferox just put his hands in his pockets and shrugged at her.

Ferox: I obviously know you can't hit me, I'm too quick for ya sweetheart

Winter threw a punch and Ferox flashed away, then appeared behind her. He pulled a dagger of his own out from his pocket and gently held it up to Winters neck, smiling behind her.

Ferox: I could kill you right now, but that would be boring...*smirks* entertain me, girl

Ferox gently traced the knife on Winters neck, causing her to grit her teeth as her shoes started to flow with frost. She stomped on the ground and sharp ice pillars shot up from around her, causing Ferox to dash out of the way. Ferox looked at Winter to see that her eyes were pure white and the area around her was completely freezing cold.

Ferox: well this has gotten interesting

Meanwhile, Aldrich was standing on the boardwalk and looking over at the beach, where Terrence and Cherry were finally relaxing after defeating Jedrek.

Aldrich: they....defeated Jedrek...

Aldrich gritted his teeth and glared at the two Inklings, then raised his hand and made a simple finger gun gesture, then his finger tips began to glow as he pointed them at Cherry and Terrence.

Aldrich: I guess I'll have to do this myself...

Just as Aldrich was about to fire at the two, a hand grabbed onto his wrist and he gritted his teeth, then looked over to see Luna glaring at him.

Luna: and what do you think you're doing boy?

Aldrich grunted at Luna's tight grip, then he used his other hand and pressed his palm on her stomach.

Aldrich: Galactic force!!

Luna grunted as she felt Aldrich's move send a shockwave of pain throughout her body. Aldrich slipped his wrist out of her grip and jumped back from her while glaring at her, just as Luna gained her composer back.

Aldrich: my fight is not with you, woman. Leave

Aldrich saw Luna's body begin to flow with frost, then with a simple nudge of her finger, sent a large sharp ice pillar at Aldrich. Instead of being scared or worried, Aldrich just held out his hand as the pillar was coming straight towards him.

Aldrich: Galactic force...

A huge gust of force shot from Aldrich's hand and completely shattered the Ice coming towards him, causing Luna to summon and stab a Ice sword into the boardwalk to keep herself steady from the wind, but then her Ice sword shattered when the wind finally stopped.

Aldrich: you have no chance against me, give u-

Within a flash, Luna was right in front of Aldrich and glared at him, catching him off guard a bit.


Aldrich curled his fist and it began to glow as he got ready to punch Luna.

Aldrich: Galactic force!!

Luna dodged Aldrich's punch and saw a gust of force fly past her and completely destroy most of the boardwalk. When she looked back at Aldrich, she saw him getting ready to throw another punch, causing her to jump in the air as he punched again.

Luna: that power....

Aldrich saw Luna high in the air, then used one of his hands to make a finger gun gesture again, causing his fingers to glow.

Aldrich: Galactic bullet

Luna saw a sharp bullet of force shoot towards her from Aldrich, but she summoned a Ice shield and easily blocked it, along with the barrage of more force bullets that Aldrich was throwing at her. Luna dodged the bullets and summoned two ice swords. She landed next to Aldrich, cracking the ground a bit, then tripped him off of his feet. Luna spun her swords in her hands before piercing Aldrich with both of them, knocking him back and making him tumble on the ground.

Luna: you really believe that I'm afraid of you?

Aldrich stood up and pulled the two ice swords out of his body, then dropped them onto the ground.

Aldrich: no....but I'll change that


Winter blocked another punch from Ferox while letting out a grunt in frustration. Winters face was bloody and she had scratches and bruises all over her, while Ferox didn't have a single scratch on him.

Ferox: hm...looks like Aldrich is having some fun over there

Ferox gave Winter a look of pure disappointment as he saw her summon a spear made of ice and try to pierce him with it, but Ferox just grabbed Winters spear and kicked her away from it, taking it from her and making her fall to the ground.

Ferox: more fun than I'm having

Surin: Winter!

Winter wouldn't even stand up from how weak she was as Ferox let out a bored sigh and lifted the spear up, getting ready to stab Winters neck.

Ferox: I guess I'll join him but I'll finish you off first

Surin: d-don't touch her!!

Ferox looked over and saw Surin standing there, scared as ever.


Ferox walked towards Surin, causing her to shake more and more the closer he got towards her. Ferox stood right in front of her, then leaned down to her face and smirked at her.

Ferox: boo


Surin passed out and Ferox just laughed at her, then walked back over to Winter. He kneeled down to Winter and gave her a smile of sympathy.

Ferox: your death will be quick but quite painful, girl


Ferox lifted the spear and thrusted it downwards towards Winters neck, just as it was about to pierce her neck, a fist punched him in the face and knocked him away from Winter. Ferox caught himself and looked forward to see Surin standing in front of Winter, her multicolored eyes began to glow as she stared at Ferox with the look of death.

Ferox: *grunts* the hell?!



Ferox: well now shit's getting interesting!

Ferox threw the spear at Surin really fast, but she just held her hand out and gently palm struck the bottom of the sharp tip, causing it to flip in the air in front of her. Surin jumped up and kicked the spear right back at Ferox, causing him to dodge JUST in time, with the spear cutting his cheek a little.


Winter:....(...I knew she was strong)

Ferox: you've got some skills, girl. But let's see if you can keep up

Ferox flashed away and appeared behind Surin with his dagger in his hand. Just as he was about to stab Surin, she grabbed his wrist with both hands and flipped him over her, slamming him right into the ground.


Ferox gritted his teeth as he coughed up a little blood. He saw the glare from Surin's glowing eyes and stood up again while letting out a tiny chuckle.

Ferox: just got lucky! That's all


Ferox smirked and threw his dagger at Surin's face, but she caught it with two fingers, just as he dashed up to her and got ready to punch her. Surin dodged Ferox's punch and landed her own punch right to his jaw, knocking him back onto the boardwalk.

Ferox: *grunts* w-what the hell happened to her?!

Ferox saw Surin throw the dagger right back at him, but he dodged it and saw Surin running at him, getting ready to hit him.

Ferox:...hmph...looks like I got no choice..

Surin punched down on Ferox but he just....fazed away, Surin turned around and looked in all directions to see Ferox after images everywhere.

Ferox: face it, you can't win now essence.....

Ferox saw Surin close her eyes and take a deep breath before she placed her hands together.

Surin:....360 degree view...

Surin could now see and sense everything around her, making her get into a fighting stance and gesture Ferox to come at her.

Ferox: *scoffs* so what if you have good vision?! You can't even touch me!

All of the after images began running at Surin from all directions as Winter laid on the ground, helpless. Surin palm struck and elbowed any after image that ran at her. She grabbed one after image by the neck and slammed him to the ground, just as two other after images ran at her, but she dodged and kicked both of them in their faces.

Winter: I got to do....something...

Surin lands on the ground as the images continue to charge at her but Surin continues to block and destroy the images. Winter removes one of her gloves and sets her hand onto the ground

Winter: ice strike...

Suddenly the images disappears and the original forex was stuck frozen in the ground of ice underneath him

Forex: (What the hell?! I can't move?!)

He quickly looks back at winter who has ice crawling on the ground up from her hand

Forex: (That bitch!)

Suddenly he felt an intense aura behind him and turns his head around to see Surin glaring at him. Surin begins to send in massive quick punches at Forex's entire body then gives out the final punch against his stomach which he coughs out ink and breaks out of the ice beneath his feet


He weakly gets up but he felt his shoulder being touch by a cold hand.

Winter: don't worry... This will be nice and quick...

He looks at her arm that was touching his shoulder and begins to notice ice slowing crawling onto him as his arm begins to freeze

Forex: what... Are you...

Winter: Die... Cocky bastard...

The ice grows more and more all over his body as he felt the ice crawling onto his head and face

Forex: (why... Why is this happening... Master... I've been defeated... By these two mortals)

His body completely froze into an ice statue as if he was an iceberg

Winter: go ahead...

Surin walks up to the frozen forex and slowly reaches her hand up to it

Surin: vision essence... gentle touch...

She gently touches the ice Berge, which shatters into tiny bits, killing forex

Winter: it's done...

She notices surin collapsing onto the ground falling asleep. Winter walks up to her as lays beside her to rest

Winter: were you sleeping the whole time?...


Winter:....makes sense


Aldrich and Luna clash again while Aldrich was struggling but Luna gives him a calm smile

Aldrich: (h-how is she this strong?!...)

He pushes her back and jumps back as luna dusted herself off.

Aldrich: You're a strong woman!....Why haven't you killed me yet?

Luna: I'm just buying time

Aldrich: so you're just playing with me?!

Luna: you can put it that way

Aldrich grits his teeth and used one of his hands to make a finger gun gesture again, causing his fingers to glow again

Aldrich: Galactic bullet!

He shoots out a sharp bullet of force that was stronger than before and starts to fly towards her, but she stood a still and smiles. Suddenly a portal opens behind Luna as a pen and a scythe flies past her and destroys the bullet and strikes on Aldrich shoulders, sending him flying off the boardwalk and onto the sand.

Aldrich: these weapons...

The scythe disappears from his shoulder as the pen flies back to his owner.
Aldrich gets up to see Tadayoshi and Violet return

Luna: *tiny smile* welcome back you two

Violet: *smirks* we'll take care of this from now on

Aldrich: the weaklings have returned

Tadayoshi: (I believe I have something that will turn things around...)



Yo, just to let you guys know that the next chapter will be the final for the crossover but until then the next chapter release next week

Ok so important announcement guys!!

That teaser you read up there was actually something that we have been planning.

So Me and MIST8K are planning a collab spinoff that will be a completely separate book from this. The book will get updated once or twice a month and will not have any type of BIG plot or powers or anything like that. This book is just Tadayoshi as agent 3, Violet as agent 8, and Alex as agent 4, living normal lives while playing Turf war and salmon run. Tadayoshi won't have his harem and The Darklings will be the main antagonists of this side story but they won't be evil and kill anyone; rather they will be professional Turf war players that Tadayoshi has sworn to take down. So please comment if you believe this is a good idea or a bad idea, every vote matters because we aren't 100% sure if we will do this side story or not, so having your opinion will really help.

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