Chapter 110: Beach Day

Within Tadayoshis dimension, everyone was hanging out together and having fun, and under an umbrella, Violet and Tadayoshi were sitting next to eachother and looking at the two keys. One of the keys was white and had demon horns on it while the other was pure black with shading of red. white key brings us to my dimension?....and this Black key brings us to your dimension?

Tadayoshi: i guess so..

Tadayoshi was wearing a simple pair of black swim trunks while Violet was wearing a black 2 piece swimsuit. The two were sitting on top of a towel together as Violet pulled out a water bottle and handed it to Tadayoshi.

Tadayoshi: *nods* thanks

Violet: no prob

The two sat back and watched the idols, agents, and Archdemons have fun at the sea with all the other cephalopods.

Violet: so we really do have the same harem huh?

Tadayoshi: Mhm *sip*

Ellie and Bridgett were hanging out together and building a sand castle and Bridgett put the last remaining bucket of sand at the very top.

Bridgett: Bam! Finally done!

Ellie: hmmmm...

Bridgett: is something wrong, Ellie?

Ellie:.....hey Bridgett?

Bridgett: hm?

Ellie: *smirks* do you wanna see something cool?!

Bridgett: heck yeah!!

Ellies horn on her forehead began to glow white and she held out her hand. A pair of gigantic scissors appeared in her hand and Bridgett sat there as her jaw dropped.

Bridgett: wooooooah!!

Ellie opened up the giant scissors and began to snip around the sand castle very fast, making sand fly everywhere and making Bridgett cover her eyes.

Ellie: alright I'm done

Bridgett uncovered her eyes and saw the beautifully sculpted sand castle with tiny little details.


Ellie: look i even put a princess on top of the castle, And i made a little drawbridge

Bridgett: Ellie how did you do that so fast?

The two stood up and Ellie stabbed her scissors into the sand and leaned on them like a "cool kid".

Ellie: just some training Bridgett

Bridgett: where did you get those huge scissors from?

Ellie: from my scar, it's my main weapon

Bridgett: woah! Can i hold them?

Ellie pulled her scissors out of the sand and walked over to Bridgett, who was holding her hands out, ready to hold the scissors.

Ellie: careful Bridgett, they might be quite heavy to you

Bridgett: *smiles* I can handle them

Ellie placed the scissors in Bridgetts hands and gave her one last look while slightly tilting her head.

Ellie: I'm gonna let go now ok?

Bridgett: Mhm! I can do thi-

Ellie let go of the scissors and the second she did, Bridgetts whole body fell foward into the sand along with the scissors.


Ellie: told ya

Amelia: what happened?

Ellie looked over and saw Amelia walking over to her and Bridgett, who was still face down in the sand.

Ellie: she wanted to hold my scissors

Amelia: those are some big ass scissors...

Amelia walked over to the scissors above Bridgetts hands and she grabbed onto the two handles, then began to pull as hard as she could, only lifting the scissors up a little bit.

Amelia: my god! Why are they so heavy?!

Ellie: all scar weapons are heavy

Ellie grabbed the pair of scissors with 1 hand and lifted them up off of Bridgetts hands, making Amelia just....stare at her concerned.

Amelia: old are you?

Ellie: *smiles* I'm 12


Bridgett lifted her head out of the sand and stood up while letting out a whimper. Ellies scissors dissapeared and she walked over to Bridgett.

Ellie: sorry Bridgett

Bridgett: it's ok

Luna: so these are the alternative versions of Chloe and Olivia?

The 3 looked over and saw Luna in a nice 1 piece swimsuit and Ellie smiled at her.

Ellie: yeah they are

Amelia: Chloe and Olivia?

Ellie: they're the agent 3 and 8 from our dimension

Bridgett: oooh! I wanna meet myself!

Then, out of nowhere, a loud slap was heard and Luna turned around to see Angelica standing behind her and giggling.

Angelica: tag! you're it Luna!


Angelica ran off, and with a simple step, Luna flashed in front of Angelica with a look of death. Luna kicked Angelica in the air, then jumped in the air after her and raised her hand like she was about to bitch slap her.


Luna slapped Angelicas back so hard that she plummeted straight down into the water as Amelia, Bridgett, and Ellie stood there completely scared to death. Luna landed on the sand and walked over to the group of 3 again.

Luna: my apologies

Ellie: Angelica ok?

Luna: *shrugs*

Angelicas body was floating on top of the water and Surin gently tapped her on the head.

Surin: A-Angelica?

Angelica lifted her face up and saw Surin giving her a look of concern,causing her to smirk.

Surin: are you ok?

Angelica: hell yeah! That was awesome!

Angelica began to swim away from Surin and she saw a giant red hand print on her back.


Violet:I'm glad that everyone is getting along though

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Callie: so...

Violet and Tadayoshi turned their heads and saw the idols and agents standing there and glaring at Violet.

Marie: you're Tadayoshi's "friend"

Violet: yup, it's nice to meet you girls

Callie: yeah yeah whatever, just to let you know.....

Marina: w-we won't lose to you!


Tadayoshi: don't pay attention to them Violet....*sigh* they're like this to every girl I talk to

Pearl: no we're not!!

Tadayoshi: -_-

Amelia:...*sigh* at least you're home Tadayoshi

Marie: yeah when you came through that portal you never really....explained where u were

Callie: yeah

Pearl: *looks at Violet* and someone just wanted to randomly go to the beach -_-


Tadayoshi: I explained the key situation to you guys already and i said that i was in Violets dimension

Amelia: so those keys can just transport you guys to different dimensions?

Violet: yeah

Tadayoshi: one key takes us to her dimension and another takes us to mine


All the girls walked away and got into a group huddle as Tadayoshi and Violet just looked at eachother confused.

Amelia: yeah he used that key and went to Violets dimension to get laid

Callie: I can believe it, just look at her

All the girls looked at Violet who was drinking from a bottle of water along with Tadayoshi.

Pearl: she has some big tits....

Marina: i uh....agree...

Tracer: she's kinda hot...

Marie: girls we have to do something before Violet winds up beating all of us-

Tadayoshi: I might as well go for a swim

All of the girls looked back to see Tadayoshi about to stand up from the towel but Violet grabbed his wrist.

Violet: hold on

Violet grabbed some sun tan lotion and shot some in her hand.

Violet: i don't want u getting sunburn; sit down

Tadayoshi sat back down and Violet began rubbing the lotion all over his back as all the girls just glared at Violet with the look of death.

Violet: now turn around

Tadayoshi turned around and Violet rubbed lotion on his chest, then on his cheeks, then booped his nose.

Violet: done


Marie: I think i popped a blood vessel....

Tadayoshi:......*sigh* give me the bottle

Violet:'s ok Tadayoshi, I can lotion myself

Tadayoshi snatched the bottle of sun tan lotion and glared at Violet.

Tadayoshi: turn around

Violet was silent for a bit as she turned around and all of the girls just stood there as Tadayoshi rubbed her back with sun tan lotion.

Callie: hmph....Tadayoshi didn't ask if he could put sun tan lotion on me...

Tadayoshi rubbed the lotion on Violets back, then handed her the bottle.

Tadayoshi: you can do the front, I'm not touching your breasts

Violet: *smiles* thanks

As Violet rubbed the front of her body, Tadayoshi stood up and walked away towards the water, he stepped into the water and the second he did, all of the idols and agents dashed at him and hugged him.

Callie: swim with us!

Pearl: yeah!

Tadayoshi: uh.......ok?

Tadayoshi swam along with his harem as Violet finally stood up and walked from under the umbrella.

Violet: time to have some fun

Violet saw Tadayoshi swimming along with his harem and she let out a gentle smile, then felt a tap on her back and saw Cherry in her 1 piece, cute swimsuit along with Ellie and Luna.

Violet: hey you guys

Cherry: *nods* mm

Ellie: hi Violet!


Violet saw Luna crossing her arms and looking down at the ground slightly. Violet assumed that Luna was in deep thought so she walked up to Luna and booped her nose.

Violet: something on your mind, Luna?'s just....Yufine...

Ellie: what about her?

Luna: her power must've grown ever since me and her fought 20 years ago....I fear for all of our lives

Violet: I'm sure we'll be ok Luna

Cherry: I doubt tree was chopped down and now we don't have access to the golden petals

Luna: Cherry is correct, when we fight Yufine...we can't be reckless


Luna: but for now....we can just relax

Angelica: whatcha guys talkin about?

Violet felt Angelica hug her from behind and smirk at all of them. Cherry walked over to Angelica and wacked her on the head with her sheath.

Angelica: owie!

Cherry: get off the demon

Angelica: this is my Boo! Find your own!

Cherry: *glares* that's my demon

Angelica: hmph! Let's go swim, Boo

Angelica grabbed Violets hand and Cherry grabbed her other hand. The two glared at each other. They walked into the water with Violet and began to swim with her, with Angelica swimming underwater and grabbing sea shells. Violet sighed and laid on her back, and rested on the water, looking up at the clouds.

Angelica: *gasp* Boo I found a little hermit crab!


Angelica gave a devilish smirk, then swam past Violet, towards Cherry. Violet looked at Angelica and began to get a little worried.

Violet: Angelica?

Angelica got behind Cherry and grabbed her one piece swim suit, then dropped the hermit crab inside of her suit. The hermit crab began to snip Cherry and she gritted her teeth in pain as she tried to get the hermit crab out of her suit.

Angelica: BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Cherry grabbed the hermit crab and yeeted it away from her, then looked at Angelica who was swimming away from her, then ran onto the shore. Cherry swam after her and ran onto the shore after her, only to see Angelica hide behind Luna.

Luna: *sigh* calm down Cherry


Angelica: hmhmhm!

Luna punched Angelica on the head and knocked her face first into the sand while glaring at her like a mother.

Luna: and you stop acting like a child

Angelica:....ow....*spits out sand*

Cherry sighed and she felt a tap on her shoulder, then turned to see Terrence and Yui looking at her.

Terrence: wanna go grab some grub with us?

Cherry: I'm fine

Terrence: you sure

Yui: she's not hungry senpai

Yui grabbed Terrence's hand and walked away with him while smiling.

Yui: let's go

Cherry: *rolls her eyes*

Tadayoshi was trying to relax in the water until he was tapped on the face, then slowly opened his eyes to see Callie smiling at him.

Callie: come on, let's play around a little~

Tadayoshi:....*swims away*

Callie: hey!

Tadayoshi swam away from Callie until he saw Violet relaxing in the water all by herself. Tadayoshi swam towards her and gently poked her cheek, making her open her eyes and look at him.

Violet: hm?

Tadayoshi: *sigh* just checking if you're dead or not

Violet: of course you would

Tadayoshi: I just want to relax

Violet: well physically relax? Or mentally?

Tadayoshi: mentally

Violet: well..

Violet stopped floating on her back and pointed towards the beach while giving him a delicate smile.

Violet: wanna go hang out on the boardwalk? Maybe Play some games and stuff?

Tadayoshi: *shrugs* might as well

Callie and the other gals watched as Violet and Tadayoshi swam out of the water and walked onto the shore together, towards the board walk.


Pearl: did we already lose?

Tracer: I mean....looks like she's a part of the harem now

After changing into their normal clothes, Violet and Tadayoshi began to walk on the board walk while looking in the sky to see the sun setting.

Violet: looks like everyone else will join us on the boardwalk soon

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Violet: so what's the plan?

Tadayoshi: *shrugs* doesn't really matter

Violet looked around and saw an arcade, then pointed towards it.

Violet: how about the Arcade?

Tadayoshi: lead the way

Violet smiled at him and walked inside with Tadayoshi walking next to her. The two saw a bunch of kids and arcade games while the inside itself gave off a super colorful and flashy esthetic.

Violet:'s been a little while since I've been to an arcade

Tadayoshi: same

Violet: let's go buy our tokens

The two walked over to the counter to see a cashier that looked super fucking miserable. Tadayoshi handed the guy 20 dollars and he handed them a bag of tokens.

Cashier: have fun...or whatever

The two walked away and looked around for a game to play until Violet saw an air hockey table and smiled.

Violet: hell yeah! Air hockey!

Violet grabbed two tokens out of the bag and handed one to Tadayoshi.

Violet: *smirks* you down to get your ass beat?

Tadayoshi: *takes the token* you're funny

The two placed their tokens in and the game started up, then they grabbed their pushers and Violet grabbed the puck and served it.

Violet: so....*hit*...Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: *hit* hm?

Violet: *hit* what's your....main goal?

Tadayoshi: *hit* to kill mask....

Violet: *hit* who's mask?

Tadayoshi: *hit* the leader of a very bad group of cephalopods called the darklings.....

Violet: the darklings?...*hit* tell me about them

Tadayoshi: they cause a ton of trouble...*hit* and are super powerful...

Violet: *hit* I'm guessing they all have black tentacles or something?

Tadayoshi: *hit* most of them, yeah

Violet: *hit* well....did Mask do something to you?....or did you do something to him?

Tadayoshi stopped and the puck went in for a goal, giving Violet 1 point.

Tadayoshi:....*sigh*....he wants my head...because he said I betrayed him

Violet: wait what did you do?

Tadayoshi: Well....I was a former darkling....but I quit because I realized what I was doing was terrible....and I was a pawn in Mask's game

Tadayoshi picked up the puck and served it again as Violet looked at him really concerned.



Violet lifted up her pusher and stopped the puck with it, then the two just...stared at eachother.

Violet:....Tadayoshi....if you want....I can help you beat Mask...


Violet: I don't want you to get hurt...

Tadayoshi: it's fine Violet; I wanna do this myself

Violet: are you sure?

Tadayoshi: *nods* and I know you have your own problems to deal with

Violet: well....*sigh* yeah..

Tadayoshi: care to elaborate?

Violet: it's just....this woman named Yufine is out to kill all of us....

Tadayoshi: well Luna can take care of it right.

Violet: well....20 years ago....Yufine dominated Luna...


Violet: I don't think I'm gonna make it out of this one alive.....

Violet felt Tadayoshi's pusher hit her on the forehead and she yelped a little before covering her head.

Violet: ow!

Tadayoshi: don't say shit like that


Tadayoshi: now hand me my pusher and let's continue playing.


This story is interrupted by Chibi Tadayoshi balancing a bunch of books on top of Chibi Violets horns.


Some time has passed and the sun has set, and the beautiful lights of the boardwalk games and rides lit up. All of Tadayoshi's harem girls and Violets scar friends all were relaxing in front of a pizza shop with their normal clothes on. Violet bit down on a slice of pizza as Tadayoshi drank some tea and Winter was nibbling on her own slice of pizza while Surin was eating pizza next to her.

Surin: t-this pizza is good

Winter: yes *nom*

Luna took a tiny bite from her pizza slice as Ellie was chowing down, making Luna look at her a bit concerned.

Luna: don't eat too fast, Eleanor

Ellie: *nom* but this pizza is amazing!

Tadayoshi took another sip of his tea as all of his harem girls were sitting near him and eating their own slices of pizza, with Callie obviously scarfing hers down.'re gonna choke...

Callie: no I'm...*cough* HACK!!!

Amelia patted Callie's back as she coughed and she let out a little sigh.

Amelia: i believe I've had enough pizza

Bridgett: me too

Tracer: same, I'm stuffed

All of Tadayoshis harem girls stood up and stretched a little before grabbing Tadayoshi.

Pearl: let's go play some games before we head home

Bridgett: yeah Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: I guess..

Tadayoshi stood up along with Violet and the rest of her friends. Everyone threw away their food and walked along the board walk as Violet was looking up at the night sky. beautiful....

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Tracer: so what game do you wanna play first Tadayoshi?

???1: I believe you won't be playing any games...

Everyone saw 3 figures standing in front of them and glaring them down. On the boardwalk while Inklings and Octolings passed by.

Pearl: excuse me?

???2: you heard him, short stack

???3: don't question him

???1: Tadayoshi.....Violet...

Violet: how do you know our names?

???1: a simple friend of yours told me

Tadayoshi: and who the hell are you?

???1: oh, my apologies.

The Inkling man lifted his hands and crossed his arms as the other two beings glared at Tadayoshi and Violet.

Aldrich: my name is Aldrich...and these two gentlemen are my comrades; Ferox and Jedrek

Ferox: *smirks* yup

Jedrek: hmph

Aldrich: and...I believe you two have something that belongs to us

Aldrich held out his hand and Violet felt in her pocket to notice the keys in her possession.

Aldrich: my keys Violet.....give them to me

Violet:....*glares* No

Aldrich:...I beg your pardon?

Tadayoshi: Violet what are you doin-

Violet: Tadayoshi, look at them, they're obviously giving off bad vibes

Violet looked at the 3 Cephalopods and crossed her arms at them.

Violet: like hell I'd give these keys to some random strangers

Aldrich:.....I see....*sigh* well it looks like we'll have to kill you

Violet:.....wait what?

Cherry and Terrence walked in front of Violet and Tadayoshi, then pulled out their katanas. Winter dragged Surin up to Tadayoshi and Violet, then stood in front of them as well.

Cherry: I'd like to see you try

Terrence: why don't you leave us alone?!

Winter: disgraceful

Surin: *whimpers*

Aldrich:..... Jedrek, Ferox.....take care of these 4

Jedrek: *cracks his knuckles* with pleasure

Ferox: this is gonna be too easy

Cherry dashed at Jedrek and swung her katana at him, then Jedrek put up his arm to block her strike, making Cherry cut into his arm but bairly.


Jedrek laughed a little, then punched Cherry right in the stomach, making her fly back with her katana, onto the beach.

Terrence: Cherry!!

Cherry fell towards the sand, but landed on her feet as Jedrek jumped down right in front of her.

Jedrek: you really think you can defeat me huh?

Cherry: *glares* Obviously

Jedrek: *snickers* aw come on, don't make me laugh now

Terrence: don't underestimate her!!

Jedrek turned around to see Terrence jump at him and swing his katana right at his neck. Terrence cut into Jedrek's neck but not far at all, and Terrence's eyes widened in shock.

Terrence:....h-how did my blade not....cut through him?....


Terrence saw Jedrek throw a punch at him but Terrence pulled his katana out of Jedrek's neck and flipped away from him, dodging the punch.

Jedrek: feels good to have thick skin


Jedrek: your blades are useless

Jedrek laughed as Ferox dashed at Surin and was about to throw a punch at her, but Winter summoned a thin wall of ice, protecting Surin.

Winter: Surin, get up and stop being a coward

Surin: b-but I...don't wanna fight....

Ferox eventually punched through the thin wall of ice and punched Winter in the face, sending her backwards on the boardwalk. Inklinlgs and Octolings screamed and ran for their lives as Aldrich snapped his fingers and a portal opened behind him, then a gigantic Golem walked through the portal and looked down at Violet and Tadayoshi.

Angelica: woooooah! It's a stone Golem!!

Angelica ran up to the Golem and smiled up at it as everyone stared at her.

Angelica: heyo!!

The stone Golem looked down at Angelica as she waved at it.

Angelica: guys isn't this super coo-

Just then, the Golems giant fists crushed Angelicas head in front of everyone; splattering blood everywhere and all of the harem girls stared in disbelief as Angelicas headless body fell to the ground.

Harem girls:.....AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

Tadayoshi:......what the fuck.....

Tadayoshi looked at at Violet to see her stretching without a single care in the world.

Tadayoshi: your friend just died ya know

Violet: no she didn't

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: she's fine, look

Tadayoshi saw Angelicas headless body stand back up and throw a punch at the Golem, knocking him back.

Tadayoshi/his harem:..........

Angelicas head grew back and she let out a giggle as Aldrich looked at Angelica, a bit interested.

Aldrich: fascinating.... did she.....

Violet: *smirks* she's immortal

Ellie: Mhm, no matter what you do, she won't die

The Golem tumbled on the boardwalk and Angelica walked towards him and summoned her claws from her scar.

Angelica: alright rocky buddy, let's get wild!!

Luna stood in front of Tadayoshis harem and gestured them to follow her.

Luna: I'll take you all to safety, follow

Callie: safety?! Woman, do you know who we are?!

Luna: normal mortals, now follow me

All of the harem girls followed Luna as Aldrich walked towards Violet and Tadayoshi, then stood right in front of Tadayoshi and glared at him, face to face.

Aldrich: I'll ask one last time, give me the keys

Tadayoshi: no

Violet: fuck off man

Aldrich:....I see....have it your way...

Aldrich pulled out a pocket knife and thrusted it towards Tadayoshis stomach but just as it was about to hit him, Tadayoshi grabbed his wrist and glared at him.

Tadayoshi used his other hand and threw a punch at Aldrich, but he ducked under Tadayoshi's punch and pulled his hand back from Tadayoshi's grasp. Aldrich thrusted his blade upwards at Tadayoshi's face and Tadayoshi moved his face a little too late, letting Aldrich bairly slice his cheek.

Tadayoshi: *grunts*

Aldrich jumped back and Tadayoshi felt his cheek, then looked at his fingers to see his own blood.

Violet: are you ok Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi:......*nods*...I'm fine

Violet glared at Aldrich and her scar on her cheek began to glow, she held her hand out and summoned her Scythe.

Aldrich: the woman dares to challenge me as well...

Violet dashed at Aldrich and swung her scythe at him, making him jump backwards to dodge it. Aldrich curled his fists and got into a fighting position. Violet dashed at him again, only to get punched in the face when Aldrich dodged one of her swings. Violets nose was bleeding as Aldrich gestured her to come at him. Violet grunted and dashed at him again, swinging her Scythe but only to have Aldrich dodge them.

Aldrich: pathetic

Violet: oh really?

Violet tripped Aldrich off his feet, then curled her fist and punched Aldrich dead in the face and slammed him into the ground.

Violet: How's that for pathetic!!

Aldrich was on the ground as Violets fist was right on his cheek, he looked at Violet and glared at her with the sign of death.

Aldrich: don't underestimate me, girl!

Violet saw Aldrich's body glow blue and he erupted in power, knocking Violet back, but she was caught by Tadayoshi.

Violet: thanks

Tadayoshi: *nods* mm

Aldrich was glowing with blue aura as Tadayoshi and Violet glared at him, then nodded at eachother. Aldrich summoned a blade made of pure blue aura and gestured Violet and Tadayoshi to come at him. Tadayoshi pulls out his pen and ran towards Aldrich with Violet by his side, then the two began ro rapidly attack Aldrich. He blocked their attacks with ease, then kicked Tadayoshi back and tried to stab Violet in the head, but Violet dodged and threw a punch at him, but Aldrich held his hand out and whispered 2 words.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier

A crystal clear barrier formed where Aldrich's hand was and Violet punched the barrier, making it blast her back and she tumbled to the ground. Aldrich's blade dissapeared and he looked over to see Tadayoshi standing back up, then Aldrich smirked at him.

Aldrich: I guess I'll take you out first, boy

Aldrich dashed at Tadayoshi and curled his fist as Violet saw him and quickly ran towards them.

Violet: Tadayoshi!!!!

Violet ran and pushed Tadayoshi out of the way, making Aldrich pierce right through her stomach with his fist. Tadayoshi tumbled on the ground and looked back over to see Violet bleeding and Aldrich smirking at her. Tadayoshi then noticed a huge ring of keys that were hanging on his waist and glared at them.

Aldrich: sacrifice....pathetic

Violet grabbed his arm that was in her stomach and gritted her teeth in anger, then Aldrich sighed as he saw Violet try to rip his arm off.

Aldrich: galactic barrier

Violet was pushed back and tumbled to the ground as Aldrich looked at the blood on his hand and arm. Tadayoshi ran towards Violet and saw her struggling to stand up.

Tadayoshi: Violet are yo-

Violet: I'm fine.......I've been through worse

The hole in Violets stomach healed and Aldrich looked at them, then gestured them to come at him.

Violet and Tadayoshi dashed at Aldrich and Tadayoshi saw Aldrich hold his hand out again.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier

The crystal clear barrier appeared and Tadayoshi pierced his pen in it, noticing that he wasn't even making a scratch in it.

Tadayoshi: *grunt*...come on pen!....

Tadayoshi pushed his pen as hard as he could to try and pierce the barrier, but when he looked at his pen, he noticed that the metal tip was cracking a bit, making Tadayoshi jump back and look at the tip of his pen.

Tadayoshi: it.....cracked......

Tadayoshi sighed and put his pen away as Violet was throwing rapid slashes at Aldrich's barrier. Violet got knocked back by the force of the barrier and her Scythe fell out of her hand. Violet looked at Aldrich to notice him dashing at her again. Aldrich summoned his sword and tried to stab Violet, but she rolled on the ground and dodge it. Violet stood back up and saw Tadayoshi running at Aldrich from behind, but Aldrich put his hand behind him and out at Tadayoshi.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier

Tadayoshi punched Aldrich's barrier and it knocked him back, right into the Arcade. Violet clenched her fists tightly at Aldrich as he dashed at her with his blade and Violets scythe flashed from off the ground and fazed into her hand again, then clashed with him.

Aldrich: give me the keys

Violet: fuck you!

The two began clashing over and over at each other, with Aldrich landing some devastating slashes against Violet, severely cutting her. Violet healed her wounds but could feel herself getting weaker and weaker from her healing.

Aldrich: *sigh* let's finish this

Aldrich grabbed Violets face and her eyes turned blue as he smirked at her, getting into her head and thoughts.

*Violets vision Flashback*

Little Violet was chained up in a chair while beaten and bruised to all hell. She looked in front of her and saw a Octoling with cyan tentacles, putting some blue liquid into a syringe.


Syndel looked at her younger sister and walked over to her, then slowly grabbed onto her head.

Syndel: 24 hours have passed....and you know what that means

Violet: please.......I don't.......

Syndel used two fingers and pushed open Violets eyelids, exposing her eye, then she used the syringe and slowly pierced it into the flesh under Violets eye, making her scream in pain and try to move, but Syndel smirked at her as she injected the liquid into her.

Syndel: don't squirm too much....we don't want the needle to break off and get stuck in do we?

Violet tried to hold still as she felt the liquid get injected into her. She began to feel Syndel pulled out the Syringe and Violets scar on her cheek stopped glowing, completely shutting down her powers.

Syndel: it's been 2 months since we started this....I'm surprised you're not dead yet...

Syndel crouched down and looked her sister in the eyes, making her shake in fear.

Syndel: the a really divine power....and'll be mine

*Flashback end*

Tadayoshi stood up and limped out of the Arcade to see Aldrich smirking at Violet while having his hand on her head.

Aldrich: your past truly was upsetting.....let me put you out of your misery

Tadayoshi saw Aldrich pierce Violet with his blade and he stood there as Aldrich then kicked her off of the boardwalk.


Aldrich: she was pathetic anyway

Tadayoshi clenched his fists and his eyes turned red as he glared at Aldrich. Tadayoshi dashed at Aldrich and he held out his hand at Tadayoshi.

Aldrich: Galactic barri-

Tadayoshi punched Aldrich right in the face and he was knocked back onto the boardwalk, then tumbled on the ground. Aldrich grunted and looked right at Tadayoshi to see his pure red glowing eyes with ink flowing off his body.

Aldrich: so this is pure rage.....

Tadayoshi dashed at Aldrich and clenched his fist at him, making Aldrich hold out his hand again.

Aldrich: *grunts* Galactic bar-

Tadayoshi punched Aldrich in the face again, right into the ground. Tadayoshis fist was pushing Aldrich deeper and deeper into the hard wood. Aldrich grunted and placed his hand right on Tadayoshis chest.

Aldrich: Galactic force!

Tadayoshi was shoved back with so much force that flew away from Aldrich, but caught himself while gritting his teeth in rage. Aldrich stood up and dusted himself off as Tadayoshi was coughing up blood a little from the push of Aldrich. Violet was laying in the sand and looking up at the stars as her vision slowly began to fade, she reached up at the stars and tears flowed down her face.

Violet: (I feel so.....weak....)

Violet saw a completely black Octoling looking down at her. The Octoling looked like it was made of mist....and it had glowing white eyes..


Cracks started to form around Violets eyes and the huge stab wound healed completely.....but not from Violets regular healing was black mist that seeped out of the wound and sealed it back up for her. Violet opened her eyes completely as mist seeped out of the cracks on her face.

Aldrich: you're just as pathetic as Violet

Tadayoshi put something in his pocket without Aldrich noticing and his rage form went away, letting him gain consciousness again. Out of the corner of Tadayoshis eye, he saw black mist creeping from under the boardwalk, he saw a figure jump back onto the boardwalk and land right in front of him.


Tadayoshi noticed that Violet was different.....really different....Tadayoshi saw the mist creeping from Violet herself.

Aldrich: looks like you're still alive

Violet did not say a single word besides raising her hand in the air and mumbling 2 words.

Violet:.....Archdemon essence......

A black sphere formed in Violets hand and black mist flowed from out of her eyes even more.

Violet:....dissipation sphere.....

Violet threw the sphere at Aldrich and he summoned his blade and blocked the sphere, but the sphere completely disintegrated his blade.

Aldrich: w-what?

Violet dashed at Aldrich and he noticed her getting ready for another attack, Aldrich noticed that Violet was slower then Tadayoshi so he smirked and held out his hand.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier

The crystal clear barrier formed in front of Aldrich and Violet punched the barrier with her bare fist. Aldrich noticed that Violets mist was creeping on the floor where he was; he looked at Violet and saw her body faze into mist, shocking him.

Aldrich: w-where did she?.....

Violet reappeared behind Aldrich and he noticed her just in time, then held out his hand.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier

The barrier appeared just in time to block Violets punch again. She fazed into mist again and appeared next to Aldrich instead.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier!

Tadayoshi watched as Violet fazed all around Aldrich and he blocked her punches, the punches had so much force that Aldrich was actually getting knocked back in all directions. going on with her?

All of the mist disappeared and Violet appeared right in front of Aldrich, then clenched her fist as hard as she could.

Aldrich: Galactic barrier!!

The barrier appeared and Violet punched it, sending a shockwave and pushing Aldrich back a little. Violet gritted her teeth and pushed her bloody fist harder into the barrier, cracking it a little and eventually breaking straight through it to Aldrich.

Aldrich: W-What?!

Violet punched Aldrich in the face and slammed him into the boardwalk, cracking it completely. Tadayoshi saw Violet let out a roar like she was some type The mist and Violets cracks disappeared and she fell backwards but Tadayoshi ran over and caught her, he noticed how Violet has bruises and deep cuts all around her body, then he thought to himself before letting out a nod.

Tadayoshi: (....looks like we have to retreat for now)

Tadayoshi began to run away with Violet as Aldrich got up and gritted his teeth at them, his whole body erupted with blue aura and he began to chase after them. Aldrich's eyes widened when he saw Tadayoshi pull out his ring of keys from his pocket.

Aldrich: h-how did he?!

Tadayoshi took a random key from off the ring and chucked it in front of him, creating a portal.

Aldrich: NOOOOOO!!!!

Tadayoshi and Violet escaped through the portal and just as Aldrich was gonna get through it, the portal vanished. two have no idea what you're messing with


Tadayoshi fell through the portal as it closed behind him, he noticed that he was in a trashy abandoned building, there was rubble everywhere and broken windows.

Tadayoshi: what dimension did we...end up at?

Tadayoshi gently placed the unconscious Octoling down and he heard loud noises coming from outside. Tadayoshi looked out a window and noticed a gigantic robot covered in green Ink goop. Within that robot, Tadayoshi saw a familiar telephone controlling it. Tadayoshi looked down and saw Inkopolis near him, but Inkopolis looked really dead.......and empty.

Tadayoshi: this must be the world....if that stupid telephone actually took over......

Tadayoshi noticed that there were Inklings on the outskirts of the building but they were covered in green goop and looked like lifeless zombies. Tadayoshi sighed and sat down while holding his chest in pain.

Tadayoshi: that Galactic force move really fucking hurt.....

Tadayoshi heard a groan and looked over to see Violet waking up and then began looking at her surroundings.

Violet: where....are we?....

Tadayoshi: in another dimension

Violet: b-but how? I thought that the two keys we had could only transport us to our dimensions only

Tadayoshi: well i managed to grab these

Tadayoshi held out Aldrich's ring of different looking keys and Violet finally began to realize what exactly was going on.

Violet: Aldrich....wait....TADAYOSHI WE NEED TO GO BACK NOW!

Tadayoshi: we can't....not yet

Violet began to freak out until Tadayoshi walked over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders.

Tadayoshi: Violet! Look at yourself!

Violet finally calmed down and looked down to notice that she had deep cuts and bruises through her now cut up clothes.

Tadayoshi: we're in no shape to fight right now......we should rest....

Violet: but....

Tadayoshi: Violet......just sit down....

Violet thought for a minute before finally giving in and sitting down on the floor and Tadayoshi sat down next to her. The two sat in silence for a while before Tadayoshi looked at Violet in concern.

Tadayoshi: I have a question...


Tadayoshi: why did you protect me back there?

Violet: what do you mean?

Tadayoshi: when Aldrich was about to punch pushed me out of the way and took the blow for me....why?

Violet was looking at Tadayoshi slightly concerned herself but then looked away from him and down at the ground as she hugged her knees to her chest.

Violet: I noticed how much the girls really love you....and if you were to get hurt....or killed....

Tadayoshi saw a tear flowing down Violets cheek then drop off of her face and fall onto the ground.

Violet: I.....would have to live with that guilt.....that I couldn't protect you......and it would be all my fault

Violet slowly began to cry to herself and Tadayoshi began to really feel bad for her as he watched her tears hit the ground.

Violet: I' scared of everything.......I never wanted to become a sister tortured me.....for 3 months......sticking needles under my eye.......cutting me to test my healing factor........keeping me chained up and locked away in a dark room.....


Violet: when i finally escaped....I was homeless......and joined the Octoling army......just so I would have a nice bed and food......


Violet: and now I'm probably going to the hands of Yufine.........I hate my life.......I hate who I am-

Violet felt Tadayoshi grab her head and pull her into his chest for a hug. She was shocked at first, but then accepted his hug and cried into his chest.

Tadayoshi: It's're not alone....and definitely not the only one here with a shitty past...

Tadayoshi shed a couple tears of his own as he let out a sigh and hugged the Octo demon close to him.

Tadayoshi: we'll protect each other alright?

Violet finally stopped crying and let out an adorable "Mhm" and Tadayoshi slowly let her go and the two wiped their tears away.

Violet: I never thought I'd see you cry

Tadayoshi: shut up...

Tadayoshi looked at the ring of keys and picked out a random one.

Tadayoshi: how about we find a hotel in one of these dimensions to rest?

Violet: you sure? Would if they need us?

Tadayoshi: we can't doubt them

Tadayoshi threw the key and a portal opened up.

Tadayoshi: let's go


*chapterly art*

- Black Violet and Tadayoshi

Some fanart from _MIST8K_s friend


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