Chapter 108: Double Demon hangout

The sun rose for another day within the scar base and shined within Tadayoshis room, right onto his face. Tadayoshi let out a grunt and slowly opened his eyes, then leaned up from the bed.

Tadayoshi:....wait....this isn't my-

Tadayoshi looked around and saw that he wasn't in his original room, then let out a sigh.

Tadayoshi: looks like that whole dimension situation wasn't a dream......

Tadayoshi stood up and walked out of his dorm room, then saw a little Octoling girl in a night gown, holding a Octoling womans hand and walking down the hallway together, while both having demon tails and horns.

Tadayoshi:......"looks like Violet isn't the only demon girl around here..."

Tadayoshi saw the Octoling woman walk up to him while guiding the little girl along with her.

???: so you must be Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: uh...yeah...and who are you?

Luna: my name is Luna, I am the Archdemon Queen

Tadayoshi: Luna...

He looks up and down at her body and he begins to remember someone.

Tadayoshi: You remind of that girl Alannah

Luna: ... um who?...

Tadayoshi: no you're that 332 year old lady that Violet was talking about yesterday

Luna: *nods* yes, that is my age

Tadayoshi: how the hell are you that old? And you look like you're in your late 20s

Luna: *giggles* well thank you for the compliment, and us Archdemons can live for over 100s of years

Tadayoshi:...are you guys like...immortal or something?

Luna: our ageing process is just really slow, but we are not immortal

Tadayoshi: many Archdemons are there?

Luna: only 4

Tadayoshi: so you're basically the queen of a almost dead race?

Luna: well I rule over the kingdom of winterburg. The normal citizens made me the protector and ruler of the kingdom

Tadayoshi: I see...

Tadayoshi looked down at the little Octoling girl and pointed at her.

Tadayoshi: who's the kid?

Luna: oh. This is Eleanor, she is also a very young Archdemon


Tadayoshi crouched down and gently began to pat on Eleanors head. Instead of having 2 horns, Eleanor only had one poking out of her forehead.

Tadayoshi: your childhood must suck huh?

Ellie:....well...I got tortured with Angelica.....


Ellie: she hurt Violet more than me....t-though...


Ellie: she would hit Violet with a bat and drink her blood....then stab her....over....and over.....and over.....for days....and stick needles in her eyes....

Tadayoshi: uh....

Luna: don't need to go into detail

Ellie: sorry...

Tadayoshi stood up as he says nothing and looked back at Luna.

Tadayoshi: I have a question...

Luna: yes?

Tadayoshi: why haven't you guys killed that bitch Angelica yet?

Luna: Violet knocked some sense into her


Luna: and Angelica made an oath to Violet. to never kill anyone ever again.....and if she does.......then we'll kill her

Tadayoshi:....alright....anyway you said there were 4 Archdemons?

Luna: Mhm

Tadayoshi:'re one....Violet is one...and Eleanor is one

Luna: that is correct

Tadayoshi: so who's the 4th?


Tadayoshi turned around and saw a super short Inkling girl running up to them while wearing bunny slippers and a bunny night gown. She had curved, black horns and a short tail along with black tentacles and purple eyes.

Luna: Mercy?

Mercy: ok so I'm like....starving

Luna: then eat

Mercy: I'm craving something cold...

Luna: there's Ice cream in the cafeteria

Mercy: *smirks*

Luna: *sigh* Mercy not this again....

Mercy: come oooon please!

Mercy pulled out a plastic cone and held it in front of her. Luna let out a sigh and hovered her hand over the plastic cone, then Ice shot from her hand and into the cone, creating a snow cone.

Mercy: hell yeah!! *lick*

Tadayoshi:..."hm....I wonder if frosty bitch can do that"

Mercy looked at Tadayoshi and smiled at him.

Mercy: what's up?

Tadayoshi: hey...other kid

Mercy:......Im 20 years old man....

Tadayoshi:.....why do people look so.....out of their age range in this dimension?!

Mercy: hey man, Scars age slowly

Tadayoshi: I see that, so your basically a midget

Mercy: ... Excuse me?

Tadayoshi: What?

Mercy suddenly grabs him by the shirt and slams him against the wall

Mercy: Call me that again, I dare you

Tadayoshi: Jesus, I didn't know that you were gonna get offended by that, sorry

Mercy: You better be!

Mercy lets go of him as Tadayoshi gets back up and dusts himself off

Luna: Sorry about her

Tadayoshi: it's fine, but she's strong

Luna: well Archdemon are meant to be strong

Tadayoshi: ... how strong are we talking about?

Luna: well us Archdemons are quite powerful. We have remarkable strength, can regenerate pretty fast from our wounds, live for a long time, and we have a special ability only unique to us

Tadayoshi: and that is?

Luna: The Archdemons curse

Tadayoshi: what's the Archdemons curse?

Luna: it's poison that runs through our weapons and one single cut to your body will inject the poison and kill you

Tadayoshi:.......(good thing I'm immune to poison)....

Luna: Is there anything else you want to know?

Tadayoshi: No, I'm good

Tadayoshi walked off and he made his way to the cafeteria.

Tadayoshi: (maybe they have some black coffee here)

He goes up to the counter to order his drink

Cook: Hi, do you want-

Tadayoshi: I'll just take a black coffee

Cook: Ok, do you want anything else?

Tadayoshi: No

Cook: ... no pancakes or-

Tadayoshi: I said no

Cook: ...

She begins to brew his black coffee and when it finished, she handed it to him. He takes his drink and was about to walk back to his dorm, until he heard someone calling for him

Violet: Hey!

Tadayoshi: (...just ignore her....)

He tries to speed walk a bit but he felt his shoulder being grabbed

Violet: Hey I was calling for ya, but morning

Tadayoshi: *sigh* morning

Violet: do you wanna come and eat with me?

Tadayoshi: No

Violet: *smiles* welp too bad

She begins dragging him to the table where she was sitting, then she makes him sit with her.

Tadayoshi: I just want to drink my coffee in peace

Violet: yeah, but you need to lay off the emo for a bit


Violet: Well since Misty is figuring out the key and you are gonna be here for a while, do you wanna do something fun?

Tadayoshi: Fun?

Violet: Mhm

Violet: why not?

Tadayoshi: there's nothing fun we can do

Violet: There is, have you done anything fun?

Tadayoshi: no


Tadayoshi: Once you're on your own, fun doesn't exist around you because you're too busy following the rules of society

Violet:...edgy boy

Tadayoshi: succubus...

Violet: well how about I show you some fun!

Tadayoshi: fine, I'll let you show me this "fun" so what do you got in mind?

Violet: Well there is a carnival that recently opened up

Tadayoshi: carnivals? *crosses his arms* Sounds stupid

Violet: Well have you been to one?

Tadayoshi: ...

Violet: I thought so!

Violet finishes up her breakfast then she gets up and grabs onto Tadayoshi's wrist

Violet: now let's have some fun

Tadayoshi: Yeah, yeah

Both Tadayoshi and violet began to walk out of the scar base and Angelica was relaxing before she noticed them leaving.

Angelica: I wonder what boo is doing~

???: what are you doing Angelica?

Angelica turned her head to see a Inkling girl wearing a big jacket with short shorts, along with stockings and shoes. She was playing on her switch as Angelica ran up to her and hugged her.

Angelica: Shadow!!

Shadow: don't hug me please...

Angelica: oh poo..

Angelica put Shadow down and smiled at her as Shadow didn't even take her eyes off of her screen.

Angelica: so what are ya playing best buddy?

Shadow: Hollow Knight....and don't call me your best buddy

Angelica: awe why?

Shadow: you still killed my sister I do still have a slight grudge against you

Angelica: *giggles* that was months ago Shadow

Shadow: -_-

Angelica: aaaaaand! She's back alive anyway!

Shadow: yeah....and she's with the wounds instead of us...*mash mash* you created a domino effect

Angelica: a what?

Shadow paused her game and walked up to Angelica and glared at her.

Shadow: you killed my sister.....she happened to join the enemies side and all because of you......Heather is dead....


Shadow: and I have a feeling that my sister is gonna cause more trouble for us in the future


Shadow: now do you get it?

Angelica:.....wait who's Heather again?

Shadow: you're such a pain -_-

Angelica: *smiles* I know

Angelica began to skip away from Shadow without a care in the world.

Angelica: now if you excuse me, I have some stalking to do



After walking a bit, Tadayoshi and Violet arrive at the entrance of the carnival where they see balloons floating away, rides, and kids laughing.

Tadayoshi: This place looks like it's for little kids

Violet: is but an adult can come here too

Tadayoshi rolled his eyes and they walked through the entrance then they bought their tickets and walked inside. Tadayoshi looks around and they see a lot of people and kids in the carnival

Tadayoshi: this place is so noisy...

Violet: What did you expect?! we're at a carnival!

Tadayoshi: don't yell at me, succubus

Violet:...can you not call me that in public

Tadayoshi: well it's not my fault your body decided to have a slutty look

Violet: -_-

Tadayoshi: Besides I'm more surprised no one has tried to hit on you

Violet: *shrugs*

Tadayoshi: ... anyway are you gonna show me this "fun"?

Violet: well let's go play some carnival games

Tadayoshi: might as well

Violet and Tadayoshi walks past the crowd and they got to an area with all of the different types of games

Violet: alright here is your half of tickets

Tadayoshi: I don't want any

Violet: why?

Tadayoshi: I'm not interested in playing anything...I'll just watch you am I supposed to show you fun when you keep refusing to do anything?


Violet: now then

Violet splits the amount of tickets she has and hands the half to him.

Tadayoshi: *sigh* thanks...

Violet: *smiles* you're welcome!

They walk around the carnival games and violet catches her eye on a octopus plushie at a basketball game.

Violet: wanna try that game?

Tadayoshi: I don't care...

Violet: you're such a meanie....but let's go..

They walk up to the staff and Violet hands him a ticket.

Staff: *sigh* simple rules. You get 3 shots and if you only make 1 shot, you get a prize on the first shelf. If you make 2 shots then you get a prize on the second shelf. And if you make 3 shots, you get a prize from the top shelf.

The staff rolls Violet three basketballs and she picks up one ball. She looked up and saw the octo plushie at the top shelf, then glared at the hoop.

Violet: Alright, Here we go!

She shoots the basketball, which goes into the hoop and she smiles.

Violet: nice!

Tadayoshi: it's only one shot...

Violet: Shut it!

Violet takes another ball and shoots it but it bounces off the rim, missing her score

She grabs her last ball and shoots it which barely made it into the hoop

Staff: congratulations, you can choose any prize from the second shelf

She looks at the second row to see some rubber chickens and some spongebob plushies

Violet: I'll take the rubber chicken

The staff grabs the chicken and hands into violet.

Violet: *squeak squeak* see Tadayoshi? it was fun, why don't you give it a-

She then noticed Tadayoshi sliding a 5 dollar bill over to the staff

Tadayoshi: just hand me that stuffed octopus

Staff: yep

Violet: Hey! What are you doing?!

Tadayoshi: Getting a prize. isn't that the goal of the game?

Violet: Yeah but you have to play the game to win it

Tadayoshi: This seems easier to get it though

Violet: *sigh* you are going to play this game weather you like it or not

She takes back the 5 dollar bill and makes Tadayoshi use his tickets to play the game then the staff rolls down the three basketballs

Staff: Good luck

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Tadayoshi began walking far back from the game and Violet just stared at him confused.

Violet: ... what are you doing?

Tadayoshi gets into a pitching position and throws the basketball, which bounces off the wall of the game and flies back at him but Tadayoshi dodges and the basketball hits a kid behind him.



Violet: Shit!

Violet grabs Tadayoshi's wrist and they quickly run off before they can deal with the kids mother

Staff: ... so are they gonna finish the game?


This story is interrupted by a chibi violet singing the fun song while tadayoshi looks at her with a wtf face


After Tadayoshi and violet were quite far from the game, they stop at the bench area to catch their breath while Tadayoshi orders them some drinks and food from a food truck.

Violet: why would you do that?!

Tadayoshi: what do you mean?

Cook: here you go!

The cook hands them their plate of food and they began walking away together.

Violet: You injured a kid from throwing that basketball!

Tadayoshi:...I was just bad at the game

She squints her eyes at Tadayoshi who looks away from her.

Violet: I know you did that on purpose

Tadayoshi: no....why would I do that?

Violet: -_-

Tadayoshi: What? you forced me to play that dumb game

They sat down at a bench and Tadayoshi slides her a plate of cheesy French fries with pink lemonade

Violet: thanks

Tadayoshi: Mhm, if I remembered like fries

Violet: use to, but after the change...I don't really see them like I did before

Tadayoshi: ... so are you trying to be more attractive by losing weight?

Violet raises her eyebrow and lifts up her shirt to show Tadayoshi her abs.

Violet: I'm not even fat didn't have to show me your body to prove that

Tadayoshi sips down some lemonade while violet munches down some fries

Tadayoshi: plus, some guys don't like girls with abs

Violet: why do you keep assuming I'm looking for a boy?

Tadayoshi: *shrugs* you look like you want a boy

Tadayoshi took another sip from his lemonade as Violet just rolled her eyes at him.

Violet: Tadayoshi you know I'm gay right?

Tadayoshi spit out his lemonade and glared at Violet as she continued to eat her fries.

Tadayoshi: WHAT?!!

Violet: well....don't get me's not like i completely wouldn't date a guy it's just.......I've never found one that swept me off my feet ya know?


Violet: *giggles* but I doubt that'll ever happen


Violet: I'm suprised you didn't find out sooner

Tadayoshi: so you have a girlfriend?

Violet: well we have the same harem Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: so you're telling me that the girls that I know....are gay in this dimension?

Violet: technically yeah

Tadayoshi: so Callie?

Violet: yup

Tadayoshi: Marie?

Violet: yup

Tadayoshi: Pearl?

Violet: yup

Tadayoshi: Marina?

Violet: yup

Tadayoshi: Amelia?

Violet: who's that?

Tadayoshi: agent 3

Violet: oh...well the agent 3 in this dimension is Chloe

Tadayoshi:......*opens his mouth*

Violet: yes she's gay as well

Tadayoshi:......*closes his mouth*

Violet: and that goes for agent 8 as well

Tadayoshi: Bridgett?

Violet: Olivia you're telling me that you don't have a single.....guy lover?

Violet: no

Tadayoshi: hm..

The two sat in silence for a while until Violet decided to start another conversation.

Violet: am I supposed to show you fun, when you are rejecting it?

Tadayoshi: *sip* look...yes I get that you are trying to make me have fun, but like...I don't see why you have to, because once I go back to my's not like I'm going to have fun again

Violet: well that's why I'm trying to make you have as much fun as you can right now


Violet: plus *smiles* you have your girls don't you? They'll make sure you have some fun in your dimension

Tadayoshi:......well....I guess you're right...*sigh* fine, where to this time?

Violet: why don't you decide?

Tadayoshi looks around the carnival and he sees stuff that he's not interested in but then he caught his eye on something

Tadayoshi: how about that one?

Violet looks behind her and looks at what he's pointing at.

Violet: the ferris wheel?

Tadayoshi: Yeah, it looks calming to ride

Violet begins to sweat a bit and put on a fake smile at Tadayoshi.

Violet:...ummm how about something else?

Tadayoshi: huh?

Violet: h-how about uhhh the merry go round?

Tadayoshi: no

Violet: but-

Tadayoshi: wait?... are you scared?

Violet: ... n-no

Tadayoshi: you're scared of heights

Violet: n-no I'm not!!

Tadayoshi: wow...that's surprising but I guess I won't do it


Tadayoshi: what?

Violet:.....*sigh*....let's get this over with...

Violet began munching down the fries and Tadayoshi finishes his drink. They began making their way to the ferris wheel. As they wait in line, Violet looks up at how high the ferris wheel was and she grows even more nervous.

Tadayoshi: You sure? you don't have to

Violet: No!...I can do this!

Soon they were up next in line and Tadayoshi got into the cart while violet slowly and nervously got into the cart

Tadayoshi: this is your chance to-

Violet: Stop trying to pity me you emo boy!!

Soon they felt the cart slowly move while Violet grabs onto a pole and whimpers to herself.

Tadayoshi: come on it's not that bad

Violet: It is!! Would if the cart falls off the ferris wheel and we die!!

Tadayoshi: i doubt that

Suddenly they felt the cart shake a bit as they came to a complete stop, high above the carnival.

Tadayoshi: woah....look

Violet: No!

Tadayoshi: come oooon

Violet: I'm not looking!

Violet was covering her eyes and Tadayoshi sighed, then leaned over to her and grabbed her hands, moving them away from her eyes.

Violet: What?!

Tadayoshi points out the cart and Violet hesitates but slowly looks out at the view and sees the entire carnival, and a little bit of inkopolis


Tadayoshi: see, it's not so bad


Tadayoshi: the only good thing this world can offer is it's beauty. calm...and peaceful...but us cephalopods take advantage of the world and we're killing it slowly...

Violet: well, not everything we do is bad right?

Tadayoshi: maybe...or it's just how fate decided it to be...

The two looked at each other and Violet let out a tiny smile.

Violet:...say Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: hm?

Violet: do you love them?

Tadayoshi: love who?....

Violet: your do you think of them? Like everyone I know, I care about them truly and love them all equally! So what about you?

Tadayoshi:...well...they can be annoying...pains in the ass...maybe assholes...but it's what they are...and I can't argue with that...maybe I do


Tadayoshi looks away from her, embarrassed.

Tadayoshi: s-shut it...

Violet: Come on you don't need to hide it

Tadayoshi:...don't look down

As soon Tadayoshi said that to her, violet looked down straight at the ground which makes her panic.


Tadayoshi: you started it!

Violet: But I was just playing with you, you emo boy!


The two finally got off the ferris wheel and Violet let out a sigh of relief.

Violet: finally!

Tadayoshi: let's go again

Violet: no! Let's go in there!

Tadayoshi looked over to see a tiny area where kids were running out and screaming their heads off in fear.

Tadayoshi: that spooky house?

Violet: yeah

Tadayoshi: fine by me

The two walked up to the little haunted house and began walking through, in the dark together. The lights flickered and creepy spider noises came from speakers.

Tadayoshi: this place is so cheap

Just then, a mummy Inkling popped out of the wall and screamed at them.


Violet: *smiles* nice costume

Tadayoshi: do something better with your life..

The two walked away and the mummy sighed.

Mummy: maaan...

The two walked past some creepy zombie paintings on the wall and fake bats began to swarm them, attached to strings.

Violet: *giggles* this is fun

Tadayoshi: this is stupid

Tadayoshi slapped the bats out of the way and continued to walk along with Violet trailing slightly behind him. Violet looked behind her and smirked.

Violet: o-oh no Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: silly me, I must've dropped my phone back there

Tadayoshi: I'll help you look for it

Violet: no it's fine. You go ahead and I'll catch up

Tadayoshi: whatever

Tadayoshi and Violet split ways and Tadayoshi walked up to a graveyard area with fog.

Tadayoshi: well at least this place looks nice

Tadayoshi heard noises behind him and saw some zombie Inklings dressed in costumes and makeup walking up to him.

Zombie 1: bleeeeeh....

Zombie 2: braaaains....

Tadayoshi: -_-

Tadayoshi then felt someone tap his shoulder and he turned around to see Violet.

Violet: BOO!!

Tadayoshi: nice try

???: hey Tadayoshi! I found my phone

Tadayoshis eyes widened and he looked over to see Violet running up to him while holding her phone.

Violet: man luckily nobody stole it


Tadayoshi looked next to him and saw the other Violet smiling at him. He looked back and forth and saw two Violets looking at him in concern.

Both Violets: what's the matter Tadayoshi?

Zombie 1: woah...freaky bruh

Tadayoshi:........WHAT THE HELL?!!!

Both of the Violets looked at each other and snickered before laughing their asses off. The Violet that tried to scare Tadayoshi, fell to the ground and ink began to surround her, then changed into Angelica.

Tadayoshi:'s you...

Violet: man! we got you good!

Tadayoshi: no you didn't..

Angelica: awe don't lie cutie, I saw the fear and confusion in your eyes

Tadayoshi: I wasn't just caught me off guard...and what the hell are you even doing here grandma?!

Angelica: oh just stalki-I mean...enjoying the carnival like you two were...


Violet: anyway, how about we head back to the base?

Angelica: *gasp* yeah yeah! And we can relax in the bathhouse!


Tadayoshi walked into a room within the scar base while only wearing a towel and saw the hot, steaming water.

Tadayoshi: wow...this place does actually have a bathhouse

Tadayoshi walked into the hot water and rested while letting out a relaxing sigh.

Tadayoshi: this feels....pretty nice

Angelica: heyo!

Tadayoshi looked above him and saw Angelica looking down on him with a towel covering her body.

Tadayoshi: W-WHAT THE HELL?! GET OUT!!

Angelica: what do you mean silly? This is a unisex bathhouse


Violet: *sigh* these towels are too small for me...but I'll still manage

Tadayoshi saw Violet walking behind Angelica with that tiny towel struggling to cover her body.

Tadayoshi:....I think I'll just go to slee-

Angelica: oh no you don't buddy

Angelica pushed him back down and jumped into the water, splashing it all over Tadayoshi. Violet slowly got into the water and smiled while sinking deeper and deeper.

Violet: so relaxing...

Angelica: so Mr Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: what?

Angelica: what's your dimension like?

Tadayoshi:....uh....i guess the same as this but...ya know...minus the scar stuff

Angelica: are you famously known?

Tadayoshi: as the Black eyed demon...*sigh* that's what they call me...

Angelica: hm...hey boo?

Violet: hm?

Angelica: do you think Tadayoshi is a Archdemon like you?

Violet: hm...

Tadayoshi: what?

Violet: he doesn't have horns...or a he isn't a scar

Angelica: *smirks* I can change that~

Tadayoshi: don't touch me

Angelica: *toothy smile*

Tadayoshi: why are all of your teeth so damn sharp?

Angelica: oh I was born like this

Tadayoshi: weirdo

Angelica: *giggles* my dad called me the same thing when he used to beat me


Violet: oh yeah...I forgot you told me about that Angelica....

Tadayoshi: she did?

Violet: yeah...when she was torturing me, she literally rambled on about her life for 3 days straight

Angelica: Mmmmmhm

Tadayoshi: how are you friends with her if she tortured you?

Violet: you wouldn't get it....



*Tadayoshis dimension*

Drake was walking down a alleyway while holding a ice pack over one of his eyes.

Drake: that damn demon....always interfering with my work

Just then, a portal opened up next to Drake and he stared at it, slightly confused.

Drake: the hell?

Just then, a giant hand made of black rocks came out of the portal and grabbed Drake.

Drake: *grunts* NO!! HELP!! HELP M-

Drake was dragged into the portal and thrown to the ground. He tumbled before standing up and letting out a grunt and looking to see a gigantic library of keys from big to small. He looked over to see that the person that grabbed him was a gigantic stone golem.

Drake: heeeeey buddy!....uh......long time no see


Drake: heh.......uh....

???: Drake.....

Drake turned around and saw 3 figures sitting on thrones and glaring at him.

??? 1: where are my keys?

Drake: u-uh....keys?! What keys?!

??? 2: *chuckles* oh you think we're dumb huh?

??? 3: I knew we shouldn't have trusted him

??? 2: let's kill him right here and now

Drake: w-what?!

??? 3: good Idea

??? 1: silence, you two

The other 2 shut their mouths as the Inkling in the middle throne stood up and walked down the stairs, over to Drake.

??? 1: Drake....I'll ask you 1 more time

Drake was sweating bullets at this point as the Inkling man stood right in front of him and glared at him.

??? 1: where are my keys? know what I'm talking about


??? 1: the 2 keys I gave you.....1 to your home dimension.......and the other to a dimension full of women.......powerful women....demon...women...


??? 1: you better not have lost my keys Drake.......I am a very calm man.........but

The figure leaned down to Drake and looked him dead in the eyes.

??? 1: I know you don't wanna see me angry...

Drake: o-ok I......I didn't lose both of them but......

??? 2: *chuckles* this is gonna be good


??? 1: hm.....someone stole one of the keys?

Drake: yes....his Tadayoshi....he stole the key and beat me down

??? 2: well that explains the black eye

The Inkling man stood up and let out a sigh.

??? 1: I knew that trusting you was a least give me the other key...

Drake: it' my base

??? 1:....well.....take me...

Drake nodded and walked away with the Inkling man and through the portal again into his own dimension. The two walked until they reached Drakes base and inside to his office.

??? 1: where's the key?

Drake: in here

Drake opened up his desk only to see that the other key was gone as well.


??? 1: I'm waiting

Drake: I-I.......he......

??? 1: *sigh*....let me can't find it...

Drake: I'm...I'M SORRY!!

??? 1:....who is this....Tadayoshi fellow?

Drake: my rival! He must've taken both of the keys sir.....

??? 1: take me to his residence

Drake began to shake and tremble as he walked past the man and out of his base. The two walked past Inkopolis until they reached a simple house.

Drake: this is where he lives....

??? 1: hm....

The man walked up to the door and knocked on it.

??? 1: Tadayoshi...


??? 1: *sigh*....

Tadayoshis door bursted open and the two Inklings walked into the house.

??? 1: Tadayoshi!

Drake: h-he probably isn't home

The man looked on the ground and saw blue essence illuminating from it. He kneeled down and gently touched the essence, then it disappeared.

??? key was used right here.....

Drake: you don't think he......left to the other dimension do you?

??? 1: he most likely

The Man stood back up and cracked his neck.

??? 1: alright....I'll kill him.....then take my keys back

Drake: But....Tadayoshi isn't the only strong one sir.......

??? 1: what do you mean?

Drake: the girl I kidnapped from that dimension.......her name was Violet....and she is most likely by his side, since they know each other

??? 1: interesting......Violet and Tadayoshi....I'll kill both of them then

Drake: hmph....yeah

??? 1: but in the meantime.......

The Man walked over to Drake and picked him up by his neck.

??? 1: I'm holding you hostage until those keys return to me

Drake: W-WAIT WHAT?! NO!!

The man walked away and out of Tadayoshi's house while carrying Drake with him.

??? 1: Violet.....Tadayoshi....enjoy your fun while you's about to end soon

*Chapterly art*

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