Chapter 106: Idol hangout
Marie was flipping some pancakes as Callie was laying on the couch depressed.
Marie: What's the matter with you?
Callie: I wanted to go to that restaurant with BeatBox!
Marie: Callie, you know we were busy that day
Callie: Yeah, but I wanted to eat all of the food that was there, especially when I heard a cooking competition happened there
Marie: *sigh* Well these pancakes will help
She walks over and hands Callie a plate of pancakes with eggs and sausages
Callie: *sniff* Thanks you
She begins eating it as she was still being depressed.
Callie: Delicious...
Marie: I don't know if you're happy or sad right now...
Suddenly a tv commercial comes on about crusty selling a new spicy crusty seanwich, which causes Callie to jump up very quickly
Callie: What!! For real!
Marie: That was fast
Callie: Marie! We have to go and get one!
Marie: Since when were you into spicy food?
Callie: Forever Marie! I just love tasting the spiciness on my tongue when I eat!
Marie: Is that why you replaced the ketchup bottle with hot sause?
Callie: yes
Marie: *sigh* We can go out later, it's early in the morning and we're just having breakfast
Callie: But I finished mine
Marie notice Callie's plate completely empty once again
Marie: ... Even if you're finished you are not going to get them just yet
Callie: But they will run out soon Marie!
Marie: Do you really think people will go out in the morning and get those?
Callie: Yes!
Marie: Really?
Callie: Remember when the Popeyes chicken sandwich was a popular thing?
Marie: ... Ok you got a point right there
Callie: I still miss that sandwich though
Marie: *sigh* Look the crusty seanwich isn't as popular as the popeyes chicken sandwich so I'm sure they won't be sold out
Callie: *sigh* Fine
Marie: Good, there is more food on the counter, but I'm going to do some yoga. come join me when you are ready
Callie: Ok!
Pearls house:
Marina heads downstairs after she folded some laundry to see pearl doing some pushups
Pearl: 3... 4...
Marina: Pearlie, what are you doing?
Pearl: I'm trying to grow a pair
Marina: What?
Pearl: I'm trying to grow some breasts like your Marina
Marina: Pearlie, I think you're fine the way you are
Pearl: I'm sure you think that, but not me, like look at Callie and Marie, they got titties like you!
Marina: Well, there is Amelia and Winter, they don't have big tits
Pearl: Except a little! I'm flat as a board!
Marina: Oh come on Pearlie, you don't have to think so hard on it, just be happy the way your are
Pearl: *sigh* fine
Marina: Good!
Pearl: ... I wanna see tadayoshi...
Marina: I know, but you know he's busy today
Pearl: Busy? What is he doing today?
Marina: I think he's preparing himself for winter
Pearl: What is he an animal?
Marina: Well, he doesn't like the cold so...
Pearl: *sigh* Well I still got you Rina
Marina: Awww thank you!
Pearl: Oh I just remembered!
Marina: Huh?
Pearl: I heard that crusty Sean is now selling some spicy crusty seanwiches!
Marina: Really?
Pearl: Yeah! You want to go and get some?
Marina: I'm not really into spicy food....
Pearl: Well, you don't need to get it, but I am
Marina: I know, but I'll go with you
Pearl: thanks Rina
Both Pearl and Marina puts on their shoes and disguises and walks out to inkopolis
Pearl: So how do you grow a pair?
Marina: I think it's just natural Pearlie
Callie and Marie were in their disguises and walking towards crusty to order the sandwiches
Pearl: Do you think I'll breathe fire from eating the sandwiches?
Marina: Lets hope you don't...
As they arrive at the truck, they notice some familiar people ahead of them
Callie: Hey is that...
Pearl: Callie? Marie?
Marie: Why are you guys acting like you two haven't met for so long?
Pearl: I don't know
Marina: you guys are getting the spicy seanwich as well?
Callie: I am, but I don't know about Marie
Marie: Eh, I'm good, but get in line so you two can get one. we will get a table for you guys
Callie: I know
Marina: Can you also order some green tea for us
Pearl: Yep!
Callie and pearl soon goes up to the line and wait to order their seanwich while Marie and Marina sat down to wait for them
Marie: So are you here to eat the seanwich?
Marina: No, I just wanted to come along with Pearlie
Marie: Yeah, same with me. she's been overexcited about it when we were doing some yoga
Marina: You guys do yoga?
Marie: Yeah, but I don't go to the gym around here
Marina: Why not?
Marie: You know how annoying it is when a fan stares at you through the window with their phones
Marina: I guess...
Soon Callie and Pearl walks back and sits on the table with them
Marina: Where's your seanwiches?
Pearl: Sean said he's gonna bring them over
Callie: Yeah, he figured out it was us
Marie: you guys ordered that fast?
Callie: No we did a dance so...
Marie leans over and sees the line doing a weird dance but pearl pushes Marie away to avoid eye contact
Pearl: don't look, you'll get distracted
Marie: Umm... ok?
Soon Sean arrives at their table and gives their seanwiches to them
Sean: hope you two enjoy!
Callie: Wait!
Sean: Huh?
Callie: Being some more!
Sean: What?
Callie: Pearl! I challenge you to a contest!
Marina: What?
Marie: Callie stop, I don't think you-
Pearl: Oh your challenging me? Well I'll accept your challenge!
Marie/Marina: ...
Sean: So... how much do you exactly want me to get?
Pearl: Get as many as you can! and can you bring some milk as well
Sean: Ummm... sure but you better pay for them
Callie: Don't worry we will!
Sean: ok...
Sean walks off as Callie and pearl were being proud of themselves, but Marie hit Callie on the head
Callie: Ow...
Marie: Are you trying to cause a commotion here?!
Callie: No... we were just having a little fun!
Pearl: Yeah, besides we won't cause any commotion until she drops!
Callie: More like the other way around!
Marina: Umm... so how is this challenge gonna work?
Pearl: Simple, we each eat one seanwich and withstand the spiciness, and we keep eating them until one of us drops and drinks some milk!
Callie: And the winner will be me!
Marie: *sigh* Fine but you better not be crying to me if you get yourself hurt
Callie: I know
Marina: I guess I'll keep the tally up then...
Pearl: Alright let's start!
Both Callie and Pearl tastes their spicy seanwich as they felt their tongues burning a bit
Pearl: Feel like giving up Callie?
Callie: I feel fine...
Marina: I guess you two got one point
Pearl: fine next!
Literally 15 minutes later:
Callie and Pearl were catching their breath as they felt their body's sweating and their mouths were burning for eating the seanwiches
Marina: well you guys ate only 10 seanwiches
Soon Sean comes back with another batch of the spicy seanwich with a bored look on his face. Callie and Pearl takes the seanwich as they were breathing heavily
Callie: You can... call it... Quits if you want... midget...
Pearl: No... you first... gluttony...
Callie: As... If!
Both Callie and Pearl takes a bit out of their seanwich. Soon they felt their mouth suddenly burn as their skin turn bright red
Pearl: ...Oh-
Callie: Cod!
Both Callie and Pearl breathes out fire as they both begin to fight over a milk cartoon
Marina: I guess... it's a tie...
Marie looks at sean who was still giving the bored face
Marie: You did something to that seanwich didn't you?
Sean: I made the seanwich three times hotter than usual, cause I don't want to run out seanwiches so soon
Marie: fair enough
This story is interrupted by a chibi Bridgett chasing off some birds while chibi Amelia was watching her
After Callie and pearl drown themselves in milk the idols begin walking off from crusty Sean
Marie: Did you two have to eat that much
Pearl: it was for... the challenge....
Callie: I didn't... want to... lose...
Marina: Well neither of you two won, but do you guys wanna do something?
Callie: How about some turf wars?
Pearl: Hell yeah!
Marie: Sure I don't mind
Marina: Ummm... I never done turf war....
Callie: ... For eel?!
Marina nods at them
Pearl: Right....I forgot
Marie: Well, all you got to do is cover the stage with ink and shoot some enemies if they shoot you. Just try to cover the stage with the most ink
Marina: I see...
Callie: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it
Pearl: How about we just do a private battle, so that way you can get use to it Marina
Marie: sure
Callie: Hell yeah, and this time, I'll kick your ass Pearl
Pearl: As if!
They soon join in a private battle where they got their weapons and spawn in to the stage
Callie: Wait... Marina uses a brella?
Marie: What did you think she would use?
Callie: I don't know, something different
Marina: I'm... kinda nervous
Pearl: Don't worry Rina, even if you get shot you won't die
Both idols jumps down and begins to ink the stage. Marie makes herself a path and climbs to start sniping at pearl and Marina
Pearl: Watch out for Marie!
Marina: Huh?
Suddenly Marina notice ink flying past in front to her and quickly takes cover
Marina: She's uses a charger?
Pearl: Yep
Marina takes a deep breath and comes out with her brella shielding from Marie shots
Marie: Damnit!
Pearl: Your doing great!
Marina: Pearlie! Watch out!
Pearl quickly turns around as she notice Callie above her coming down with her roller, splatting her
Marina: Pearlie!
Suddenly Marina was splatted after losing focus and getting shot by Marie. Both Marina and pearl spawn back as they continue their battle
Pearl: Don't worry about me ok! I got this
Marina: Ok
Marie: Callie, how you doing
Callie: Pretty good, I think we're gonna-
Suddenly Callie notice pearl jumping above her and starts shooting down on her, Callie jumps back before she can get shot
Callie: I'm hit! I'm hit!
Marie: I got you!
She goes to aim at pearl but Marie then felt her getting shot by marina until getting splatted
Marina: I did it... I got my first splat!
Callie: Marie?!
Pearl: Got ya!
Pearl shots at Callie splatting her as Callie and Marie spawn back
Callie: Oh it's on midget!
Both idols continue their turf war battle until the match was finally over. Judd and jr. soon measure how much the stage was splatted by each side until they came to their conclusion
Pearl: Please let it be us!
Judd and Judd jr then revealed that the off the hook won the battle by 2%
Pearl: YES!
Marina: Did we win?
Pearl: Hell yeah we did!
Marie: Good game you guys
Callie: We lost...
Marina: Aww, don't be depressed, it was fun
Callie: I know I know
Soon the idols exit out of their private turf war and begins walking around again
Pearl: You guys wanna come to our place and have a sleepover?
Callie: Hell yeah! I'm starving anyways!
Marie: I'll go but Callie better not do anything pervert
Callie: I promise I won't!
Marina: Well do you want to go and get your stuff and-
Marie: No, I'll call and have our workers bring our stuff to your place
Marina: Oh ok!
The idols soon arrive at Pearl's place and finds Callie's and Marie bags in front of their doorway
Pearl: Damn they are fast...
Callie: Yeah, yeah let's go in! I'm starving!
The idols walk into the house and Callie tries to go in the fridge to find something to eat by Marie grabs onto her shirt collar
Marie: Patience Callie
Callie: But I'm hungry....
Marie: There are some chips in the pantry for you to munch on while I get ready
Callie bolts into the pantry and gets a family size bag of barbecue chips and starts munching down on them
Pearl: There goes my snack...
Marie: Say Marina? Why do you stay in Pearl's place when you got your own home as well?
Pearl: I like to spend time with her, it feels like home here
Callie: So why not move her?
Marina: Maybe I should, but I have been focused on work lately
Callie: Maybe tadayoshi could help you out
Marina: Well, I don't want him to-
Pearl: Rina, we let tadayoshi stay here before so I'm sure he could help us and do return the favor
Marina: I guess...
Marie: Yeah, day Callie your favorite show is on
Callie: OH SHIT!
Pearl: Mind as well join!
Both Callie and Pearl begins watching tv while they wait for their pizza
Marie: Hey do you want some help
Marina: I'm good!
Marie: Yeah right, I'm still gonna help you
Marie gets up from the couch and starts help Marina makes some homemade pizza.
Marie: So Marina, how did you meet Pearl?
Marinw: Ummm, back when I worked as an engineer for Octavio, I witness agent 3 fight him while you and Callie were singing
Callie: Wait you were there?
Marina: Yeah
Callie: Surprised that he doesn't have a grudge on you for leaving him
Pearl: Nah, we met him after he was locked where he told us he doesn't have a grudge on her anymore
Marie: Probably because of the octolings moving up to the surface
Marina: Yeah, but anyways you guys music inspired me some much that I wanted to write my own, so I went to the surface to make music, but nobody liked me because I was... an octoling. Then I met Pearl who was doing music but... she was hated as well because of her looks...
Pearl: There we're all pussys
Marina: well I loved her music so much, she was like my biggest star!
Pearl: Yeah, my manager wanted me to work together with Marina, but I refused because... I was kinda stubborn... and I wanted to do my own solo...
Marina: Hey, even if you didn't like me at first, you still accepted me, Pearlie
Pearl: Well... you were one of those people who accepted me then just my looks but to this day here we are!
Callie: We all really came a long way
Marie: Yeah, we did but the pizza is done!
Callie: Hell yeah!
The girls rushes over to the dining table where they sat down and gobbled down some pizza. After they ate pizza they spend their time watching movies until the sky was completely black. The idols set up their sleeping bags as they got themselves ready for the night
Callie: Hey before we head to bed, does anyone know what life would be like without tadayoshi?
Pearl: ... Honestly kinda boring, a lot of thing happened when he came
Marina: And maybe we be you know... separated if he didn't help us, and he be still depressed
Marie: Well, just be happy he was with us
Callie: Yeah... maybe you right... goodnight girls...
Marie/Pearl/Marina: Goodnight!
In inkopolis:
Drake was running down the alleyway until he was stuck into a dead-end as he catches his breathe
Drake: Damnit what do you want from me!
He turns back to see tadayoshi standing their with his hands in his pockets
Tadayoshi: Nothing... just wanna take what you have there, you perverted bastard!
Next chapter will be released next week!
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