Chapter 103: Winter

It was a hot day outside today, as everyone who was mostly in pools or indoors with an ac to escape from the heatwave, but unfortunately not for tadayoshi. Tadayoshi was laying down on the ground in his heated house, exhausted from the heatwave

Tadayoshi: I fucking hate this weather...

He looks at the tv, that was announcing that the weather will remain hot for a few days

Tadayoshi: why must my life be suffering from this... for once I'd rather have the snow.....

Soon tadayoshi phone buzzes, so he picks it up to see that he got a text from Marina

M: hey tadayoshi

T: hey

M: how are you doing?

T: hot...

M: I know, did you turn on your ac?

T: I can't

M: why not?

T: if I turn on my ac, I have to pay a lot of money for it

M: ...

T: anyways what do you want?

M: well, I am going to bring you the crystal which turned you into a kid before, I learned that you're not the only one that was affected by this

T: don't remind me, but what do you mean I'm not the only one?

M: well I looked through some history and some people were turned young and they were either lucky or unlucky to turn back to their age, but I also learn that some use these crystals to their advantages

T: ?

M: you see, remember the thieves we caught before?

T: yeah

M: well we found out they're people from the black market, and they sell this stuff for a lot of money, and armor happens to be one of those people that has these crystals

T: armor? You mean that guy that I fought during in a splatfest?

M: yeah, apparently he has one of these and this explains why he is still young, he is apparently 129 but he looks 48 and he is slowly getting younger thanks to the crystal he has

T: where is he now?

M: him and a bunch of other criminals are being sent to a higher prison where the revolutionary army will deal with them

T: higher prison?

M: well the revolutionary army not only fights the overlords, but they also have a prison where they lock up the most dangerous criminals that are meant to be wiped from history, that's where they are gonna go

T: so they are gonna be gone?

M: well, yes but also no

T: whatever

M: anyways I'll be there to drop off that crystal ok?

T: sure, but make sure drake doesn't get you

M: ok... love you

Tadayoshi: ...

He puts his phone away and he continues to lay on the floor exhausted

Tadayoshi: maybe I should go and get some ice cream... at least maybe it will cool me off a little...

He starts to drag himself to the doorway as he slides on his flip-flops and makes his way out the door and heads towards inkopolis


He finally makes his way to Inkopolis to find everyone either eating ice cream or drinking a cold drink, and some are laying under the shade

Tadayoshi: "I'm more surprised that people still doing turf war at this tempature..."

He goes to the cafe he always goes to because it's always cheap, but as he goes to the cafe, he notices someone laying on the ground unconscious, wearing winter like clothing

Tadayoshi: "... why is this inkling wearing a winter clothing in a hot weather?..."

He turns to head inside the cafe but looks back to the inkling still on the floor

Tadayoshi: *sigh* what am I doing?...

He goes to the inkling and lifts her up to find out it was a girl, but he carries her on his back

Tadayoshi: "I don't know where she lives so I'll just bring her to my place"

He begins making his way back to his place as he was carrying her, which makes tadayoshi even more tired and exhausted

Tadayoshi: why am I even bothering to do this shit...

He finally makes his way back inside the house again and sets her on the couch

Tadayoshi: "she's probably exhausted from wearing this winter clothing, might as well take them off her

He goes and slides the glove of her, but the second he does, he felt a cold breeze blowing towards him

Tadayoshi: the hell..

Tadayoshi then goes to unzip her coat but before he does, he see the woman opening her eyes and summons an icicle form thin air and bring it to his neck

Tadayoshi: "did she ... summoned an icicle?"

?: ... Who are you....

Tadayoshi: easy woman, I just helped you..

?: ...

The woman makes the icicle disappear as she zips her coat back up and puts her gloves back on

?: ac...

Tadayoshi: I'm not turning it on, I don't want to pay anymore bills

?: do it...

Tadayoshi: ... fine

Tadayoshi turns on the ac and let's the cold air flow into the room

?: why'd you help me?

Tadayoshi: ... I don't know, I just wanted to I what's your name?

?: none of your business...

Tadayoshi: I helped you, so you should thank me in return by answering me what's your name

?: ... winter... my name is winter...

Tadayoshi: alright now, do you mind if I ask why are you wearing winter clothing in the summer?

Winter: like i said, none of your business...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* of course you won't tell me

Winter: no...

Tadayoshi: then let me ask how did you summon ice?

Winter: ... Like i said for the 3rd time now.....its none of your buisiness

Tadayoshi: ... you met him?


Tadayoshi: I guess we are in the same boat

Winter: wait....what?

Tadayoshi: I used to work for him, but I left

Winter: ... you're with him?

Tadayoshi: use to, but you don't need to try and kill me, you won't win, but I'm also not your enemy

Winter: ... do you hate him?

Tadayoshi: ... I do... after everything...

Winter: ...

Soon tadayoshi stands up from kneeling for a while

Tadayoshi: well after know you for a bit, you don't seem to be the person that wants to chat so you can be on your-

The second tadayoshi could leave, he felt winter grabbing onto his sleeve

Winter: stay...

Tadayoshi: huh?

Winter: I want to know more...

Tadayoshi: huh?

Winter: I want to know more about mask...

Tadayoshi: ... alright, I'll tell you what I know about mask, but you got to tell me what you know as well

Winter: fine...


This story is interrupted by chibi winter trying to drink some warm hot chocolate


Tadayoshi: so what did he do to you?

Winter: ... i was taken away from my family after... he came and destroyed my home... I was then used as a test subject... I got tested by one of his experiments... I was a success... but after I got this power... I used it to escape... but now, I still can't control my power so I wear all this to keep it contained

Tadayoshi: I see... when were you tested?

Winter: few months ago...

Tadayoshi: "if she was tested by him, how is her hair not black? usually when a darkling gets their powers, their tentacles turn black and will remains black, but why isn't her hair color different?" Tell me, do you know what they used to test on you?

Winter: it was like... being in a tube, with different ink in the other test tube, and was being injected into me

Tadayoshi: "so it's the same as always, but what is it different?"

Winter: my parents are gone... but when i see mask again... I will kill him...

Tadayoshi notice ice growing on her hands

Tadayoshi: calm down, I don't want you to freeze my house, but we all do...

Winter: ... what do you know about him?

Tadayoshi: ... I'd rather not talk about what happened when I was with him

Winter: ... something went bad for you...

Tadayoshi: yeah...

Winter: glad I wasn't you then

Tadayoshi: well fuck you ice queen

Winter: ...

Tadayoshi: I'll just say that he somehow has the ability to control ink, meaning he can manipulate ink from anywhere and can take it from a cephalopods body...

Winter: what about the other?...

Tadayoshi: other?

Winter: ... I remember see him punching something, which caused like the earth to like... shake...

Tadayoshi: ... I don't know that one...

Winter: ... I'm thirsty...

Tadayoshi: want me to get you a drink?

Winter: no... I was going to the cafe to get an ice coffee, but I collapsed from the heat...

Tadayoshi: "that explains why she was laying the heat"....hang on

He goes into the attic and pulls out a small cooler which he cleans it and dumps a bunch of ice in it

Tadayoshi: here, go in here

Winter: ... are you trying to kidnap me?

Tadayoshi: no I'm not!

Winter: ...

She turns into her squid form and dives into the cooler and relaxes in the ice

Winter: this is nice...

Tadayoshi: you're welcome

Tadayoshi holds it behind his back as he makes his way out the door to the cafe again

Winter... Baka


Tadayoshi makes it back to inkopolis as they were almost at the cafe

Tadayoshi: finally about-

Marina: tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi turns at the voice to see pearl and marina

Marina: hey, where are you going? We were just about to go see you

Tadayoshi: uh something happened and-

Pearl what do you got in here?

Pearl was behind tadayoshi already looking in the cooler to see a white squid in the cooler

Pearl: ... are you hiding a body?

Tadayoshi: no I'm not!

Winter: shh... I'm trying to-

As soon winter opens her eye, she sees pearl staring at her

Winter: huh?

A few minutes of explaining:

Marina: I see...

Pearl: so she's a power user like the darklings?

Tadayoshi: yeah...

The girls and tadayoshi were inside the cafe with their drinks

Pearl: well if you are like an ice user can you make popsicles?

Winter: ... *sip*

Tadayoshi: I don't know what but she always refuses to talk

Marina: so she's shy?

Winter: I'm not shy

Pearl: well we came to give you this back

Pearl slides the crystal over as tadayoshi and he takes it

Tadayoshi: thanks....but i thought you wanted to keep it Marina?

Marina: i realized it's better for you to have it

Soon he notice winter sliding an empty plastic cup

Winter: more...

Tadayoshi: hey get it yourself, I'm not your butler!

Winter: just do it

Tadayoshi: *sigh* fine fine

Tadayoshi gets up and leaves to get winter another cup of ice coffee

Pearl: so... are you two-

Winter: what's your relationship with him?

Marina: w-what?!

Pearl: well, we're just friends

Winter: really?

Winter then shows a text on tadayoshi phone that had marina saying love you

Marina: uhhh... that's...

Winter: why did you say love you?

Pearl: alright what's the point of hiding it, look we have feelings for him

Winter: feelings?

Marina: yeah, like... love

Winter: ... what is love?

Pearl/Marina: ...

Winter: what?

Pearl: you're joking?... you don't know what love is?!

Winter shakes her head no at them

Pearl: *sigh* and I thought bridgett learning what sex is was hard

Marina: wait why did you teach her that stuff?

Pearl: she's at that age where she should know by now, like yeah she acts innocent, but she's not 6

Marina: I guess...

Winter: sex?... what is sex?...

Pearl: ... you gotta be fucking with me

Marina: we'll... tell you that later, but love is you have this warm feeling inside when you at near someone that you want to be close with

Winter... I don't get it...

Tadayoshi: what are you two talking about?

The girls look up at tadayoshi who had winters ice coffee as he hands it to her

Winter: thanks...

Marina: we were just chatting, but do you mind if we borrow winter sometime?

Tadayoshi: go ahead, I don't owe her

Pearl: because there is a lot of things she's gotta learn

Tadayoshi: ?

The others begin chatting as winter drinks her ice coffee and relaxes on her ice cubes.

Winter: "I want to go home..."


Yo! Next chapter will release next Saturday but this next chapter will be the first chapter for our crossover with _MIST8K_

Violet: did you hear that! We are gonna meet each other again ya edgy lord!

Violet takes a big swing and slaps tadayoshi ass, which tadayoshi's turns slowly at her and pulls out his pen

Tadayoshi: you want to die so soon?

Violet: oh come on you wouldn't hurt me! ^_^

Violet then bolts off as tadayoshi chases after her

Uhhh yeah but I hope you all enjoy the crossover soon!

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